
Chapter 1427: Battle of Cantian City (Part 2)

The wind seemed to be tense, and even his breath smelled hot.

The void also seems to be at war, and the empty and lonely universe is filled with the chill of war.

At this second, the world seemed to be silent. On the towering city tower, the pupils of all the hard-working monks suddenly widened. At the end of the sky, the black tide that had been silent for several months suddenly moved into action!

The scene seemed to be in slow motion. They saw the endless black clouds suddenly rising up from the plane of the galaxy, swallowing up the light and covering up the shadows. Just like crows filling the heaven and earth - that is the air force of Taichu, countless Yusheng Taichu. There are also countless eyeball-like monsters with bat wings and shrinking bodies. These living bombs are enough to swallow up any life below the golden elixir, and the explosion range of each one is about a hundred meters.

Countless Shield Taichu and Piercing Taichu on the ground screamed and roared, going crazy because of the killing intent that had been suppressed for months. The blood-red tongue dripped with fishy saliva, and countless bloodshot eyes formed a red sea of ​​stars, filling the dark night void.

"Dong dong dong!!" The bloodthirsty war drums sounded, and the Lord stretched out many tentacles in the sky, conveying the message quickly. One war drum after another, Taichu Man stood up, three hundred meters high, and his huge body like a hill beat his abdomen. , urging all the Taichu tides to advance. Just above their heads, and above Hanyu Taichu, the strange-looking host Taichu crawled out from its crack-like mouth. Countless parasites were spit out with crazy screams, forming the first piece of parasites to arrive. meteor shower.

"Kill them all!!!" The Nine-tailed Scorpion King raised his head and roared. Before he could finish his words, behind the deputy commander, a group of spores that looked like flower buds closed around Taichu's body. The "buds" bloomed with rays of brilliance, and with the "boom" With a sound, a thousand suns were sprayed into the sky, dragging their long tails of light and hitting the towering city with a breath of destruction.

Viewed from the void, the golden shell of the towering city is covered with talismans and ripples, like raindrops falling on the lake surface, exploding in the next second. When the smoke clears, the Nine-Nine Xuanhuang Formation will be even more brilliant if the stars don’t fall.

"Capture the Towering City, and I promise to slaughter the entire star field that is tens of thousands of miles around! Children, let them know who is the master of the Chain of Seven Realms!" "Capture the Towering City! I promise you the first spiritual wisdom!" " It has been blocking here for tens of thousands of years, and today is the day it falls! "Crush through it! Behind it is the world of flesh and blood!"

Rumble... The heart-rending roar of excitement resounded through the void, and the endless flood rushed out from under the seven huge figures like the floodgates of Taichu. Iron hooves trampled through the void, and murderous intent swept across the sky.

The monks in the city tower looked at all this blankly. They didn't know why they seemed to be able to see so many things in this second, as if their spiritual consciousness had expanded countless times. Then, they suddenly turned around and roared with all their strength: "Taichu Coming!"

"Woo..." On all the towers, hundreds of Chi-Ji upper body foundation-building monks carried out a huge thousand-meter-long horn, which was simple and desolate, densely covered with traces of time. A Nascent Soul took a deep breath, puffed up his chest, and blew with all his strength. Ripples visible to the naked eye cut through the void and resounded thousands of miles away.

Eighty-one hubs across the city raised identical horns at the same time, and instantly the uniform sound of the horns filled the air with thunder. A red light from the top of the Suzaku Tower rushed into the sky and turned into a huge talisman, visible throughout the city.

The sword is sharpened and the sharp blade is drawn out of the sheath.

Just when the talisman appeared, the seven broken planes behind the towering city bloomed with brilliance, dyeing the void into a colorful curtain. Seven huge and boundless Star Destroyer Motherships buzzed out from behind, surrounded by planet-like monks guarding them, and thousands of floating airships cruised beside them. With their appearance, nebulae and tsunamis of spiritual light gathered head on. Go up.

Within the Nine-Nine Xuanhuang Formation, pillars of light rose up into the night, making the golden light curtain even more dazzling. A shadow of the Immovable Ming King filled with stars slowly condensed, with thousands of hands and thousands of eyes. In each hand, there was a A ball of light shines like a pearl. Even the majestic planes are just like pearls floating in front of it. As the five hundred hands behind him were raised, with the towering city as the center, a row of light curtains suddenly rose up, like a long embankment in the starry sky, blocking all the offensive routes of the opposite Kuroshio.

There is only one.

It's a head-on battle!

There is no fear in the beginning, and there is no fear in the seven realms. In other words, there is no way to retreat.

"Great Xia Imperial Guards! Attack with me!!" Downstairs of Zhuque, they were waiting for help. From here on, thousands of huge phalanxes were spread out here. As a white-haired old man waved the golden dragon flag, downstairs of Zhuque, Thousands of flags were raised together, and the precious light penetrated the sky. The 300-meter gate of the first hall on the left suddenly opened, and countless black cavalry marched in unison, roaring into an ink-colored torrent, rushing up to the sky in an unstoppable manner.

All armors are made of divine crystals from the Blood Realm. They are crystal clear, like black gems, exuding a soul-stirring light.

The monster beasts under the crotch are all dragon scale colts, three meters tall, with dragon heads and horse bodies, covered with hard scales. If any of them collides head-on with the foundation-building monks, the other party will only vomit blood and fly back. They are worth more than a million spiritual jade. Although the monk on the horse was covered with iron armor, he was soaring into the sky with a bloody aura, and he was like a moving killing fortress.

"Class A force Tianlong Dao, follow this elder to fight against the enemy!" A middle-aged man raised the black dragon flag in his hand, the wind roared, tens of thousands of golden lotuses soared into the sky, blooming in the brilliance, and each monk stepped on the crane and waved lightly. step. Turned into a long black river.

"The Sun Swallowing Gate, the whole army attacks!!" "Luoyue Sect, defend the Sixiang Gate to the death!" "Bodhi Temple receives the imperial edict, the whole army opens the Liangyi Gate! People are in the city!"

A roar of exhaustion, accompanied by endless streams of light, huge floating boats with huge black shadows rose from all over the city, beating the war drums. There were also countless puppets and monsters as big as hills mixed in, the wind blew, the four seas were surging, the water was angry, the thousands of cultivators became rivers, and the five continents were shaken by wind and thunder.

The imperial edict like raindrops burst out from the top of the Suzaku Tower with golden light. At this moment, the Unaging Great Sage and all the Taixu were gathered here. The two sides faced each other, and the murderous sight made the void tremble.

Cantian City came alive, and the oppressive atmosphere was completely blown up. Countless logistics monks below were quickly delivering supplies. It was worthy of being a military city, the place where the Song family rose. The rivers of monks, like billions of streams, were well organized under the spiritual light ocean above. Xu Yangyi slowly retracted his gaze and looked at the stunned treasure master: "Are you free?"

Boom... There was a spiritual light shining from somewhere, and dark clouds filled the sky. The treasure master bit his lips and retracted his gaze. He took a deep breath and pointed at the space crack in the sky that had not yet dissipated: "What the hell is going on!"

"New species." Xu Yangyi said lightly: "In addition, I have to tell you that there are at least thirty similar space nodes in Cantian City."

"You still have the mood to ask me what's going on?"

Dead silence.

The treasure master's eyes twitched, and he gritted his teeth. The figure turned into a stream of light and soared into the sky. He didn't ask again. Dozens of red paper cranes flapped their wings from the other party's long sleeves and quickly sank into the void. In just two seconds, the figure disappeared from the sky.

Looking at his back as he left, Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes slightly under the colorful sky, looking at the orderly Cantian City in the chaos. The overwhelming spiritual light illuminated his face and changed.

His eyes swept over the surrounding houses inch by inch. How many people were waiting in the darkness that night?

How many people wanted to be like him, walking towards glory in the blood all over the ground that night?

"Zi Qi, Da Chu." He finally looked at the two people and said in a barely audible voice: "Return to the sect, don't leave at all."

The two did not agree immediately, but asked anxiously: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, you go! Take care of yourself!" Xu Yangyi cast a cleansing spell, and the handsome monk appeared again. He stared at the Suzaku Tower, concealed his spiritual energy, and turned into a black light and rushed forward.

There is the center of the entire Cantian City, with teleportation arrays leading to various places. No matter where the Venerable Kongxu fell in the city, he can get there at the fastest speed.

Just when he flew out two thousand meters, two extremely powerful divine consciousnesses suddenly enveloped him, and then two figures flew out from more than 20 floors of the Suzaku Tower and rushed straight to him.

Treasure Master!

"Fellow Daoist, please stay." On the left was a woman with a cold expression, holding a golden scroll in her hand. On the right was a tall and thin man with his hands in his sleeves. More than 200 million spiritual energy was released without hesitation. Although it was not aimed at Xu Yangyi, it covered a radius of several thousand meters.

Rumble... The ground shook slightly, Xu Yangyi's expression flickered, and he raised his head calmly in the shadows: "What's the matter?"

"The war has begun, where do you want to go, fellow Daoist?" The tall and thin man's face was like wood, and his voice was mechanical: "As a great fighting force, you left without saying goodbye. Could it be that fellow Daoist has someone in your heart?"

Xu Yangyi said lightly: "This Saint Lord has not received any notification, so I am asking for your advice."

"Okay." The woman on the left flicked lightly, and the scroll burst into a thousand-foot-long brilliance and unfolded in the air. She said in a deep voice: "Say: Saint Lord Benlei, go to the 37th floor of the Vermillion Bird Tower to watch the battle. You are not allowed to leave without the order of the general."

Xu Yangyi's eyes suddenly flashed, and his heart was cold.

Cause and effect, there is cause before there is consequence. The cause of the massacre in front of the city gate finally appeared, and he received the retribution called "fear".

A cultivator who can summon five kings and two queens, and whose position is not completely certain.

Even if it is the little Taixu with 270 million spirits, the immortal great sage dare not let go!

He wants to keep Xu Yangyi under his nose, under the pretext of watching the battle, but in fact he is personally monitoring!

Yes, he wants to go to the Suzaku Tower, as the center of the entire Cantian City, only from there is a teleportation array leading to every major area of ​​the city. And... he dares to swear that there are countless eyes in the dark like him, just waiting for an opportunity, even if Taixu is in charge, they dare to break in!

But now, under the eyes of the great sage, the other party may let him go everywhere with such strength?

Trapped Suzaku Tower!

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