
Main text Chapter 144: Auction (V)

The body is like a bodhi tree, and the mind is like a mirror. Wipe it frequently to avoid dust.

Now, he cannot reach the state where there is nothing in the first place and nothing can cause dust. I just feel...the dust and annoyance in my heart are getting more and more!

His hand was still not taken out.

"Twenty thousand coins for the first time." Bai Tou shouted at the right moment.

Master Qingzhan's snow-white eyebrows were twitching. The price was really too high. A Spirit-Guarding Pill was only worth three or four medium-grade spiritual stones at most. However, this was the first Spirit-Guarding Pill in two hundred years!

No one cares about its efficacy. Everyone only needs to study the combination and techniques of alchemy from it. The price is immeasurable!

"Twenty thousand coins for the second time!"

Master Qingzhan took a deep breath. For the first time, my hands trembled slightly.

"Twenty thousand coins for the third time! Success..."

"A relic."

After saying this, Master Qingzhan called out sin three times and stretched out his hand in silence.

An irregular solid body, emitting a hazy golden light, was suspended out of thin air in his palm!

Xu Yangyi looked at the relic carefully. This was his first time coming into contact with such a real spiritual creature of heaven and earth.

Even from such a distance, he could feel the majestic spiritual power contained in it! A pale golden hazy Buddha statue slowly rotates among the relics, making it look extremely sacred!

There was silence at the scene.

Even the Baili family in Rongcheng were completely stupid.

Not only him, but Bai Tou and everyone below were stunned.

"She, she, she is a relic?" Bai Tou's voice stuttered, and he was silent for a second. The next second, he exclaimed: "On the list of wonders in the world, he is ranked thirty-eighth on the list of people. What a high-level Buddhist monk obtains from sitting is not only comparable to the demon elixir, it can be used in all magic circle hubs, but it can also help monks understand their realm, especially..."

He swallowed his saliva: "According to legend... there are only seventy-two relics left in the world... Once a new relic appears, the last one will turn into ashes... One relic , corresponding to the seventy-two magical powers of Buddhism, each one has its own name... This, its value is initially estimated to be more than 20,000 medium-grade spiritual stones!"

"Once you identify your unique skills, the value will increase!"

"He is even willing to take out the relics?!" Below, a foundation-building monk's eyes widened: "Longyin Temple is digging deep! This is a real rare treasure!"

"Father." Not far away, a young man looked at the relics in Master Qingzhan's hands with fascination. At this moment, he felt that his eyes were clear and his spiritual consciousness was clear. He asked unconsciously: "What is this? ?”

"This is a treasure..." The father beside him also stared at the relic and murmured: "The treasure of the temple... They are really willing to give it up!"

"Fellow Taoist!" The first person to react was the Baili family. The young man looked at the relic in Qingzhan's hand in astonishment, then looked at Qingzhan, then looked at the relic, and so on. I don't know how long it took before he said in shock: "You are willing to take out the relic. Is it too much?"

This was beyond his price range!

Master Qingzhan didn't say a word, but with a slight move of his hand, the relic disappeared without a trace.

"This object is called Chixia Gold." He looked at Bai Tongue, and the muscles on his face couldn't help but twitch slightly due to the excessive heartache: "It contains magical powers... a hint of Zen in holding a flower and smiling."

"Ha..." "Here..." "Pull the flower finger..." "It's so magical... This alchemist has become more developed this time!" "The seventy-two unique skills, even a trace of Zen, are of this value. It’s immeasurable!” “Oh my god, Nian Hua smiled... The seventy-two unique skills of Buddhism... It’s really... I went crazy with the first pill... Next, how can I go crazy?” , I said, the Jindan ancestors... won't they also use their magical powers?

The first one was just a test. Of the dozens of families present, only one was so lucky, and the others hadn’t touched it yet!

Master Qingzhan's heart was dripping with blood, but his face remained motionless. He looked at the dumbfounded Amitabha Buddha and said, "Can you give me a price?"

Bai Ton finally recovered from the shock, and shouted in a hoarse voice, somewhat mechanically: "She, a relic! Preliminary estimate is 20,000 middle-grade spiritual stones! It contains the magical power of holding flowers and smiling! The price is increased by 5,000 middle-grade. Spiritual stones! The total price is twenty-five thousand middle-grade spiritual stones!”

The young man from Baili's family woke up from a dream. He opened his mouth several times, but could not say a word.

It is impossible to increase the price. This price is simply astronomical for a pill in the Qi training period! especially……

Master Qingzhan looked at him with a vague look, full of unkindness.

One of the symbols of our Longyin Temple, do you dare to increase the price? Are you planning to go outside with the poor monk to quarrel?

They are all building the foundation of Dzogchen, who is afraid of whom?

Young men know that King Kong can not only pick flowers, but also glare.

"Twenty-five thousand middle-grade spiritual stones, the second time!" Bai Tou's voice was hoarse. Although he wanted to add another person, his reason told him that this was impossible.

I completely broke up with Longyin Temple, and the weight of this price was a bit scary.

"Twenty-five thousand medium-grade spiritual stones, the third time!" Bai Tou clapped his hands in mid-air and made a sound like an auction hammer: "Deal!"

"Congratulations to Master Qingzhan of Longyin Temple in Mount Wutai for purchasing the first elixir!"

In everyone's eyes, which were as hot as substance, a black elixir flew into Master Qingzhan's hand. When the elixir fell into the old hand, everyone heard Master Qingzhan let out a sigh of relief. Then……

He actually burst into tears!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu" His cry was so low that it was almost inaudible, but everyone could clearly see the action of wiping his tears. I don’t know if I am crying because I finally got the alchemy, or if I am crying because I have lost one of the symbols of Longyin Temple.

All that could be seen was Master Qingzhan, who was crying with his face covered with his sleeves, being helped by several other eminent monks to take his seat. but……

"What a bald donkey!" The Baili family kept gritting their teeth and looking at the great monk, but they found that the other man put an unknown talisman on his sleeve as quickly as possible, and the elixir disappeared immediately!

"Wanli Wind Shadow Talisman..." The young man from the Baili family took a deep breath, and the anger came from it and could not be cut off: "It can send something to a designated place in one breath... This Talisman is worth three hundred middle-grade Lingshi or above! Don’t CSIB pay taxes to them?”

"Young Master." A monk beside him reminded in a deep voice: "Don't pay attention to them anymore. Next... we have three more chances."

The young man's eyes sharpened and he immediately became serious.

Yes, three times, not four times.

The time Duobao Pavilion participated, everyone was automatically excluded. No one is looking for discomfort.

CSIB's Anxiang Ancestor, Fa Jiao is currently at the top, and Yulinwei's Gusong Ancestor, needless to say, has told everyone with practical actions that he is here. Countless monks knew for the first time what the flowing light prisoner shadow was!

Thinking of the feeling just now of having one's own shadow stripped away from one's body... no one had goosebumps all over!

I really don’t know where I got this magical power. No wonder the opponent chose to take over the Yulin Guards. In the wild, facing monsters, this is simply an invincible sword!

At the scene, the noise gradually died down. However, everyone can feel that the silent heat is even better than before!

The young man from the Baili family tilted his head and spoke with his spiritual sense: "How many spiritual stones can we use?"

"Twenty-three thousand yuan, young master."

"Okay..." The young master took a deep breath: "The second one... we are bound to get it!"

Baidu is an old expert in mobilizing atmosphere and has participated in countless auctions. Of course, he knows how to strike while the iron is hot. He immediately held his hands to everyone and said with a smile: "Thanks to the love of all fellow Taoists, the first elixir was sold at an ideal price. Now, let's continue the auction of the second one!"

The jade bottle appears again, and this time, there are obviously more families who are ready to take action!

The first one has already shown that this time, it will not work without bleeding!

The price of fifteen thousand middle-grade spiritual consciousness, this is the bottom line! If you can't reach this number, just go and play next to it.

"Eighteen thousand..." When the word "continue" appeared, the young man from Baili's family was the first to stand up. For the second time, he could only be named Baili!

However, before he finished speaking, another gentle voice rang out: "No matter how much the price is, as long as it is not the ancestor of the Golden Pill, Duobao Pavilion will have one thousand middle-grade spiritual stones more than them."

The Baili young man's voice was stuck in his throat, unable to come up or go down.

Everyone looked at him with pity.

What is this kid... so anxious about?

"Haha..." Bailijia laughed twice and sat down with a blush on his face.

Finally started...

In everyone's heart, not only were they not nervous, but they were relieved.

There is a knife on the head. Everyone knows that the most terrifying thing is if the knife does not fall. Once the knife falls, it will be relieved. At the same time, I am extremely jealous! Money is nothing to others!

The agent of Duobao Pavilion obviously did not expect this effect. However, he is also a good person. When he saw the scene, he immediately stood up and said with a smile: "No one bids, so this elixir is probably sold at a low price. In this way, I bought it for 30,000 medium-grade spiritual stones." . In addition, please ask Xu Xiaoyou to speak to the alchemist. As long as the other party is willing to cooperate with Duobao Pavilion, the price will be determined by the other party. Duobao Pavilion will not hesitate. "

There was no objection. But then, everyone's eyes became even more eager!

Three times...

There are only three chances left!

The golden elixir ancestors above are probably impatient to wait!

Dozens of families! Three chances!

Everyone knows that every fight is probably a life-and-death fight!

After bidding three times, a small storage ring from Duobao Pavilion flew over. Bai Tou rationally did not stir up the atmosphere. Duobao Pavilion was so flattering, and if he did it again, he would be losing face. For the richest man in the spiritual world, this face is what he deserves.

The master of Duobao Pavilion is the only monk who can stand on an equal footing with Jindan Zhenren as the Foundation Establishment Dzogchen!

"Thank you for your love from fellow Taoists. Two pills have been sold. There are three left, so you should cherish them." Bai Tou smiled and poured out one pill and started the auction of the third one.

The third and fourth were sold for 24,000 and 27,000 respectively. Photographed by the Baili family and a demon cultivator family in Jianghan City.

The atmosphere at the scene was already in full swing, and everyone's eyes were fixed on the last pill. their last chance!

"Thank you all for your kindness." Baishe took out the fifth pill, which was also the last one in the foundation-building period. Just as he was about to bid, Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed slightly, and he suddenly said loudly: "Senior Baishe, this pill, the master said that I need to auction it myself."

This... is the first time he has made that Minister Pill!

Baishe didn't look at the three-pattern Minister Pill carefully, but he saw it clearly!

This one... he plans to sell it for the second sky-high price!

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