
Chapter 1423: The Fattest Traveler (Part 3)

He didn't care about the survival of Towering City, but... his body was about to be destroyed soon, and he didn't want the situation to get worse.

His eyes were like knives, scanning the scene coldly. This new species was too difficult to find. Even the retina could only detect it, but could not accurately locate it.

But one thing is certain.

There is a wormhole Taichu, right around him.

The spiritual light roared, the magical power exploded, and in the bright wave of light, he suddenly smiled.

Very peaceful.

It was so calm that it was so chilling, and there was boundless bloodthirst in the chilling, as if the devil had risen from hell.

"I don't care what kind of immortal body it is, but..." His eyes swept over the shocking explosions around him, and the sound was like ice: "There is a game, I think they will like it."

"This game is called 'Survival.'"

Outside the explosion, spiritual light leaked to the ground, supernatural powers flew into the sky, lamps, swords, axes, knives... each of the jealous spiritual treasures outside turned into phantoms and sat in the void, and dozens of top saints from the seven realms quickly formed seals. , patches of brilliance, visions swallowing up the sun and rising into the night, killing stars and covering up the moon, no one dares to relax at all.

The violent explosion was deafening, and it took more than ten minutes before this crazy and reckless explosion finally stopped.

"Ha..." The third elder of Jiuhua was sweating profusely. He gasped and put down his hands. His hands were shaking like wind, but there was excitement on his face. He stared at the gradually dispersing wave of spiritual light and breathed hoarsely: "With such intensive bombing, even if you don't die, you'll be just depends on who can take the big head, haha..."

The terrifying spiritual energy storm even formed a huge fog. At this moment, the fog was looming, and only rapid breathing and violent spiritual power remained in the space. The eyes of dozens of monks turned slightly red, and 250 million spiritual monks died in their own hands... The pleasure of slaughtering a peerless genius gave them twisted satisfaction.

"It's also a sarcasm." The half-faced woman hated Xu Yangyi so much that her consciousness swept away, and the spiritual energy completely changed this area of ​​the sky, and she couldn't feel anything. She snorted and flew over first.

How could she swallow the resentment in her heart without seeing the monk who had cut off her path to queen die?

"Half an hour ago, we showed off our mighty power on the towering city tower, and in the blink of an eye, we were advantaged. The mantis stalked the cicada, who knew the oriole was there..."

Before she finished speaking, her figure stopped abruptly.

"What's going on? How is it?" The Five Demons of Lianyun Mountain panted like bellows on their chests. The feeling of having all their spiritual power vented was definitely not pleasant, but... it was worth it.

Now they were eager to hear a positive answer, and were very dissatisfied with the half-faced female cultivator's sudden stop.

However, there was no answer.

The entire space was as quiet as death. Three seconds later, a strange and subtle sound of "Dedede" sounded from deep in the clouds and mist. Everyone's eyes intertwined with each other, and their eyes were blank.

What is this sound?

"Pretend to be a ghost!" Zhang Tufu snorted coldly and took a deep breath. Suddenly, the white mist was swallowed up like rivers flowing into the sea. As the clouds and mist became less and less, the scene inside became clearer and clearer. Soon, they saw a hazy figure.

"Why doesn't Fairy speak?" One of the Five Demons of Lianyun Mountain frowned and took a step forward: "What? Ben Lei has no bones left?"

However, there was still no sound.

Everyone finally felt that something was wrong. Butcher Zhang's eyes flashed, and he took a deep breath, finally able to see a little bit clearly. However, just this glance made him gasp, and his lips became dry and he retreated a thousand meters, while others The monks also exclaimed and immediately scattered in all directions, looking at the center of the explosion as if they had seen a ghost.

"How... is it possible?!" The wooden-faced Taoist nun sat on the crane in shock, covered in cold sweat: "How could this be? This... this is not realistic at all!"

"How did he do it?" Twelve Stars, Four Spirit Heads opened their mouths slightly, looked at the center in shock, and felt that their minds went blank.

Right there, the half-faced female cultivator was kneeling on the ground. Her plump body seemed to shrink countless times, and she fell to the ground. The sound was clearly caused by the uncontrollable trembling of her upper and lower teeth due to great fear.

Just above the head of the female cultivator, there is a hand.

An ordinary hand.

A man's hand.

His broad knuckles and long fingers were gently grasping the opponent's head.

He has a handsome and wild face, dressed in black robes, even the clothes are not broken in half, his hair is straight and neat, and his expression is indifferent with murderous intent that can make people's blood freeze. He looked around coldly and suddenly said: "Isn't it surprising?"

Thunder! !

"'re not dead?!" Jiuhua Sanlao was stunned for two seconds before screaming at the top of his lungs.

Can not accept.

Obviously they saw it, their eyes told them it was true, but their minds couldn't accept it at all!

More than fifty top saints... the other party was not even injured, let alone dead! No... not even the corners of my clothes are messed up!

"Spare, spare, spare, spare my life..." At this moment, the female cultivator, lying on the ground like a dog, with her vest soaked through, raised her head in despair: "It is not easy for me to practice cultivation... I, Fairy Yin and Yang, make a great oath of Taoism! From today onwards, I will treat my Taoist friends as my top priority! I can be my slave and my maidservant in everything I do!”


Before she finished speaking, Xu Yangyi crushed her head without changing his expression.

Blood dripped from his fingers, and he didn't even look at the opponent's head that exploded like a watermelon. His eyes seemed to penetrate people's hearts. He glanced at them one by one. Unfortunately, he couldn't tell who Taichu was from the surface.

But that's okay.

Wouldn't it be better to kill them all?

Dead silence.

The other monks had no idea what he was thinking and could only feel chills running through their bodies. The three elders of Jiuhua opened their mouths in astonishment, looking at the scornful figure in the center of the clouds. Butcher Zhang could fit an egg into his mouth, and the corners of his eyes were trembling. They stepped back unconsciously and breathed softly. This dead silence was so heavy that they smelled the madness of blood and the violence of murderous intent.

In the crowd, where no one could see, a pair of eyes quietly narrowed. The people around him didn't notice that under the skinny figure's loose clothes, the skin of his body seemed to be covered with bugs, squirming crazily.

Blood dripped from Xu Yangyi's fingers, and he finally turned around with his hands full of blood. His black hair was fluttering, his clothes were flying, and the spiritual energy full of killing slowly rose.

Rumble... The void was shaking under the pressure of 270 million spirits. He took a deep breath, and the spiritual energy exploded! In the black light, the colonized armor has simultaneously transformed into its full attack form. His hands became two swords, and his body was covered in light armor. The demon spread its wings and glanced at the nearest lame Yin Lord with an imperceptible gaze. His figure suddenly disappeared.


Needless to say, whether it is Taichu hiding in the crowd or those who dare to do something to him, if he doesn't kill him today, everything will be turned upside down, and if he doesn't kill him like a river of blood, the Seven Realms will not be able to remember his name!

The strong do not need to be admired.

He just needs to be in awe.

At the moment when his spiritual energy exploded and his body disappeared and he walked into the void, all the saints screamed in surprise and moved crazily towards the center, their shocked screams resounding through the barrier.

"No!" "Where is he?!" "I can't feel it at all in my field! He disappeared from the void?" "What kind of magical power is this?" "Be careful! This guy can't be defeated alone!"

The lame Yin Zun didn't scream. Just when Xu Yangyi disappeared, his hair and beard were in full bloom. He had cultivated to the point of being a saint and already had a premonition of the huge threat. At the same time, he felt a majestic murderous intent locking onto him.

Unable to resist...

Completely irresistible!

If they don't unite, no one can be the opponent of Ben Lei. He shouted loudly, clapped his hands, and the gourd on his back spurted out green light. He actually took his body inside and shouted at the same time: "Fellow Taoists, help me." I!"


No one helped him.

Impromptu ideas, the complexity of human nature. The moment was revealing.

The twelve stars huddled together, their whole bodies bursting with spiritual light. The three elders of Jiuhua stood back to back with solemn expressions. The other monks hugged each other, and the single monks who were far away began to lean towards the edge. Any temporary team formed, at this time, there was only one thought. thing.

That's how to keep yourself safe.

And dead Taoist friends are not dead but poor Taoists.

Before they could react, the void where the lame Yin Lord was suddenly exploded.

It was a no-holds-barred punch.

A terrifying shock wave swept across the space, blowing the clothes of other saints and flying. They gritted their teeth, and their hearts trembled with the punch, watching the full power of the first saint.

So strong...

One on one, the saint is invincible!

Boom! The golden gourd was immediately covered with layers of cracks. The monks from all directions clenched and unclenched their fists, unclenched and clenched their fists, but no one rushed over. Instead, they became even more concentrated, looking at the scene with cold sweat on their heads, as if this was the case. Can find each other's safety.

Fear and selfishness constrain their steps.

Boom boom boom! The fists rained down like rain. Although the human form could not be seen, one could see the sky blooming with brilliance in the void. The desperate screams of the lame Yin Lord echoed in the void. In the flash of treasure light, several magic weapons soared into the sky. However, as soon as they flew out, they immediately The spiritual light was dimmed by the terrifying spiritual power.

Punch after punch, without stopping, collapsed the void. The blows made their hearts tremble, and the void was sunk. After dozens of seconds of screams, the golden gourd convulsed under everyone's gaze. It shattered suddenly, revealing the shivering lame Yin Zun inside.

The other party's face was full of fear, his face was distorted, despair and terror filled his features. At the moment when the gourd burst, he seemed to have lost all his strength, fell to his knees in the void with a plop, and shouted hoarsely under the huge fear: "Fellow Taoist" ...Spare your life...Spare your life!"

"I am the supreme elder of the Pure Sect! As long as my Taoist friends spare you this time, I will repay you in the future with a ring of grass and a ring of grass from the Pure Sect! If you violate this oath, God..."

Before he finished speaking, sonic booms rang out one after another in the void, and thunder crashed to the ground!

boom! The opponent's spiritual energy was like paper under the majestic pressure. A shock wave visible to the naked eye turned into golden ripples and spread across the void, and a flower of blood bloomed in an instant.

"No!!!" screamed, and a white light flashed from the Heavenly Spirit Cap of the Supreme Elder of Qingjing Sect, turning into a one-inch little man, his soul, with red eyes, holding a storage ring, just with a flash. He disappeared where he was, not daring to stay at all.

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