
Chapter 1422: The Fattest Traveler (Part 2)

"Sir! Sir!" In a dark palace, a Jindan cultivator in full armor rushed to a closed door with sweat on his forehead: "Sir! Something big has happened!"

"Didn't this master say that I should be calm?" A slightly unhappy voice came from the room: "How can you be competent if you panic when encountering something? What's the matter?"

The Jindan cultivator didn't care to say anything at this moment, and bowed his hands and said in a deep voice: "Tianjian Villa, Vajra Road, 2,500 meters outside the Kugu Temple, more than 50 top saints besieged the Thunder Saint! Each of them has a spiritual power of at least 100 million! They have recognized Zhang the Butcher, the Five Demons of Lianyun Mountain, the Twelve Constellations and other top demon giants..."

Boom! ! Before he finished speaking, the door opened, and a figure flew out like a fire, angrily saying: "Such a big thing! Why don't you report it immediately! Cantian City is facing a catastrophe! Can we allow the internal consumption of the fighting power of the Venerable Saint level?!"

"Immediately notify the treasure keeper who is in charge of that place! At the same time, please mobilize the Song family law enforcement team! Inform Master Taixu! What are you still standing there for?! Go now! Immediately!"

Swish! Swish! The escape light was like a rainbow, and the voice was like a yellow bell: "All cultivators, follow this Venerable immediately!"

However, before he could finish speaking, another figure had already rushed up, hoarsely saying: "My Lord! Special military intelligence!"

"What is it?!" Yin Zun's eyebrows were aching, one thing after another, it was as if things had been arranged.

"Taichu has sent troops! They have passed the fourth defense chain! All the outer bases have been confirmed to be destroyed! The legion commander Tenggebal is suspected to have arrived, and..." He gritted his teeth and said, "Another Taichu with 10 billion spirits is missing!"

"Damn it!!" Yin Zun finally stopped and gritted his teeth and said, "The Tenglong Bell of the total war is expected to ring soon. You, immediately inform the six deacons of Qinglong Hall that this Saint has something important to do and arrive at the battlefield within an hour! Everyone else, follow this Lord immediately!"

The war is imminent, and Taichu can no longer hold back. Cantian City is still consuming internal energy?


Outside the three sects, countless ice crystals, strong walls, sand, vines... form a sphere of several thousand meters here, which are intertwined with each other, and runes wander on it, unbreakable.

This is a barrier formed by the sand field, ice field, gold field, jade field... and so on. Although there is no prohibition in series, it cannot be broken in a short time. After all, any of the saints is a giant.

In the barrier, Xu Yangyi's figure was as fast as lightning and pointed directly at the female cultivator with half of her face. The other party took a breath of cold air. The huge pressure brought by 270 million was overwhelming when it was only directed at herself. She gritted her teeth fiercely, and blood mist burst out from her body again. Her figure flashed in several directions in an instant, leaving a shadow in the sky. This time, even Xu Yangyi couldn't catch up.

"Heh..." The female cultivator appeared a thousand meters away, covered in blood. The other shadows of her figure in the air slowly disappeared. Her breath was weak, and her eyes were full of resentment.

In this battle, someone must be eliminated. How terrible is it for a cultivator with 270 million to counterattack? Ben Lei was eliminated without any problem, but... there would be some other people with bad luck accompanying him.

Now, she is one of the others. The secret technique of blood escape has rapidly reduced her strength. She can't recover in a short time. Her chance of getting the virtual crystal fragment is extremely slim.

"I want you to pay with your life!" She looked behind her with a grim look. There, Xu Yangyi, who had not chased her, had been engulfed by endless spiritual light. As long as the other party chased one of them, the other cultivators would definitely help, which would ensure the possibility of killing the other party point to point. She just paid a huge price to escape, but in return, the other party was also hit by the interception magic.

Swish... She clasped her hands together, chanting something, and her whole body was full of spiritual energy. A vortex of hundreds of meters was stirred up around her, and it condensed into a floating green lotus above her head. With a wave of her white hand, the green lotus bloomed with a hundred feet of precious light, and flew towards the tide of spiritual energy that engulfed Xu Yangyi like a mountain pressing down on her head.

At the same time, he gnashed his teeth and shouted angrily: "The law enforcement monks will be here soon! Are you still keeping your treasures in the bottom of the box?!"

"If he doesn't die, we will never have peace in the world of great strife! Never hope!"

As soon as the voice fell, the twelve zodiac beasts opened their mouths and spit out a round pill, red, covered with silver talismans, and thunder roamed. Then the void flickered, just a flash, with the sound of wind and thunder, stirring the thousand-meter silver snake, and thunder angrily blasted towards the center of the explosion.

"Damn..." Butcher Zhang gritted his teeth fiercely, took a deep breath, his abdomen bulged one meter high, opened his mouth and spit out a piece of spiritual light, like a meteorite's eight trigrams plate evolving the heavens, carrying a sky full of star power, rushing away like a meteor falling to the ground.

"Little thief, die!" On the other side, as the three elders of Jiuhua shouted together, a spiritual light blue dragon soared into the sky, one split into two, two split into three, and in a moment turned into nine flame blue dragons, the blue dragon turned over the sea, the true fire refined the saint, and instantly surrounded Xu Yangyi.

The sky was bright, no matter how much it was sealed, the terrifying spiritual power of more than fifty saints at the same time was also felt by Cantian City. The colorful treasure light formed a sky-high light column, roaring and tearing everything apart, and it was clearly visible even thousands of miles away.

"Who dares to be presumptuous in Cantian City!?" Suddenly, the voices of dozens of saints sounded from all directions of Cantian City at the same time. Thirty saints stepped out of the void with cold faces. Behind them, stars fell like rain, and thousands of law enforcement teams jumped into the void with white light.

As a golden light rose to the sky, a middle-aged man with four swords and sun emblems on his chest, wearing a luxurious robe, and with spiritual power between the saint and the great void, appeared majestically in the starry sky.

Song family, treasure master.

"Surround them!" He said expressionlessly: "White Tiger Hall, break the formation immediately! In one hour, the Tenglong bell will ring, and Taichu will pass the second line of defense. If it can't be over in one hour... Master Taixu will give them an unforgettable memory."

Inside the barrier, as all the magic weapons of the cultivators burst out at the same time, endless magic weapons and magical powers slapped Xu Yangyi frantically, like a tsunami hitting the reef. The rocks pierced the clouds, and the waves hit the shore. With no way to avoid it, his whole body of spiritual energy burst out, his black hair and crow wings flew, and the blue-black spiritual light rushed into the sky.

The black reef actually overwhelmed the colorful tsunami in an instant, but was immediately suppressed by the overwhelming magical powers. As the heaven and earth swayed, the magical powers that swarmed from all directions actually formed a brilliant sun!

Where the sun shines is the kingdom of light. The speed of light is so fast that it reaches the body in an instant. At the same time, Xu Yangyi's hair stood on end as if he were electrified. A huge sense of crisis came over him, and he actually felt a rare life-and-death crisis.

He had quietly grasped the bones of his fingers.

The divine power was like a prison, and the Wanfa Refining Yang Saint, the eyes of the top saints of the seven realms had already shown a touch of scarlet for victory. Then, dozens of hands suddenly closed. With a loud shout, accompanied by a loud noise that shook the earth, a circle of gorgeous shock waves exploded!

Time seemed to stand still for a second, and in the blink of an eye, the mushroom clouds of mountains and peaks overturned the entire space! The visible shock wave stirred the barriers in all directions and hummed endlessly, and everyone's face showed ecstasy.

This heart disease should finally disappear.

In the light, Xu Yangyi first felt the terrifying pressure that was about to tear his body apart. The spiritual defense instantly turned into ashes. His pupils shrank slightly, and he chose between returning to Tiragangdis and transforming into Taixu in his heart. But in another second, his consciousness immediately began to sense the call of the King of Deception.

However, at this moment, he suddenly stopped the spread of his consciousness and looked at his body in astonishment.

The body... is becoming empty?

As if sensing a fatal crisis, after the spiritual shield was annihilated, his figure became empty like the virtual spirit body. He was stunned. This is not right. Didn't the virtual spirit body turn into an ant and fly away? And... I didn't mobilize it at all! No... I can't even feel what this is!

His pupils shrank suddenly, and at the same time as his body became empty, the defensive spiritual power disappeared by itself!

"Damn it!" He shouted angrily, and his body immediately curled up. The magnificent magical power blocked by the protective spiritual energy disappeared, and the next second, endless light came to him!

A violent explosion resounded in his ears, but in just a second, he opened his eyes in shock.

Not accepting...

The body does not accept!

Now he seems to have a shadow across the void, destroying the world in all directions. The endless void explodes, but it can't hurt the nothingness of himself at all. He is like entering between the virtual and the real, and does not accept any physical and energy attacks!

"What's going on?" He seemed to be looking at everything around him from a God's perspective, and moved his eyes to look at Dantian in shock: "Invulnerable to all methods? Indestructible?"

The eight wastelands and six directions are like an explosion of destruction, but it can't hurt at all. He quickly swept his eyes over his body and pondered: "The virtual spirit immortal body used to ignore the actual damage, but how many cultivators can use actual damage? I used to think that I could be exempted from magic weapons, but it's not the magic weapons themselves that hurt people, but the spiritual energy."

"The function is not powerful, but now... It is to activate a state of nothingness that is invulnerable to all methods... No, it's like being isolated from this world and entering another space..."

At this moment, his eyes were suddenly filled with green light, and the green retina appeared automatically. Cruising quickly among the crowd, he was stunned, and then... he actually saw a strange red dot!

It was very small, estimated to be only tens of millions of spirits. However... the other party's spiritual energy fluctuations were extremely huge! At the smallest, it was about 10 million spirits, and at the largest... it actually reached billions!

"This is..." He took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Taichu!"

"A new species... just like the previous wormhole Taichu, it was impossible to sense it before it appeared. Now that it can be caught..." He clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes: "Is it because of this form? Has it entered the void and the real like the other party?"

Before he could finish thinking, his consciousness suddenly rose, like a soul flying to Cantian City. The huge city was getting smaller and smaller under his feet, and the Taichu that kept expanding and shrinking on the retina was increasing! At a glance, there were no less than thirty!

A wormhole Taichu has entered Cantian City!

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