
Chapter 1437: Falling Stars City (I)

Inside the felon room.

Boom boom boom! !

No need to speak at all, eight waves of surging spiritual energy soared into the sky! Qing Yi Chi, Monk Qi Jie, Master Shui Yue, Chasing Souls with Bloody Hands...these old demons who have been trapped here for hundreds of years, each of them are famous monks with bloody hands, and finally reveal their abilities that have not been seen for hundreds of years. Too sharp.

The momentum of charge is forward but never retreat. The ambition to be trapped will lead to death but not life!

Xu Yangyi still didn't move, but his chest was rising and falling violently. He was making sure and doing the final detection. In the green omentum, the red dot exploded completely, and began to count tens of thousands of souls. After the explosion, the spiritual power surged all the way! It reached hundreds of thousands of souls in an instant, and it was still rising crazily!

Millions...tens of millions...billions!

One hundred million, two hundred million, three hundred million...

Boom! !

As if a limit had been reached, another violent explosion resounded through the bottom of the Suzaku Building. Monk Qijie looked at Xu Yangyi with tears in his eyes and roared: "Fellow Taoist?!"

"Kill!!!" Xu Yangyi opened his eyes and shouted loudly, finally opening this Pandora's box.

The spiritual energy soared into the sky without any reservation. His body turned into a golden rainbow, and the soul hunter was fully opened. Just behind him, eight spiritual energy and demons were dancing wildly, and the mountains were stacked on top of each other. The eight spiritual energy of more than 200 million people formed a huge wave! The stone in the window suddenly collapsed!

boom! ! How could the door withstand such a terrifying impact? It exploded into pieces instantly. Revealing the deep corridor behind.

The two palm masters at the door were startled, and then stood up suddenly.

Their expressions changed from calm, to panic, to disbelief, and the roaring buzz of spiritual energy in their ears became louder and louder, becoming more and more vast, and finally... formed a spiritual energy frenzy that swallowed up the world!

There are felons rioting!

As soon as this idea arose in their minds, both of them screamed "No!" The tall and thin man said with tears in his eyes: "Notify Zhuque Tower immediately!!"

The woman bit her silver teeth, and a black paper crane floated out. However, just after flying half a meter, before it had time to escape into the void, the paper crane did not move.

"Shui Yue Invisible Needle..." The woman's teeth chattered, and she looked at the paper crane with red eyes. In the void, nearly transparent silk threads flew out from the cracks in the door and tightly wrapped around the paper crane. , a withered old female voice sounded out: "Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, hundreds of years later, there are still people who remember the fame of Shuiyue Invisible Needle."

"Leave!!" The tall and thin man shouted angrily. The woman gritted her teeth and immediately turned into light and flew away. At the same time, the tall and thin man opened his mouth and spit out a long flaming knife. The terrifying Taixu pressure was like a mountain and a sea, instantly forming an endless barrier at the door.

"Xu Xiang Bao... Measuring Heaven Sword!"

The shadow of a burly man burst into the sky with a long laugh from behind the Master of Palms, and then the brilliance filled the ground, turning into countless light spots and sinking into the body of the Master of Palms. The next second, his spiritual energy climbed crazily, reaching 200 million. Three hundred million, three hundred and ten million, twenty million...

boom! ! The powerful power of Taixu shook the thirty-seventh floor violently. An invisible shock wave bloomed in the sky, spread into a circle visible to the naked eye, and rushed thousands of meters out of the Suzaku Tower. In the interplay of light and shadow, he stood in front of this door like a rock, holding the gate as one man.

At the same time, the door burst into pieces, and the spiritual energy was like a stormy wave crashing on the shore, like rocks piercing the sky. In the tsunami of spiritual light, Xu Yangyi took the lead. Feng Xu Yufeng looked coldly at the treasurer below: "We meet again."

"How brave!" The Palm Commander yelled angrily, pointing his long sword slantingly, with a sound like thunder: "Thunder! You are just temporarily staying! Not imprisoned! Do you want to be the enemy of the Seven Realms! Taichu attacked the city, and you instigated rebellion What's the point of this, heavy criminal? Are you afraid of the Great Sage's wrath?"

"Or..." He gritted his teeth and took a step forward, thrust the long knife into the ground suddenly, the void exploded layer by layer, and in the white light, he said in a deep voice: "Do you think... just you and Master Shuiyue can measure the heavenly sword? Escape from death?"

"If you want to leave, you have to pass this king's test first!"

"Is Taixu too..." Xu Yangyi sneered: "I alone am not Taixu's opponent, but... what about them?"

Before he finished speaking, in the flood of spiritual light behind him, the desperate figures of the two masters of the Eight Orders slowly stepped out. His eyes were cold, like seeing a dead person.

"Monk Qijie...Master Shuiyue...One foot green, soul-chasing blood-hand, Dragon Boy, Tiger Master..." The tall and thin man gritted his teeth, and his heart was already freezing.

Totally the opposite...

In this difficult situation, these demons who had been imprisoned for hundreds of years actually turned against each other!

He is confident that he can win Xu Yangyi, but with 350 million, he is no match for the eight fake Taixu! Even if calculated based on the method of spiritual power compression, if there were at most six people, he would be so angry on the spot!

"You...really want to be enemies of the Seven Realms?"

What answered him was that nine rays of light exploded at the same time!

Anyone who blocks the road will be killed without mercy!


Zhuque Tower, third floor.

The first fifteen floors of Zhuque Tower are not very important. The fifteenth floor and above are the places where generals are placed. The first fifteen floors are mostly used as channels and warehouses for transmitting information. After all, Towering City is too big.

On the third floor, the building has long been deserted, with only dozens of monks who built the foundation and elixirs guarding the place. Behind are dozens of gates, each of which is tens of meters in size. The house behind the gate is even more than a kilometer long. It is a place where all kinds of war preparation materials that cannot be loaded into the storage ring are stored. Of course, the most important thing is still controlled by the Song family and the Great Sage.

At this moment, the talismans in all directions suddenly lit up, and then returned to silence after shining brightly.

"What's going on?" A fat Jindan monk who was sitting cross-legged in the void turned his head and looked at the other monks, meeting the same astonished eyes: "The defense array is automatically activated?"

The fat Jindan monk raised his head and looked at the roof, frowned and said: "There is no abnormality, no spiritual power..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly trembled all over. A kind of piercing cold followed him like a shadow. This thought came up, and for some reason, he shuddered violently, as if he was stared at by something extremely terrible.

This was far beyond his realm. It was a fear like the devil was around him. His teeth trembled, and cold sweat rained down. The sudden and huge fear made him dare not even turn around.

"Fellow Daoist Wang?" Time seemed to pass by like a year, and his heart was about to jump out. After five minutes, he finally spoke in a trembling voice: "Fellow Daoist Li?"

Friend, friend, friend... The lonely voice echoed on the third floor, but no one answered him!

Just like that, he raised his eyes and looked, and everyone... seemed to be gone!

He was the only one left, abandoned in the endless wilderness of fear.

Sweating like rain, he didn't even dare to lower his head, shivering all over, and his voice was about to cry: "Fellow Daoist Zhao... Fellow Daoist Qin?"

"You... Don't scare me..."

Still no one answered, but a kind of extremely uneasy fear that seemed to devour everything was fermenting wildly in this space.

Dedede... All he could hear was the sound of his teeth chattering. After dozens of seconds, he took a deep breath and suddenly lowered his head!


The sky was empty, the ground was the ground, and the house was the house, just like before, as if it was just his illusion just now. Then he suddenly looked to the left, and then to the right. The pupils suddenly contracted.

It was still the third floor.

But there was no one!

"Sha..." At this moment, his whole body stiffened, and a huge shadow appeared above his head, and below him. This shadow exuded the stench of human blood, and sharp teeth several meters long could be seen.

Is this... a mouth?

Puff! Blood splattered, broken pieces flew, and bones were bitten and crackled. Right behind him, a three-headed black dog, covered with blood-red barbs, was a thousand meters long, and covered with Taichu, chewing the blood in its mouth gently.

"It is your good fortune to die in the mouth of my Void Dog King." Six pairs of eyes looked at everything with red eyes, and after a few seconds, they roared to the sky.

Behind it, a huge wormhole of two thousand meters in size was forming rapidly. Countless primordial ants crawled out of it, and the masters floated out one by one. Its voice resounded in all directions: "Haha... who is it? Who actually found the wedge and opened the passage? Who helped us this time?"

"Although I don't know who it is, I will accept your favor."

"Come... attack with all your forces! Let us set foot on this territory that we haven't set foot on for tens of thousands of years!"

Roar!! The endless roar of the primordial roar resounded through the space. The next second, the chest of the Void Dog King bulged, and he roared suddenly. The fourth floor of the ground exploded and twisted into a shattered void. Countless exclamations sounded at the same time above, revealing pairs of terrified eyes above.

"Seize the teleportation point... attack with all your forces!!" As the Void Dog King laughed loudly and turned into a dark stream of light and rushed into the sky, the endless primordial stars below rose into the sky. Under the command of the master, they became a scarlet waterfall pouring from bottom to top!

"Taichu! It's Taichu!" "One of the seven deputy legion commanders, the Void Dog King! How could it be here?!" "There is a traitor! There is a traitor among us! Taichu attacks the Suzaku Tower! Ring the dragon bone bell immediately!!" "Report! Report! Report! Report immediately!!"

In an instant, endless paper cranes soared into the sky. There were about thousands of cultivators above. They did not lose their composure despite the death. With the angry shouts of several Nascent Soul cultivators, a large formation was formed quickly. With the rise of spiritual energy, the green lotus swayed and grew. However, just as it was about to be formed, black light broke through the void, the demon spread its wings, and all the cultivators around turned into dry bones.

"Just a Nascent Soul, a Golden Core, dare to be presumptuous in front of the great Taixu?!" Along with the roar of killing, a circle of magnificent shock waves roared out, hitting the wall a thousand meters away, making a crackling sound, and all the cultivators in it were instantly reduced to ashes. Its voice was like a death knell: "Open all the wedges at the same time, kill them all!!"

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