
Chapter 1421: The Fattest Traveler (I)

Almost at the same second, Emperor Wa's Ruoweiruowu gaze in the void instantly focused on this place. The place with a radius of thousands of miles began to boil in an instant!

Buzzing buzzing... The ground exploded with more and more spider web patterns. The gravel flew up into the air like weightlessness. Infinite brilliance emerged from the ground. An indescribable and extremely terrifying force locked on the cloaked monk!

This force is so powerful that it surpasses everything known. There is no doubt that when it breaks out, it will be as terrifying as the earth shattering and the sky collapsing. However, only Xu Yangyi could feel this feeling, as if the world was split into two parts.

"No?" The monk behind him seemed to make a surprised sound, and just when Emperor Wa's power was about to explode, he disappeared in an instant.

As soon as the pressure was released, the will of the underworld in the void returned to zero like a flash in the pan. Xu Yangyi's body softened, his vision went dark and he almost fainted to the ground, but he gritted his teeth and held on with one hand.


Who is it!

Being so strong that he can even transcend two major talismans... is simply unbelievable!

Cold sweat flowed from his forehead, and he wiped it. Every move of the other party since the fight appeared in his mind. The last catch was ordinary, but it was not something he could resist at all. It belonged to the category of saints, but it was beyond the category of saints.

It's like... a sage who has mastered the laws of heaven and earth is fighting against himself.

That blow must have touched something that couldn't be touched, and that's when Emperor Wa noticed it. Like...laws?

Suddenly, his brows moved, and the consciousness from all directions that strongly suppressed murderous intent intersected in the space, all aimed at him.

He took a deep breath, stood up slowly, straightened his clothes a little, and looked up slowly, like an ice knife.

There were already more than fifty people surrounding him, and their bodies were full of blood. The more he looked, the narrower his eyes became.

First, most of these people carry countless lives, and the fierce flames are overwhelming.

Secondly, each of them... at least 100 million, so many. If they attack together, they may be very dangerous, and the chance of death is extremely high!

The Taoist nun in the air took out a finely carved wooden box at some point, with rows of silver needles shining in it. On the roof a thousand meters away to the left, there were twelve murderous auras that were the strongest in this place. At this moment, they were all lying on the roof, like predatory wolves. One thousand three hundred meters to the right, the sleeves and robes of three old men were stirring, and sharp light was looming.

The boat is about to sink, and there is a fattest passenger. What should we do?

Tigers are no match for wolves.

Although they didn't come with this intention, however... there is no better opportunity than now!

brush! ! Without hesitation, the killing field was completely opened and shrunk to the smallest range, forming a wave of light shrouded in black mist only fifty meters away. He walked calmly towards the direction of Sanzong.

There are still three thousand meters to where the three sects are stationed, and the sky is shining brightly. The towering city guards are already on the way. If the opponent really dares to take action, as long as they last twenty minutes, they will still have room to resolve it.

However, the other party did not take action.

The monks present have already revealed their murderous intentions, but they always act on the spur of the moment and are wary of each other. No one here is worse than the other, and most of them are ranked in the top fifty on the list of revered saints. But in full view of everyone, they watched him walk step by step towards the position of the third sect.

Breathing seemed to have stagnated, and there was only a heartbeat in the scene. Xu Yangyi's consciousness was completely stretched to its peak, closer... closer... Unconsciously, more than fifty murderous intentions followed, and he had already walked five hundred meters.

However, at this moment, a hoarse voice finally sounded: "Why are fellow Taoists so anxious? I have finally looked at the number one on the list of saints. Why don't you let us pay our respects?"

Before he finished speaking, Xu Yangyi's figure suddenly moved as fast as lightning.

Some things will be safe if they are maintained for a long time, but once someone starts it, the fuse/cord can never be extinguished.

He rushed over a thousand meters in an instant, but a ray of light was even faster. In a blink of an eye, it had already broken through in front of him. Then his eyes flashed, and he was back to his previous position.

"Brush..." One of the Five Demons of Lianyun Mountain had his hands vertical, two hook-shaped magic weapons that had been stained black with blood stretched out from his robe, and shouted: "Fight quickly! With him here, everyone will fight There is no hope in this world!”

Before he finished speaking, his figure had turned into a gray light and came with a strong wind.

Wow! The chain made of unknown material between the two hooks buzzed, and it made a soul-stirring sound. With a wave of his left hand, the double hooks suddenly turned into a nine-headed roc, with wings spread thousands of miles, and blood shining in the sky.

kill! !

The tightrope of silence suddenly snapped. Who on the scene was not a decisive person? One of the three elders of Jiuhua shouted loudly, and his figure shot up into the sky like lightning, his sleeves and robes fluttering, and thousands of sword lights were scattered like rain. On the other side, Butcher Zhang was covered in white smoke, his domain opened, and he saw thousands of golden lights. Half a second later, a three-foot-tall heavy-armored giant covered in smoke came roaring over.

"Good opportunity." Naturally, the Twelve Stars would not lag behind. A neighing noise emitted from their throats that did not sound like a human voice. The Twelve Domains were fully expanded, and in the brilliance, their bodies began to transform into beasts. On the other side, a fat monk with a kind-hearted face shouted the Buddha's name, and the realm turned into a Buddhist kingdom that filled the sky, reaching directly above Xu Yangyi's head.

In the blink of an eye, more than fifty rays of light burst into the void. They originally had different intentions, but at this moment they shared the same hatred. The monks outside pulled and closed their hands, and the spiritual treasures accompanied the domain and turned into a continuous curtain, full of murderous intent, completely surrounding the place.

"Damn it!" Xu Yangyi cursed fiercely, and immediately activated the swallowing talisman, walking in the void and rushing straight to the three sects' station 2,500 meters away.

"Want to run?" Although his figure suddenly disappeared, there were so many saints at the scene. The Taoist nun in the air sneered and waved her sleeves. The ground collapsed layer by layer. Countless stones continued to form an endless wall.

Boom boom boom!! As soon as it was formed, a large hole was seen forming in an instant. The Taoist nun shouted: "Watch the entrance of the three sects! He will die today!"

Suddenly, the entrance bloomed with brilliance. Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi's voices sounded at the same time: "Who dares to be presumptuous at the gate of the three sects!!"

"Their people are here! Quick battle and quick decision!" A monk in a black robe let out a long roar, pulled out a horse-slashing sword from his back, and slashed in the air.

But with a roar, the void broke through layer by layer. This sword broke through the boundary of hundreds of millions of spirits, and the sword destroyed the three realms. The void was like a substance, with countless cracks, and then exploded! The dense magical powers like the tide broke out at the same time, and finally shook out Xu Yangyi's figure in the void.

Has the limit of swallowing talismans been reached? At the same time as Xu Yangyi appeared, the sea-like domain with the magical power of covering the sun and clouds ravaged the whole scene, and there was no place to escape. The spiritual light was like a tide, and nine cold lights in it broke through the layers of fog and went straight to the nine vital points of his body. Behind the cold star, there was an endless mountain of magical power and a sea of ​​spells where many spiritual powers condensed!

He took a deep breath and sank down suddenly. At this moment, twelve ghosts and wolves howled below, the four spiritual heads, Xian Guo Weng, Si Chenke, Black Face King... Twelve hundred-meter-long strange beasts jumped into the sky from the sea of ​​spiritual light and opened their bloody mouths to come to him.

Being attacked from all sides, as long as one of them was touched, endless magical powers would follow one after another, as if a spiritual power network that could move the whole body was formed around him. The spiritual power of these people has exceeded his by several times, and there is a great sense of measure between offense and defense, and there is no gap around.

Really not?

The sharp teeth of the twelve beasts were about to come, white as daggers, and the stench was overwhelming. At this moment, Xu Yangyi's pupils suddenly turned into two black holes, and the infinite truth was completely opened.


The reality of the world was presented in front of him. After all, it was the first time they joined forces. There were flaws in the opponent's magical powers that were invisible to the naked eye. Although he had to withstand some attacks from the magical powers, it was better to withstand one person than fifty top saints. He did not hesitate to turn into a light of escape and rushed straight to the fire phoenix on the left.

The light of escape was like a sword, breaking the sky, and the fierce murderous aura instantly tore through the fire waves. I vaguely saw the dumbfounded face of a woman with half a face behind.

How did he get here?

He caught the gap in the magical power?

How is this possible! There are at least thirty or forty magical powers around, and there are also twenty or thirty top fields mixed in. With so much spiritual energy mixed, how can he recognize that this is a gap?

"Looking for death!" The other party's eyes were stern, and he flew into the air with a loud shout, his hands spread out, and endless flying knives flashed with powerful spiritual light, like fish living in the air, soft and sharp. Just when the woman put her hands together and was about to launch it, suddenly, a spiritual energy nailed her forehead.

How is it possible? !

The woman's heart was cold, how could she have such a keen insight? In such chaos, with spiritual energy collapsed, he could actually find the only weakness before he attacked?

The infinite true version of Jeet Kune Do, under the truth, there is nothing hidden.

"Damn it!" The woman cursed fiercely, put her hands together, and the attacking magic power she was about to launch instantly turned into defense, silver scales penetrated the air, and the knife light leaked the ground. At the moment when this thunderous punch fell, the silver knife like a fish formed a wing shell to protect the woman tightly.

"It hurts! Daoist friend, help me!" The woman groaned and her body burst into a bloody light of ten feet. She instantly retreated a thousand meters. Xu Yangyi cursed in his heart. If it was normal, he would definitely catch up and kill her. However, at the moment when the woman shouted, at least ten magical powers had already hit her without considering the consumption of spiritual power.


He suddenly changed his mind and gritted his teeth. The opponent's spiritual energy was intertwined, and the tolerance rate had been reduced to the lowest. It was better to break one finger than to hurt ten fingers! Or... He would risk getting hurt and kill a few of them to shake off their courage. There was still a glimmer of chance for the dragon to be born. Or...

He touched the storage ring. The finger bones of Mofistofilus lay in it.

At any time, unless he had to risk his life, he would leave himself a way out.

Once a decision is made, it will not be changed. The infinite truth was fully operated, and the armor was transformed into a double-winged form, facing the spiritual light ocean that had gathered into a sea tide in front of him. He squatted slightly, and a terrible shock wave exploded in the air. The void on the spot collapsed, and the man rushed up like an arrow.

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