
Chapter 1417: Surrounded by wolves


The saint who was called Si Chenke was surrounded by a cylindrical light curtain, dotted with stars, the sun rose and the moon set. His skinny fingers were like zombies, gently pulling out white shadows on the light curtain. After a long time, he said: : "I can't tell. The planes those five Taixu masters belong to are much stronger than the Seven Realms, so it's impossible to guess."

In the corner, a monk with a middle-aged voice calmly brushed the spiritual treasure in his hand with his fingers. The spiritual energy on the treasure vibrated under his wipe. He said hoarsely: "Don't say these are useless... It is not convenient for the young master to take action. , but we have been informed that the Immortal Destroyer entered the stage of decline just an hour ago, and he used the God of Time to calculate that the Venerable Old Man will definitely fall in Towering City."

"Black-faced Lord, why are you so anxious?" A woman's voice said slowly: "Ben Lei is by no means an easy person. He dared to enter Towering City when the Song family was on the verge of breaking out. His purpose should be the same as ours. According to me As far as I know, the Three Elders of Jiuhua, the Buchu Old Ghost, the Five Demons of Lianyun Mountain, the seventh ancestor of the Mandala Cao family, and several giants among the saints are all hiding in Towering City like us. "

The spiritual energy of the twelve people fluctuated momentarily, and their killing intent was endless. A skinny saint said slowly: "So many people?"

"Haha, Your Majesty, everyone is about to die, how can he hide his own secrets? There are always some Taoist friends with profound cultivation in this field who are paying attention to him all the time. It's not surprising that some people know about it." A man leaned against the door. The figure's voice was as old as a poisonous snake: "I, Mr. Xianguo, really want to meet these famous Taoists, the top fifty Taoist friends on the list of saints, to see if they are all as worthy as Ben Lei."

The woman sneered and said: "Don't blame me for not reminding you that there is only one of the five kings and two queens."

"Today, we are fighting for admission. There are countless opponents hidden in the towering city. Everyone is waiting for the moment of complete destruction. However, I believe that no one will grab what Fellow Taoist Ben Lei is interested in. That's because no one wants to die. However, in a world where there will be great strife, it will be extremely difficult for the young master to ascend to the throne."

She raised her head and scanned the scene: "Don't forget, as long as the young master ascends the throne, we and others... will all be ministers of the dragon. The direct members of the five kings and two queens."

"Don't worry." A tall voice that had never spoken suddenly spoke: "Young Master has already visited Shentian City in person and reached an agreement with Second Young Master Song. Although things were too abnormal, Second Young Master Song actually died in the end. However, The young master left something for me."

"What is it?" A short monk in the corner asked, raising his head slightly.

"Haha..." The tall figure did not answer, looking through the window as if he could see through the towering city: "It is something that can severely damage Ben Lei. If he doesn't die, how can the young master feel at ease... Don't forget, the young master's domain is two great gods. One of them is the good disciple who was trained by His Holiness and has been hidden until now..."

At the same time, a magnificent inn, covering an area of ​​tens of thousands of meters, was completely occupied on the top floor. Occasionally, someone came downstairs, and there was no visible trace on his body.

"Dong dong dong..." A Jindan monk lowered his head and quickly walked up to the third floor. All the doors on the third floor were closed, and the area was as huge as a palace. He walked through the largest room in the center with ease, then walked to a relatively small room, took out a lotus talisman, and gently placed it on the door.

But when he saw an extremely inconspicuous golden color shining through the gap in the ordinary door, he sweated slightly on his forehead and took a few steps back. The door opened silently until the golden light disappeared.

It's strange to say that it was clear at the moment, but it was dark inside without any brilliance. Just when the door had just opened a gap big enough for a person to enter, the golden elixir monk let out a low exclamation, as if he was caught by an invisible monster. Suddenly he was pulled into the room.

The door closed quietly, as if it was just an ordinary room that no one was renting.

"I've seen the Seventh Ancestor!!" The golden elixir monk had just entered, and ten divine consciousnesses were placed on him like sharp swords. He hurriedly knelt on his knees, touched his forehead to the ground and nodded.

This room was huge, about 300 square meters, and there were eleven people sitting there.

There were no lights on and the doors and windows were closed. There are five seats on each side made of Class B spiritual heavenly incense wood. Sitting on these chairs, you can clear your mind and eyesight, quickly enter meditation, put aside your worries, and use various calming incense. One kilogram is worth one hundred thousand spiritual jade on the black market.

Now, they are chairs.

It's just a chair.

The people on the seats were all in the Nascent Soul realm, and sitting on the left and right were two sages, whose strength actually reached over 100 million. Everyone wears the family emblem of a blooming lotus on their chests. In the center, there is a large grand master's chair made of Grade A spiritual dragon head wood. A faint fragrance overflows from it. It is covered with the fur of the swallowing wolf, which is also a Grade A monster. It is all white with no trace of color.

Even though there are eight Nascent Souls and two sages here, none of them have spiritual power comparable to the old man sitting on the Grand Master's chair.

He was dressed in ordinary clothes, a Tsing Yi, with thick white hair, pulled up into a bun. And his spiritual power... impressively reached 130 million! Except for Xu Yangyi, he ranks almost second on the list of revered saints!

But he is not anyone on the list of saints at all.

The old man's body was full of deathly aura. Although he was still not as good as Lord Kong Kong, he was no longer weak. He closed his eyes and slowly spoke after a few minutes: "What's the matter?"

The voice was hoarse, but rich, with an irresistible power.

"Back to the Seventh Ancestor..." Jin Dan took a deep breath, waved his hand and crushed a piece of jade, and a screen of light appeared in it. In the center of the light curtain is a nearby grand building. In an inconspicuous corner of an inconspicuous building, an inconspicuous piglet is drawn with aura.

"Is it the twelve horoscopes? The pig is the black-faced king?" Yin Zun, the leader on the left, said coldly: "The twelve gold medal killers of the Blood Knife Tower, they also want to take a trip into this muddy water? How many are here?"

"So far, four of them have been discovered." The golden elixir monk wiped away his cold sweat and said hastily: "Si Chenke, Xianguo Weng, Black-faced Lord, and the Four Spiritual Heads. But the towering city is too big... the villain is incompetent! Please!" The Seventh Patriarch punishes you!”

The old man finally opened his dim eyes, and a kind of majesty that had been on people for a long time suddenly appeared. He said calmly: "I don't blame you. The Cao family and the Song family are both long-standing families. We naturally know how difficult it is to investigate a place called Longxing."

"The Song family prohibits the long-distance transmission of spiritual consciousness under Taixu in Shentian City, so we can only use this primitive method." The old man glanced at the pig's aura map, waved his hand, and the aura disappeared: "I'm afraid it's not just these four. , it’s time for the other eight constellations to take action.”

"Us?" The Yin Lord on the lower right touched the beautiful beard that reached his abdomen and asked in a deep voice.

"There's no rush." ​​The old man closed his eyes, with a strange smile on his face: "This time, it's just a competition for qualifications. Are our Cao family afraid that we won't be able to get a single point of the virtual crystal? Who dares to steal Ben Lei's virtual crystal? ?”

"What we should be worried about is that the age of great strife has truly begun."

Misu Yinzun sighed and glanced out the window with lingering fear: "Ben Lei... is too strong and too powerful. Once he joins, I'm afraid we will never have a chance! And your longevity, Seventh Patriarch... "

"Ha..." Cao Qizu lay leisurely on the chair and regained his old feeling: "You know... there is a fattest passenger on a ship that is about to sink. What will everyone do?"

The two Yin Lords' eyes flashed and they said nothing.

"Of course I will throw the fattest passenger down..." Cao Qizu picked up a cup of tea on the table, took a sip and said: "He is indeed too strong... but this kind of strength and power will make all the world of great disputes The forces unite and kick him out first. The world of great struggle is an illusion where Fang Tiandao condenses. Without the help of that terrible plane, he can really face all the players of the world of great struggle. Can one man be in charge?”

"No one can do it."

Misu Yinzun nodded with emotion and tentatively said: "Then Tianjian Villa..."

"Idiot!" Cao Qizu suddenly opened his eyes: "In the age of great struggle, everyone relies on their abilities! It's completely different from the Song family this time! Even if Ben Lei loses, others are still super saints with 250 million souls! Yes! The Great Sage condescends to talk to you in person! I tell you, even if you are out of the world, you must be on good terms with the other party! He may not have the strength of the Five Kings and Two Queens!"

"Besides, there is no need for us to take action. Do you think we are the only Cao family here?" Cao Qizu laughed, put down his tea cup and said in a cold voice: "There are at least fifty monks in the top 50 on the Saint List, and there are at least 20 monks gathered in Towering City. , The Song family turned a blind eye. Don’t worry, there will definitely be many fools who will take action to guard against Ben Lei, so why should we take action? "

"The key is, if you're not in a world of great conflict, you won't be able to gain anything by taking action. Do you want to have a taste of what 250 million is like?"

He fell into a slumber: "I don't want to."

The same scene appeared almost at the same time in various places in the Towering City. Xu Yangyi had just made a counterattack, killing the Song family, forcing the second son of the Song Dynasty to death, killing Lord Kusheng, and the five five kings and two queens in front of the towering city gate... The shock to them was too great. No one expected that such a change would occur in this time of great struggle.

Panic, confusion, shock, all kinds of mixed emotions. In a small building, an old woman looked at the sixteen groups of hexagrams on the ground in a deep voice, gritted her teeth and said: "No one can stop Ben Lei to seize the virtual crystal, the other party is destined to return. But..."

She tremblingly turned to Fang Guoxiang, with a look of disbelief in her eyes: "What... is going on?"

"Why does the hexagram show that the fall of Xujing is just the beginning of this great struggle for qualifications?"

"The white tiger is sitting in command, and the greedy wolf is hanging in the air...this...does it mean that there is a greater crisis coming one after another? Far beyond the death of Lord Kong Kong? Why on earth?"

In another palace, in a corner, a man who looked like a beggar looked at the ground in astonishment. The leaves in front of him were densely covered with vertical leaves, and he gasped: "A mystery that has lasted for thousands of years...the secret of heaven is unpredictable? This …”

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