
Chapter 1430: Serious Criminal (Part 2)

Kara la la la la... The battle outside has entered a fever pitch. The shouts of countless monks, the roar of Taichu, and huge shadows are projected from the window holes made of sunken sea stones, illuminating a shadow.

It was silent here, and soon, there was a fiery breath.

Lord Kong Xun has fallen, and the age of great conflict has begun... Everyone present has a broken Void Crystal, and getting a Void Crystal of the Five Kings and Two Queens is of great significance to them!

As long as you step into Taixu, the past will be wiped out! It's definitely not a problem for me... to reach the top again!

"What do you mean?" Qing Yichi suddenly left Xu Yangyi's body, his chest heaving as he left: "You want us to be your thugs?"

"The word thug is a good one." No matter the sky was falling apart outside, Xu Yangyi turned around and sat down slowly. Others unconsciously surrounded him in the center. He said slowly: "This holy king has a spiritual power of 270 billion. , This is still not an explosive state.”

"Whoever feels like my opponent can stand up."

His eyes were like daggers, scanning everyone one by one, and no one spoke.

These eight people are the true giants of magic in the seven realms, and they know very well what the concept of tens of millions is. The multiple of a monk is not just a number. In terms of compression and purification of spiritual power, every 20 million is a big hurdle.

An insurmountable hurdle.

"Fellow Taoist..." Wentianjun stroked his long gray beard, his voice trembling slightly: "You... make it clear."

Who doesn't want to go out?

But who dares to go out?

That door is just a guillotine, but... what if there is a key within easy reach behind the door?

They have been imprisoned here for so many years, and the outside world may have forgotten their names. Don't they hope for the glory of making waves? Except no one has ever put a key so close!

Now there is.

"I mean, in this world of great conflict, I have it at my fingertips." Xu Yangyi's voice became solemn and he looked at the others: "Once I ascend to the rank of Five Kings and Two Queens, I have the right to ask the Song family to release you from here. "

"The premise is that you will be under my command. I promise to give you a new identity."

His voice is more demonic than demonic. All the demons have dry lips and wandering eyes.

"Of course, you can try to tell the truth. But I can also guarantee that you will not be able to get out of this door. Moreover, no one will receive you now." He raised his chin, and a spiritual light exploded outside. Everyone gritted their teeth. Indeed, who is in the mood to care about their life and death now? Even though there are mountains of corpses and seas of blood, no one cares about it. They even wish they were all dead!

Seeing everyone's gaze, he said calmly: "If you want to join us, you can give it a try and see who can stand here alive in the end."

He still has Taixu form, and now he is overwhelming others with his power!

The trend is mine!

"How do we know what you say is true?" Soul Chaser Blood Hand hoarsely said: "The gamble is too big. If the old ghost of the void does not die, we will all die!"

"You don't have to believe it, I'm just telling you." Xu Yangyi closed his eyes again and stopped talking.

There was silence in the room, everyone's expressions were thoughtful.

The time has not yet come.

For both parties.


The sixty-third floor of Zhuque Tower is the headquarters of the Song family.

Swipe, pull, pull... Countless monks are desperately transmitting the battle scenes. In the huge space like an altar, star maps wander from time to time. The spiritual power composed of runes moves through the void in an orderly manner and is sent to the place where it should go. Every moment a monk was replaced, meditating with a pale face, but a new monk would immediately fill in.

In this battle where there is no victory or defeat, only life and death, no one can stay out of it.

The penultimate floor, the Song Family Privy Council, only the direct descendants of the five main lines can receive the information here. Every piece of information here is worth tens of thousands of gold. At this moment, a monk from the Privy Council suddenly stood up, stood there dazed for a few seconds, and then turned into a stream of light and rushed upward like a madman.

Brush... The space above rippled, and runes bloomed in the void. As his figure flashed, he seemed to have entered two sides of the mirror and appeared in another space.

There is boundless white mist under your feet, surrounded by star charts, and a two-hundred-meter space in the center that is as large as the top of an altar. Only these heirloom families have the financial resources to arrange an independent space outside the Zhuque Tower on the first floor.

However, the monk was not in the mood to observe at all. He rushed to the altar sweating profusely, threw himself on the ground, his voice was hoarse and trembling, and he lowered his voice: "Retribution..."

On the altar, all the powerful people from the Song family's head lineage, the deputy head lineage, and the five main lines were present. Seeing his posture, everyone suddenly stood up at the same time. The head of the Song family put his hands on the table like a wounded lion, breathing hard in his chest: "Bring it up."

Without saying anything, the monk floated out a star map, landed on the table in the center, and quickly transformed. Within seconds, the surrounding star map changed into another image.

In the center of the star map is a piece of gold, representing the Towering City. From here, the lines form a bright golden lotus, undulating slowly - this is the warning range of the Towering City, which spreads for more than tens of thousands of miles, and now... just At the edge of the golden lotus, a stream of colorful light rushed towards me like lightning. It seemed like it was only a few inches away from the edge of the lotus!

"Damn it!!" A deputy head of the family had clenched his left hand tightly without any blood. He stretched out his right hand a little, and the light curtain suddenly enlarged independently. A vast vision instantly filled the sky.


Colorful butterflies.

The whole body is on fire, like a flying star in the dark night, approaching the edge of the lotus with thunderous momentum!

"How far is it?" The head of the Song family asked in a hoarse voice with his eyes closed, his eyeballs trembling desperately.

"Ten million miles!!" The red-clothed monk's lips were trembling, and he suddenly knelt down and said in a trembling voice: "Master...Master of the family! Report to the Great Sage! Lord Kong will soon completely enter the towering city." ! I can’t hide it anymore!”

"No!!" "Nonsense! Is there a place for you to talk here?!" "Go back! No one is allowed to leave the hall without permission!"

"Shut up!!!" Before he finished speaking, the head of the Song family suddenly roared. He slowly opened his eyes and asked word by word: "Where is that thing?"

The red monk's lips trembled, he quietly looked around the crowd, and said hoarsely: "I can't see..."

"What's the use of you!" The female monk immediately scolded her angrily. As soon as she spoke, the head of the Song family raised his hand and stretched out his old hand to grab it. The red-clothed monk exclaimed as he was caught in front of him and faced him. Those dim old eyes that looked like cannibalism, the other party rubbed it from between his teeth and said, "Can't you see it? Huh?"

The red monk trembled and opened his mouth to say something, but nothing came out. He lowered his head with wandering eyes.

"To be honest." The head of the Song family gritted his teeth and said, "Now is the worst situation."

With a wave of his hand, the red-clothed monk fell to the ground, but immediately rolled up, fell to the ground, kowtowed violently, choked with sobs and picked up a scroll: "Sir... I really can't hide it anymore... Please... Sir, make your decision early!"

Before he could finish speaking, an anxious senior executive suddenly grabbed the scroll and opened it in the air. Golden light flashed in all directions and the star map changed. Immediately afterwards, there was an unbearable silence.

The head of the Song family's pupils suddenly enlarged. He trembled and tried to sit up from his seat, but he couldn't do it. He only felt that his limbs were weak and his heart was cold. The expressions of several senior executives were frozen in shock, like stone sculptures, with no other movements at all.

Terror follows him like a shadow, suffocating him like a mountain.

"Ha..." After a long time, a senior executive took a step back in despair, and sat down on the chair with a thud. There was a harsh friction, but no one heard it. He looked at the surrounding star map blankly, with his mouth wide open. Shaking his head nervously: "This... what on earth is this..."

In all directions, the starry sky above the towering city should have been dark and deep, but now it has turned into a colorful, incomparable mystery and mystery.

If that's all, that's all, but...these gorgeous nebulae actually form endless weird patterns! Lifelike!

The nebula condensed into illusory figures wearing tattered cloaks, with an aura like sand all over their bodies, constantly rising and dying, hazy and mysterious. They were followed by the same illusory cows, horses, wolves and other animals, and each figure held a little candle-like light in their hands, bowing to the empty Thousand Saints Lianzhu!

All Souls Pilgrimage, Starry Sky Corridor!

It was silent, but it made people feel extremely solemn and indescribably solemn. The head of the Song family stretched out his finger tremblingly and tapped lightly towards the center.

Waves... Silent golden ripples rippled, and the picture in the center of the channel became larger and clearer. After a few seconds, everyone took a breath and stood up as if they were stung by needles. They looked at the picture in shock. "This is..." "Dao Ancestor...what kind of monster is this!!" "Oh my can there be such a thing in the Chain of Seven Realms!"

Right at the very center of the passage, deep in the intersection of light and shadow, is a majestic and boundless figure, all outlined by light. The graceful and hazy body is magnificent in the brilliance of the mountains. But no matter how hard I looked, I couldn't see clearly.

Like a woman, like a dragon, indescribable, indescribable, light, mysterious, majestic, majestic... all the adjectives used on it are not exaggerated. Every move is extremely natural, as if it fits perfectly. Tao rhyme. The stars in the sky are all colorless under its reflection.

Carrying the flying immortals to travel, holding the bright moon to the end.

What they think is worst is just the starting point for something worse.

"Ha..." The head of the Song family's lips trembled, and he walked up absentmindedly, reaching out his hand to gently touch this majestic mystery. However, at this moment, an eye suddenly opened in the turbulent nebula and lightly scanned him. One glance.

Peaceful yet majestic, indifferent yet majestic.

"Pounce!!" The head of the Song family suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, backed up dozens of meters, and fell to the ground with a bang.

God can only be viewed from a distance and worshiped.

Touching without permission is also a sin and will result in divine punishment.

"Master!" "Sir! Are you okay!?" "Sir, please hold on now!" The senior members of the Song family only felt numbness in their scalps. They transcended time and space and were several light years apart. A single glance in the painting was just a matter of seconds. A wave of light can actually reach this level! Simply translated!

A lady in palace attire immediately helped her over, but was grabbed by the cold hands of the head of the Song family. She was startled. The head of the Song family undulated slightly and said from between his teeth: "Open the door to the seventh century." The portal to the world... remains open anytime and anywhere..."

In a word, you can hear a pin drop.

Everyone knows what this decision means, which means that Towering City may be abandoned at any time!

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