
Chapter 1434: One Hour (Part 4)

one strike.

Just one strike!

Only by defeating the opponent with one blow can they hope to leave here, otherwise everything will be lost.

"The Immortal Sage is in the Towering City! How dare you do this?!" The old Taoist spiritual energy exploded, and with a wave of his hand, the bright moon on the sea rose with the tide, and followed the waves for thousands of miles. It was obviously a room of more than fifty meters, but the saint was fighting close to him, yet he displayed the momentum of thousands of troops.

Chu Zhaonan didn't ask or answer, and used the gun to kill the dragon and the snake. The two dragons went out to sea, causing huge waves and stabbing Lao Dao directly in the chest.

At the moment of contact, the tsunami that was swept away rushed back, forming a continuous water curtain. The gun-shaped double dragons could only form two huge ripples on it, unable to move forward!

"How brave!" No one could penetrate the opponent's defense circle even half an inch. The old Taoist gritted his teeth and snorted coldly: "Resisting and disobeying the order is a capital crime! I want to see how good you are!"

Swipe and pull! Golden light and blue water waves exploded everywhere, and a torrential rain poured down in the square inch. Before Chu Zhaonan could take action again, the old man shouted angrily, pumping and releasing his hands, and the torrential rain gathered into a tornado of several meters. Yin Zun's control of spiritual energy was meticulous, and he actually A sword of water condensed in his hand.


Once the action was taken, both sides had no reservations. The water sword had just condensed, and the gun shadow in front of them was like a mountain. All the raindrops were knocked around by the violent power of Yang Sheng. They roared like arrows, and the void in all directions continued to vibrate with endless ripples. Just in the blink of an eye, two spears and one sword danced into a ball of blue-gold light, and the sonorous sound was endless.

No figures could be seen, only the afterimages of both sides could be seen. In the blink of an eye, the two of them had made hundreds of moves, and Chu Zhaonan's expression became more and more solemn.


Both of them are in the top 20 in the list of respected saints. The opponent's domain naturally restrains the Yang Saint, and the water flow is invisible. He is at his mercy. The bright moon shines on the river. In an instant, no one can gain the upper hand in the attack and defense!

Veins popped up in the hand holding the King of Hell. He knew very well that in this moment of racing against time, time was equal to slow death.

Can't delay it any longer...

The shadow of the gun fell, and Chu Zhaonan no longer hesitated. He flicked the gun, and the sword light behind him was like a wave. He was like a flying swallow, walking on the top of the stormy waves, and instantly fell back dozens of meters.

"I want to leave!" The old Taoist sneered: "In front of me, the realm is not opened, and you still want to leave now? Fellow Taoist, you are too trusting!"

Before he finished speaking, he wrapped his fingers with a hundred-refined steel, and the flying raindrops around him turned into a rain of swords all over the sky. He rushed forward airtightly, but just as he flew out, he screamed in surprise and flew back in disbelief.

Just opposite, a Vajra shadow appeared behind Chu Zhaonan, and thousands of rays of brilliance bloomed from every pore in his body. The body squatted slightly, and if a tiger exploded with all its strength, its beard, hair and clothes would be blown straight up, and with the short spear in the right hand, pieces of golden clouds condensed, forming a ten-meter golden cloud hole in the void. The surrounding void was shattered by this terrifying spiritual energy.

Han Qiang silently listens to the thunder.

"Burning Shouyuan! Are you crazy?!" The old Taoist gasped, and before he could finish his words, a shot came straight at him.

Not fast, but as steady as a mountain.

It's not heavy, but it makes the air stagnate.

Use force to defeat cleverness, and great skill will not work.

Mingming's vision was extremely slow, but his consciousness was as fast as lightning. The old man exclaimed, and his figure suddenly exploded, turning into water and scattering in all directions. Chu Zhaonan ignored it and swept across with a spear. The whole space roared and shook, pulling out a half-moon-shaped gun curtain, with golden lotuses swaying and blue waves. A grain of sword and gui opens four elephants, two kinds of spear skills kill three corpses, and divine water irrigates a beautiful pond.

Swipe and pull! The heavy rain reflected against the trend, and in one shot, all the raindrops rose into the sky as if they were weightless, and time seemed to stand still.

"Be lucky. Apart from my master and Zi Qi, you are the third person to see this realm."

"The domain...the Palace of the King of Hell."

The momentum is ready to ride a tiger, so why hesitate!

Time turned again, and there was a loud noise. The shadowy figures of the two judges behind them, who had never done anything before, suddenly stopped their painting brushes, spread out their hands, and pulled out a ten-meter-long ink painting.

It was covered for more than three hundred miles and isolated from the sky. The water vortex in the honeycomb is worth tens of millions. In the gloomy atmosphere, the figure of the old Taoist appeared clearly.

"This is..." The old man in the painting was stunned. He looked at his ink-like body and couldn't believe it. Before he could be surprised, Chu Zhaonan made fists with his hands and suddenly closed them, creating a mysterious golden halo of fist seams. Exploded, the painting instantly turned into countless fragments!

"Determine life and death!"

"Ahhhh!!!" A heart-rending scream came from the void, all the raindrops exploded and turned into water all over the ground, and the old man's heart-breaking voice resounded through the space. Chu Zhaonan gasped for breath and used all his strength to hold the two guns with bulging veins. His chest was rising and falling sharply, and he stared at everything around him.

not enough……

Still a little short of it... The blow just now was enough to destroy the body of any Yin Lord below Taixu. Even if the opponent's body is immortal, it will be in pieces, but... the soul is still there.

At this moment, his eyes flashed suddenly, and endless black mist suddenly exploded in all directions. The space trembled slightly, and countless ghosts cried and howled. As a continuous light surged in the black mist, it illuminated the road leading to the road. The highway to hell.

"Roar!!" Countless hands of the undead scrambled to stretch out from the black mist. The fish lanterns lured the souls out of the underworld, and then suddenly fell down.

"Did he actually use this trick..." He took a deep breath, took out a jade box and opened it. Inside was a green and jade-like elixir that was completely transparent. The spiritual energy is swaying like mist.

He gritted his teeth, swallowed the pill, and said in hatred: "Xu... If you can't ascend the throne this time... Let's see how you repay my debt!"

"Brother Chu! Keep an eye on them!" Suddenly, Zhao Ziqi's voice came from the endless black fog: "I will drag the space here into the underworld! There are high-level ghosts here! They only allow me to stay for half an hour!"

"I'll go find my big brother! You must hold on!"

A black light rushed into the sky, and Chu Zhaonan pursed his lips and grabbed the King of Hell. At the same time, a strong wind suddenly blew, and the sound of the Yellow Springs Linling blew away the black fog of the eight wastelands. Forming an illusory space with a radius of one kilometer.

In the center of the space, the old Taoist who was holding his chest and coughing blood, with cracks all over his body, and a bald man who was supporting him had already appeared in it.

"Good...very good!" The bald man stared at Chu Zhaonan: "Seventeenth and thirteenth on the Honored Saint List, Tuotian Daojun, Canghai Zunzun, come to ask for advice from fellow Daoist."

The answer to him was a lightning-like gun shadow.

At the same time, a black shadow floated out of the three sects' residence like a ghost. It was completely a dead black fog, and it was not conspicuous in the towering city where light and shadow intertwined.

Boom! ! The light on the Nine Nine Profound Yellow Formation flickered, and countless cultivators' streamers broke through the air. The Taichu Black Tide outside turned over, and the black shadow found an empty corner and finally transformed into the figure of Zhao Ziqi.

Just appeared, there was no time to delay, the hand quickly moved in the void, and then clenched it hard, and when it was released, thousands of black shadows under his feet went to the place Xu Yangyi had said before.

He didn't speak, the current situation didn't allow for much thinking, he just grabbed a cloak from the void and covered himself, hiding in the darkness, trying to suppress his breathing. Leaning against the wall, his chest heaving.

Time passed by minute by minute, twenty minutes, thirty minutes... After thirty-five minutes, he suddenly stood up.

"Found it!"

In his consciousness, there was a dim point, indicating that there was no life. But the city was full of people, and it was impossible for humans without life to exist.

If there was, it could only be Taichu!

This was something only he could do.

With a burning look in his eyes, he was about to turn into a stream of light and rush forward, but suddenly, he stopped.

"This is..." He took a breath, knelt on the ground with a plop, and trembled all over.

So scary...

Such a terrifying existence...

Obviously the spiritual energy was not very strong, but the essence of that life crushed all the cultivators he had seen!

Whether it was Taixu, or... Dubu!

An indescribable pressure appeared in this empty passage. In front of this pressure like a star, let alone moving, he couldn't even lift his head!


He pressed his hands to the ground and tried to raise his head. Time could not allow for any mistakes. His elder brother was waiting for him, and his second brother was also waiting for him. How could he encounter such an existence!

Is there a fourth force in Cantian City?

No... His eyes were bloodshot. He had never been so anxious in all his years of practice. If there was any mistake, all three of them would lose their heads!

In silence, he tried his best, his hair turned white, and his fingers carved on the ground with great difficulty.

"Pa pa pa..." In the quiet passage, applause sounded quietly: "The Eye of Anubis... The Eastern genealogy is called Tongyou Eye. Even if I have only seen fifty in the heavens and the worlds, not bad..."

Zhao Ziqi saw a figure in a cloak slowly walking towards him from the corner of his red eyes.

"You..." He said with all his strength through his teeth: "Who is it..."

The figure stood in front of him, but did not answer him, but smiled and said: "Do you know."

"Everything is inescapable in the eyes of the gods."

"You followed the wrong person."

"Your so-called elder brother, he turned the gear that shouldn't be turned. I saw things that I shouldn't see, although it was harmless, but I just took advantage of it."

"It's a pity... This is just a distraction. Even I dare not do anything under the heavenly way of the Queen Wa. You should really be thankful."

A pale hand hooked Zhao Ziqi's chin and lifted it up. Zhao Ziqi's pupils shrank and looked at the face in front of him in disbelief: "Wangchen?!"

"So this is the name of this inferior creature... I have to say, he tastes good." "Wangchen" smiled with some sighs: "Then... how about this?"

His face suddenly changed and turned into Ou Fangyu's face again.

"Who... are you!" Zhao Ziqi felt that his soul was hooked by an extremely terrifying giant beast, and his whole body trembled slightly.

"I am an existence that you don't want to know, and you don't deserve to know." With a bang, the cloak in front of him opened completely. It was only a few meters long, but it turned into a black hole of tens of meters, revealing the true face of the devil inside: "Mortal... please call me the Lord of Greed."

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