
Chapter 1432: One Hour (Part 2)

He suppressed his racing heart and glanced at the deep starry sky. He flicked his black robe and flew over like an eagle's wing: "I am fine."

"Notify other Taixu immediately, this king..."

Before he finished speaking, something happened... The dark starry sky suddenly brightened, and brilliant rays of light fell from the sky, breaking through the darkness, time and space, covering the entire towering city, and illuminating Shen Shenyang's shocked face.

The light flashes and the stars shine in the sky, turning the towering city into a holy city in the starry sky.

One second seemed like an eternity, and even Taichu who was attacking the city was stunned. Countless creatures in the entire battlefield looked up at the stars. The aura and the flames of war actually subsided at this moment.

There is no origin and no end. It is like the starry sky itself, it is everywhere, you can reach out and touch it, but there is no trace.

"Ha..." The light was as gentle as water, but Shen Chenyang felt a chill coming from the bottom of his heart. He tightened his thick cloak and took a deep breath: "The starry sky summons light... to create something out of nothing where it shouldn't be. What the hell is this?" What is it!"

There should not be light in the starry sky, but God said there should be light, and so there was light.

boom! ! ! Before he could finish his thoughts, the wisps of light turned into auroras that enveloped the sky, flowing slowly, and if the gods were to write, they actually started to swim slowly in the towering city.

It seems like... it's depicting some ancient catalog.

At the same moment, Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes.

Rumble... A violent spiritual light shone in the sky, and the candlelights swayed together, swaying out dim shadows. A hurricane blew in through the hole-ridden window lattice, making the furnishings in the house rattle.

Everyone's eyes were fixed on him. Master Shuiyue who was doing embroidery, Soul Chaser Xue Shou who was playing chess, Monk Qijie, Qing Yichi who was actually tasting a plate of grapes, and everyone else's eyes moved over calmly.

Kara! The aura shot through the air like an electric snake, pulling out Xu Yangyi's dark shadow. He slowly stood up and walked to the window. He turned his back to everyone and closed his eyes.

Here it comes... His hand gently grasped Chen Haishi's window lattice, his palms slightly sweaty.

Just now, an eternal desolation sneaked into the night with the wind, invisible matter, like invisible clouds lingering, which inexplicably touched his heartstrings. There were even countless chants in his ears, projected from the distant stars. Thick and majestic.

Thousands of people sang and thousands of people recited it, just like the heaven opened.

"Has Emperor Wa's distraction finally awakened?" He couldn't help but exert force on his hands, and his spiritual energy was decomposed by the window lattice of Shen Haishi, turning into blue brilliance that wandered everywhere. At the same time, his eyes flashed suddenly and he looked at his chest in surprise.

Dong Dong... The seed of Chaos moved as he pleased, not waiting for his reaction at all. His consciousness came out of his body without any warning. He was like an invisible God, zooming out of the camera in front of him quickly.

With a glance of thousands of miles, the spiritual consciousness rises farther and farther, becoming more and more grand as the distance grows larger and larger, while the towering city below becomes smaller and smaller. He looked around in astonishment, and after a few seconds couldn't help but let out a breath of cold air: "Is your mind wandering too empty?"

Although there is the word Taixu, this Taixu is definitely not the other Taixu. This Taixu refers to all the heavens and all the realms. According to the legend, the gods can encompass all the heavens with one glance, and their divine consciousness can travel thousands of miles in an instant. Only in this way can the gods control its almost endless territory. And any Taixu monk can travel to Taixu in a small area, after all, their territory is too huge. This is also the most striking feature of Taixu.

A few seconds later, Wanzai Xingkong closed his eyes, his pupils suddenly shrank, and he suddenly saw a huge shadow appearing on the ground of the majestic and towering city!

That is the shadow of a person.

a woman.

In other words, a succubus.

The upper body is a human, and the lower body is a snake. The snake's body is wrapped around the human body, and its tail is endless, coiled like a sleeping dragon. The black hair formed by the shadow was flying, and... this shadow opened one eye!

In the dark shadow, there is a huge white hole, with a dark eye inside, occupying half of the head. The shadow is obviously a dead thing, but this eye is extremely agile. He is quietly exploring the world.

"Is this... the First Mother God's distraction?" Xu Yangyi immediately understood what it was and felt his lips were dry: "Even if she is curled up now, she is as big as the Towering City. If she stretches out, she can wrap around the entire Towering City. …It’s just like the endless snake surrounding the equator in the earth’s legend…”

"What a terrible pressure..." He only felt his scalp numb. He gritted his teeth and looked around. All the heavens trembled at this sight. Yes, it is trembling slightly like a living thing. The strong contrast between grandeur and insignificance makes people's hearts tighten.

If you couldn't stand at his height, even Taixu Dubu would not be able to spot it! The light and shadow of the bursting spiritual light obscured everything, so no one knew that they... had been marked by the gods!

God is around, but everywhere.

At this moment, this eyeball suddenly stopped. His hair stood on end because... this eye stopped where his consciousness was.

Obviously now he is nothingness, obviously now he has no form at all, not even a spirit body. But he could feel that this eye was locked on him instantly.

There is no fear, only peace, as if the sea was once full of trouble. But there is kindness, there is forgiveness, there is eternity and new life, which cannot be described in words at all. Although there was no murderous intention, it brought him a kind of coercion that was higher than that of all the heavens and worlds.

One person and one shadow, distant people looking at each other, everything seems silent. In one second and ten thousand years, the shadow suddenly issued an extremely majestic female voice: "You are here."

Xu Yangyi didn't answer. He suddenly didn't know whether he was talking about him or Khaos.

The shadow did not continue to speak. After a few seconds, he suddenly said, "I was wrong back then."

With this sound, countless planetary belts, tens of millions of miles away, collapsed completely.

God is not wrong.

Or, what God says cannot be judged right or wrong by mortals.

Unless you admit it yourself.

Millions and tens of millions of years after leaving the earth, Queen Wa said to the host of Chaos's legacy what she had not said tens of millions of years ago.

Xu Yangyi's heart was full of ups and downs, extremely complicated. Did the other party think that he should not have been so resolute at the beginning? Or did he think that it caused the division of the earth today?

He did not speak, and he was not qualified to speak.

Silence again, after a few seconds, the shadow on the ground of Cantian City suddenly began to rise slowly, and countless black lights condensed, forming a huge shadow arm.

Like a giant mountain rising and falling in the void, with a loud bang, this hand slowly stretched out, and a finger thousands of meters long quietly raised, gently pointing to Xu Yangyi.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi blinked. He could feel that this finger did not have a trace of murderous intent, but instead had a kind of...calling?

Calling himself... to touch her?

He even forgot that he had no body now. He hesitated for a few seconds, and his eyes quietly raised. As he thought, a hand as big as his own quietly condensed.

The same stretch, the same extended finger, the huge and majestic and the tiny creatures gently touched each other in the starry sky. With a swish sound, golden ripples swayed from the touch, and people and gods intersected in the void. Xu Yangyi's heartbeat was already too fast. The next second, he saw countless lights and shadows around him, and shadows slowly appeared in the sky.

These shadows were hazy and deep, and their faces could not be seen clearly. But it was vaguely seen that they were wearing animal skins, leading cattle and horses, and bending bows and stone axes. Coming from the void, hidden in the layers of starlight and gorgeous cloud shadows, as they get closer, their clothes change from animal skin to linen, and then from linen to silk.

There are soldiers, civil officials, military generals, merchants... They seem to be walking on the long river of history, slowly evolving. A few seconds later, there are millions of phantoms standing here, forming a vast era of humanity.

Swish... As the last ray of light passed, all the phantoms bowed to the Cantian City. With a loud bang, a ray of light in the void fell straight behind a city gate.

Four Elephant Gate

Like the sea breeze blowing sand, this silent but magnificent scene gradually disappeared, and the majestic female voice sounded again: "Children of the ancient earth... This is my compensation..."

"That is where the body appeared, and this split soul was originally made by me to test an eternal prison, creating an unparalleled magical power, which is also a true immortal magical power."

"If you are really destined to be with me, then you can take it, and I will give you the secret of this true immortal forbidden technique... Otherwise, then... Stay here with me..."

The void shook slightly, and everything disappeared.

In the Vermillion Bird Tower, Xu Yangyi suddenly opened his eyes. Everything around him was the same, but he was sweating. His chest rose and fell sharply.

My mind has not yet been pulled out of the wandering in the void. Five fingers tightly clasped the window frame, the knuckles turned white, and the heavy breathing was clearly audible around. It took a long time to force myself to calm down.

Here it comes... Finally! The real controller of this sky, the mother goddess Nuwa, awakened.

The good news is that because of the Seed of Chaos, he was the first to know the location of the outer body, which was also the place where the Venerable Kongxu fell.

The bad news is... it's too far away!

He was still a little lucky. The Vermillion Bird Tower is the core of the Cangtian City. The Venerable Kongxu is likely to choose this place to die. But he forgot that the master of the Seven Realms... is not from the Seven Realms.

There is only one person here, a fairy, a god who can have the final say.

Her will is the law of heaven.

In this case... he must rush into the teleportation array of the Vermillion Bird Tower. Now there is no other way to think about it. He puts all his chips on Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi.

As long as they succeed!

Then... he has a glimmer of hope. He can use the Devouring Talisman to hide in the void, rush through all obstacles within 20 seconds, and enter the teleportation array leading to the Four Symbols Gate!


"Don't let me down. Now I can only trust you!" He squeezed the window frame fiercely, and his face had returned to calm when he turned around. The spiritual power was not concealed, and the eyes swept across the whole place like a knife.

Master Shuiyue was still embroidering, but her eyes were fixed on him. The Soul Chaser and a lame old man picked up the black and white pieces and did not drop them, also looking at him. In addition, the Seventh Monk, Qing Yichi, and the other three saints also had scorching eyes.

Rumble... The electric dragon was moving outside the house.

Inside the house, the nine cultivators with more than 200 million spiritual powers exchanged scorching eyes.

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