
Chapter 1435: One Hour (Five)

There are thousands of stars, and the dragon opens its eyes.

It was indescribably majestic. It was clearly tens of meters in size, but it seemed as if one could see the boundless universe through it.

In the universe, a huge creature slowly opened its eyes and glanced at him.

The next second, Zhao Ziqi's eyes completely lost their expression, and he fell to the ground with a thud, like a puppet whose threads had been cut.

"I'll take your soul away." With Jie Jie's laughter, the black hole quickly shrank with the cloak, returning to the size of a person again. Ou Fangyu took out a silver fist-sized lantern, and a white soul entered it: "You are lucky to have your soul taken away by me personally... Humph!"

Before he finished speaking, the cloak suddenly twisted. It was as if something was fighting fiercely inside the body. A few seconds later, he leaned against the wall.

Endless blood flowed out from under his cloak like a stream. He raised his hands that had been dyed red, and his voice was hoarse with supreme majesty: "Emperor Wa... It's such a long-lost name, even if it violates your rule, Heavenly Dao, can't you kill my distraction..."

"You are already so weak, why bother meddling in your own business?"

He dragged his body with difficulty, leaving long traces of blood behind him, and his voice slowly sounded: "This body has almost reached its limit... Damn it... I shouldn't have killed this little guy casually... Emperor Wa The strength of the soul's attack is still terrifying cannot be used a second time..."

As he was distracted, his sense of touch was not particularly keen, so he did not see that the last talisman was completed at the moment Zhao Ziqi fell.

At the same time, 40 degrees south of the Suzaku Tower and 7 million meters away, a fat man who was eating and drinking finally raised his head and looked around warily.

Just now, the void in this area seemed to be shaken, and then it was extremely quiet.

He blinked, and his eyes turned white. With his intelligence, he still hadn't figured out why he was quiet. It took him five seconds to react, then he screamed and rushed towards the roof.

Quiet indeed.

Even the sound of the battle in Towering City was gone.

But these five seconds were the crucial five seconds. A black vortex suddenly opened in the void, and immediately after, two forks were placed on his neck.

"It's you..." In the whirlpool, ghosts cried, and the kingdom of death sent out its invitation. Two pairs of huge eyes slowly lit up: "It can summon a user of the Netherworld Eye at the cost of his soul. We, just for a fool like you?”


On the thirty-sixth floor of the Suzaku Tower, the Song family's headquarters, the Song family monk who was desperately transmitting the picture suddenly raised his head, and a pair of eyes, thousands of them, all looked at the light curtain.

In the center of the room, at the top of the altar, the head of the Song family and two senior officials were standing there, while the others had disappeared. At the same time, as if he expected something, he sighed and stood up slowly. Taking a deep breath, he walked to the carved fence and looked down.

At the same time, the whole room shook slightly, and a bright red light passed through like blood, leaving the place in dead silence.

The next second, all the spiritual energy fluctuated, no one needed to talk at all, and all the scenes were adjusted like crazy.

" it here..." The head of the Song family closed his eyes, and the muscles on his old face were trembling slightly. He whispered hoarsely: "Have the people of the Song family returned to the inner city? Where are the other heads of the family and their direct descendants? Has the notice arrived?"

"Everyone has been notified." A woman next to her seemed to have a premonition of something. Her eyes were red and everyone was shaking unconsciously. She handed over her hands and said: "All the Taoist saints in the first twenty sequences, all the family heads of the main line, deputy family heads, generals and above. The senior members of the clan who are in charge of the plane... have all gathered in the Song family's private teleportation circle, a total of 847 people."

"Very good..." The head of the Song family opened his eyes and looked at the suddenly calm room in front of him, as if looking at the sea before the storm. He gritted his teeth and said: "Let them... start evacuating immediately. The White Tiger Hall and the law enforcement team will protect them. Anyone who is disrespectful will be killed on the spot!"

"Yes!" The woman lowered her head and said solemnly: "Where are you...?"

"When will you leave?"

The head of the Song family did not speak, his eyes passed over the huge but silent space, and he smiled bitterly: "I won't leave."

"No! Sir! You..."

"Shut up." The head of the Song family said calmly: "Towering City, the place where the Song family flourished, was lost in my hands. The whole world was helping the Song family to defend themselves against the enemy, but the Song family secretly evacuated the top management. This kind of thing... must be done If there is a scapegoat, I will not be able to see Mr. Jiangdong."

"My lord! My lord!!" Just when the woman was about to say something else, the space that had just calmed down suddenly heard exclamations from all directions, "My lord! It's not good! Look... take a look quickly!" "This ...This is the Great Conflict in Shentian City! How is this possible at this time? The image is indeed correct! Dao Ancestor...Can Towering City be saved?"

The sky was filled with boiling water and rushing like the sea. The head of the Song family did not say a word. The red light just now was designated as a special alarm for Towering City. This alarm was even more intense than the previous Thousand Saints Lianzhu. It was no longer a "can be hidden" "category. Second only to the highest level reported in the entire city of Towering City.

This means... there is an extremely important existence entering the towering city's crystal wall system!

The distance will not exceed 50 million meters!

"Sir!" A cultivator suddenly rushed up, bowed his head in the void, and screamed hoarsely: "Empty, empty, the empty master is about to fall! Already, he is rushing towards Cangtian City! I..."

"Adjust the image." The head of the Song family interrupted him calmly: "Also, report to the Immortal Great Sage immediately. No... With his divine consciousness, he must have captured it..."

As soon as the voice fell, a huge atlas unfolded in the void, full of stars. Cangtian City was shining with golden light, pulling up the barrier of the galaxy. The spiritual light bursting from all sides and the star-destroying cannons sweeping across the sky dyed this area of ​​the sky colorful. However... just outside the far sky, a colorful stream of light, like a sharp blade of a god, rushed straight to Cangtian City with flames all over the sky!

It was a cosmic storm composed of countless spiritual lights and colorful butterflies. In the center of the storm, a Taoist priest with white hair and a dry face carried a long sword on his back. Although his death was in front of him, a relieved smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. Around him, the spirit butterflies surged like the six reincarnations.

Great and majestic, that was the miracle of life fully blossoming and burning.

Magnificent, this was the wonder of the fall of the five kings and two queens that happened once every thousands of years.

All the planetary belts blocking his way, the spirit butterfly vortex was instantly broken when it approached a thousand meters, and the colorful nebulae were stirred and surged.

In the upper right corner of the image, a line of numbers was extremely clear.

Thirty-two minutes.

Thirty-two minutes later, the star fell into the city.

A dead silence.

Because of the excitement of seeing this picture that had not been seen for a thousand years, and because of the external and internal troubles, all the monks broke out in cold sweat on their foreheads, their hearts were beating wildly as if in their ears, and countless eyes were fixed on the head of the Song family.

This steel wire has been stretched to the limit it can bear.

"My lord!" The monk kowtowed desperately, and his sharp voice broke the silence: "Should we notify all the saints? But... but now we can't leave the tower..."

Before he finished speaking, he stopped.

Because the head of the Song family calmly raised his dry hand and pointed to the top of his head.

Top of the head?

Everyone looked over in astonishment. There was nothing above their heads except the roof, which was magnificent with carved beams and painted buildings, and countless flying spiritual images.

At this moment, all the talismans in all directions turned red. This time... it was not just this room. With the Vermillion Bird Building as the center, a dazzling red color instantly broke out like a tsunami. The Vermillion Bird Building was like a blood-stained giant, soaking the whole city with blood.

The speed was so fast that the red color only infected the talismans. In less than a few seconds, it had rushed out for thousands of meters! All the talismans turned blood red! Just like the meridians of the human body!

"This is..." The monk stared at the red light that broke out dully, his legs softened, and he fell into the void.

"My God..." "For the first time in history... For the first time in the 70,000-year history of Cantian City..." "Is there really such a setting? Daozu... I, I thought it was a joke..." "No... Venerable Kongxu's starfall in Cantian City did not trigger it, now... Could it be..."

Discussions from all sides rose from low to high, getting louder and louder, and finally formed a huge wave that could not be heard at all.

There were crowds of people, with only panic on their faces, helpless eyes intersecting with each other, and faces full of fear. In the boiling of the tsunami, the head of the Song family slowly retreated to the center of the altar and sat on a chair.

"Let them... go now."

On the top of the Suzaku Tower, within a radius of 10,000 meters, a number of floating boats roared through the Jiujiu Xuanhuang Formation and returned, with thousands of rays of light shining, restrictions flowing like water, the hulls damaged, and smoke billowing.

On the boat, countless cultivators closed their eyes and meditated, their clothes stained with blood, and some stroked their broken life treasures with great pain. Some had broken hands, some were already unconscious, and countless disciples of the Dan League shuttled among them, distributing precious pills without hesitation.

At the stern, a female cultivator gritted her teeth, her left hand below the elbow was missing, but her right hand was holding a broken mirror magic weapon, her eyes were bloodshot.

This was her husband's magic weapon, and in order to protect her, he watched helplessly being swallowed by countless Taichu.

"I brought you back." Her red eyes had a hint of tenderness, and she stood up with difficulty, pursing her lips and looking at the Suzaku Tower: "You were born in Cantian City, we got married here, and now, you should also be buried..."

Before she finished speaking, she was completely sluggish.

As far as the eye could see, the Suzaku Tower was red, like the blood-red sun in the starry sky, and this bright red was sweeping at an incredible speed! All the talismans turned red! The countless magic arrays that have been reinforced again and again for tens of thousands of years made the Suzaku Tower like the seat of hell!

"This is..." She was stunned for a second and took a breath of cold air: "This... could it be the legendary..."

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