
Main text Chapter 147: Jindan takes action (I)

Unlike the previous auctions, this time, the entire auction house was silent instead of noisy. ~,

The front doors of all twelve attics were opened, but it was completely unclear what was inside. There are only patches of misty precious light that isolate spiritual consciousness and everything else.

"Fellow Taoists, Ancestor." Bai Tou cleared his throat and suppressed his excitement. This is an auction for all the golden elixir monks in China! It is no exaggeration to say that it is an auction of the highest level!

If he does this well, his name will be resounding throughout the auction industry!

"Now, let's proceed with the auction of the last five elixirs." He said loudly: "After Jin Doutang's discussion, it was decided... to auction the only Chen Dan among the five elixirs first!"

Xu Yangyi stood in the corner with a smile, Chen Dan? He still has several in his hand.

However, things are rare and valuable, so if you sell ten pills at once this time, it will be unsightly.

"Baby... don't talk too much." The dry voice came again: "I am already impatient with waiting."

"Yes." Bai Tou breathed a little quickly, and with a slight move of his hand, a three-line Chen Dan jumped out of his palm.

"Please... Ancestors bid!"

The scene was completely silent.

It's like the sea is about to be stormed. It's calm on the surface, but there's a heart-stopping storm lurking underneath!

The strange thing is that the ancestors of the Golden Pill did not even say anything!

"Fellow Taoists, won't you take action?" I don't know how long it took, but a chuckle sounded from a purple attic. It was the first unregistered Jindan Master Yue Congruo: "Then... I will be disrespectful. "

Before he finished speaking, the whole room lit up.

"Ha..." A foundation-building monk gasped and looked above his head excitedly. There, a piece of holy golden light shone down, as if the night suddenly turned into day, and the sun shone through countless bars and roofs. The warm and comfortable feeling made him almost enter a fairyland at this moment!

A big golden hand, entirely composed of aura, was more than ten meters in diameter, shaped like a fist, and slowly bloomed in the air. Like a unique fairy flower, the midnight orchid.

It's so late and so fast, it's just a matter of seconds. Immediately afterwards, the big hand was fully unfolded, and in his hand, a small green sapling was swaying in the wind.

Points of light that look like stars are scattered from the saplings. It is completely green. Even the best ice jade is far less pure and transparent than it! However, at a glance, it seems that you can't see the bottom at all, and even your soul will fall in!

As the sapling appeared, everyone's eyes lit up. The skin on their faces even visibly trembled slightly like painted skin!

"This is the power of the golden elixir..." I don't know how many people looked at everything in front of them with obsession, as if they were in the most luxurious 3D theater.

An old man stroked his uncontrollably undulating skin in astonishment: "That this spiritual energy? The spiritual energy can actually make my skin at the foundation-building level tingle?"

"How much spiritual energy does it take to achieve this?" "I'm afraid this is not a sapling... but a miniature super spiritual stone mine!" "It's so scary... the spiritual energy has almost turned into substance, making me feel like sitting on pins and needles."

"This thing..." Suddenly, a slightly surprised voice sounded in the field. Everyone looked at the yellow attic above as if waking up from a dream.

Real giant spirit!

"One hundred and twenty years ago..." Master Juling didn't care about the shock of others, and slowly said as if recalling: "Outside of Chichen Itza, there are a total of 150 foundation-building juniors under the disciples of Master Juling. Together, I searched for traces of Quetzalcoatl, but found a seed that seemed to have been watered by the divine blood."

He said this in an ordinary way, but everyone present, including Xu Yangyi, listened with fascination.

Chichen Itza… Quetzalcoatl…

In the world... are there really miracles among those lost monuments?

Quetzalcoatl, the god of the age of gods, is he still alive in the world?

If not, why did a golden elixir ancestor, the supreme being of the world, cross thousands of mountains and rivers to come to Chichen Itza?

And... will this day happen to me in the future?

Without anyone interrupting, Master Ju Ling suddenly spoke sharply and said in a cold voice: "However, when I took this form, I had a dispute with another golden elixir monk who was wrapped in blood mist. Weirdly Yes, this fellow Taoist actually used the Chinese magical power, especially the one move with the palm of his hand that I can still remember... Fellow Taoist..."

There was already murderous intent in his voice: "That day, was it you?"

Yue Congruo's voice smiled slightly: "The wonders of the world are just for those who are destined to live there?"

"That's all..." Master Ju Ling's voice was as cold as ice: "But... there was more than one opponent of Master Jin Dan that day. I returned without success. After a long investigation, I finally determined one thing..."

"Fellow Taoist... Do you dare to tell us in front of Master Tianzai whether the person who joined forces with you that day was the Vlad family of the Western World?"

"What?" "It's them?" "It's impossible..."

A young man looked at the moved elders around him in astonishment and asked softly: "Clan leader... what is this Vlad or something...?"

"You are still too young..." The patriarch took a deep breath and patted his shoulder: "Do you think that in today's world of globalization and so-called cultivation civilization, we are the only ones in China who have monks?"

"Just wait... cross the threshold of foundation building, you... will understand everything..."

"This is the first name of a large foreign family that you should remember... The first patriarch was named Vlad Tagul... His son's full name was Vlad Zebes... Dracula..."

In the field, Yue Congruo sneered and said nothing.

There was dead silence on the scene. After a long time, Master Tianzai said calmly: "A world, a country, has its own seals from ancient times to the present, such as the Kyushu Immortal Killing Formation over China. This is not a secret. Everyone knows it as long as they enter the foundation building stage."

"If monks from other countries, with golden elixir or above, enter other countries, they will definitely be weakened by the formations. The most powerful national defense formations in the world are the Kyushu Immortal Killing Formation, the Great Burning Sky Formation in India, and the Olympus Formation in Greece. This is true for the Ten Thousand Gods Formation. If it were true that Daoist Yue was there, there is nothing wrong with him choosing to join forces with a monk from another country who is comparable to the Golden Core Stage."

"Aren't you going to pursue the case?" Master Juling snorted coldly: "This is one of the world's major evil spirits. The wanted order has been issued to the CSIB for hundreds of years! There is a sky-high reward of 58 billion US dollars..."

"That's it." Master Tianzai said calmly: "Continue."

The giant spirit master stopped speaking, but everyone at the scene, including Xu Yangyi, suddenly felt...his own blood rushing to the top of his head in an instant! My face is starting to turn red!

In a moment, he calmed down again, and in the next second, he rushed to the top of his head again! Such a cycle!

At the same time, a clear sound of breathing rang in everyone’s ears!

"This... is the sound of Ju Ling's breathing when he was extremely angry!" Xu Yangyi suppressed his dizziness and looked up at Ju Ling's attic in shock.

This is Jindan Zhenren. Just breathing has a fatal impact on low-level monks!

After a few seconds, the breathing subsided, and countless people at the scene were covered in cold sweat.

Yue Congruo's voice never changed and he still smiled: "Fellow Daoist Giant Spirit has already explained the origin of this tree in great detail. There is only this tree in the world..."

The giant golden hand waved slightly, and then, there were thousands of green leaves on the sapling, and one of the smallest green leaves, the size of a baby's little fingernail, suddenly floated down.


The scene was silent for two seconds, then erupted in excitement!

"Has this...really been bathed in divine blood? This is a great opportunity!" An old monk almost stood up, his eyes widened, staring at the falling green leaves, and he almost rushed Go up and grab it in your hand. But he was controlled by his remaining sanity.

"If nothing else..." Another middle-aged foundation-building monk's eyes were on fire: "The spiritual energy contained in this can make my skin tingle even from such a distance! It's conceivable... It’s conceivable!”

No one knows what it does.

However, the mere fact that it caused two Chinese Golden elixir monks and a foreign high-level monk who was comparable to the Golden elixir monks to compete for it was enough to illustrate its value!

Xu Yangyi took a step forward. At this moment, he unbearable fluctuation in his dantian!

That's...that silkworm.

Silkworm, who was usually calm, suddenly became violent at this moment, using its fat and soft body to slam into the spiritual energy cage Xu Yangyi had customized for it in his Dantian. However, the force was too small and had no effect at all.

Xu Yangyi lowered his gaze, covering up the contemplation in his eyes, and continued to sit in his position calmly.

"Brush!" The green leaves seemed to be fluttering, but in fact they were floating above the huge light curtain. In an instant, the numbers on the light screen started to beat like crazy!

Xu Yangyi looked at the light screen without blinking. Just now, Bai Tou had explained to him that green represents C-level genius treasures, blue represents B-level, and then...

There was almost no pause in his eyes! That green leaf has washed over the blue!


A-level spiritual creature!

At this moment, even Yue Congruo seemed to be stunned. He had never thought that a newly born bud could actually reach the level of an A-level spiritual creature!

In the attic, he looked deeply at the sapling in his palm. So... what is the overall grade of this sapling?

Could it be that... Quetzalcoatl really exists in the world? Or existed? Is this tree really watered with divine blood, just like the clues found in that small village?

In this world... I have reached the pinnacle of the golden elixir, but I still hide some unknown secrets?

In other words... not even the golden elixir is qualified to explore?

"Purple!" "A-level spiritual object!" "Oh my god! It's an A-level spiritual object as soon as I take action! Is this the auction of the ancestor of the golden elixir?" "Haha, today's trip is not in vain, not in vain... …”

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