
Main text Chapter 145: Auction (VI)

Xu Yangyi floated the pill high up. Before he could speak, an old figure suddenly stood up from his position and roared: "30,000! 30,000 middle-grade spirit stones! I'll take it! No one can snatch it! Give me some face!"

Everyone looked over immediately, and the old man was immediately recognized.

"Is this... the Five Flavors Grandmaster of the Alchemist Guild?" A cultivator who turned his head back was stunned to see the old man with a red face in an instant, his beard flying because of the aura, and his fists clenched. He could not be connected with the old man who was usually calm and indifferent in the cultivation media.

The Alchemist Guild, the least combat-effective guild in the Chinese cultivation world, is also one of the most respected guilds!

Cultivators cannot do without these three side doors. Although it is called a side door, no one dares to underestimate it.

In the past two hundred years, a total of more than a dozen Grandmasters have emerged. The side door way, from apprentice, to teacher, to master, and finally to grandmaster. These dozen people provide the cultivation path for millions of cultivators in China, and their preciousness can be seen!

However, among these dozen people, there are three masters of elixir.

"Grandmaster Wuwei, Grandmaster Wumei, Grandmaster Zhiyu." A cultivator said with emotion: "I really didn't expect that one of them would come here in person."

"Grandmaster Wumei and Grandmaster Wumei are the founders of the Alchemist Guild. How could he not come?" The cultivator next to him smiled and said: "Grandmaster Zhiyu is a special professor of Tiandao, and it is understandable that he didn't come. But..."

The two looked at each other. Now, a grandmaster actually stood up and said in person that he wanted to buy a pill? And he opened his mouth and asked for 30,000 medium-grade spirit stones?

There is something fishy here!

"It turned out to be Grandmaster Wuwei." Many people bowed to the old man with beard and hair, but what he said made Grandmaster Wuwei almost jump!

"I wonder how precious this pill is?" A cultivator who seemed to be familiar with the Five Flavors Grandmaster smiled as warmly as spring: "Grandmaster, you didn't buy the previous pills, why did you suddenly bid a sky-high price for this one?"

"Is there a difference between pills?" An elderly cultivator who had never met him smiled and bowed, saying: "I heard that ancient cultivators have a hobby called pill collectors? Is this true?"

"The 30,000 spirit stones from Duobao Pavilion just now were to make friends with alchemists and express their opinions. We are not as rich as Duobao Pavilion, but this time the five grandmasters actually offered 30,000 without hesitation?" A cultivator pursed his lips and pondered. Similarly, no one rejected the Five Flavors Grandmaster's face, but smiled "euphemistically": "Xu Xiaoyou, why is this pill auctioned separately?"

Get out!

The Five Flavors Grandmaster's eyes were about to burst into fire at this moment!

He was also an old cultivator for many years. He knew very well that at this time, he should quietly make a move, and he would not reject the faces of the five grandmasters too much. He also had a lot of money in his hands. However, the moment he saw the pill, he couldn't help it!

He had read some fragments of the ancient pill books about the Lord, Minister, Assistant and Envoy, and knew the characteristics. At first glance, he immediately recognized the origin of the pill!

Chen Dan... It was Chen Dan!

The three barely detectable pill patterns were as beautiful and magnificent as the waves of the sea in his eyes. At that time, his head "buzzed" and he stood up without hesitation, shouting out almost without any thought!

"Nothing. This pill... Hehe..." After several dry laughs, he forced his facial expression to ease up, and dryly piled up a smile: "This pill... and the old man... are destined..."

He stroked his beard with a hand that trembled slightly, and tried to keep his voice calm, but was betrayed by his straight eyes. That look was directed directly at Xu Yangyi.

Don't say...

Don't say...

The next second, he seemed to hear a "click" and his dream was shattered.

"This is Chen Dan." Xu Yangyi ignored all other eyes at this moment, looked at everyone, and smiled sincerely: "I don't know the details, I just know that when that friend entrusted this pill to me, he said that this pill condensed all the essence of Dan Dao that he could achieve at present. The price may be slightly more expensive than other pills."

This sentence made everyone's eyes light up!

"What can be achieved at present" "All the essence of Dan Dao!" Coupled with the loss of composure of the Five Flavors Master just now, I don't know who shouted the first price: "35,000 Lingshi!"

The five masters put their hands on their foreheads.


This carelessness caused him to compete with the people present for the last chance!

"40,000 Lingshi." He gritted his teeth and shouted a number. This pill, for him, for his Five Flavors Master, must be won!

In front of the real Dan Dao, he suddenly realized how ridiculous his so-called Alchemist Association was. It was not a pill after all, even if it was stained with the word Dan. He was also confident that even if others could not analyze it, he would definitely be able to analyze it!

"One hundred thousand." This time, the price did not increase gradually, but suddenly soared! And there was no trend of falling!

"Who!" An old monk, who had just called out 43,000, was almost stunned by the word "one hundred thousand"!

"Is this a random price?! This is the highest-level auction in China! Which family on the scene can mobilize the working capital of one hundred thousand middle-grade spirit stones!"

His voice rolled across the scene like thunder, but he found that the monk next to him suddenly pulled his sleeves and winked desperately.

"Let go!" the old monk shouted angrily: "I don't believe it! Even Duobao Pavilion can't allocate the working capital of 100,000 medium-grade spiritual stones at once!"

"Patriarch..." The monk next to him almost cried: "Just now, the price of 100,000 was... was..."

The old monk calmed down and suddenly realized... something was wrong!

Totally wrong! After that sentence of one hundred thousand, all the sounds seemed to become quieter in an instant. Moreover, the voice just now seemed to be...

"Definitely..." His teeth couldn't help but touch each other, cold sweat broke out uncontrollably, and he raised his neck to the sky mechanically, looking at the black attic above him.

Golden elixir!

The ancestor of Jindan takes action for the first time!

The scene was completely silent. This voice started to speak several times, and the giant white-bone hand was suddenly in front of them. Otherwise, no one would know that it was the voice of the ancestor of Jindan!

"What?" A dry voice in the black attic said calmly: "How much is a hundred thousand?"

"Old, ancestor, forgive me..." The old monk had bowed ninety degrees at this moment, sweating like rain.

Grandmaster Wuwei’s eyes were almost red. Standing still is neither sitting nor sitting.

This is the Three Patterns Chen Dan! Look at the three lines on it, the color goes from light to dark! Gorgeous! It’s as if it was made in heaven! This is the true master!

At this moment, he suddenly felt that the road he had not taken was still too long.

However, now that the Jindan Patriarch is fighting for love, what will happen to him?

"I'm just having fun, everyone..." the dry voice said leisurely: "Why don't you continue?"

Everyone dared to be angry but dared not speak out.

Jindan Zhenren has no worries about his sect and family, so he can naturally afford one hundred thousand spiritual stones, but can they afford it? Dare to follow?

Grandmaster Wuwei gritted his teeth and bowed upward: "Senior, Master Tianzai said that the first five pills should not be taken. Why do you insist on this pill?"

The dry voice seemed to sneer: "I know you."

"Master of Five Flavors, but..." He paused: "But he is the master of alchemy!"

"You know..." His voice seemed to be lost in memories: "I, the real person, have never taken the elixir once!"

"I believe that the ancestors of Jindan here have never eaten it once!"

"I have tasted the peach fruit once. No matter how sweet the nectar or peach looks, it is not the same." He said with a smile: "So, your face will not stand in front of me, ancestor."

"Although this alchemist can only refine the elixirs of the Qi stage. However, ancestor, I will give him this face. One hundred thousand elixirs, what's the harm?"

A ray of cold spiritual consciousness swept over Master Wuwei. He trembled all over before hearing a voice say slowly: "I forgive you for not being guilty, please step back."

Surprisingly, there was no objection from the Jindan Patriarch.

The master of five flavors, who usually makes all the difference, tasted the first time he was deflated after becoming famous. This is also the first time someone has said in front of the side sect master: You are not qualified, quit.

Indeed, none of the Jindan ancestors here have ever eaten elixir liquid!

During their lifetime, in the distant period of Qi training, no matter how unlucky they were, they could still get a few cheap elixirs mixed in, and no matter how cheap the elixirs were, they were by no means comparable to liquid elixirs! Some ancestors even use a pill to help them come to the Golden Pill Throne!

This is also the reason why they are so concerned this time.

Master Wuwei's face was red and white. He wanted to refute, but was unable to refute. After a long time, he sighed deeply, bowed deeply towards the bottle in Xu Yangyi's hand, and sat down without saying a word.

Seeing that Master Wuwei, who usually asked for a bottle of fine elixir but could not get it, remained silent, countless people had a flash of determination in their eyes.

"The sky is about to change..." an old woman said with squinted eyes: "As soon as the alchemy path comes out, the elixir liquid and capsules can no longer survive. We do not deny their help to the practice world in the past two hundred years, but times are changing... Just like ancient cultivators, if you don’t adapt, you will eventually be eliminated..."

"Fifty years from now...I'm afraid that the two most profitable industries, elixir liquid and capsules, will be wiped out in history..." A young monk said with a sigh.

In this little episode, not only was a bucket of cold water poured on it, but a bucket of gasoline was poured on it!

It looks like a calm scene, but actually it’s already happening underneath!

"See the real person." At this moment, Xu Yangyi's voice sounded, he bowed and said: "Don't worry, the real person, there is still a ministerial pill."

The brief words made everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

There was silence. After a few seconds, the black attic said again: "Chendan... what a long-lasting name... the Jinjin Dan I took back then was nothing more than Zuodan... Anyway, let's continue."

Almost at the same time!

The Grandmaster of Five Flavors, who seemed to have died down, immediately stood up with a cry. This time, he did not hide it anymore, as if the ridicule just now was just a passing thing. His waist-length white beard was flying all over the sky, and he shouted angrily: "Sixty thousand! Sixty thousand!" Ten thousand middle-grade spiritual stones! Plus ten elixir recipes from the late stages of Qi training! Which one of you has more elixirs! I recognize them!"

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