
Chapter 1416: Each has his own thoughts

Being low-key is not cowardice, and being tolerant is not fear.

I can't bear it anymore, no need to bear it anymore.

The provocations were repeated again and again until he died, but no one expected that Ben Lei's counterattack was so powerful, so powerful that it was unforgettable for everyone.

Even the eleven Taixu behind the tower did not speak again when they saw this scene.

"Ben Lei...he is Ben Lei." For a long time, the leading woman murmured: "It is as powerful as thunder, but it is contained but not released. Once it strikes, it will be unstoppable."

After a few seconds of silence, the woman in palace clothes calmly sent out a spiritual consciousness, which fell into the ears of all the monks of her power here.

"This is my palace order. After today, when you encounter Tianjian Villa, you must pay three respects. When you encounter Ben Lei himself, you must stay away. If there is any offense, you will be killed without mercy."

"Yes!" "I obey the order!" "This junior understands and will immediately repair the relationship with Tianjian Villa."

Her consciousness did not avoid other Taixu. Shen Chenyang put her hands behind her back and said nothing. After a moment, she whispered softly: "Fairy Yueyu, he is not Taixu."

Fairy Yueyu shook her head: "Two hundred and fifty million, more than 600 years old, the possibility that he will advance too far is too great... The era of great war is about to begin. Hundreds of years later, we and others will inevitably shout: friend."

"This is a Great Sage Seed. Once he advances to Taixu, how strong will he be? You and I know it well. I'm afraid..." She sighed: "With all due respect, there are only a handful of people here who can be his opponent." countable."

"Instead of adding icing on the cake when the time comes, it is better to provide help now. The Yue Yu Immortal Sect of this Palace does not want to be an enemy of a future Five Kings and Two Queens."

No one spoke. After a few seconds, a tall man in brocade clothes said calmly: "Where is the Fudo Ming Wang Sect?"

Suddenly, the auras of four saints in the city rose into the sky: "I've seen the Supreme Elder!"

"I have given an order from the king to resume trading with Tianjian Villa starting today. The leader will go and make friends with the invitation. In the future, you must not provoke Tianjian Villa wantonly. If you encounter Ben Lei himself, stay away. Anyone who violates this will be immediately expelled from the sect and will never be allowed to do so again." Accepted!”


"In the Ming Shen Dao, I am passing on this king's order. Starting today, you must not provoke Tianjian Villa without incident. Anyone who violates it will be killed." "Those who mess with the Shen Dao, starting from today, whoever provokes Tianjian Villa or Ben Lei himself will be killed."

Taixu's orders sounded one after another. After a long time, Shen Chenyang sighed, and his spiritual consciousness sounded: "The Great Xia Dynasty... From now on, the troops approaching Tianjian Villa will retreat thousands of miles. No one is allowed to cross the border without my orders. Violation. Come and see me..."

If it was a very powerful seed, they wouldn't take this stance. But... what if this seed itself has the support of several monks at the level of Five Kings and Two Queens?

What if the opponent still holds the possibility of a single strike?

They didn't dare to gamble, and they had no reason to fight to the death with Tianjian Villa, and... the Song family also gave in.

The other party is only one level away from leading to Taixu. And with 250 million yuan, they dare not say that the other party is hopeless and vain. On the contrary, this is the most hopeful one in tens of thousands of years! And it’s directed at the Five Kings and Two Queens!

Taixu, who looked like a middle-aged Taoist priest, gently brushed his long beard, and his Adam's apple trembled slightly. Today's scene was difficult to describe in words. The feeling of suffocation was rising in their hearts. Obviously no one was oppressing them, but they just felt that in this holy saint His head lowered in front of him.

"Dragon and Phoenix among men." He took a deep look at the other person, shook his head, and turned into a ray of light and left.

"After this day, all the Chains of the Seven Realms will take a detour after hearing about Ben Lei's reputation. They are alone and force the Song family to bow their heads. This kind of behavior will be nothing more than this even if the Great Sage is reincarnated."

One by one, Taixu remembered Ben Lei's name in his heart, and silently turned into light and left. Xu Yangyi didn't care at all, turned a blind eye and walked straight to the door. The Eternal Great Sage in the Suzaku Tower seemed to sense something and waved his hand: "Everyone should perform his duties."

The immortal tree in the sky shook with thousands of green lights. Within ten minutes, the figures of all the monks turned into swaying green leaves all over the sky and flew to various places in the city.

Taichu's surprise attack was interfered with, which had both advantages and disadvantages. The advantage was that Shentian City already had enough reaction time. Disadvantages...I'm afraid that the several outer defense circles have now become a hell.

The complete conclusion of this matter is the clarion call for a full-scale confrontation between the two sides. How Ben Lei and the Taixu behind him stand in line will have a crucial impact on this battle. Looking at Ben Lei's actions, it can be said that he will retaliate. Will he stand on the side of the Seven Realms? Or even...stand on the side of Taichu?

In the Suzaku Tower, the ninety-ninth-story tower that looked like a starry sky, a blue shadow slowly sighed. He realized that the situation was completely out of his control. Because... Ben Lei doesn't need to rely on the Seven Realms at all. This was the reason why he dared to be so unscrupulous, and also the reason why he didn't dare to take action.

When others are in the Seventh Realm, they are in a good mood. If they are not in the Seventh Realm...

He glanced at the void in front of Ben Lei with lingering fear, where there were still terrifying ripples. In the thousands of years since he became a saint, he had never felt such terrifying spiritual energy of the same realm.

Dubu is a very mysterious state. It may be very fast, but it may only take one day, or it may not take half a step forward for thousands of years. In other words, if you don’t have a thorough understanding, there will be no difference between being a Doppo for thousands of years and your descendants.

There is such a unique plane... I don't know how much stronger it is than the Seven Realms. A single strike from the air can make me afraid. He... didn't dare to provoke him.

Through a light curtain, Xu Yangyi looked deeply at the Cantian City. He could feel that the consciousness of the Unaging Great Sage behind him had not been withdrawn. The other party was so vast and huge. If Taixu was a mountain, then he was an endless group of mountains, Mount Everest, whose top could not be seen at all.

It gave people a sense of boundless oppression.

"I am Ben Lei, the Taoist of Tianjian Villa, and I have met the Great Sage." He lifted the hem of his robe, half-knelt on the ground, and bowed.

The eyes of the Unaging Great Sage moved slightly. He understood that Ben Lei was respectful to him because of the gap in realm and because the other party did not want to make many enemies. However, this respect made him very satisfied.

"What do you want?" His voice spoke slowly. Although the sound was transmitted thousands of miles away, it seemed to ring in Xu Yangyi's ears.

"Junior begs to enter the city." Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes and spoke. On the sun and moon hourglass, the sand belonging to the Venerable Kongxu had been left clean. The other party might fall in the next second, and no one at the scene knew. The tsunami in Cantian City was just the beginning.

The real climax... I'm afraid even the Immortal Great Sage couldn't have expected it.

Without answering, the Immortal Great Sage spoke calmly after a few seconds: "The five friends behind you?"

He must understand the position of the monks from other planes, otherwise, even if he risked a falling out with the unknown terrifying Du Bu, he would never let the monks of the level of five kings and two queens into the city, and let five of them in at once.

"Don't bother." The Grizzly Prince was not respectful at all, and smiled: "We won't stay too long, and it's almost time now."

The goal has been achieved, and this situation is not suitable for the next step of detection. They must go back immediately to estimate the possible forces and space rifts that may be opened in this plane. Whether it is a war or a trade, they still have a lot of things to do.

The five demon kings can see too many things. In just a few hours, they have already got the answers they want. Being monitored under the nose of a Du Bu, as high-level planes, they don't like it very much. It's not convenient either.

The Grand Duke of the Holy Flame Remnant looked at Xu Yangyi meaningfully and smiled, "Yi, if you have time, come back to Tiragangdis more often. As long as you touch the bones of Lord Mofestofilus, you can arrive at any time. We are waiting for you."

In the Vermillion Bird Tower, the eyes of the Unaging Great Sage flickered slightly, telling them that this person was the spokesperson of their plane and could go back at any time. If they wanted to do something, it would be best not to let them find out.


The blue light and shadow eyes fluctuated slightly. Since he became a saint, he has never been so frustrated. He knew that Ben Lei was in Cao's camp but his heart was in Han, but he couldn't move at all.

This kid... When did he have a relationship with such a terrible plane? And it seems that the relationship is very close?

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded: "Of course."

At this point, it is better to show his wings to others.

The strong are always used for awe, not for friendship, especially...

The Seven Realms' unique and Taixu promotions are not decided by unique!

It is the way of heaven that has the final say!

These people, no matter how high their realms are, are just the servants of the Queen. As long as the Queen nods, even if all the seven realms come out, they can't stop his promotion.

In this case, what is there to fear?

"It seems that if I am crowned the second queen of the five kings, it is time to test the attitude of the seven realms towards the earth." His eyes moved, waiting for the statement of the immortal great sage.

Everyone thought about their own things for a long time. A green leaf quietly flew out from the top of the Suzaku Tower, blooming with thousands of points of brilliance. It was just a slight flash, and a green light was drawn in the air. It flashed for only a few minutes, and a little ripple appeared on the Jiujiu Xuanhuang Formation, and fell into Xu Yangyi's hands.

It was a jade-like green leaf.

"Holding this leaf, you can enter Cantian City at any time. The war is imminent, and I hope you will focus on the big things." After the immortal great sage said this, his consciousness completely disappeared.

"Where are the seniors?" Xu Yangyi asked after the great god's consciousness completely disappeared.

Prince Grizz retracted his smile: "We will return to Tiragangdis immediately. You can summon us again in two years. We did not leave a beacon. After all, it is not realistic to leave a beacon in front of a unique person. Next time, a large number of researchers who can transform into humans will come. They are all top scholars in the hell plane."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi nodded, and the five people turned into black clouds and disappeared on the spot.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath, not daring to relax his nerves, and turned into a blue-black light and rushed straight to Cantian City.

To meet the final challenge.

His light disappeared after entering the city. After a moment of exclamation at the gate of the city, there was a tide of discussion.

"Heh..." On a tall building next to it, an open window quietly closed. There was a prohibition inside, which was extremely dense. It was impossible for non-Taixu to peek.

"Si Chenke, how do you feel?" There were actually twelve saints covered in hats and cloaks inside. One of them raised his head and asked in a hoarse voice.

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