
Chapter 1433: One Hour (Part 3)

I don't know where the spiritual light bloomed, setting off a colorful tide, engulfing Xu Yangyi in the darkness of light. Light was projected into the room, and the strong wind blew out the candles, leaving the room filled with darkness.

He didn't talk nonsense. With a wave of his hand, a sun-moon hourglass appeared. Different from before, the hourglass had begun to rotate desperately and emitted pieces of silver light. The sand in it fell to the other side very quickly, and it would completely disappear in a few minutes at most.

"Half an hour." He did not hide his spiritual power. Two hundred and seventy million spiritual power spurted out, and he licked his lips: "Come on, decide."

"Venerable Void will arrive within half an hour!"

He swept the whole place with his eyes like a predatory tiger: "Don't worry, if we start a war here, no one will take care of us. Now there are many people who want to make us, the unstable factors disappear."

"You have five minutes to think about it."

Dead silence.

Although the eight demons could already guess what he looked like just now, but after hearing it with their own ears and when it was time to make a decision, it was difficult for them to take that step.

The heinous crime he carried on his body, the blood stained on his hands, the attempt to attack Taixu in his heart but he did not die, and the immortal saint on the top of Suzaku Tower, everything converged into one problem.


Or not?

No one asked him if he was joking. Wentianjun took several deep breaths, picked up a wine glass, but couldn't drink it. Hundreds of years of house arrest made them worry about gains and losses, and they had tigers in their hearts, but they had to smell the poppies carefully. The wine glass rattled as he held it, and he said hoarsely: "Are you sure?"

"Four minutes and fifty seconds." Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes slightly, the spiritual light in his hand quietly lit up, and black mist suddenly appeared under his feet.

One person can't rush through... The two masters at the door are not good people. He must have these old devils to stop them.

If you can't do it...then you can only wait for Chu Zhaonan and Zhao Ziqi to seize the wormhole Taichu. No matter how close you are, this kind of putting your cards on others is extremely detrimental to the overall situation.

Time passed minute by minute, one minute, two minutes, three minutes... The whole room was as quiet as death, only the heavy breathing of intertwined thoughts. Four minutes later, Xu Yangyi took a step forward and clenched his fists: "The last minute."

"If you want to clear your name and go to a higher level, come here. If you don't want to..." He smiled in the dark night and said no more.

He really can do it!

Everyone could read boundless murderous intent from this smile. They also knew that if Xu Yangyi revealed such a big secret, whoever dared not to participate would only die.

Xu Yangyi is no match when they join forces, but... who of them can guarantee that everyone is of the same mind?

No one spoke, no one answered.

Everyone's chest was heaving. This might be the most important decision in their lives. Going out or staying here could mean life or death. There are two palm treasurers outside who are far more powerful than them!

"Are the Eight Demons making trouble in the sky?" At this moment, Qing Yichi smiled and came to Xu Yangyi's right hand: "I am still young, and I don't want to die here."

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief silently in his heart. Although he had already guessed that someone would come, guessing and confirming it were definitely different.

This is confidence.

In the chaotic battle situation in Towering City, with everyone under surveillance, and on the eve of the arrival of Emperor Wa, we have the first confidence to lead to the Five Kings and Two Queens!

"Fifty seconds." He said in a deep voice with a calm expression on his face.

"I would also like to remind you all." Qing Yichi opened a scarlet folding fan and said with ice in his words: "We are monks."

"Who didn't suffer a lot of murder back then? Who didn't attack Taixu? When a Five Kings and Two Queens fall, there will definitely be more than one Void Crystal. If you don't go, you can only be a guard dog. Only if you go, can others call you "Sir" "

"After thousands of years of practice, isn't this what we've been asking for?" She looked at everyone quietly, some were silent, some nodded slightly, and some had tangled brows. She said slowly: "Who doesn't want to? Don't blame me for being ruthless. After all, we have been neighbors for hundreds of years, so I can't bear to do anything."

"That's easy to say." A pockmarked old man with white hair grinded his teeth and said, "That's the Immortal Sage..."

"Standing at the top of the seven realms, he dominates the north and the south with the Great Sage Guanghan! The dragon has seen its beginning but not its tail. As long as the old man turns his hand, we will all die!!"

His breathing was very rapid, his eyes were red and he shouted in a low voice: "If you go, you will die, if you don't go, you will live!"

"If you don't go, you will die." Before he finished speaking, Wentian Jun showed a look of determination in his eyes, and the spiritual energy all over his body was like a tide, and he said fiercely: "Do you think we will leave an insider here?"

He stood next to Xu Yangyi.

the second!

Xu Yangyi secretly breathed a long sigh of relief. Even he was not even remotely sure that he would attack these long-famous old demons at the same time. He looked at the others and became more spiritual: "Leave it to me, the Great Sage! As long as I am here, he will not dare to kill me!"

You can hear the needle drop, but you can hear the click of the second hand and the pounding heartbeat.

"The last thirty-five seconds." His spiritual energy surged! Killings soared into the sky, turning this place into a hell.

In the bloody light, he was like the demon god of hell, the swords transformed from killing lives were aimed at everyone one by one, and his consciousness had been entangled with the talisman of devouring desire. Desperately searching for Tiragandes' consciousness.

"Come or die!!"

"Do it!!" Monk Qijie suddenly stepped forward, staring at the other hesitating saints with cannibalistic eyes: "This is the only chance to rush to Taixu, why are you still hesitating?"

"Yes." Soul Chaser Xue Shou also walked over, his hoarse voice filled with unbearable heat, and said through his teeth: "Show boundless magic power, leave the dragon and the tiger, and cultivate into a golden immortal of ten thousand tribulations. Back then, he left the sect. I’m not afraid at all, I’m afraid now!”

He took a deep breath and slowly walked to Xu Yangyi's side.

Boom! Thunder rushed away, the silver dragon plowed the sky, and nine figures emerged.

In the Zhuque Tower, it was already five against four.

"Twenty seconds." Xu Yangyi stretched out his hand from his sleeve, Qing Yi Chi, Qi Jie Monk, Soul Chasing Blood Hand, and Wentian Jun's spiritual energy burst out at the same time, crushing them like a tsunami.

If someone doesn't do this, this place will inevitably turn into a sea of ​​blood.


Da... When the three sects were stationed, Chu Zhaonan picked up a white piece and settled it on it at the same time, with a calm expression on his face.

"Fellow Taoist Chu has superb chess skills, and I am ashamed of myself." This is the inner hall of King Kong Taoist. The old Taoist and him are playing chess on a wooden table, the clouds are calm and the wind is gentle.

One lamp, one table, one game.

Two chairs, two teas, two people.

Incense was burning, lights and shadows were blurred, and the room was silent. Chu Zhaonan picked up a cup of tea and took a sip to cover up the killing intent in his eyes.

Two hours have passed...Potato is still waiting for me, but now I can't move at all!

He could feel that the veteran across from him was not weak, and that the domain should be very restrained against him. He felt quite uncomfortable sitting across from him.

In other words, if you want to defeat the opponent, you can't do it silently. You must defeat the enemy with one blow! And this "one blow" is definitely not a small one, and it will definitely attract more people's attention!

He also knew very well that just outside the three sects' headquarters, thousands of monks were waiting for help, including more than a dozen Nascent Souls and thousands of golden elixirs. The same was true for Zhao Ziqi. Once they make any changes, they will face a head-on confrontation and completely break up with the Seven Realms!

If Xu Yangyi becomes the fifth king and second queen, everything will be over. but……

What if?

He left in such a hurry that the other party didn't give him any time to explain, but now he handed them this difficult choice. He wanted to punch the other party in the face and pull him out to ask questions.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, let's play another game?" The old Taoist smiled and put away the chess pieces. Chu Zhaonan paused and gently put down the tea cup: "I will not go anywhere, friend Daoist, why do you need to do this?"

"Really?" The old Taoist picked up a chess piece and said with a smile: "Then... why is my fellow Taoist always so unsettled?"

Damn old ghost...

Chu Zhaonan suppressed his murderous intent and was about to speak. At this moment, the sky of the entire towering city suddenly shone.

"This is..." He raised his head suddenly, his heart stagnated, and he immediately rushed to the window.

The ground is filled with brilliance, the battle in the towering city is silent, and the sky is filled with colorful aurora, which is magnificent.

As if... announcing that some unknown existence is about to come.

Is it coming...

He closed his eyes and clenched his hands on the window lattice. A wave in the void that was extremely close to the earth was slowly approaching. He had been to the place where the Nanhua Butterfly Mother was, and he knew very well what it was.

The body outside the coming soon!

Make a decision now!

At the same time, Zhao Ziqi in the other room also opened his eyes with understanding. The two of them looked at the shining starry sky at the same time, with a lot of thoughts.

A few seconds later, Chu Zhaonan's ears twitched slightly and he took a deep look in the direction of the Withered Bone Temple. He slowly lowered his head and glanced at the old man.

Just in time, the old Taoist also retracted his gaze and made eye contact.

At this time, silence is better than sound. Sparks are flying in the silence, and the murderous intention is shuddering.

"Come..." The old Taoist trembled all over, his soul flew to the sky, and his spiritual energy exploded. Before he could shout out the person's character, Chu Zhaonan's sleeves and robes suddenly bulged, and with a loud bang, the King of Hell's double spears came with two Chains rushed out with a roar, and the golden light was gorgeous, like two dragons coming out of the sea.

He heard it.

Just now, Zhao Ziqi didn't know what method he used, but the word "do it" came over.

There was no hesitation and he completely believed in the other party. The moment he took action boldly, the space in the room where the two of them were sitting shook invisibly. Such a huge momentum did not attract anyone's attention!

"How dare you!!" At the critical moment, the old Taoist shouted angrily, and a circle of blue and green fields instantly erupted from under his feet, turning into thousands of overlapping waves, swaying green lotuses all over the sky, and the bright moon appeared, and he seemed to be alive, so close at hand. A giant hand of water formed in the air, resisting Chu Zhaonan's attack.

Kakaka! The collision of water and gold, the brilliance in the small room suddenly disappeared, the killing in a small space, after the brilliance was annihilated, the two people stared at each other angrily behind a golden water curtain, the old man's beard and hair were flying, his clothes were dancing wildly, and he shouted angrily: "Master Chu! What are you going to do?! You are going to rebel!"

"Get lost!!" Chu Zhaonan gritted his teeth, and the two golden dragons advanced instead of retreating, turning into the figures of two judges, sketching in the sky, quickly recording everything around them.

He didn't know how long Zhao Ziqi could maintain it, but he must defeat the opponent within the possible time!

When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins.

Yes, from the earth to the present, in order to uncover the dusty history, the opportunity to reach the sky in one step is right in front of you, why hesitate?

If there is no way ahead, then find a way!

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