
Chapter 1415: Those who are held guilty should be executed! (IV)

At the gate of the city, the scenery was like the end of the world, and it was like the birth of a new world.

The beauty was mixed with the heart-shaking destruction. All the Taixu groaned and retreated thousands of meters. The other low-level monks all prostrated themselves on the ground in the scene of the end of the world, out of instinctive awe.

The light became brighter and brighter, and at this moment, an old voice suddenly resounded through the void: "Daoyou, it's over."

Swish... a verdant immortal pine, completely composed of spiritual light, seemed to be swaying stars and covering the moon, and instantly filled the sky from the top of the Vermillion Bird Tower. The verdant sky, the green leaves fluttered, and the treetops that sprinkled the starlight gently lifted. The unscrupulous finger finally paused.

The pressure on the scene was relieved, and many low-level monks below had already shown ecstasy on their faces.

The Immortal Great Sage personally took action!

However, they did not see that the faces of Taixu and Zunsheng in the air were already cold.

Just attacking...

Faced with the attack of the Great Sage who could tear the Nine Nine Profound Yellow Formation, thousands of miles away, the Great Sage who he revered as a god did not fight back?

This is admitting that he is inferior to others.

"Stop it, my friend." The voice of the Great Sage of No Age sounded again, and Xu Yangyi finally stopped infusing spiritual power, but did not answer.

"This Saint has already understood the course of events. Ben Lei... This Saint has some impression of you. And just now, the Song family also made a decision."

The Song family made a decision?

The sky was quiet, and a series of eyes with a fiery heartbeat kept switching between Xu Yangyi and Cantian City. The Great Sage of No Age came out in person, was he talking about peace? It must be... After all, this is Cantian City, and that person is the young master of the Song family... Even the Taichu Legion in the distance watched this scene with interest that was enough to be engraved into history.

The people on the Suzaku Tower fell silent, and spoke again after a few seconds: "Song Yinfeng acted out of selfishness, chasing you all the way here, and then refused you to leave the city at a gate. He is heartless and unethical, and his crime is unforgivable."

The strong wind swept over the dragon flag on the top of the city, and the voice of the Undying Great Sage was very calm: "So, the current head of the Song family has ordered..."

"Behead the traitor Song Yinfeng of the Song family in the Suzaku Tower! All those involved will be killed without mercy!!"

The voice was like a bell, reaching all directions and spreading throughout the entire Cantian City.

At this moment, Cantian City was dead silent.

Countless monks opened their mouths wide, gasped, and their eyes were full of stars. They understood every word of this sentence, but when they were put together, it was like Mars hitting the Earth, which made their minds blank.

The next second, a low gasp sounded, followed by unbelievable mutterings. In less than three seconds, the entire Cantian City formed a vast ocean, sweeping across the heavens!

"How could it be... the Song family... the Song family gave in!?" "No, didn't the Great Sage say peace? Why is the first sentence the final conclusion?" "Oh my God... in front of Cantian City, the Song family bowed to a single cultivator... this has never happened in tens of thousands of years!" "Beheading the head of the family in the place where the dragon rises... my God... this... this is too terrible!"

This is completely different from what they guessed!

"Daozu..." A Yuanying cultivator trembled all over and murmured hoarsely: "It's really a big deal..."

The cultivators around him opened their mouths wide, their eyes were dull, and their hearts were surging: "This is the Song family... the high and mighty Song family! This... this has never happened since the establishment of the Seven Realms!"

The faces of countless Song family executives who stayed in the mansion were livid, and they bit their lips tightly to resist the desire to rush out madly.

The situation is stronger than people.

The Song family, who had never bowed their heads, can only shrink in their own area, quietly lick their wounds, and turn a blind eye to this humiliating scene.

Outside, the words "Song Family", "Song Yinfeng" and "Benlei" pierced their nerves like needles. It started as a tide, but now it has turned into a tsunami! The name of the Song Family once again resounded throughout Cantian City, but in such a humiliating way! They wanted to go crazy, roar, and rush out to fight to the death, but they couldn't do it at all. They could only grit their teeth and struggle painfully in the mansion.

At this moment, a small teleportation array on the tower suddenly burst into thousands of golden lights, and a few seconds later, a figure with white hair appeared there.

With the same four swords piercing the sun family emblem and a black robe, almost no one at the scene recognized him, but the moment the tied-up Kusheng Venerable saw the old man, he struggled violently, whining and whining, with a look in his eyes like a drowning man seeing a floating wood.

However, the other party's eyes just glanced at him lightly, without a trace of lingering.

The old man was holding a large box in his hand, and his voice was very calm: "Daoyou Benlei, it's a pity that we met for the first time and I didn't expect this to happen."

Xu Yangyi finally raised his eyebrows: "Daoyou, who is it?"

The clamor of the boiling city, at this moment, the city gate was completely quiet. He was like a star in the spotlight, and his every move and every word carried a strange magic. Attracting thousands of lights.

The old man had a smile on his face: "I have been the head of the Song family for hundreds of years. I live in seclusion. It is normal that Daoyou has never heard of it.

The scene that had just calmed down was once again filled with exclamations of great emotion. It was not enough to conclude this matter, but the current head of the Song family came out in person?

The old man had never heard of it, and his expression did not change at all: "Song Yinfeng did something wrong in this matter. The Song family has already punished him severely. I really don't know the details. All the relevant people will be dealt with. In the future, I hope to help Daoyou. "

"Of course." Xu Yangyi nodded. If the Song family didn't provoke him, he would naturally not provoke them. The other party also wanted this answer. Even if he asked vaguely, he would give him a clear answer.

Don't mess with me. This matter has been brought to light.

"Very good." The old man breathed a silent sigh of relief and raised the wooden box in his hand: "Song Yinfeng's head is here."

Boom... The wooden box fell straight in front of Xu Yangyi like a shooting star.

He walked forward expressionlessly, and countless eyes around him looked straight at him. Seeing his hand slowly opening the wooden box, looking at Song Yinfeng's dead head inside, a nameless sigh of "Ah..." was like a low tsunami, ebbing and flowing.

Unable to express how they feel about being there.

Second Young Master Song...the commander-in-chief of Towering City a few hours ago, the next head of the Song family, the talented monk in bright clothes and angry horses, was just...forced to death?

Really dead?

The Song family...really killed the second son of the Song Dynasty in front of the towering city, cut off the strong man's wrist, abandoned the next head of the family, and calmed the thunderous anger of the Holy Lord Ben Lei?

Various complex emotions intersect, and finally, a strange feeling of longing emerges.

As a monk, who doesn't envy the five kings and two queens for their uncompromising words? Who doesn’t envy the two great sages whose words can be the law of the world?

However, the dream is just a dream, and they have not even thought about realizing this scene. But today, here, in front of the towering city tower, when this scene appeared vividly in front of him and in other monks. It was like the morning breeze in the daytime that woke up the fog of the images in their minds.

It turns out...the forbearance and hard cultivation today are just for the sake of retribution that if I become the Qing Emperor in the future, my peach blossoms will bloom.

The combination of reality and dreams was so clear and so wild that most of the monks in the Lower Four Realms lowered their heads silently, their hearts beating violently, and secretly engraved this figure in their hearts with burning eyes, never to forget it.

Xu Yangyi ignored these glances. He just looked at the head in the box calmly. Those eyes were looking directly at Xu Yangyi, as if they were trying to drag his soul into hell. He is obviously a dead person, but he can see various expressions of unwillingness and resentment.

Not willing to let your glorious future be cut into dust?

How could a monk who was resentful of a second-level sect force the Song family to abandon their carriage to save their commander?

No one knows now.

"When you attacked me, did you ever think about today?" After a long time, Xu Yangyi spoke calmly, and the spiritual energy in his hand exploded. The last remains of the famous Second Young Master Song suddenly turned into ashes.

Then, he looked at Lord Kusheng who was kneeling in front of the gate with his hands tied behind his back and his eyes red.

He slowly approached under the gaze of everyone, and the sound of solid footsteps became the only sound here. As he walked on the ground, the sea of ​​monks above him in the sky automatically gave way to a path, like Moses' water-dividing staff, and Wan Xiu made a pilgrimage. .

Brush... Walking to the gate of the city, he slowly pulled out a sword from the storage ring. The autumn water lingered, reflecting his calm expression like a lake.

He said calmly: "Do you regret it?"

"Ugh! Woohoo!!" Lord Kusheng stared at him as if he wanted to eat someone, as if he wanted to rush up and bite his throat. While struggling, he suddenly broke free of the cloth in his mouth and screamed like crazy: "Ben Lei!! You have to die! How dare you attack the Song family! I'm waiting for you below!"

Xu Yangyi ignored him at all, gently wiping the blade of the sword with his left hand, letting Lord Kusheng's crazy and desperate screams pass through the space, heartbreaking.

Seeing his expression, Lord Kusheng went completely crazy. He opened his mouth wide, tears streaming down his face, squirming on the ground like a snake, crying and screaming: "Oh my god... why don't you open your eyes! How can you keep them?" This kind of devil is in the Seven Realms! Yu'er... you died so unjustly! God has eyes, kill this bastard!"

The strong wind took away his wailing, attracting the attention of too many people. The normally aloof Saint was kneeling like a wild dog in front of the towering city and wailing. The monks of the Song family were kneeling in front of the Longxing Land of the Song family, waiting for the execution of a man whose surname was Yang Sheng.

"Is the performance over?" Xu Yangyi blew on the sword gently, as if feeling his murderous intention, the sword buzzed, and then he backhanded the sword, shining with white light and dyed with thousands of peach blossoms.

"Then go to hell."

brush! Blood stains rose into the sky. The headless corpse convulsed several times and fell to the bottom of the towering city with a plop, leaving an inconspicuous red dot.

As soon as the sword fell, a refreshing feeling rushed into my heart, like seeing the sun through the clouds, and my thoughts became clear. He slowly looked around. There was no monk on the tower or in the sky who dared to look at him.

The momentum of one person can overwhelm millions of people.

"Don't mess with me." His voice was very calm, so calm that it was as cold as ice. It seemed as if he was speaking to Lord Ku Sheng, but it resounded in everyone's hearts like a yellow bell.

No... Cold sweat breaks out on the foreheads of all the monks. From today on, the name of Ben Lei will resound throughout the seven realms. No one dares or is willing to provoke this god of death.

Otherwise, the Song family today will be their result tomorrow!

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