
Main text Chapter 146: Auction (VII)


The conversation just now deeply stimulated Master Wuwei!

He was determined to get this pill!

"Seventy thousand!" "Seventy thousand!"

Before he finished speaking, two voices spoke in unison, resounding throughout the scene. ○

"Old thief..." Master Wuwei's eyes immediately caught the person who spoke, one of whom was a familiar person!

Master Zhiyu who worked for Tiandao!

The other... was the weapon refining master Gao Muya!

After a few seconds of silence, he looked up to the sky and laughed: "Good! Good! Good!"

After laughing enough, he looked at the two of them deeply: "Then... let's compete, who can impress this alchemist's heart among the three great masters of the side sects who have only reached the heights of our lifetime!"

He stretched out a finger, and the smile on his face was a little distorted because of excessive excitement and expectation: "My first recipe is the day when I reached the master level in the early stage of foundation building. I broke into a water burial palace with thirty Taoist friends and found a copper sea palace 2,300 meters under the water, which has been immortal for hundreds of years."

"In the hall inside, there is a coffin, a ten-meter golden coffin, a coffin inside a coffin, and nine coffins in a row. In order to open this opportunity, I am the only one left among the thirty Taoist friends, so I have this recipe."

He licked his lips hard and looked at the two of them deeply: "Its name is... Ningying Pill."

"Swish!" At this moment, twelve fierce divine consciousnesses, like a landslide and tsunami, all fell on the Five Flavors Master!


If, for most cultivators in the world, forming a pill or even building a foundation is their ultimate dream. However, for these twelve high-ranking Jindan ancestors, their ambition is only one!

Becoming an infant!

"Buzz buzz buzz..." In a gray attic, fog filled the air. At this moment, a large crack suddenly appeared in the gray fog space of dozens of meters in radius. A bloodshot eye with a golden pupil suddenly looked at the Five Flavors Grandmaster below.

A green attic, full of clear water, clear to the bottom, a lotus several tens of meters wide suddenly opened. On the nine petals of the lotus leaves several meters wide, nine people who had achieved the great perfection of building a foundation sat, and on the nine-layer lotus platform in the middle, a "person" with a red glow and unclear body suddenly opened her eyes.

In a white attic, a giant of two meters and three or four meters tall was eating and drinking, as if he was indifferent to everything below. However, when the three words "Ningying Pill" fell into his ears, he stopped gnawing on the leg of an unknown animal, wiped his hands on his body, and looked down for the first time.

Wuwei Grandmaster was sweating profusely. The Jindan ancestors had deliberately suppressed their pressure, but at this moment, they were also reminding him, do you know how much your words matter?

He gritted his teeth and continued: "And... this pill recipe can be tried in the foundation-building period, but the success rate is too low..."

No one spoke. Although everyone didn't know what Yuanying represented, the Jindan pressure that swept across the venue now explained everything.

"Remember your words." After an unknown amount of time, a clear and light female voice spoke. Below, everyone was immediately refreshed. Even all the representatives of CSIB bowed deeply.

Ancestor Anxiang!

The only woman among the twelve Jindan! CSIB Sect Master!

Wuwei Grandmaster breathed a sigh of relief, and then... looked at the other two provocatively.

"Oops!" At this moment, a clan leader wanted to clap his hands hard, but he didn't dare to disturb the tranquility at the moment. His hands were suspended in the air, unable to move up or down. He was holding his breath in his chest and his face was a little red!

"Clan leader?" "Clan leader! What's going on?"

"Dan formula!" The clan leader gritted his teeth and said, "Dan formula!!!"

His voice was trembling!

The two words without any clues made everyone stunned, and then, all of them looked heartbroken!

Yes... Dan formula!

No one could continue this sentence.

"Dan formula... This thing, before today, may be a collection. After today, it will be a priceless treasure!" A cultivator next to him gritted his teeth and said, "Forgot! How could I forget this!"

"No one expected that Dan Dao would revive! How many families can find those Dan formulas?" Another cultivator also thought of this and immediately said to the people around him, "Immediately! Think about it! Do we have an ancient recipe!"

This... may be the only opportunity to face the last alchemist!

Grandmaster Zhiyu and Gao Muya also looked cautious. They didn't expect that the first weapon to be thrown out would be such a killer!

Zhiyu pondered for a moment, his eyes flashed, and he looked at the stage and said: "Xu Xiaoyou, I ask you to bring a message."

"Please tell me." Xu Yangyi would naturally not do anything stupid, and said with a bow.

"Tell that alchemist... He should know what Dan Ling is..."

Xu Yangyi lowered his head, raised his eyebrows, and then immediately recovered.

Dan Ling... He actually knew Dan Ling!

He only knew it after he subdued a Dan Ling... But this is not the point, could it be... Grandmaster Zhiyu's recipe for Dan Ling is related to Dan Ling?

"This is not a recipe for Dan. It is a method that is absolutely helpful to alchemists, called... the method of summoning spirits."

"This method, I also intend to restore the way of alchemy, judging from an ancient book. This method can definitely summon the elixir spirit when refining new elixirs above the foundation building stage." Grandmaster Zhiyu looked deeply. Xu Yangyi said: "Ningying Dan, by the time the alchemist has reached this point, it is already unknown. But this method can be used for foundation building. Moreover, I will also provide three foundation building pill recipes! "

Grandmaster Wuwei looked at Grandmaster Zhiyu in astonishment. He did not expect that the other party would find another way. This method is definitely not worth less to the alchemist than himself!

Even worse!

Although Ningying Dan is very famous, it is only for Golden Dan cultivators. For a novice alchemist who can only refine Qi training period elixirs, foundation building is the first priority! The value of the Spirit Summoning Technique is far higher than that of the Ning Ying Dan!

Gao Muya pondered for a few seconds: "A grade A magic weapon embryo, plus 70,000 spirit stones."

At the scene, no one said anything.

Obviously, they can't afford the price of Master Wuwei and Master Zhiyu!

Only peers know peers best!

In this auction, the final competitor is determined before the auction is even launched.

Bai Tou was also stunned.

These two things...he really couldn't value them!

Alchemist used to generally refer to alchemy master, but now... I'm afraid the ancient alchemy prescription will be fetching sky-high prices tomorrow!

I dare not even think about the value of a Ning Ying Dan! As for the value of the spirit summoning method, he has never heard of it!

"Little friend..." He looked at Xu Yangyi inquiringly.

Xu Yangyi was also a little embarrassed.

He wants both of these things! But not now!

Now, if he determines that one of the parties wins, then everyone will immediately know that he is the alchemist!

Otherwise, why would it be clear what the alchemist needs?

Fish is what I want, and bear paws are what I want.

Don't hesitate for too long!

His eyes flashed and he cupped his hands: "Please ask the two seniors to stay after the auction. I will definitely satisfy the two seniors."

This answer cannot be given on the spot.

The value of both parties is immeasurable. Although he is only in the middle stage of Qi training now, what if he has the opportunity to condense the infant in the future?

Do we still want to sit there for hundreds of years like the real people here?

As for the spirit summoning method, he wants it now!

"Wealth is sought in danger..." At this moment, he had already made up his mind: "There is no reason for me to be timid even if there is no opportunity in front of me!"

No one raised Mu Ya's price. The price he offered seemed very high. The magic weapon embryo was hard to come by, but it was not as good as the other two.

Gao Muya didn't say much, sighed, and sat down sadly.

Grandmaster Zhiyu and Grandmaster Wuwei glanced at each other, snorted in unison, and sat down reluctantly.

"Okay, that's it. The auction of the first five pills has been completed." Bai Tou took over at the right time: "Now, please wait a moment. In twenty minutes, the auction of the last five pills will be held."

Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and retreated with Bai Tou.

There are countless half-step golden elixirs and twelve golden elixirs that are never seen at ordinary times. Even if the spiritual consciousness is suppressed, it will make people unable to breathe smoothly. He really needed a break.

However, when he was leaving, he saw a dozen Qi-training monks walking up with several jade slips.

"Is this?" He looked at these people curiously.

"I'm afraid this is your first time participating in an auction, right?" Bai Tou smiled pleasantly: "The auction held by the Golden Pill Ancestor and the one under the Golden Pill are two different worlds."

He couldn't help but look pleasant, even a pig knew that after today, the value of Xu Yangyi and the Xingtian Legion would definitely soar to incredible levels!

Even the market valuation of the Xingtian Legion will double!

He is not very strong, but Xu Yangyi... was able to survive the massacre three years ago, was the leader, and now has an alchemist to help him. His future is limitless, and he is happy to form this good relationship.

"Oh? Please ask senior to clarify your doubts." Naturally, Xu Yangyi would not be arrogant and arrogant, he cupped his hands and said with a smile.

"Let me put it out there first." Bai Tou smiled slightly: "We'll find out later... But I can tell fellow Taoist that this jade slip is a magic weapon. Its function is very simple. It records all the information. The list of genius treasures, from C level to SSS level.”

In other words... the auction of the golden elixir monk... is not a spiritual stone?

Xu Yangyi raised his brows and immediately caught the meaning of Bai Tan's words.

His heart also became hot.

Alchemy has become more popular than ever before. So what will the Jindan Ancestors’ auction look like?

Is it supernatural power? Is it a skill? Or...are they those genius treasures that ordinary people can only read about in books?

Twenty minutes, soon enough.

When Xu Yangyi came on the stage again, no one left, but the atmosphere became even more enthusiastic!

But in the field, everything has completely changed!

A huge light curtain was suspended in the air on the main stage like a projection screen, and countless names were densely recorded on it!

After just one glance, he was attracted by the name above.

"The poppy on the other side grows once a hundred years, blooms once a hundred years, and bears fruit once a hundred years. It takes another hundred years for the fruit to fall to the ground. Its fruit contains majestic Yin spiritual power, which is the best choice for monks who practice Yin skills. Level: A level."

"Pulseless mulberry grows on the top of Kunlun, above the clouds three thousand meters in the sky. It has no entity. It is the condensation of the pure spiritual energy of heaven and earth. It is ten meters in a thousand years, and a hundred meters in another thousand years. Level: S level."

The names dazzled him, and at the same time, he was full of expectations for this world of cultivation.

Now, he really wanted to go to the top of Kunlun Mountain to see what the invisible tree above the three thousand meters of clouds looked like.

He also wanted to go to the two thousand meters below the sea to see how magical the bronze palace that had been immortal for hundreds of years was.

"This is the true face of the world." With a slight smile, he walked onto the main stage: "How can a mortal know the size of a river?"\u0026lt;/dd\u0026gt;

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