
Chapter 1436: The spirit of the weapon awakens

I posted an update in the evening...didn't you see it...


Near the Suzaku Tower, all the monks in the main hall of the Dan Alliance have magic weapons in hand, and even they will attack when necessary.

However, with the sound of "Look!!", the monks meditating in the hall all opened their eyes and looked towards the Suzaku Tower. Then, they saw a scene they could never forget.

The blood tide is like a sea, swallowing up the whole city! Thousands of feet of red light soared into the sky!

The red bird has a spirit, the towering sky has a spirit.

In the city, countless monks moved forward quickly, but a layer of blood-red rushed over them in an instant. The rune chain trembled crazily as the blood-red passed by, and everyone on it was stunned.

"This is..." A monk took a deep breath with trembling, and suddenly screamed: "Suzaku Weapon Spirit!!"

A huge boulder was thrown into the lake, completely breaking the calm surface of the lake and causing violent waves.

"Suzaku Artifact Spirit...Song Family's Clan Spirit Treasure!" "It has been integrated into Towering City. If there is no huge danger that Towering City cannot withstand, it will never appear!" "It has not appeared for tens of thousands of years...for seventy thousand years. Once! Why does it appear now? This should be the last card of Shentian City! "And it is the moment of life and death for Shentian City!"

Before he finished speaking, a ray of light rushed into the void from the bottom of the Suzaku Tower. It's so big that words can't describe it. It covers the sky. When it rises, it's like the red sun rising, spreading flames all over the sky.

When the sun rises, the rivers and lakes are white, and when the tide comes, the sky and the earth are red. The magnificent red light shakes the sparks and turns into fire and snow falling from the sky. The beauty is full of suppressed enchantment.

Brush blah blah... The fire and snow fell slowly. In front of the Sixiang Gate, Shen Chenyang looked at the snow falling in his hands in astonishment. It turned into a little spark in his palm and dispersed.

That's not snow...

But...feathers of flames!

"This is..." The vision of Zhuque Tower could not extend that far at all. He was stunned, and suddenly felt his body heat up, and endless flames of light swayed from the sky and the earth.

An idea that he didn't even dare to think about crossed his mind, and he turned around almost tremblingly. Not just him, all the fifteen Taixu on the fifteen towers took a deep breath. Like hundreds of thousands of monks, they all turned their heads and looked into the sky.

Brush... There was a brilliance in front of them. In their pupils, in the sky of a huge sun disk, a huge Suzaku shadow like a Kunpeng was flying in the sky.

"Suzaku Weapon Spirit?!" Half a second later, all Taixu spoke in disbelief. "Suzaku Weapon Spirit has awakened?!" "It sensed an irresistible danger?!" "What the hell is going on! What happened to the Weapon Spirit?" Will it wake up? "It can awaken the Suzaku weapon spirit known as the immortal weapon... This is the highest level notification that can only be achieved by the weapon spirit awakening... The whole city is warned!"

Suddenly, a cold and emotionless voice sounded, like a yellow bell, shaking the world in all directions. "Extreme danger alarm."

"Above the Towering City, at a distance of 50 million meters, spiritual power condenses at a super speed, exceeding the speed of light. Preliminary statistics of spiritual power... 38 billion."

"It is detected that the towering city cannot withstand the impact, and the highest level defensive array is activated on its own. Forbidden array, Tai Chi Sanqing array, start preparations."

Dead silence.

For this second, the world was silent. Listen to the thunder in the silent place.

The next second, the void exploded, and countless exclamations rang out in the sky, "Sky... what is this?!" "Three eight billion spirits... three hundred eight billion spirits! Are there other galactic forces joining in?! "What to do!" "What to do now!" "This is the only time in seventy thousand years!"

This is a legend.

The legendary Dinghai Needle of the Towering City.

Now, this sea-fixing needle has issued an alarm that has never been issued before.

On the thirty-sixth floor of the Suzaku Tower, the head of the Song family smiled miserably and opened his arms. He stared straight at the roof, like a petrel facing a storm, with tears in his eyes. He croaked, as if he was crazy: "Come on... bring it on!!"

"Let the towering city be buried with you! I want to see...what can cause the immortal weapon to awaken!! Destroy the ten thousand-year-old foundation of my Song family!!"

The monks on this level finally understood why.

Why does the head of the Song family point to the sky...

The real turns out that it is not Taichu at all, nor is it the death of Lord Kong Kong! In the vast galaxy, there is an unknown and terrifying existence that is shrouding the towering city.

Thirty-eight billion spirits... This is enough to destroy the Towering City!

"Escape! Escape quickly!!" "Leave! Get out of here! Catch up with the teleportation circle! Return to the Seven Realms!" "How could such a change happen!" "What on there in the sky! What is the Chain of the Seven Realms? What!?"

It's a mess...

Complete chaos...

For the first time in 70,000 years, under extreme fear, even he could not take charge of the overall situation.

Depression follows me like a shadow, and panic weighs me down.

This steel wire was finally completely broken before an unexpected change occurred.

Following exclamations of extreme fear, countless monks rushed towards the teleportation circle that the Song family had arranged. Streams of light rushed into the void, the treasure light flickered, and there were thousands of auspicious energy. However, at this moment, the door to this space suddenly fell. Thousands of monks wearing black armor appeared in the void.

Without any hesitation, the sword light formed a neat formation, flying sharply. All the monks who rushed in front fell, and the Nascent Soul did not escape.

"As a member of the Song family, you actually deserted the battlefield?" The head of the Song family appeared on the altar at some point, looking at everyone indifferently: "Whoever dares to run will be killed without mercy!"

"Where is the treasure holder!!" He roared with almost all his strength.

"Here." In the void, fifteen figures flashed, each of them exuding a powerful spiritual energy. The head of the Song family had red eyes, his sleeves fluttered, and his skinny fingers swept across: "Seal off the entire city! Those who disrupt order will be executed immediately!!"



Hua La La La... No one would pay attention to this scene in the Vermillion Bird Tower. Now everything has lost its color under the number of 38 billion spirits. In the midst of the crowd, the earth roared and cracked. According to the 108 directions of the Tiangang Disha, 108 giant dragon pillars appeared.

They resonated with a long and desolate taste. A blood-colored light curtain with mysterious runes leisurely cut through the sky, illuminating the scarlet below.

However, it is not that no one cares. The 37th floor of the Suzaku Tower is just one floor above the Song family's base camp. In the prison for serious criminals, nine pairs of eyes stared at all the changes, breathing rapidly, and chests rising and falling.

"Legend has it that the foundation of Cantian City was the Suzaku Tower. The Suzaku Tower existed tens of thousands of years ago, and the Song family built Cantian City bit by bit with it as the foundation. It is said that there is a fairy weapon hidden here, which is the weapon spirit of Cantian City." Qing Yichi lifted her hair slightly and smiled, "It is said that the weapon spirit will never wake up unless it is extremely urgent. There has not been a single time in tens of thousands of years."

"Once the hero draws his sword, it will be another ten years of disaster for the people. Daoist friend, you knew that there was a big change this time, but you didn't tell Cantian City. You are really a ruthless hero." Master Shuiyue smiled.

Xu Yangyi didn't speak. Behind him, everyone stood up. The situation was stronger than the people, and they had no choice.

But... what about Zhao Ziqi and Chu Zhaonan?

No one could be more anxious than him. It was no exaggeration to say that he was extremely anxious, but he kept his composure on his face.

"Ten more minutes..." He stared at the doomsday scene outside the broken window frame, and his fingers were scratched white: "Zi Qi... Da Chu, the last ten minutes... Don't let me down!"

They could not break into the treasure keeper and go to the teleportation space on the twelfth floor... and under the eyes of the immortal great sage... without help.

One minute... two minutes... seven minutes... nine minutes...

"Daoyou." The soul-chasing blood hand's breathing became rapid, and his eyes were abnormally blood red: "What about the opportunity you mentioned?"

"The great changes in Cantian City are imminent, and it would be good to get out a minute earlier! But what about the changes you mentioned?"

The atmosphere was too depressing, making his voice a little sharp. Xu Yangyi swept his eyes coldly: "Are you questioning me?"

Anyone who dares to question him now must be prepared to welcome his full efforts.

Anyway... they don't have any trust.

It's just a matter of profit.

Facing his murderous gaze, Soul Chaser Blood Hand gritted his teeth and didn't speak. The room was once again filled with the sound of a pin drop, and all eyes were fixed on everything in Cantian City.

Whether he was born as a dragon and achieved the great position of Taixu, or accompanied the Venerable Kongxu to fall into Cantian City, it all depended on this move.

One step forward, no way back!

"Damn..." For a full twelve minutes, Xu Yangyi grabbed the window frame fiercely, his face completely sank.

No one came to help.

Is it too hasty...

But he couldn't wait any longer!

"Sure..." Just as he finished saying this, he suddenly stopped.

A gratified smile appeared on his face, ready to fight to the death. The green retina in his eyes suddenly opened, staring at them directly below.

There, a small red dot, with extremely unstable spiritual energy, was constantly flashing.

Here it comes... Really here!

Even he was breathing rapidly at this moment, but unfortunately, he didn't see Zhao Ziqi's figure. Finding Taichu Chu Zhaonan is not competent, only the other party can do it.

"Are you here?" Everyone asked softly with great desire in their eyes. Fearing that the loud voice would break this hope.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and nodded solemnly. In an instant, the room was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop, and heavy breathing resounded all around. Nine spiritual powers were suppressed but not released, like a lurking giant beast swallowing and spitting. One second, two seconds... After thirty seconds that seemed like a year, a shocking sound suddenly resounded downstairs of the Suzaku Tower!

Boom! !

Like bright fireworks, this sound was so harsh in the ears of the monks of Cantian City who didn't want to see any changes, but in their ears, it was the best sound of nature!

On the 37th floor, at the door of the heavy criminal room, the two treasure masters suddenly opened their eyes.

"Is this... the third floor?" The woman on the left hesitated and said: "Spiritual riot?"

The tall and thin man on the right did not speak, and an extremely ominous feeling was fluctuating in his consciousness. But it definitely didn't come from below.

"At this time, the spiritual energy is rioting..." He took a deep breath, didn't say anything else, and solemnly changed the subject: "Watch this place. This place... is probably the most unsafe powder keg in the entire Cantian City."

"If something happens at this time, you and I can't escape the blame!"

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