
Chapter 1418: Thousand Saints (Part 1)

Zhuque Tower, sixty-third floor, the headquarters of the Song family.

With the status of the Song family, there is no other heirloom family that can sit at such a high level, which is already at the top.

This place has been opened up, and countless giant dragon pillars rise into the sky. In the huge space more than 100 meters high, countless talismans are densely packed. Countless Song family monks are surrounding here.

Here are the elites of the Song family, the center of the entire towering city. The monks are hanging in the air, looking at the light curtains floating in all directions, and sending groups of runes into the hands of the monks below. There is a sea of ​​people below, and it is a tense and busy place. color.

The entire space is layered like an altar, with divided areas and clear divisions of labor. At this moment, at the top of the altar, several senior officials of the Song family and the head of the Song family are standing out.

"Damn it!" A middle-aged woman in luxurious clothes suddenly slapped the light curtain beside her and said bitterly: "What a bastard, Ben Lei has caused such a big embarrassment to our Song family, and now he dares to enter Towering City! Doesn't he think he is? By working hard in Shentian City, can the Song family forgive him for today's humiliation?"

"Presumptuous." The head of the Song family said calmly: "For this kind of monk, you must either make sure to kill him with one blow, or make a good marriage. Can you kill him with one blow?"

No one answered.

"My Song family has been inherited for tens of thousands of years, and I have encountered such insults more than once. Be cautious and patient, this is the way for a family to survive. Thousands of years, tens of thousands of years have passed, single monks no longer exist, leaving only the Song family standing proudly In Kunlun, who will remember today’s humiliation?”

"But..." The middle-aged woman was unwilling to give up. Just as she was about to speak, a piece of talisman suddenly came from below. It formed in front of them and quickly formed a screen of light.

It was an ordinary star map.

There are countless broken planes inside, exactly like too many starry skies. However, if it could be transmitted to their location, this star map must be extraordinary.

"Is this the True Immortal Seal?" The head of the Song family was slightly startled: "The star map near the True Immortal Seal? What's going on?"

No one spoke again, forcing themselves to put down the rage in their hearts. One minute, two minutes... three minutes later, a brilliant light suddenly burst out in the True Immortal Seal.

It is so bright, as if the dark night of the universe is opening at this moment.

It was so majestic that, except for the True Immortal Seal, all the broken planes, planetary belts, and nebulae around it were instantly reduced to debris.

"This is it!" Everyone was shocked. A middle-aged man said in astonishment: "The Holy Realm is opening? At this time?"

There was no answer. The picture on the light screen changed, forming a virtual image. I saw that the ocean of light became more and more prosperous and bigger, and finally turned into a huge starlight butterfly, with an incredible expression. Speed, soaring into the sky!

The head of the Song family was silent for a few seconds. He stayed in the chain of seven realms for a long time. The legendary family has mastered more things that outsiders cannot master. They know very well that any holy realm is a huge secret and opportunity. Once opened, it will definitely be extraordinary. Extraordinary!

He was about to speak when he suddenly glanced at the row of small numbers in the upper right corner of the screen and couldn't help but gasped: "How could this be?!"

Everyone looked over, just once, with a blank look in their eyes. Their eyes met, and Weiyu's face was filled with surprise.


No spiritual power!

Spiritual power count... zero spirit!

"How is this possible!" The middle-aged woman rushed to the light curtain and stared at it: "Such a huge fluctuation, at least several billion spirits! How can there be zero spirits?!"

"Immediately turn the direction of this spiritual power!"

Immediately, another set of star charts was sent over. At a glance, everyone present could only feel the corners of their eyes cramping.

Facing the towering city...

This gigantic aura butterfly flooded the surrounding planes and came straight towards the Towering City!

"How much longer!!" The head of the Song family reacted immediately, leaned out and asked downwards.

The light flickered, and three seconds later, the third set of images was sent. After just one glance, everyone's face had no other expression except solemnity.

seven hours...

In seven hours, this weird aura butterfly will arrive at Towering City, and that time... is probably when Taichu attacks the city!

Just now, Taichu outside the Towering City was no longer stable. The five Five Kings and Two Queens disappeared and did not join the Towering City. This was extremely exciting news for them. After it was confirmed that the five people had completely left, they... …I can’t bear it anymore.

The bloodthirsty long sword has been unsheathed, and all the spiritual power belonging to the seven realms in the outer circle of the towering city on the light screen has completely disappeared half an hour ago, and... a red sun that far exceeds the seven deputy army commanders is rapidly approaching. Come!

Legion commander, Tengebal is here in person!

"There are still three hours until Tengebar arrives outside the towering city. In two hours at most, they will launch the first wave of probing attacks... Damn it... Damn it!!" A middle-aged man wearing armor gritted his teeth and was about to Continuing to speak, the voice of the head of the Song family suddenly sounded: "Wait a minute."

Everyone looked over. The other person's eyes were fixed on a certain part of the huge aura butterfly. His hand moved on the light screen a few times. Suddenly, the picture became larger and larger, and became more and more detailed.

"This..." The middle-aged woman glanced at it several times and suddenly discovered...that this butterfly seemed to contain something?

It was an extremely vague shadow with no spiritual power, just as weird as this butterfly that had no spirit but could shatter the heavens. Covered in the brilliance of the sky, it is extremely inconspicuous. If you don't stare at it for a minute, you won't be able to see it at all.

" something in here?" Several people exchanged glances, all feeling unbelievable.

Something flying out of the holy realm?

Something that is so small that it can shatter the heavens?

The head of the Song family did not speak, his hands moved faster and faster, sweat appeared on his forehead, and the point in the light screen became clearer and clearer. After a few minutes, a chorus of gasping voices sounded out, "Oh my God..." "This ...This is..." "How is it possible!" "How could he...he be in the holy realm?"

Even the head of the Song family's city was completely stagnant under the light curtain, because even he couldn't believe his eyes.

That is a Taixu.

To be precise, he is a five-king and two-queen.

She is a five-king and two-queen whom everyone has met and respected greatly, but whose time is short.

The Lord of Emptiness.

He... is actually among this butterfly! He was still dressed in that sloppy outfit, but he was holding a peach blossom strangely in his hand. The expression on his face is one of regret and reluctance, and the relief of hearing the truth in the morning and dying in the evening.

Feeling as relieved as hearing the secret of the universe.

Just on his chest, a little golden light rose and fell, disappearing at any time like a candle in the wind. Visible to the naked eye, his face became increasingly gray.

"Dao Ancestor, sir..." The head of the Song family swallowed hard and closed his eyes: "It's actually the Reverend..."

Before the word "human" came out, he suddenly opened his eyes, looked at this light screen, and then looked at the light screen facing the towering city, and then his whole body started to tremble.

There were no words, no one could speak. Everyone was doing the same action, constantly changing their eyes between the two light screens. After a few minutes, the middle-aged woman suddenly leaned out, almost screaming from the bottom of her heart. Called: "Open the defensive array! Open all the defensive restrictions of the Nine-Nine Xuanhuang Formation!! Immediately!!"

Before her scream could spread throughout the space, the armored man roared like crazy: "Block all entrances and exits here! From now on! Except for the Great Sage himself, even if Mr. Taixu comes, block it for me!!"

"Activate all spiritual power detection puppets! Withdraw some from the periphery of Shentian City! All aim at the line from the True Immortal Seal to Shentian City!" "Start immediately. Anyone who dares to send a message to the outside world will be killed without mercy!" "Activate Six All the thirteenth floor is blocked! Block all the circulation of spiritual consciousness! ”

The monks below were stunned. What happened? Are these adults so rude?

They were still hesitating, but a roar like an old dragon immediately shattered their hesitation. The head of the Song family stood up with red eyes and said hoarsely: "Can't you hear... do it now!!"

"The towering Song family, the land of Longxing is at stake! Who dares to waste a minute or a second, I will use his spiritual consciousness to light a sky lantern!!"

The scene suddenly became busy. If it was the sea just now, some ripples were orderly, but now it was a sudden chaos. Amidst the roar of people, all the senior officials of the Song family at the center all sat back in their seats with pale faces, and no one left.

Everyone understands...

The enthronement of Lord Kong Kong is today, and the place he chose... turned out to be Towering City!

Thousands of demons are on the way, surrounded by wolves, and the environment in this towering city could not be worse!

Fierce fire cooking oil is no longer enough to describe. Just a few hours later, the stars fell into the towering city. At that time...

Everyone's spines trembled. I'm afraid that at that time... it can only be described as a dragon dancing.

"How could it happen at this time..." The head of the Song family gritted his teeth, his calm expression disappeared, and he rubbed his eyebrows: "Does God want to destroy our Song family here?"

The middle-aged woman bit her lip with blood marks, and said in a miserable voice: "What is your venerable master doing? The death of a fifth king and two queens, all the spiritual power in the body bloomed before death... enough to destroy the entire Jiujiu Xuanhuang The formation burst out of a thousand-meter-large hole! Taichu will never miss this opportunity... He...doesn't he care about my Song family?"

Outside there is Taichu suppressing the realm, and within there is a great struggle for qualifications. Not even the great sage can suppress it!

Towering City... This volcano is about to erupt completely, and in a few hours it will be a molten city!

"Sir...Sir!" At this moment, a panicked voice sounded, and a Yuanying monk flew up and screamed: "Sir! It's not good!"

"What are you talking about! Get out of here!!" The middle-aged woman was so angry that she slapped her with her backhand. However, Yuanying didn't care at all and shouted in a choked voice: "Something serious has happened... You , please take a look! Junior, I haven’t shown it to anyone!”

"Give it to me." The head of the Song family finally calmed down. No matter how bad it got, it wouldn't get any worse. His mood would never fall again after it hit rock bottom. He frowned and took a scroll. After opening it, the stars were shining brightly, and a star map appeared in it.

However, the more he looked, the worse his expression became.

He finally knew that the bottom was not the lowest.

Beneath the valley floor, there is an abyss.

"Master!" "Third Uncle!!" "What's wrong with you?!"

The next second, his whole body collapsed. The surrounding senior officials of the Song family exclaimed, and they all gathered around.

While shouting, everyone saw the open star map.

Dead silence.

The whole space was dead silent.

A few seconds later, the middle-aged woman's legs weakened and she collapsed on the ground, wailing absentmindedly: "How is it possible..."

"What on earth is this..."

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