
Chapter 1424: The Fattest Passenger (IV)

"It's not you..." Xu Yangyi's cold voice sounded in the void, and all the saints trembled, awakening from this emotionless killing scene, and shouted in fear to the void, "What are you going to do!!" "Ben Lei! The battle of Cantian City is just around the corner, do you dare to risk the world's disapproval?!" "If you dare to move so many forces, there will be no place for you in the Seven Realms no matter how big it is!" "Think twice, fellow Daoist! If we tolerate, we will both benefit, but if we fight, we will both lose!"

The height of the voice is often used to hide the feelings in the heart.

For example, fear.

In response to them, the void seemed to fluctuate, and several monks who were closer and had not had time to approach the large group shouted together, and an invisible murderous intent instantly locked them. Under the crisis of life and death, all the treasures on the body burst out without cost, surrounded by them, and immediately exploded.

Rumble... The violent explosion sounded through the sky, and the power of the saint's magic weapon was so amazing, and the spiritual light filled the sky. However, in their horrified eyes, one of the monks already felt something pinching his head. Those magnificent spiritual energies could not touch the other party at all!


Bang! Before he finished speaking, his head cracked like a watermelon. In the blood, a soul screamed like crazy and flew away. The monk next to him took a breath of cold air, and his body burst into blood mist. He flew a thousand meters away, no longer caring whether he could snatch the virtual crystal.


"It's not you either." The emotionless voice sounded like the judgment of the god of death again. In the crowd, a figure's chest rose and fell rapidly, and quietly approached the group of monks.

The next second, the sound of sonic booms sounded in the air, and the sound was dense, like thunder rolling over. The expressions on the faces of several people around him suddenly became ashen. With all the spiritual energy in operation, they screamed heartbreakingly: "Everyone help me!!" "If you save this venerable once, this venerable will definitely reward you generously!"

Boom! ! Before he finished speaking, three screams were heard, and three waves of spiritual power exploded in the air, turning into dazzling ripples.


“Hurry up!” Outside the barrier, the law enforcement team was sweating, and the faces of the saints present were livid. This happened in Cangtian City... Do they still take Cangtian City seriously?

And the most important thing is Ben Lei.

Two hundred and fifty million... This can already be called the seed of the Great Saint. Among the several young masters and several great monks who have emerged in the past thousand years, this is the one who is most likely to be promoted to Dubu! Even in history, there has never been such a high one!

If there is no Dubu, the destruction of the Seven Realms is just around the corner!

This is also one of the real reasons why the Unaging Great Saint is willing to give the other party a face.

At this moment, there was a bang, as if something huge hit the barrier, and the whole space was buzzing. The face of the leading Yin Zun suddenly changed, and he gritted his teeth fiercely.

More than fifty top-level saints with spiritual power of more than 100 million, if we really count their strength, all of them are in the top 50, besieging the super saint of 250 million. No matter how super, the opponent would not be able to kill him eight times!

However, this barrier is evolving with so many saints at the same time, and it can't be opened in the midst of anxiety!

This loud noise made his heart tremble.

An ominous premonition arose in his heart. Could it be that Ben Lei really encountered an accident?

They didn't know at all that it was the loud noise of three Yin Lords being hit on the barrier, and one of them was directly shattered.

Inside the barrier, the flying figures of the three Yin Lords were interrupted at the same time, and they screamed and vomited blood and exploded. Under the infinite truth of Jeet Kune Do, the opponent's magical powers could not be used one-on-one. The backlash of the interrupted secret technique and the huge spiritual power shock made the light of their protective magic weapons explode, and then return to dim. They were hit hundreds of meters like rags and hit the barrier with a loud bang.

Break three saints with one punch!

However, this feast of killing was just the beginning. Now there was a tiger roaming outside the wolf pack, ready to drag one away at any time. They didn't even dare to let anyone greet the lone wolf that was running in terror outside.

A Yin Zun rushed towards the main force like crazy. At this moment, a stream of light flashed in the void. No one saw where it came from or where it landed. A sonic boom was like thunder, mixed with terrifying spiritual power fluctuations. In the loud bang, the Yin Zun let out a heart-wrenching scream. This time, his soul didn't have time to escape and was beaten into a pulp in mid-air. The bloody corpse fell to the ground like mud in the eyes of everyone, blooming dazzling blood flowers.

There were at least a dozen monks on the periphery... and now, they became food for the tigers and fell into the Avici Hell in despair.


Time seemed to slow down. More than ten spiritual lights flashed in the white mist, rushing towards the large group like crazy, but no one ran away. There were traces of Xu Yangyi's afterimages in the void. The death god was coming, unstoppable!

When he was pouring out his spiritual power crazily just now, he didn't think of this consequence at all. A Yin Zun was only a thousand meters away from the large group. The strong despair in his eyes had turned into vitality. He shouted desperately: "Everyone! Save me..."

Before he finished speaking, the shadow of the death god broke through the sky, the cold light passed through the gap, the moonlight shone, and his head had already soared into the sky, staining the sky with blood. His eyes were still fixed on the front, still with the desire to live.

One sword, one punch, one person.

"Not you." Xu Yangyi's voice sounded faintly, as fast as lightning, as fast as a storm, and his movements were concise and skillful, harvesting without emotion. The facial muscles of all the cultivators in the large group were trembling uncoordinatedly, and a layer of cold sweat on their bodies.

Can't see...

There is no trace of a move at all!

Only countless afterimages could be seen in the air. As the fist light faded, the splendor of the red spider lily arrived in the space with the announcement of death. Some people were unwilling to fight back, and some people blew themselves up. However, they despairingly found that... except for self-destruction, the opponent was not affected by any magical power!

"Who is he... looking for?!" Mechanical movements, precise attacks, and emotionless words, combined together to form a majestic mountain, completely crushing the nerves of these saints. A saint turned his head and shouted at the crowd: "Who is he looking for? Go out and die! Don't drag us down! Damn it!!"

"Don't dream!" The four spirit heads of the twelve constellations snorted coldly, with horror in their eyes, and gritted their teeth and said: "Do you think he will let others live?!"

"Tell you, the person who attacked him today, no matter what he was looking for, he didn't intend to leave a survivor!"

As if to confirm his words, with a series of loud noises, dark night meteors, daytime broken blades, the scythe of the god of death had no mercy, and in just ten minutes, eleven red spider lilies bloomed in the sky. The brilliant light shone with fear in everyone's heart.

Kill one person every ten steps, and leave no trace in a thousand miles!

"Open the restriction..." The five demons of Lianyun Mountain finally woke up from this shocking scene, gritting their teeth and raising their voices: "Open the restriction! If you don't withdraw the domain, you will all die here!!"

Everyone trembled, the twelve constellations had already recovered their human form, and the four spirit leaders didn't dare to think too much, and shouted angrily: "Go!!"

In an instant, twelve rays of light rushed into the sky and rushed straight to the edge of the restriction. Then, as the escape lights rose into the air with terrified shouts, the saints who were usually high above, and the giants of the magic who had been wanted for a hundred years rushed to the edge of the barrier with all their strength.

The barrier that imprisoned the opponent has now become their own prison. Screams kept coming from behind, and each one was a torture of their souls. Pieces of domains turned into spiritual light and returned to their bodies, but they kept complaining why they were so solid before.

Killing is frightening.

Everyone knows that they can still fight if they gather together, as long as they figure out how to hurt the other side. And the other side can't break their joint defense.

But, they can't do it.

They also know that if they can't kill Xu Yangyi in this battle, they will have a problem surviving in the next great struggle, not to mention becoming the queen.

But, they can't do it.

After all, it was a temporary idea. The attack and defense may be seamless because of their experience, but there is a huge difference in morale.

The collapse of one person is the beginning of the collapse of all.

"Damn it..." The five demons of Lianyun Mountain looked at Xu Yangyi deeply, gritted their teeth and stepped on the magic weapon to escape quickly. Facing the tiger, they just need to run faster than their teammates.

Right next to them, the three elders of Jiuhua stepped on the three magic weapons of bells and drums, their faces were ashen, no slower than them, and the posture of immortals was gone. A little further away, the wooden-faced Taoist nun turned into a sky full of black light and fled. And almost at the same time, the terrifying power behind them broke out!

"Want to run?" Xu Yangyi was already covered in blood, feeling great... It had been a long time since he had killed so many people. Killing ants did not interest him, only killing such a saint could make him clearly feel his own strength.

It turned out that... I always saw a higher level, and when I looked down, I found that I had reached such a strong level...

"Leave them all to me!!" The blood-stimulated bloodiness beat in his meridians. He waved his hands, and the Soul Hunting Cover Devouring Talisman roared out, instantly engulfing the last few Yin Lords!

There was not even a scream, and the Yuanshen did not escape. If it were normal, they could still resist a little, but at this moment, their morale hit the bottom, their spiritual power was exhausted, and they had no resistance at all.

Not enough...

Xu Yangyi licked his lips. This time he really let go and killed them. He attacked himself, but he didn't get rid of the roots, and he left the other party to retaliate in the future?

Kakaka... He opened his arms, and the armor sensed that his mind was gathering quickly. His hands turned into three-meter-tall spears with tangled bones with a loud bang, and his body expanded rapidly. Just a few seconds later, a five-meter-tall killing machine armed to the teeth appeared behind him.


The iron hooves moved, crushing the void of ten thousand years. The silver saddle shone on the white horse, and it was as fast as a meteor. He led the way, and all the cultivators retreated.

A Yin Zun had just escaped the coverage of the soul hunter. He threw out several magic weapons in a cry. He didn't have time to feel the pain, and he immediately exploded with his hands. However, at this moment, a golden light flew from the sky and passed through his body at a speed faster than thunder. He was shocked and couldn't feel what it was. Then his body split into two halves and exploded in the air. With a scream, the soul broke out of the shell and rushed to the edge of the barrier frantically.

Another one gritted his teeth, and the wind and fire wheels under his feet were extremely fast, but the next second, a terrifying killing intent suddenly came over him. The spear behind him dragged the void, and the sharp sound of sparks rang out. His eyes showed a trace of despair. He opened his mouth and didn't have time to say anything. Before Xu Yangyi could kill him, his soul shed his shell and fled like crazy holding the storage ring.

The red spider lilies kept blooming, and dozens of souls whose bodies were destroyed screamed like cold stars in the rainy night. They didn't care about fear at all and fled desperately!

The defeat was like a mountain collapsing, and the god of death knocked at the door. Taking the head of the saint was as easy as taking something out of a bag, as if entering an empty place. He killed seven in and seven out of this group of top saints!

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