
Main text Chapter 143: Auction (IV)

"Three thousand five!" No longer caring about exposing the past, the hook-nosed man from the Yan family turned around and was about to see who the other party was and think about the other party's dark history. When he saw it, the corners of his mouth fell.

Master Qingzhan...

Where the hell is this dark history!!

"Hehe..." After a few dry laughs, the hook-nosed monk said indifferently: "Buddhism and Taoism rarely enter the world. I didn't expect that there is such a big industry. It's really true that the real person doesn't show his face."

"Amitabha." Master Qingzhan put his hands together, chanted a Buddhist name, and didn't explain anymore.

The hook-nosed man wanted to kick the old man to death!

Tell me, others don't talk back, you want to provoke, and some people say you have no tolerance. This is how Buddhism is. Others ignore you because of their self-restraint.

But who can tell him how a poor Buddhist raised the price to three times!

"Four thousand!" Before he could finish thinking, the old man of the Gan family pointed his finger and shouted without hesitation: "This first pill is for me! The Gan family will not participate in the rest!"


Everyone sneered in their hearts.

For a monk, especially a monk who has lived for a long time, the promise made in such an occasion is no different from farting.

"Five thousand!" The fat monk with glasses snorted coldly: "I also promise that our family will not participate in the rest!"

"Five thousand five!" "Five thousand eight!" "Six thousand!!" "Six thousand four hundred!"

All this seemed to have opened a lid. In an instant, the bidding sounded one after another, and countless recorders were recording with sweat on their heads.

Next to Xu Yangyi stood a plain-looking middle-aged man. At this moment, his face was full of excitement. He almost forgot his identity as a mid-stage foundation-building cultivator. He said in a hoarse voice: "Friend Xu, a pill has reached a sky-high price of six thousand... Let me say more... Even a set of top-grade magic tools only costs thousands of spirit stones..."

Xu Yangyi smiled slightly. Yes, this is just a pill, but it is a pill that has been lost for nearly two hundred years!

And... the people present only have five chances!

After five times, the golden pill will be used. At that time, it will be a real fight between dragons and tigers!

He smiled and arched his hands: "Senior, I am not a foundation-building cultivator. Just call me a junior."

The middle-aged man was Baishe, the chief auctioneer of Jindou Hall. I am afraid that there is no one in the cultivation world who can match him in terms of valuation. At this time, he woke up and looked at Xu Yangyi deeply: "Don't be arrogant or impatient. In a few decades, you will definitely be ranked as a foundation-building cultivator..."

Xu Yangyi arched his hands and nodded, but smiled silently in his heart.


Ten years is too long, we must seize the day!

In the field, the competition has reached a fever pitch!

Many people did not bid for the first pill, they wanted to see the price of the pill in everyone's mind, but some families had to bid.

As I said, first-class families also have their own advantages and disadvantages. Some families have been exhausted by several consecutive failed investments. If they don't bid now, when will they bid?

"Six thousand eight!" The eyes of the hooked nose were a little red, staring at everyone, and bowed: "This pill... let our Yan family, our Yan family owe you a favor!"


Farting again, still colorless and tasteless...

No one took this sentence to heart, the woman stepped forward and showed no weakness: "Seven thousand!"

"Amitabha..." Master Qingzhan chanted the Buddha's name, but his action had nothing to do with Buddha: "Seven thousand seven."

"You..." The woman's breathing was a little rapid. This damn old man! Why don't you die!

Their Yunmeng Cave was indeed affected by the batch of spiritual plants last year. They expected to make about 8,000 this time. However, it is already 7,700 now, and it is not even close!

It's bad... Her eyes swept over everyone at the scene. Except for Master Qingzhan, everyone who participated in the bidding for the first pill had red eyes. They were emotional and thoughtful. Everyone was reluctant to give up here!

7,700... This is already a high price. There was a rare silence among the crowd. At this moment, another inappropriate voice sounded for the first time.

"Seven thousand and seven hundred middle-grade spiritual stones, the first time." Baishe smiled, and that smile made people want to slap him.

Silence, still silence, everyone was thinking, how much more can be mobilized after seeing the family's statistics before coming?

The real buyer will appear at this moment.

"Seven thousand and seven hundred middle-grade spirit stones, the second time."

"Eight thousand..." The hook-nosed man gritted his teeth. The time for bidding had passed. At this moment, he was extremely cautious. He paused for a long time before saying, "One hundred."

The woman's face was ashen, and she sat down dejectedly.

Yunmeng Cave was the first to quit the game.

Her silent sitting did not make everyone stop, but the remaining five people breathed more quickly!

The alchemy that has been lost for two hundred years and reappeared in the light of day... is right in front of us!

"Eight thousand... three hundred middle-grade spirit stones." Master Qingzhan's eyes were still closed under his snow-white eyebrows, and he said in a deep voice: "Amitabha."

"Eight thousand five hundred." The fat monk with glasses also restrained his smile. Now, it is no longer the time for bidding. Every time he raises the price, he is extremely cautious.

"Eight thousand seven hundred." "Eight thousand nine hundred."

The scene was silent, and everyone was watching the final fight for the elixir.

A young man from the family who came with him almost stood up, staring at the scene with his eyes fixed on it. The lost side door, the extremely expensive spiritual stone, all of this made him feel that... the trip was worthwhile!

That kind of thrilling auction was simply impossible to take your eyes off!

The hook-nosed monk looked at everyone with a flickering gaze, and gritted his teeth and said, "Ten thousand..."

"Zi..." "Heh..." "Yan family, this is really a bloodbath..." "Ten thousand middle-grade spirit stones, one pill, fortunately this is the first time... If it's like this in the future, and it's sold more than a dozen times, the richest man in the cultivation world will have to change hands!" "Isn't he the Pavilion Master of Duobao Pavilion now?" "By the way! When you mention this, why hasn't Duobao Pavilion made a move yet?"

Everyone's heart tightened.

Including the few people who were bidding, their hearts shrank slightly.

Yes... This evil local tyrant, the fighter among the local tyrants, once he makes a move, how can others play?

This idea accelerated their mentality of bidding. Master Qingzhan immediately raised his eyebrows: "Twelve thousand!"

Bleeding is bleeding!

Can't hold on to luck anymore!

Added two thousand in one breath, the scene was silent again.

The sound of panting seemed to be close to my ears. Among the other two people bidding, a beautiful and lovely girl pursed her lips: "Master... Mount Wutai Longyin Temple, are the pilgrims bidding all medium-grade spiritual stones?"

Master Qingzhan's thick skin is indeed commendable. He said Amitabha and smiled: "Indeed."

Indeed, ooxx!

How dare you say such a thing!

The girl's face was extremely complicated. She pondered for a long time and sighed: "The Diting Hall of the Demon City, withdraw."

"The Diting Hall!" "The people of the Diting Hall appeared!" "She turned out to be someone from the Diting Hall!"

Instantly, the scene was boiling.

Diting, together with Zhu Hongxue, ranked in the top ten of the Heavenly Demon List! The bottom of the Demon City River! Has not been born for decades!

"My God..." A junior stood up in amazement, holding the handrail, and was immediately pulled down by the elder. He said to his elders with excitement: "The top ten on the Heavenly Demon List! The top ten on the Heavenly Demon List! Grandpa! Did you see it..."

"Shut up!" The old man next to him looked stern: "The top ten is nothing... Look above you, that's the real sky."

The noise quickly died down.

Another person withdrew, and there are currently three people left on the field.

The hooked nose, Master Qingzhan, and the fat man with glasses.

Master Qingzhan raised the price by two thousand in one breath. The fat monk with glasses pondered for a long time, sighed very unwillingly, and sat down silently.

Only the last two people are left on the field!

"Daoyou." Unexpectedly, Master Qingzhan suddenly spoke: "The Yan family, I have heard a little bit about it. The battle a year ago was not too bad. If the Yan family takes back this pill, but cannot analyze it, these more than ten thousand spirit stones may be the last straw that breaks the camel's back for the Yan family."

The hooked nose monk's face finally changed. However, before coming, the family said that it must be taken back no matter what!

Even various analytical instruments are ready, how could they give up at this step?

"Master, don't bother with this." He suppressed the feeling of bleeding in his heart, pondered for a few seconds, his eyes flashed, and he made up his mind.

"Fifteen thousand!"

"This is the final price of the Yan family!"

"Master, if you can offer a higher price than this! The Yan family will give you this pill!"

"Fifteen thousand! Fifteen thousand!" Xu Yangyi was shocked, and Baishe next to him had already blushed: "Friend Xu! A C-level magic weapon embryo is only fifteen thousand middle-grade spirit stones! This, this pill is comparable to a magic weapon embryo!"

Master Qingzhan smiled slightly and was about to speak, but suddenly, another voice almost made the whole audience noisy.

"Two hundred!"

A young man in a suit, accompanied by three secretaries, stood up and tried to smile: "Baili family, two hundred high-grade spirit stones."

There was silence at the scene, and after a few seconds, the noise was endless!

Who would have thought that there would be someone who would cut in at the end!

Moreover, the price of the interception increased by 5,000 at once!

This is the real buyer.

Master Qingzhan finally lost his smile.

Longyin Temple gathered the power of the whole temple and collected 18,000 medium-grade spirit stones. He could not take out any more, and he was afraid that he would be intercepted at the end! Unexpectedly, there really was one!

And this Baili family...

"That's the Baili family in Rongcheng, Xichuan Province." Yunmengdong, who had given up bidding, gritted his teeth and said, "Rongcheng is important and one of the western passages. Don't think that the Baili family is just the first family in Rongcheng. The four provinces in the west, including Guifang, Tibet Province, and Xijiang Province, are all under their wings. The family has accumulated more than hundreds of millions!"

"Master Qingzhan is also determined to buy elixirs..." On the other side, a young man said enviously, "I didn't expect that the foundation of Longyin Temple in Wutai Mountain is so profound... Are monks so rich now?"

"Hehe... Who would have thought that man's plans are not as good as God's plans, and there are actually people who cut in the end."

Pairs of envious eyes all looked at them. At this moment, the bidding in the field has reached a fever pitch.

"I..." The hooked nose took a deep breath, his face was extremely dejected, he gritted his teeth several times, and finally sighed: "Yan family... give up."

Qingzhan was not happy at all!

Twenty thousand... the last straw that broke the camel's back!

Who would have thought that someone would come out to steal the deal at the end!

"Amitabha..." Master Qingzhan chanted the Buddha's name for a long time and said nothing more.

This first one is already within reach, and he is absolutely unwilling to give up at this moment!

His eyes opened for the first time. A hint of determination flashed in his eyes. He hesitated for a few seconds and reached into his cassock several times. He finally made up his mind. Even though his heart was as calm as water, his eyes couldn't help but twitch.

Could it be... that he really had to take it out?

Can't bear to...

Really can't bear to...

One of the symbols of Longyin Temple, compared to the alchemy that appeared in the world two hundred years later, which one is more important?

At this moment, he couldn't judge.

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