
Chapter 1431: One Hour (I)

"Master..." A middle-aged man gritted his teeth: "Let's take another look..."

The head of the Song family did not answer. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and sat back on the seat. His eyes were bloodshot. Everyone's eyes fell on him. After a few seconds, he raised his head, which had aged by dozens of years. He looked hoarse. Said: "See?"

"What are you looking at?"

"This kind of thing..." He looked hoarsely at the despairing starry sky corridor. All living beings bowed their heads and lowered their pale heads: "Can the Monkey King stop it? Can Lord Taixu stop it?"

"Don't lie to yourself, okay!!"

The hoarse voice echoed in the space. The head of the Song family was like a trapped animal, his eyes were red, his hands were buried in his white hair, and he combed it along his scalp tremblingly.

No one dared to speak.

No one can answer.

The towering city that has been built for tens of thousands of years, with the Taichu army pressing outside, and the indescribable Mount Tai pressing on top of its head, this steel wire has been stretched to the extreme, and it will break if any more force is exerted.

"Do you want to... inform the Great Sage?" Finally, someone asked in a low voice.

"No!!" The head of the Song family stood up immediately: "Don't inform anyone... quietly open the teleportation circle. Once this thing really comes to Towering City, who can predict what will happen if the war breaks out?"

"Shrink all the defense forces of the Song family and retreat from the outer city to the inner city. How long will it take for that thing to enter the towering city?"

The red monk gritted his teeth and took a look, then touched his forehead to the ground: "Two hours at most..."

"In one hour, the Venerable Lord and this existence... will arrive at Towering City at the same time... Twenty minutes later, they will arrive at the outermost area of ​​Towering City. I'm afraid... Lord Taixu can already feel it..."

There was dead silence.

An hour... The top executives of the Song family almost bit their lips. All that was left was the sound of my heart beating wildly in my ears.

"Why are you still watching!" The head of the Song family shouted angrily: "Go quickly! If Towering City is gone, do you still want the direct descendants of the Song family to be buried with you?!"

No one knew that during the fierce offensive and defensive battle between Taichu and the Seven Realms, the Song family, as the home team, was already thinking of quitting. In the outside world, countless monks and Taichu fall from the sky every moment, and the nine-nine black and yellow formations are filled with brilliance and endless ripples.

"Hold it to me, the Holy Lord!!" A Yang Saint roared in the center of the hundreds of meters formation. Outside the Four Elephants Gate, countless monks were sitting cross-legged in the void, with talismans intertwining each other. The surrounding light was bright, and a phoenix bathed in fire rushed out of the formation, bringing with it the red glow of the sky.

Just outside the light curtain, the vast sea-like Taichu exudes suffocating pressure. The strong shield Taichu closes his hands, forming a continuous tsunami. Countless skinned humans pierce Taichu, shaking the bone blades all over his body, roaring and rushing. Thousands of miles of long embankment ahead. Countless hosts in the sky, Taichu, spewed out parasites all over the sky, screaming and hitting the Nine-Nine Xuanhuang Formation, causing ripples in circles.

The red bird breaks through the sky, and the stormy waves follow the wind. A trail of charred corpses was left behind. But more Taichu came forward and immediately filled this hole. At the same time, the three Yin Lords behind the mountain guarding array all opened their eyes, sitting cross-legged in the lotus-like array, thousands of people chanted, thousands of people chanted, and suddenly pressed into the void.

"Four Elephants Creation Formation, open!!" Hundreds of thousands of monks followed the order.

Up, the spiritual energy intertwined, outlining the shadows of the four elephants in the air. With a roar, the white tiger flew out like the wind, and its sharp claws tore out dark cracks. Taichu, flesh and blood flew everywhere, directly sweeping out a broken passage. However, as they went further, with a roar, a three hundred meter octopus-like Taichu soared into the sky from the black tide, with hundreds of tentacles. Split open and fight with the white tiger.

On the other side, Xuanwu rises on the waves, the dragon's head and the snake's tail sway, the turbid waves surge into the sky, the green dragon moves in the clouds, and Xuanwu spreads rain. In an instant, this light curtain forms a galaxy and a large swamp. Broken bones and tendons. However, just ten minutes after it unfolded, dozens of Taichu with huge heads soared into the sky, and their bony heads opened up, forming giant umbrellas in the void.

On the city wall, rows of monks armed to the teeth were breathing rapidly. A ten-meter-tall aura shield was erected at the front, and the three-stage immortal-killing crossbow behind them was already emitting a bone-chilling cold light. Following the roar of the captain who was facing him, hundreds of thousands... millions... tens of millions of crossbows formed a heavy rain of silver light. Under the city wall, hundreds of thousands of armored cavalry, riding five-meter-long armored behemoths, stood ready. Long white smoke spewed out of their mounts' noses, and cold light shone from the spears in their hands. In the void, as hundreds of talismans rose into the sky, the huge phantom of Fudo Mingwang slowly opened its eyes, fifty hands raised at the same time, and a ray of light that made the sun eclipse erupted.

Boom! The next second, fifty beams of light that destroyed the heaven and earth pierced the void, leaving behind nothing but darkness. But immediately, the endless torrent immediately made up for it. The waves crash against the shore without stopping.

At the Sixiang Gate, Shen Shenyang grinded his teeth hard.

Too much……

Having participated in too many battles, he knew very well that in the beginning, humans were at their most advantageous, with all the spiritual jades in place, the formations complete, and morale high. But as the battle progresses, the endless Taichu will use their flesh and blood to destroy the monks' fighting spirit.

Even well-trained soldiers are afraid anyway. No matter what, high-level creatures will be afraid. But not in the beginning. The master's order was issued, and the only thought in their minds was killing. And resolutely implement it until death.

No... we can't wait any longer!

His eyes became obscured, and with his black robe fluttering, he turned around and left with his entourage: "Hold your position, my king..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly raised his head and looked at the starry sky. Before the people around him could speak, a spiritual energy shot into the sky and enveloped the entire tower in an instant!

Swish, brush, brush! The surrounding monks were all blown hundreds of meters away, and their auras were black and white. Like two dragons going out to sea, a black and white long sword bloomed with thousands of golden lights and slowly rotated. With each rotation, layers of golden light swayed, and the void wave shattered, condensing into a black and white death realm on the Four Elephants Gate.

The monk in front turned around in astonishment, looked at this scene in shock, and exclaimed, "The Sword of Life and Death?! The legendary spiritual treasure of Lord Shen? My god... what happened? How come the Sword of Life and Death is both there?" Appeared! Taichu didn’t attack Shentian City, why did Lord Taixu suddenly sacrifice his life treasure? Is there some misunderstanding?”

However, before they could think about it, in the next second, as if they had made an appointment, boom boom boom! ! Pieces of magnificent light curtains roared up, and with a continuous loud noise, they turned into fifteen celestial phenomena in the sky.

brush! White Tiger Gate, follow

With an angry shout, a knife shot through the air and chopped out thousands of green lotuses. The lotus swayed for a long time, and Abi Hell for a long time. At the Soul-Suppressing Gate, an ancient bronze lamp suddenly lit up with a exclamation, and a huge phoenix shadow appeared in the raging waves of fire. King Kong's angry eyes, Kasyapa holding a flower, a sword field of ten thousand meters, a thunder dragon turning over the sea... The terrifying Taixu aura blocks the clouds and the sun, and can be clearly seen even from tens of thousands of miles away.

The terrifying spiritual pressure blew across the city tower, fifteen city gates, and fifteen absolute realms. All the monks around were blown away by the majestic spiritual pressure. They looked at the center in astonishment with cold sweat on their heads. In the realm of life and death, Shen Shenyang's clothes and sleeves were dancing wildly. Facing the inquiries of others, he didn't even have time to say a word. Several meters of divine light bloomed in his eyes, sweeping the whole place with his hands together. The cyan armor suddenly appeared with starlight all over the sky.

At Tianlongmen, a middle-aged man held his hands in his hands, and his feet slowly formed a hundred-meter Tai Chi. Between the flow of yin and yang, any creature that dared to enter the hundred-meter restricted area was turned into powder.

At the Kamizomon Gate, countless butterflies cut out of white paper were flying around a woman in palace clothes, completely surrounding her. Among the butterflies that filled the sky like snow, her breath could not be heard, as if... once she exerted force, something strange would happen. The presence of speech is voyeuristic.

There was deathly silence, and the sudden change made everyone stunned. After a few seconds, the monks exchanged looks in disbelief, swallowed their saliva, looked into the void, and said in a trembling voice: "What the hell is going on?"

"I don't know..." The monk next to him was dumbfounded: "I... this is the first time I have seen all Master Taixu's natal spiritual treasures appear. Is this... defensive?"


Horrified glances were exchanged, and everyone was panicked. Defend against what? Was there something just now? Even if there is anything, can the fifteen Taixu use their natal spiritual treasures for defense without hesitation? So prepared?

There was a silent thunder, and the vision of heaven and earth on the Four Elephants Gate lasted for ten minutes, and then the clouds fell like the top of the sky. Finally, Shen Shenyang's figure appeared among them. Even at this moment, his spiritual power had not been withdrawn at all, as if the ocean tide was lingering around him.

"Sir...Sir?" A sage spoke cautiously. Shen Chenyang looked around the scene with indescribable depth in his eyes as if he hadn't heard.

There's something here...

No one could see the cold sweat on his palms. Three minutes later, he gently closed his eyes, hiding the lingering trembling in his heart, and said hoarsely: "Just...what did you feel?"

Everyone looked at each other, but this did not make Shen Shenyang's expression calm. When he turned around, his face was filled with frost.

"What's the matter with this nameless heart palpitations?" He quietly lowered his eyes and murmured: "Can only those with a high level of exhaustion feel it..."

"When I have reached this point in my cultivation, I have already coincided with heaven and earth. Anything that will have a great impact on my destiny will have a sign from the sky. Don't try to lie to me... there must be something... there must be something nearby just now! I can Feeling... something extremely terrifying existed, I opened my eyes and took a look here..."

"Just this look...I can't resist it at all! My whole body is cold, it's not a creature of the same dimension at all!"

It's like moving the lake surface with bare hands, like the breeze blowing through the dark clouds, penetrating into the soul and pulling the soul.

With one glance, he swept across the heavens and all realms, making it impossible to escape.

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