
Chapter 1425: Kill Tongtian

"No. Not you either. Neither."

Xu Yangyi's expression did not change at all. After dozens of minutes of slaughter, almost twenty saints had fallen from his hands, and more than a dozen souls rushed towards the barrier in fear, holding storage rings and magic weapons. Screaming and roaring, streaks of light from the realm penetrated the body of the monk next to the barrier, and the barrier was rapidly weakening.

His eyes slowly looked at the remaining people.

In the retina, that light spot is always hidden in the densest place of the crowd, and it still cannot be accurately located.

"Although you were afraid of death in the beginning?" He smiled softly, without deliberately covering it up. Everyone heard it, but under the huge pressure, they couldn't even think about what the other party meant. Only one monk in the crowd shrank his eyes again.

"It doesn't matter." Xu Yangyi, who had been killed into a bloody man, stepped into the center of the golden ocean hundreds of meters away, slowly raised his head, and then suddenly pressed: "Then... let's all die."

boom! ! The golden soul hunt skyrocketed again, the aura was overwhelming, and everything in its path was swallowed up. All the saints screamed, and hundreds of magic weapons flew out together. More than 20 of them were surrounded by phantoms, trying their best to resist. This boundless ocean tide.

Just when the two sides were about to hand over, a roar suddenly erupted from all directions, and the huge ball barrier was finally completely shattered at this moment!

"Explode!!" In the ecstasy in their hearts, all the saints shouted loudly, and hundreds of magic weapons exploded instantly, forming a violent shock wave between Xu Yangyi and them, and then retreated crazily backwards.

"Ah..." Outside the barrier, several saints finally let out a long sigh of relief.

Just now, they had felt that the barrier was rapidly weakening, and at the same time, they were extremely anxious.

It has ended?

Ben Lei... and other top saints must not let anything happen to them. Towering City cannot withstand the trouble.

Suddenly, with a bang, all the restrictions disappeared at the same time. A piece of spiritual energy that had been suppressed for a long time was wrapped in spiritual mist and spurted out like a tide. All the saints outside immediately felt the frantic and violent spiritual energy inside. Several saints gritted their teeth and stepped forward, shouting angrily: "Stop! If you dare to take action in Shentian City, take it. Lord Taixu’s will! Where are you fellow Taoist Ben Lei? You are so brave!”

At this moment, with a meaningless but soul-crushing scream, more than twenty cold stars appeared. Before they could react, more than twenty souls looked horrified, as if they had finally broken out of this bloody nightmare. They did not dare to stay at all and disappeared into the void in an instant.

The scene fell silent for a moment.

The horrified shouts inside are getting louder and louder, and more people are approaching here quickly, but now they can't think of anything else. My mind went blank due to the scene just now.

"That's... the soul?" A sage, with dull eyes, murmured in a daze. I don’t know who I’m asking, but someone next to me answers strangely, with an equally lost voice: “Yes…it’s Yuanshen…”

A simple conversation can turn your heart upside down. A series of glazed eyes looked into the sea of ​​fog, their lips moved, but no one could speak. Even the palm treasurer stood there in astonishment, looking at the mist of the spirit mist in disbelief.

If the physical body is not destroyed, or encounters an entity that is difficult to resist, the soul will never be able to leave the body...

Could it be that... after Ben Lei's death, they coveted each other's treasures and fought with each other?

All the saints looked at each other, with a touch of deep regret in their eyes, but except for

Given this answer, they couldn't think of anything else.

Suddenly, the saints' eyes froze at the same time, and they all looked at Lingwu. In the splendid and deep spiritual mist, more than a dozen cold stars appeared, and then with a bang, a total of twenty-three saints, with thick spiritual mist hanging on their bodies, lowered their bodies on the spiritual treasure, with a look of shock. Phew, try your best to escape into the sky.

It was like following a man-eating prehistoric beast. There were so many monks in front of him, but they couldn't touch each other at all. All the saints at the scene gasped and boiled instantly!

"The three elders of Jiuhua? The five demons of Lianyun Mountain? Mugu? The old ghost who doesn't cover up?!"

"How could this happen?" A Yin Lord looked at the spiritual mist in shock: "What happened inside?! They are all 120 to 30 million saints. If they were not wanted criminals, their strength would already be among the top five! What makes them so scared? Are there... a group of prehistoric beasts inside that can allow so many saints to escape without a fight? "

The twelve rays of escaping light took the lead, obviously using secret techniques, and they were so fast that they even left a shadow in front of their eyes. In a moment, twelve phantoms wearing animal masks rushed out of the spirit mist, also without saying a word, their chests rose and fell sharply, they looked back a few times, and a hoarse "Let's go!" sounded, with an incomparable tone. He was so frightened that he ignored the tens of thousands of monks present and flew away into the sky.

A Yin Lord's eyes moved: "Twelve zodiac signs? Are all of them dispatched?"

He also turned into a ray of light and rushed into the sky, saying in a cold voice: "The Towering City White Tiger Hall is here, after all..."

"Go away!!" Before he could finish speaking, the eyes of the leader of the Four Spirits were red. What he longed for most now was a road to the sky. Anything blocking the road was more terrifying than the God of Death. Before the monk could react, twelve rays of light were directed at the vital points of his body. The palm treasurer's eyes flashed, and a golden lock from his sleeve immediately flew out, saving the opponent dangerously and dangerously.


I never want to stay in the same plane as this monster again! Go...go as far as possible!

Just as they rushed out, the other saints gritted their teeth and soared into the sky in exclaim. They had never thought that the starry sky was so beautiful. However, the next second, there was a sneer: "Want to leave?"

Loud bang! The long golden river swallowed up the sky and the earth, spreading thousands of meters in an instant! Swallow all the monks inside!

"Stop!!" The palm wielder took a deep breath, stepped into the void, spanned thousands of meters, and spat out a small golden bell from his mouth. Just as it appeared, a vast spiritual power spread across the void.

Virtual phase treasure.

"Fellow Taoist, help me!!" The various protective magic weapons of the saints that were drowned by the soul hunter burst out, struggling to resist the erosion of the devouring talismans. Seeing the appearance of the golden bell, a monk was overjoyed and tried his best to use up all his strength to shout hoarsely. : "I am Zen Master Xiaoleiyin Tianyun! As long as fellow Taoists help you get out of trouble, you will be rewarded in the future!!"

If a glimmer of light was seen in the darkness, all the saints who were trying their best to resist the engulfment shouted, "Ben Lei is inside! He wants to kill dozens of saints including us! More than 20 fellow Taoists have died at his hands!" Friend, help me! He is a devil...he is not a human being! I am willing to protect the Song family... Hurry!"

"Thunder?!" However, a shocking exclamation suddenly sounded, immediately suppressing their calls for help. Zhang Bao suddenly opened his eyes, but stopped at Xu Xiang Bao.

" is this possible...this is can it be done! I have never heard of it...this is not a dead fish...everyone's strength

The average is 120 million... This, is this still a saint? ! "

The saints of Towering City looked at each other in disbelief, as if they were looking for answers in the eyes of others.

Did I hear wrongly?

It means... they... more than fifty top saints, were beheaded by Ben Lei alone... more than twenty of them? Are there more than 20 people left who are still being hunted?

Before they could finish their thoughts, a stream of light rushed out with overwhelming murderous lightning. In just one round, a saint's head flew up into the air with a scream, and was cut open by the opponent's knife. The cold voice made people tremble in their hearts. : "Not you either."

Swish, brush, brush! Everyone looked over, and then all gasped.

There is a person in the void.

There is only one person.

It was a bloody man, with blood all over his body. Only his two eyes were red and white, and blood was still dripping down on his fingertips. The whole person carries an extremely fierce and evil aura.

As he appeared, the spiritual mist behind him dissipated. At the exposed place, the void was full of crawling cracks. It was extremely difficult to recover. There were bloody corpses scattered everywhere on the ground, all of which were in the realm of the Saint!

Moreover, they died in different ways. Some were broken into pieces, some were split into two, and more heads were missing. I couldn't imagine how tragic the battle just now was!

Picture scroll of hell.

"Dao Ancestor is on top..." Yin Zun in the front row felt his scalp explode. He bit his lip and took a few steps back unconsciously. The other person was simply a demon walking out of hell. This scene... was too scary...

At this moment, two rays of light flew over without hesitation, it was Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi.

"Are you okay?" Chu Zhaonan asked anxiously, but before the two of them got close, Xu Yangyi's voice rang through the sky: "Don't come here!!"

The only visible black eyes flashed across everyone present, saying word by word: "Stay where you are, no one moves. Da Chu, Zi Qi, protect yourself."

In the crowd, a figure lowered his head, his breathing became more and more rapid, and his body was trembling slightly.

Perhaps because his voice and appearance were too murderous, everyone paused, and the palmist narrowed his eyes, "Ben Lei?"

He took a step forward and was about to speak when a bloody hand was already pointed at him from a distance.

"do not move."

Xu Yangyi's still white eyes moved, looking at the other person like a ghost, and then slowly looked down, landing on the four swords piercing the sun emblem on his chest, and his voice was a little complicated: "The Palm Treasurer?"

The palm treasure makes the eyebrows beat wildly. Logically speaking, he can reach the true Taixu with all his strength. With the Xuxiang Bao in hand, he should not be afraid of monks below Taixu.

But he had to admit that at the moment when the opponent's bloody hand was aimed at him, he stopped in his tracks.

There is no thought in my mind yet, my instinct stops automatically.

Just now, following the opponent's target moving down, the line from his face to his chest was like flames passing by. He didn't believe that the opponent could defeat the Palmist, but this aura actually made him feel like he was being dissected.

Before he could speak, Xu Yangyi's hoarse voice sounded: "It's not you..."

"What are you looking for?" The palm treasurer narrowed his eyes: "Dozens of saints have died in your hands. This is a major event that has not happened in the seven realms for tens of thousands of years. Aren't you afraid... that the whole world is wanted?"

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