
Chapter 1419: Thousand Saints (Part 2)

Everyone is looking at the star map.

Sluggish, shocked, no one spoke, and the entire top floor was silent.

At this moment, the exclamations below came one after another, almost at the same time, "The Choking Holy Realm is moving?! The speed has reached sub-light speed?!" "The True Immortal Seal Holy Realm is moving! The speed is also sub-light speed!" "The Holy Realm of Kongchan is moving! It will reach sub-light speed in ten seconds!" "The Holy Realm of Greedy Wolf is moving! It will reach sub-light speed in thirty seconds!"

At the peak of deathly silence, a Nascent Soul cultivator rushed up with red eyes and his voice broke: "Retribution!! Feng Luan Holy Realm suddenly left its original range! Sub-light speed!"

Before he could finish speaking, another Nascent Soul took off like crazy: "Retribution! The Holy Realm of Samadhi reaches sub-light speed! It breaks away from the original starry sky! It moves towards an unknown place!"

Before he finished speaking, the third Nascent Soul almost rolled up and flew up: "Retribution...retribution!! All the holy realms in the Tiangang Star Territory have deviated from their original orbit!"

"Report! All the holy realms in the Loujin Star Territory have begun to shake. It is expected..." "Report! The holy realm in the Blue Water Star Territory has escaped! It has reached sub-light speed!"

Countless reports rushed to the top like needles. Some of the senior members of the Song family were holding their heads, gritting their teeth, and burying their hands in their thick hair, which made their faces look a little ferocious. Some were already standing sluggishly. The earth is like a mechanical puppet.

For tens of thousands of years...the Song family has never encountered such a life and death crisis!

"What's the hurry!!" At this moment, the head of the Song family came forward with one breath and roared: "What's the hurry? Are you going to a funeral! I'm not dead yet!!"

"Immediately, everyone must return to their posts! Whoever dares to leave their posts without authorization should not blame me for being ruthless!"

"Block all information! Don't leak any information to the outside world! Even if Master Taixu asked, he said everything is business as usual!"

He was like a wild beast before his death, with blood-red eyes. Standing at the top, he looked like a man-eating giant beast, with the power of the saints overwhelming the tide: "Whoever dares to do something wrong...I will shovel him all over!!"

All the monks looked at me and I looked at you, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, suppressed the shock in their hearts, and all of them fell down.

never had……

For tens of thousands of years, the holy realm has been displaced, and there has never been a galaxy vision.

In the end what happened?

Seeing them all leaving, the head of the Song family finally heaved a sigh of relief with his red eyes, and suddenly fell down on the chair. Before anyone else could speak, he gritted his teeth and whispered: "Stop talking nonsense... is it the time to talk now!"

He made a move with trembling hands, and the star map flew in front of him. He didn't dare to look at it again. He closed his eyes and hissed: "Fengzimai, go and meet the defenders of each city immediately. Others opened the Song family's special teleportation method Formation, mobilize all the law enforcement teams, Xuanjia Guards, and city guards from Kunlun, one by one!"

"Whether this towering city can be saved... depends on you." He stood up and bowed deeply. No one dared to say anything, and they all turned into light and left.

Only then did he dare to open the star map.

The star map is not very clear, but there is chilling information hidden in this unclear star map!

Those holy realms...those holy realms that just left their positions did not disappear or fly away, but... flew towards a place where thousands of dragons gathered into the sea!

In the vast starry river, directly above the towering city, in the deep starry sky that may be measured in light years, there are already... nine holy realms, with nine stars arranged together like beads!

Further away, there are endless holy realms, flying away from their own star field!

It is as if this place has become a magnet, absorbing all the holy realms. In other words, within two or three hours, this place will appear...

Thousand Saints Lianzhu!

The head of the Song family trembled all over, covered his heart, and looked at the center of the holy realm with red eyes. If it was just that, it would just make people's scalp numb, and it would not be as scary as the soul leaving the body. However……

His hands were shaking like a wind. He moved the light curtain, and the light curtain suddenly changed to the perspective of looking up from the towering city. His hands shook violently again, and his breathing became extremely rapid.

Perhaps from the angle just now, he couldn't see why the wonder of the Thousand Saints Lianzhu appeared. However, looking up from here... Looking up at the sky from the Towering City, he could clearly see that in the center of the Thousand Saints Lianzhu, there was actually A figure!

He couldn't see clearly who it was, but the moment he saw the shadow, his whole body was filled with a kind of penetrating coldness, like the pressure of the power of heaven, even through the scroll, it made him unable to breathe smoothly.

"Is... this... just to welcome the appearance of this thing? The other party can only appear in this way?" He grabbed his hair like crazy, his finger bones were buried in it, and hoarsely said from between his teeth: "Too It's scary... This thing is just like the legendary true immortal... No, even if you can't see it clearly on this star map, you can still feel that this thing... is even more terrifying than that! It's simply the heaven of the seven realms! Same!"

"Any holy realm contains at least billions of spiritual energy. It is impossible to move it! What the hell is going on!"

He quietly withdrew his gaze, his heart already in his throat, talismans were issued one after another, and all the teleportation circles were kept open at any time. He already had a hunch that Towering City could not be saved. What was going to happen today might be the beginning of the Seven Realms. Unsolved mysteries that never happened!

In the galaxy, Lord Kong held a peach blossom in his hand, smiling as he stood in the light curtain composed of thousands of spiritual butterflies, moving forward.

With an unruly smile on his face, he watched as holy realms flew by from time to time, as if he was stepping on the starry sky, watching the inn of time, the passers-by of hundreds of generations, those holy realms seemed to come alive, roaring, boiling and rushing into the depths of the universe.

When he was dying, he burned all his cultivation, he saw it, saw it very clearly, saw the truth he had never seen before.

Right in the center of the universe, just above the Cantian City, the universe cracked a gap, sprinkling colorful light, boundless, forming a sea of ​​light, all the holy realms rushed there like magnets, overlapping, interlaced, and as they rotated, a majestic force was quietly leaking out from the gap.

"Do you have any last wishes?" The voice of Nanhua Butterfly Mother suddenly sounded around. Venerable Kongxu arched his hands: "Hear the truth in the morning, die in the evening, no regrets."

He looked at hundreds and thousands of holy realms appearing in the void with emotion, rushing towards the light column like a tide, there, is his burial place.

The place marked by the gods

He laughed loudly and rushed forward at full speed. The towering Cantian City had already seen a light spot the size of a grain of rice at the end of the void. As he got closer and closer, the flesh and blood on his body finally began to crack, and his skin color slowly turned yellow and became harder and harder, as if... the soil had lost its moisture.

In Cantian City, next to a palace, in a corner, a beggar looked at the leaves in front of him with bloodshot eyes, which were moving without wind and arranged themselves on the ground as if they were alive, and muttered: "What's going on... I can't figure out the reason at all, I can only feel that this grand scene that only occurs once in thousands of years, there is no way to explain it..."

At this moment, the beating of the leaves suddenly stopped. He was stunned for a moment, and then lay on the ground and looked.

"Thousand... Star... God?"


As he read out the three words, his whole body disappeared in the air, and there was no spiritual energy. It was as if it had never appeared. It was completely wiped out.

At the same time, several divine consciousnesses in Cantian City that were spying on the secrets of heaven also disappeared in an instant, without causing any ripples.

At the same time, Xu Yangyi was about to fly to the three sects' base, but he suddenly stopped and frowned at the sky.

A very powerful consciousness that could shock the soul even if it was light years away, woke up from the extremely distant void.

Boom boom boom... His heart suddenly started beating wildly, and he quickly swept his eyes around. However, the people around him were still talking and laughing, and there was no abnormality at all.

"Only I can feel it?" He frowned and looked at the starry sky. Suddenly, the whole world seemed to hum and vibrate!

His pupils shrank, and he immediately stabilized his lower body. He quickly swept his eyes and the monks around him...

Still no reaction!

"What's going on?"

At this moment, a sigh-like emotion suddenly emerged in his chest, which clearly came from his body, but did not belong to him.

"Is this... Chaos?"

Before he could exclaim, the scene in front of him suddenly moved away, as if his consciousness had expanded hundreds of thousands of times! His eyes pierced through the Nine Nine Profound Yellow Array, pierced through the starry sky, sank into the vast galaxy, and went straight up.

Getting farther and farther, deeper and deeper, after a few minutes, the eyes suddenly brightened, and saw a magnificent scene that had never been imagined.

Buzz buzz buzz... The universe seemed to have opened a crack, bursting with thousands of lights, and the holy realms rushed towards the light at a rapid speed, forming a terrifying thousand stars in a straight line!

Near the light, the holy realms were floating one by one, with claw marks, leaf-shaped traces, dragons, white tigers... They desperately combined and arranged in a vertical straight line with a layered space.

The planetary belt was shining around, and hundreds of holy realms floated left and right, slowly arranging with every flash of light. This scene was extremely grand and beautiful, silent, erupting, brewing, and born.

After all, he was not able to do this step by himself, and he couldn't see it clearly, but even so, he could feel the terrifying power contained in it. And... in the center of the thousand stars, there was a white shadow, swimming happily like a fish.

"This is..." He took a breath of cold air. He knew best how much power there was in a holy realm. Now that this incredible starry sky wonder had appeared, he simply couldn't believe that any creature could survive under such circumstances.

As if he had heard his inner voice, his consciousness was in great pain, and the scene in front of him suddenly became clear, and then quickly blurred.

At the moment of clarity, Xu Yangyi only felt a sense of electricity from head to toe, and his whole body was cold.

That white light and shadow was a woman.

The Holy Maiden of Light, however, this woman... was a snake with a human body!

She was the Lord of Space, the Lord of Heaven, and she was like a fish in water in the holy realm. In every holy realm, extremely terrifying spiritual energy erupted. She was born in the ocean of spiritual energy, bathed in light, and condensed into the heavenly way.

"This is..." Everything in front of him passed like a receding tide. He looked at the starry sky in a trance, and he understood what this was.

The Queen fell, and the Emperor Wa opened his eyes!

The Emperor Wa's spirit was about to descend!

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