
Chapter 1429: Serious Criminal (I)

The so-called plan is not as good as change, especially the hastily made plan, which requires the three people to have a tacit understanding and a tacit understanding.

But this is just the basics. No one knows who will join in this tide, just like no one thought that their sword-drawing would attract so much attention from Cantian City, or even fear. Until now, under house arrest.

"What is this place?" Xu Yangyi followed the two treasure masters to the door of the 37th floor. The bronze giant door in front of him was 50 meters high, with a huge beast head in the center, covered with talismans. A gloomy and murderous atmosphere slowly emanated from it.

"The 37th floor of Suzaku Tower. What, Taoist friend, do you have any questions?" The woman raised her eyes, and the tall and thin man stood on the left and right, with a little light blooming in their hands.

The virtual treasure is always in the activation state.

"I'm asking, what is this place originally." Xu Yangyi said lightly.

"Don't worry, I will never humiliate the Taoist friend's identity." The tall and thin man snorted, and a token flew into the mouth of the beast head. In an instant, the light shone brightly. With a dull hum, the bronze door slowly opened.

Surprisingly, there was no trace of gloom inside, but rather magnificent. A scarlet carpet that could not be stepped on without dropping ankles, and tables and chairs made of second-grade spiritual wood, luxurious and grand, with plates of spiritual fruits and spiritual wine placed on the table, the rich spiritual energy could not be dissolved at all, and even formed a trace of mist.

Above the head was a vivid picture of nine dragons circling the sky, and the magnificent ancient lamps emitted a faint light. There were carved beams and painted buildings around, crane incense burners, and spiritual animal candlesticks. It was completely different from what I imagined.

An old woman with a kind face was sitting on a square Luohan bed doing embroidery. She was wearing simple clothes, but the best cloud snow yarn, and even the hairpin on her head was completely carved with top-grade spiritual jade. Seeing the three people coming in, she raised her head slightly and glanced at them, and nodded to Xu Yangyi with a smile.

"Now, fellow Daoist, are you relieved?" The tall and thin man took two steps back without leaving a trace. Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes. His spiritual sense was so huge that he actually caught the fleeting fear of the two people at this moment.

His breathing was rapid, his body temperature rose, and his heartbeat accelerated... He concealed the light in his eyes and looked around calmly.

When his eyes fell on the window, he paused slightly.

The countless iron bars on the window intersected into a complex pattern, from which you can see the outside world, but you can never open it. And... this is definitely not an iron bar. It is a Class A spiritual object, the Shenhai Stone! All spiritual energy hitting it will be dissolved! This layer is tens of thousands of meters in radius, and every window is like this!

"House arrest? Confinement?" He walked forward slowly, sat on a square chair, and waved his hand: "Go away."

The old woman's embroidery needle stopped for a second.

"Humph!" The two treasure masters snorted coldly, turned into a light and flew out of the door, and the door closed with a bang. It was quiet here again.

Silent and silent, this world seemed to be forgotten by the outside world. Xu Yangyi continued to look around. This was a circular space. There was a big ring near the window, and inside it were rooms, just like the inside and outside of an iron pipe. Although the food, clothing and daily necessities were all top-notch, it gave people a silent and silent oppression.

From the coldness in the bones.

Some rooms were locked, and some were open. There were very few people, and about a few thousand meters away from the door, two old men dressed luxuriously were playing chess with black and white pieces.

There was silence, and the occasional sound of falling pieces and the clinking of tea cups aggravated the dead silence. He just sat there with his eyes closed. The thunder and light outside seemed to have no effect on this place. Neither the old woman nor the old man was surprised.

"It's been a long time since anyone came..." Twenty minutes later, the old woman murmured as if talking to herself: "I don't know who wronged me and sent me to this place... Alas..."

Xu Yangyi still closed his eyes, but laughed at this moment: "Maybe it's not wronged."

"Oh?" The old woman's eyes revealed a hint of surprise, and she put down the embroidery with some surprise. Before he could speak, Xu Yangyi said lightly: "I am an ascended monk."

"The first lesson in the Seven Realms is to know who can and cannot be offended in the Seven Realms. What is a famous monk, and what is..." He opened his eyes, very ordinary and calm: "The notorious big devil."

"You don't look like it?" The old woman was surprised.

Xu Yangyi finally opened his eyes and smiled slightly. When he opened his hands, he didn't know when a golden insect landed on his fingertips, but he didn't dare to move at all, trembling.

"Xu Kunlun, 1,500 years ago, Shuiyue Sect, Shuiyue Sect had all female disciples, who were good at raising Gu, and the Golden Flower Gu was a secret that was not passed on. However, the current sect master, Master Shuiyue, was possessed by the devil and killed the entire sect. He was wanted by the seven realms and offered a reward of 730 million high-grade spiritual jade. Later, he escaped from the chain of the seven realms and destroyed the No. 321 Bishui base in the south of Cantian City, and then disappeared."

"The Song family can let a fake Taixu with 220 million spirits embroider here, and dare not take a step even though there is no restriction at the door. The eyes of the Song family are also very powerful."

The old woman was stunned for a moment, then smiled slightly, gathered her pale hair, and cracked her dry mouth: "Little guy, the story is not bad."

Xu Yangyi also smiled: "You attacked Taixu once, condensed one-third of the virtual crystal but was broken, so you can reach 220 million spirits. You are very powerful."

"But you are not my opponent."

The old woman narrowed her eyes.

"Within an hour, this Saint Lord can turn you into ashes. Do you believe it?" Xu Yangyi picked up the teacup. There was a loud rumbling sound outside the window. Silver light leaked to the ground, shaking the tea in his hand.

The old woman didn't speak, because at the same time, she felt a huge and incomparable force pressing over her like a monster. The two old men playing chess stared at each other in disbelief. Then, five doors opened with a bang.

"Old Shenxin, put away your majesty." The old woman finally breathed a sigh of relief and spoke, and sat down calmly: "Anyone who can be locked up in Room A No. 3 is a serious criminal. The fact that you can come here is a serious crime." You can be on equal footing with me.”

Xu Yangyi did not speak, but at this moment, he felt that there were eight people on this floor, and none of them had a spiritual power of less than 200 million!

It's all fake!

Here... is the most important Tianzihao prison in Towering City! Everyone inside is a peerless demon lord who can control the wind and rain!

Damn...I'm actually being locked up in a place like this!

He almost activated the other party's inner thoughts. The other party was extremely afraid of him. With a single strike in hand, he could summon five five kings and two queens. It could be said that he had the ability to change the fate of the battle in Towering City. But... they dare not use it.

He followed his original intention and his thoughts were clear. But in the eyes of high-level Taixu and even the Immortal Sage, what is this?

This is regardless of the overall situation.

Killing the Second Young Master of the Song Dynasty for his own selfishness, and even forcing the city of Shentian into submission, this is something that the Seven Realms cannot tolerate! No reason is valid!

In other words, from that moment on, in the eyes of the top forces in the seven realms, he was a "rebel."

However, with the battle of Towering City approaching, they had no time to think about how to deal with Xu Yangyi and where to put him? It's up to the future five kings and two queens, or...the traitors to deal with it. Therefore, the best method at this time is house arrest.

And he will not provoke the nerves of Taixu and even the Immortal Monarch at this time when their nerves are stretched to the extreme.

"Tao is different, there is no conspiracy." He sneered, closed his eyes, and murmured silently: "What do you's just bullshit in my mind."

Seeing that he actually closed his eyes to rest, several figures in the room were stunned. One of the old men in the game finally couldn't help but say: "Boy, where did you come from? This spiritual energy... It hasn't condensed into virtual crystals yet. It's at least 256 million. Even the Seven Realms are willing to imprison such a talent like this." Kind of Jedi?”

"Tianjian Villa." Xu Yangyi slowly shook the Taishi chair and spoke calmly: "The crime is probably disrespecting the Song family, Dubu and Taixu. To put it simply, I didn't give them face. But they couldn't do anything to me, so after the battle, Just let me come here to enjoy the cool air.”

This sentence gave everyone a chill in their hearts. As their eyes crossed, Master Shuiyue pursed his lips and smiled and said: "A well-known and decent family... Tsk, tsk, tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, Tsk, B-level power, A-level power has never been judged. But a Heavenly Sword The Villa can’t let Taixu alone be afraid, right?”

Xu Yangyi sneered, raised his eyelids slightly, and said word by word: "It's very simple."

"Because, there is Duopu behind me."

"Want to try it?"

There was silence.

The expressions of each of the felons changed several times. Finally, a charming-looking woman walked out in the scented wind. She waved her fan lightly and said with a charming smile: "I am in the Skull Mountain and the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Corpses. The master of Haifang Qingyi Chi, I met Taoist friend."


Xu Yangyi raised his eyes slightly and took a look. His spiritual power was 210 million, which was condensed into one-third of the virtual crystal. One thousand two hundred years ago, Xiao Leiyin killed all thirteen C-level forces and committed a heinous crime. A wanted criminal who has escaped from the Chain of Seven Realms.

A one-eyed old Taoist straightened his gold-threaded black robe and cupped his hand: "I am a casual cultivator. My fellow Taoists must be familiar with the title of Soul-Chasing Blood Hand."

"You were framed by Shangguan a thousand years ago. You killed a branch of the Mandala Li family in anger, and beheaded the pursuer of a Yin Lord, Sixteen Yuan Ying, and two hundred golden elixirs... It's not easy for you to survive." Xu Yangyi said slowly. .

"I ask the Lord Heavenly Lord." "I, the Lord, do not regret the real person." "Monk Sajia Qijie."

As names were reported one by one, even Xu Yangyi was secretly frightened. Every one of them was a hypocrite. As long as one of them came out, there would be a bloody storm immediately.

This is a real super felon!

However, this is not important.

"Young Master of Tianjian Villa, Ben Lei." Xu Yangyi finally stood up and walked leisurely to the window. As soon as he touched it with his hand, pieces of brilliance immediately spread out, leaving no spiritual energy left.

"Don't bother, Lang Jun." Qing Yichi walked behind him with a smile, the fragrant breeze was blowing, he raised his fox-like eyes, his chest heaved, looking at the other party's burly back, feeling the majestic aura, his voice was somewhat Qianse: "You can't get out once you're here. There's only one door in front of you. Although there's no restriction, you'll be noticed by Master Taixu as soon as you go out. If you don't enter or exit without permission, you will definitely die."

"It's all time-consuming anyway, why not..." She put her hand around Xu Yangyi's lean waist: "Let's do something interesting?"

"You slutty fox!" Monk Qijie angrily yelled, "I have been chasing you for so long, and you haven't even opened the door once! As soon as the newcomer comes..."

Qing Yichi's pretty face turned cold: "Is it just your appearance?"

"You..." Before Monk Qijie could speak, Xu Yangyi's cold voice slowly sounded: "Within today, Lord Kong Kong fell in Towering City."

Ordinary words, the whole place was dead silent. exploded out of nowhere, and the light was like the sea, illuminating his face, which was dark and uncertain. He said slowly in the shadow: "It can only last for five hours at most."

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