
Chapter 1426: Battle of Cantian City (I)

Xu Yangyi did not answer. He had already felt that the red dot in his retina was becoming more and more unstable, as if it would explode in the next second.

It felt the pressure...

The pressure from Xu Yangyi, the treasure master and the virtual treasure, the wolf in front and the tiger behind... He did not force it immediately, but his consciousness became more condensed and obscure, but he slowly said: "Someone wants to attack me, but unfortunately he is not strong enough."

Not strong enough?

Among the top fifty of the fifty saints, at least a dozen of them can be ranked in the top ten. You tell me that they are not strong enough?

Where did this monster come from? !

"So, this saint king cleaned it up. Do you mind?"

There was a collective inhalation around, and the saint in the front trembled slightly, forcing a smile: "Haha... No, I don't mind at all."

Kill Tongtian...

It's true... He really killed so many saints by himself! Killing the other party was terrified! There were more than fifty saints in total... Even if there were 270 million spirits, it would not be enough to die eight times! The result was beyond everyone's expectations!

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved from everyone at the scene little by little, and finally, his eyes were fixed on one person. And the other party seemed to have sensed something, and his eyes looked at him obscurely at the same time.

Swish... the red dot on his retina suddenly flashed.

It was him!

Xu Yangyi moved his eyes away calmly, and his voice did not change at all: "So, this Saint Lord fights back with a tooth, you don't mind, right?"

This time, no one spoke.

Fighting back with a tooth... This means killing dozens of saints! Thinking of it, the skin of the monks present was numb.

"Daoyou..." The palm treasure master's eyebrows jumped, and just as he was about to speak, at the same time, Xu Yangyi suddenly made a move! The fist pulled out a sonic boom, and rushed straight to a monk surrounded by soul hunters at a speed that was simply incomprehensible!

Quiet as a virgin, moving like a rabbit, calm in the last second, and swords and shadows in the next second. No one expected the sudden change, let alone the speed of his attack. Only the palm treasure master could see it clearly.

"Bold!" His heart skipped a beat, and he shouted angrily. A one-inch bell suddenly appeared. With a shock wave in the void, a circle of shock waves danced in the air. The void at the edge of the shock wave collapsed into neat square crystals and rushed straight towards Xu Yangyi.

However... it was useless!

With everyone dumbfounded, the virtual treasure rushed directly through Xu Yangyi's body. The other party's figure seemed to be isolated from the plane at this moment, entering an existence that they could not understand, just like hitting a water curtain.

The virtual treasure is ineffective?

What's going on?

However, there is no need to doubt it. In the next second, a sharp and completely inhuman scream rose to the sky, with despair in his heart. At the same time, countless attics near them burst into sky-high light, and countless talismans gathered in the air in an instant to form a vast river, completely covering this world.

"This is..." The treasure master was stunned, because this scene was too familiar, but he never thought it would appear inside Cantian City. Half a second later, he suddenly turned his head to look in the direction of the shouting, and trembled: "Tai... Chu!!"


It was a short monk, wearing a cloak all over his body, but at this moment his head was missing, and a huge hole was punched in his body, but he ran madly outside.

The short body burst into a completely mismatched scream, and the sound gathered into a sound wave visible to the naked eye, and it was clearly audible within a radius of

hundreds of thousands of meters! The more he ran, the bigger his body became! After running for five seconds, it had reached hundreds of meters!

"Meet the enemy!!" After half a second of astonishment from the seven realms monks around, the Saint and the Nascent Soul roared with their eyes wide open, and dozens of rays of light rushed into the sky. The well-trained White Tiger Hall and the law enforcement team below shouted together, and tens of thousands of magic weapons soared into the air, and the spiritual energy formed rows of giant shields, and the treasure light flashed behind.

However, the change was too sudden. The Taichu was extremely fast and rushed into the sky in an instant. Along with its roar, a circle of black holes was forming outside its body, about to tear apart this space!

The wind was howling, and the treasure master could no longer care to look at Xu Yangyi. He gritted his teeth and said, "This is not a self-destruction... This is... opening a space channel?!"

"New species?!"

The change was too fast and too violent. As the black hole opened, a vast and boundless spiritual energy suddenly erupted! The spiritual tablets in various places in the city moved slightly, and the next second, a series of red light rushed straight into the sky!

The whole city was on alert! Ten thousand sects were preparing for war!

In the hall of a branch of the Dan League, several Jindan monks were carefully selecting the elixir in front of them. Suddenly, they all raised their heads at the same time and looked outside the hall in disbelief.

"Buzz buzz buzz!" The red light filled the sky, and the light column rushed into the sky. In the horrified eyes of the crowd, the numbers rose rapidly, 100 million, 200 million... 500 million! 700 million! 1 billion!

"This is..." A female cultivator holding a box of pills was stunned for half a second, and then suddenly screamed: "Taichu enters the city?! One billion spirits?!"

Before the last word was finished, there was a crisp sound, and the cultivators who were just at the counter drew their swords and turned into several streams of light and rushed out of the hall.

In a restaurant, the cultivators who were exchanging information just now were all silent at this moment. The red light blooming from a stone tablet at the door was overwhelming, illuminating the surrounding thousands of meters into a dazzling red, as if hell had descended.

Dead silence.

A second later, with the sound of a continuous clanging magic weapon humming, hundreds of human figures turned into streams of light in the sky and rushed towards the sky with all their strength.

In the towering city, outside the three sects' garrison, piercing sirens resounded in the sky, huge black holes spread across the sky, the breath of death spurted out, red light pillars rose like swords, and the treasure lights coming from all directions covered the sky. Clouds cover the sun. The other ordinary monks were completely sluggish.

"Taichu?!" The trader stopped the transaction, and the walking monk looked at the starry sky absently. A few seconds later, an old man screamed in shock: "How is this possible! How could Taichu enter the inner city?!"

"It's really the beginning! This, this is a new species?! How did it appear! What happened here? A billion spirit alarm... How is this possible!!"

"What are you still doing?" A Jindan stared at the sky. When he lowered his head and shouted, his eyes were already red. He flashed his two swords and shouted: "Taichu enters the city and protects the way today! Fellow Taoists , time waits not for us!”

brush! As he tiptoed, it turned into a ray of golden light and rose into the sky. The crowd below gritted their teeth. Like stars shining, tens of thousands of rays of light formed a dazzling curtain. Visions are swaying in the sky, precious light penetrates the sky, white waves flow through the snow-capped mountains, and lightning flashes catch the purple golden snake. The whole world was shaken by this sudden burst of terrifying spiritual energy.

Ten thousand treasures come out of the sky and the earth, and the sword points between the clouds and the sea. The common hatred at this moment, the turmoil at this moment, become an epic picture of time intertwined.

"Death!!" Earth-shattering roars sounded from all directions at the same time. Ten thousand treasures intertwined, and the vision was swaying. Although the majesty of the sky could not hide it, among the intertwined figures, Taichu Wanbao, who was in the center of the black hole, joined in and burst out with a heart-rending cry.

Screaming, black light rushed out of the body, turning into a rain of blood in the sky.

At the same time, a space crack tens of thousands of meters long formed instantly, like a crack in hell opening, and an ominous aura swept across the sky. In the ugly cracks, countless blood-red eyes opened at the same time. Accompanied by pieces of creepy low roars, pitch black or bright red tentacles tentatively stretched out from around the cracks.

Outside the towering city, there is already a world of Taichu.

Boundless, densely packed void. Countless masters floated in the sky. Behind the dark tide, seven mountain-like figures were carried by countless Taichu. The ants moved quickly towards the towering city like the ants carrying the queen.

Just in front, all the runes of the Towering City lit up, and rows of monk chains like nebula belts formed wings to protect the main city. The entire Towering City was like a hedgehog ready to go, with barbs all over its body. If you dare to touch it, you will be riddled with punctures.

Suddenly, a huge figure paused slightly. They were shrouded in countless black mist. At this moment, a hundred-meter-high eye lit up in the black mist and blinked gently.

"A 'wedge' has been activated." His voice sounded solemn. Before he could finish speaking, a hole dozens of meters in size appeared in front of him. It was expanding rapidly, and the aura of the Seven Realms that erupted from inside became stronger and stronger. It seems like you can reach the Seven Realms by passing through here.

"Damn it!" Several gnashing teeth sounded, and countless tentacles stretched out from the black mist toward the vortex.

At the same time, another deafening "Kill!" sound erupted from the side of the space crack in the towering city. Immortal shadows flew in the void, and tens of thousands of brilliance shattered the sky. However, at this moment, red dots as dense as stars appeared in the crack. A huge eye suddenly lit up, and a powerful spiritual power burst out!

Tens of thousands of golden elixirs, foundations, and a few Nascent Souls were instantly rushed thousands of meters away by this spiritual energy. Like a huge mountain pressing down on the top and a sea of ​​evil rolling in waves, the dark spiritual energy instantly formed a thick black cloud, turning the huge eyeball into a night sun.

"Unbridled!!" The Palm Treasurer shouted angrily, and the Xu Xiang Bao bloomed with thousands of rays of brilliance. Xu Yangyi saw the Palm Treasure Taixu for the first time, and a towering shadow rose into the sky from the Xu Xiang Bao. It was a man in white, and then he rushed into the opponent's Tianling Cap like a silver waterfall hanging upside down. Boundless green lotuses bloomed in the sky, and fairy mist hung like a tide in the sky.

"Haha..." A sneer came out from the whirlpool of the black tide, shocking the void: "A hypocritical Taixu dares to make noise in front of me, the Heavenly Snake King..."

Before he finished speaking, the fairy mist suddenly parted, and a sword light was like a blue dragon coming out of the sea, cutting through Qing Ming. In the sword light, the phantom swordsman who just appeared suddenly appeared, sweeping the wind and clouds from all directions, and pierced the center of the void crack.

"Zizzizi... If you dare to touch this king's 'wedge,' then use your head as collateral!" The Heavenly Snake King roared, and countless black auras exploded in the cracks, each one like a poisonous snake. The surrounding sky exploded instantly. However, at the same time, a cold voice sounded in the void: "Step back, you are no match for it."

The moment the last word fell, a giant golden hand flew from the sky, like a giant sword that cut the sky, turned the palm into a knife, and slashed between the two of them.

The void exploded, air waves surged, and the void turned into ashes due to this blow. With a muffled groan, all the spiritual energy of the Heavenly Snake King broke instantly. It took a deep look at the sky and closed the crack without hesitation.

"It's Jundali!" Outside the Towering City, the huge body trembled slightly, looking at the Towering City with bloody eyes, grinding his teeth and said: "The wedge has been discovered... Then let us kill it openly and tell this person. Of all the planes, who is the master here!"

"Send the order, the whole army attacks! The troops are sent to tower over the city!"

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