
Chapter 1428: Fear

"Will you two Daoists accompany me to 'watch the battle'?" His expression remained unchanged, and he thought rapidly in his mind, nodding as if it was natural.

"Of course." Seeing that he did not refuse, the tall and thin man finally spoke a little better: "Daoist, don't worry. This is also a protection for the Great Saint's seed."

"Daoist, please?" The two made way, and at the end of their sight, the tall and majestic Zhuque Tower, like a prison, stood tall and towering into the clouds. Like a monster in the flames of war.

He did not move, and the tall and thin man and the woman exchanged glances, and the aura belonging to the pseudo-Taixu began to spread without expression.

The cold and murderous air was wandering in the sky, like a steel wire stretched to the extreme, a silent confrontation. Just as the two of them quietly stepped forward, Xu Yangyi suddenly spoke: "I still have something to explain."

"No!" The two of them said almost in unison, coldly: "The imperial decree of the Bulao Mountain must be enforced and executed immediately. Could it be that... Daoyou wants to disobey the decree?"

The thin and tall man lowered his eyes slightly and said word by word: "This is a capital crime."

"Do you think you can keep me?" Xu Yangyi slowly raised his head, his voice calm: "Half an incense stick, or... do you want to end up like Shatuo Luo?"

Swish! The two of them suddenly looked up, murderous intent and various complex meanings flashed in their eyes. After a few seconds, the woman tilted her head: "Half an incense stick."

"One more second, and I will immediately issue a formation killing order."

Xu Yangyi smiled and nodded, as if turning around casually. The moment he turned around, his teeth almost bit his lip.

The virtual crystal was not difficult for him, but...what about the body outside the body?

The seven legends of the seven realms finally appeared. Angel's antidote is the first step to open the way of the Wahuang Heaven... This is the biggest variable in the battle of Cantian City!

At the same time, another more powerful divine consciousness enveloped him.

Far beyond the two treasure masters, as magnificent as the sea, as majestic as the mountain, and showing its grandeur in the long wind.

The real Taixu!

I don't know which one it is, but he knows that this... is a warning.

Warn him not to do stupid things, warn him... to act according to the order.

Stay in the Suzaku Tower and watch this decisive battle quietly. Looking from afar, everyone is fine.

Suppressing the pounding heart, the heart is hidden in the shadows in the shining of the spiritual light. His steps are calm, without letting the two people behind him see the slightest fluctuation. When he slowly walked towards Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi, his lips had already moved silently.

Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan also felt the consciousness of Taixu, and their faces showed puzzled expressions at the right time. Acting under the eyes of a supreme being, even the consciousness could not be used.

No one could see that their pupils shrank together.

The other party said two words.

Help me.

With a telepathic connection, Zhao Ziqi took a step forward, put his arm on Xu Yangyi's shoulder, and asked in confusion: "Brother, why are you back again? Don't worry, I will help you look after Tianjian Villa."

His hand quickly wrote on Xu Yangyi's back, with very small movements: Help what.

"Isn't this worrying?" Xu Yangyi smiled and began to talk about the arrangements of Tianjian Villa bit by bit.

No one moved the three intersecting consciousnesses in the void. After about half an incense stick, Xu Yangyi stood up, put his wrist around the shoulders of the two, and patted them hard several times. The two people's eyes flashed, and heard him say in a deep voice: "Take care."

Then he floated away.

"Let's go." He spoke to the two treasure masters indifferently, and flew to the Suzaku Tower first, and the divine consciousness in the void that was not concealed at all was finally retracted.

It was not until now that he felt the coldness on his back and his heartbeat like a drum.

Watching his figure disappear, Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi also turned and left. They flew all the way for a thousand meters. The two tacitly did not say a word until they returned to the three sects' residence. Chu Zhaonan spoke first: "Forty degrees south, Suzaku Tower 7 million meters."

Zhao Ziqi said in a deep voice: "The Venerable is about to fall in Cantian City, find Taichu, and bring it to Suzaku Tower."

This is the word that Xu Yangyi wrote quickly at that moment when he patted the shoulders of the two people for the last time!

Taixu didn't dare to use his spiritual power at all. And he used his photographic memory to remember the location of all the wormholes in Taichu and found the nearest one.

They finally understood what Xu Yangyi meant by helping me.

Help me ascend the throne.

It was a silent explanation, but everyone understood it when they were connected to these two sentences.

For the first time, he told everyone in person that he wanted to fight for the throne of the Five Kings and Two Queens!

Their breathing became rapid. No one expected that tonight would be the time when the stars fell in Cangtian City!

No one spoke. The two of them were thinking about something. After a few seconds, Chu Zhaonan said, "The wormhole is Taichu, connecting the city outside and inside. Once it is opened, and it is near the Suzaku Tower, Cangtian City... will really be in chaos."

"This is a capital crime..." Zhao Ziqi smiled deeply, rubbing his chin and said, "Brother wants to blow up the Suzaku Tower and take advantage of the situation... It's really a big deal."

They made plans before taking action. Although their hearts were already beating wildly in their ears, the two still analyzed carefully. From the moment they heard that the stars of the Void Lord fell in Cangtian City, they knew that tonight would definitely be a bloody night, and there would be no room for error.

"Time is too tight, he didn't finish." After a long time, Chu Zhaonan said hoarsely, "He should have said another sentence: take it over at the right time. If it's too early, it will still be monitored by Taixu. If it's too late... it will be really late."

Boom... The ground shook, and the Nine Nine Profound Yellow Formation was filled with radiant clouds, illuminating the sea of ​​cultivators below. Zhao Ziqi walked to the window, leaned on the window frame and said lightly: "There should be people who know this in this city. I finally understand why those people suddenly attacked my brother. And... I'm afraid there are people that my brother is very afraid of. This timing cannot be missed."

"I summoned the five Yin soldiers of Hun Lian. You are stronger than me in frontal combat. You go to catch that Taichu, and I will be responsible for sending him to Zhuque Tower."

"Fight." Chu Zhaonan took a deep breath, his chest heaving, with a hint of blood in his eyes: "A position of five kings and two queens, you and I have no hope, only he has it! As long as he can ascend the throne, the Earth system will truly gain a foothold in the seven realms! Even if the passage to the Earth is reopened, there will be a great chance!"

When the time comes, you need to be bold, and the brave will win when they meet on a narrow road!

Their eyes crossed, and everyone saw the determination in their eyes. Whether it was risking disobeying military orders to find the wormhole Taichu in the chaos, or quietly catching the other party. Or taking it to Suzaku Tower to detonate it, even Xu Yangyi himself had to risk his life and break out of Suzaku Tower in the chaos.

All of them were acts of rebellion that would be wiped out if they made a mistake!

Nodding lightly, with a murderous look on his face, Chu Zhaonan's figure flashed and immediately appeared at the Vajra Dao station. A token flew out immediately, and soon, five Yuanying figures appeared around.

"Everyone." Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth. He trusted people when he used them, and he would not use them if he doubted them. At this time, he had to help. He said in a deep voice: "The Venerable Kongxu is about to fall in Cantian City. I want to help others seize the throne of the Five Kings and Two Queens! Who will help me!"

A stone stirred up a thousand waves, and the expressions of all the Yuanying changed from shock to surprise, and from surprise to suppressed ecstasy. An old man stepped forward, grabbed his hand and said hoarsely: "Today? Are you sure it's today!?"

"Tonight. Maybe in a few hours!" Chu Zhaonan glanced at everyone calmly. If someone said no, then... maybe the killing tonight would start from the Vajra Path.

The Earth Lineage faced the gratitude of the master. If Xu Yangyi was unwilling to take action, then he was willing to be the bad guy.

His eyes were very obscure, but some people still felt it. A female cultivator stepped forward and bowed, saying, "Young Sect Master, you don't have to worry too much. We have been in the Vajra Dao for three hundred years and have signed a contract to die in the Vajra Dao. As long as you say it, we will definitely go all out!"

Another bald man gritted his teeth and said, "Moreover... the ascension of a five kings and two queens... every time it is a great opportunity! Fellow Daoist Ben Lei is the strongest! It is basically a sure thing for him to ascend the throne! It depends on whether he can condense the virtual crystal in the end. We..."

He swept his eyes over the crowd and met everyone's fiery eyes: "Even if you are a loyal minister! The Vajra Dao... also has the hope of being ranked first in the first class since its establishment!"

"So, have you decided?" Chu Zhaonan stepped forward, his voice full of murderous intent. All the cultivators bowed together: "Dare not to die?"

"Okay, then..." Before he finished speaking, a voice came from a distance: "Xu Kunlun Vajra Dao receives the decree!"

The decree was issued by Taixu. Everyone suppressed their pounding hearts and looked at the door. A figure quickly condensed from virtual to real, but immediately, their expressions all became solemn.

Swish, swish, swish... Stars fell like rain, obscure under the spiritual light of the war, and a spiritual energy came forward, the strength of which was surprisingly at the level of a saint. Just behind him, a full five thousand light and shadows condensed in the void. Surrounding the entire Vajra Road in a ring.

"What are you going to do?" Chu Zhaonan sneered and said, "Hongmen Banquet?"

"No." The leading cultivator had already gathered. He was an old man in Taoist robes with a pale head. He waved his whisk without any expression: "Lord Taixu has ordered that the Vajra Dao should stay where they are and be ready for rescue at any time. No one can move without the order. Those who disobey the order will be executed."

"Oh?" Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth secretly: "I wonder if it is the order of Lord Taixu? Is this asking us to stay put? There is a big battle in Cangtian City ahead, and we don't even have the opportunity to contribute a little? Could it be that... the Seven Realms don't regard us as cultivators of the Seven Realms?"

"Fellow Daoist Chu..." The old Taoist looked old, but his momentum was not weak at all. He replied coldly: "I am ranked ninth on the Venerable Saint List, Wuliang Fazun, and I have issued an order on behalf of Lord Taixu. I don't know the reason. I just ask you..."

"Obey or not?"

With a clanging sound, all the cultivators surrounding the Vajra Dao drew out their magic weapons. In an instant, the atmosphere was on the verge of breaking out!

In the meeting room of the three sects, Zhao Ziqi's fingers moved, and obscure talismans were quietly sent out. Suddenly he stopped his movements and said slowly: "Which Taoist friend is here?"

Swish! Thousands of rays of light fell from the sky, surrounding the four sides of the Ku Gu Temple. The first one, a Yin Zun in full armor, said loudly: "According to the decree, the Ku Gu Temple is on standby and ready for rescue at any time! No one can move without the order of the general, and those who disobey the order will be executed!"

Zhao Ziqi's fingers on the window frame trembled slightly. His palms were already full of cold sweat.


The fear of Cantian City towards them finally could not be tolerated at this moment. The two treasure masters were monitoring Ben Lei in a very aggressive manner. Even they were supervised by the top ten Venerable Saints in the Venerable Saint List. But... Venerable Kongxu was about to arrive, how to break this situation?

Force? Completely break up with the Seven Realms?

In different spaces, Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan narrowed their eyes. There was no other way out of this situation!

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