
Chapter 1440: Falling Stars City (IV)

With a flash of his eyes, countless tentacles rushed over like lightning, condensing into a giant fist in the air, followed by a deafening roar. The smoke and dust spread in a circle. Except for the fifteen teleportation arrays on this floor, the rest of the floors collapsed. The entire Suzaku Tower from the third to the thirty-seventh floor has become a connected abyss.

Crash... huge stones fell into the endless abyss with gunpowder smoke, but the Void Dog King did not look relaxed at all. Instead, he retracted his tentacles in shock and looked at his palm in shock.

Not a drop of blood.

"Disappeared again?" It took a deep breath in disbelief, once, twice... twice, three times! He was not dead even after taking on his own magical power head-on! He disappeared strangely with a very fast attack... Where did Yang Sheng come from? How could he have such strength?

At the same time, its eyes suddenly turned to the northwest teleportation array, and there, a tall figure was panting and had already stood on the teleportation array.

"You..." It gnashed its teeth at the figure, and walked onto the teleportation array. It didn't dare to do anything. Controlling the teleportation center was far more important than venting its anger.

Xu Yangyi stepped into the teleportation array, leaving the other party with a raised middle finger.

Buzz... There was a buzzing in his mind, and the light and shadows were flowing around him. As soon as he stepped in, he suddenly half-knelt in the void and coughed up several mouthfuls of blood desperately.

His vision was slightly blurred, and the fierce roar of the Void Dog King was the only sound in his ears, still buzzing in his ears.

"Heh..." Ten seconds later, when the space began to vibrate, he used all his strength to sit in the void, and took out a pill and swallowed it while his chest was heaving.

Just now, it was really like a year, he didn't even know when he stood at the door of the teleportation array. When all his strength burst out and raced against life, there was only a blank in his mind. The great terror between life and death can make people forget everything. He didn't even have a little consciousness to see if anyone survived.

At this moment, he finally felt that his soul had returned to the body. The five senses gradually awakened in the violent heartbeat.

"Damn it!!" However, he did not meditate immediately, but suddenly opened his eyes and cursed fiercely.

This is not the portal to the Four Symbols Gate...

This is the portal to the Two Principles Gate!

"These old ghosts, they really have their own thoughts and defenses! Even the place they told me was wrong from the beginning!"

He shook his head and suppressed the regret in his heart. This is the best ending. He closed his eyes and felt his body. Fortunately, the injury to his body was not serious. He seemed to understand more about the weird emptiness. It was not only to repel spiritual energy, but also to repel the magical power constructed by spiritual energy, but not to repel the domain. This gave him a chance to escape.

After a few seconds, he opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and took out the hourglass to take a look.

Inside... there are the last two grains of sand.

"Twenty minutes." He pursed his lips, closed his eyes and entered a state of meditation: "Twenty minutes later, this fuse will come to an end. Venerable Kongxu... will arrive as promised."

"At that time... it will be the real Shura field."

As if a thorn in the back, the sword follows. This is the last moment, there is no time to relax.

The position of the five kings and two queens is worth all the chips of all the saints!

The transmission in the city is very fast. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes like a clock, and a huge white hole was in front of him. He immediately rushed out.

As soon as he walked out of the transmission array, his legs softened immediately, bit his tongue and spit out a large mouthful of blood, and fell straight forward.

The strong wind blew over the tip of his nose, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly in an invisible place.

The smell of blood, the smell of gunpowder from the spiritual light, these pungent smells are so fresh at this moment... The trapped dragon is out of the sea, the dragon is born in the sky, and he finally stands on the final battlefield!

"What's going on!?" "This is the teleportation array of the Vermillion Bird Tower!" "Lord Yang Sheng? Lord! What happened to you?" "Someone come! Someone come quickly!"

No one saw that Xu Yangyi's brows furrowed deeply on his fallen face.


The teleportation center is the key to the war. He was sure that the Immortal Great Sage would rescue him immediately, and he was in no mood to care about the escape of a few serious criminals. This is why Taichu was impulsive and wanted to save Zhao from Wei. But when were there not hundreds or thousands of monks stationed in such a critical place? Now there was silence around him, and he was a "seriously injured" saint, and it was Yang Sheng, but only a few people saw it?

Especially...the exclamations of these few people seemed to have not attracted the attention of others?

But now is not the time to think about these things. He just came out and everything in front of him was dizzy. His body was supported by several monks. He covered his chest and said hoarsely: "The Suzaku Tower is in danger..."

This sentence made all directions silent. He spat out a mouthful of blood and then said: "The Void Dog King appeared in the Suzaku Tower and is controlling the transmission center! The situation is extremely tense..."

Before he finished speaking, everything in front of him became clear. His pupils suddenly shrank, and then he took a breath of cold air and looked at the distant galaxy in shock.

The galaxy opened up!

In the far distance, the deep and boundless universe actually appeared colorful brilliance. These brilliances kept rotating and intersecting, forming a gorgeous passage.

Beyond the brilliance of the stars, the surrounding void shook, all the planes close to the brilliance collapsed, and the planetary belt became dust, as if announcing the arrival of the emperor.

Something... is about to appear from inside.

Xu Yangyi raised his head calmly, and his deep eyes suddenly became hot.

Here...finally here!

He caught up... There was still one sand in the hourglass. He knew that it was Lord Kong Kong. The other party finally returned from Butian Pond and came to his burial place.

As far as the eye could see, the entire Towering City was ablaze with blood, as if some great formation had been activated. Under the blood-red sky, countless monks looked up and watched, and countless floating boats in the sky waited silently. Outside the mountain-protecting formation, hundreds of millions of Taichu bowed their heads, and the chaotic battlefield turned out to be terrifyingly quiet.

He stood up calmly, glanced across the scene, and landed on a huge teleportation array.

Two characters on the formation: four images.

"Sir." The monks around came to their senses. They felt Xu Yangyi's "weak" body leaving them, and looked at each other in shock: "Where are you going?"

"You... ahem... report to Master Taixu immediately, and I will go to other city gates to report immediately." Even though his heartbeat was about to jump out of his chest, he still suppressed it and tried to speak as slowly as possible. The matter has come to the final moment, and we must not fall short.

Don't be hasty, as haste leads to chaos, chaos leads to change, and change leads to danger.

Step by step, he walked up to the teleportation circle. The monks around him looked at him blankly, as if something was wrong. However, they were unable to react due to the double shock of the starry sky vision and the news.

It wasn't until Xu Yangyi entered the teleportation circle that a Yuanying monk narrowed his eyes and suddenly slapped his forehead: "Where is the token?"

"Where is the token of the Holy Lord?"

Suddenly, there was a slight panic here. However, no one in the huge Towering City paid attention to this place at this moment. Liangyimen... no, the entire Towering City was shrouded in solemnity.

Outside the towering city, hundreds of miles away, seven huge figures stood up in ecstasy. Staring at the galaxy.


Something is coming...

Strong, very powerful! At this moment, the other party seems to have everything transparent, surpassing the sum of the seven deputy army commanders, and even... approaching the point of Lord Tengebar!

Not just them, the entire Taichu Legion stopped attacking at this moment. Countless Taichu actually got rid of the will of the master and trembled in the galaxy. Even the master like a ghost balloon lay in the void with all its tentacles and did not dare to raise its head. .

They were even closer here and could clearly feel the roar of the stars. At this moment, behind all Taichu, a golden eye that seemed to be the size of the sun slowly lit up. An extremely powerful spiritual pressure instantly filled the void.


"Starfall Towering City..." He slowly glanced at the colorful whirlpool, and then immediately issued a coercive message: "Make way!"

"This is the cycle of heaven. If you stand in front of this thing, there is only a dead end."

There was silence, all things bowed their heads, and the black torrent silently made way for a way, like Moses dividing water. Just as they got out of the way, a breathtaking brilliance burst out of the colorful vortex. Surrounded by thousands of spiritual butterflies, if the Holy Son comes, he will break through the wind and waves and rush straight towards the towering city!

It is so bright that all the stars are eclipsed in front of it, because this is the miracle of burning life and the majesty of creation.

It was so majestic that when the aurora passed by, everything was divided into two sides. The starry sky was cut open, leaving only this radiant light that opened up the world.

It is the most brilliant shooting star this night.


There is no substitute either.

boom! ! As soon as it appeared, it rushed towards the towering city at an unimaginable speed, leaving only a long light tail in the sky. Getting closer and closer, becoming clearer and clearer, the entire towering city was trembling slightly. The monks at the front had completely seen what was coming towards them.

Right in the center of the spiritual butterfly, there was a skeleton wearing Taoist priest's clothes, holding a peach blossom and shaking it gently, without any flesh and blood on his body. Surrounded by spiritual butterflies, pure white flames burned all over his body. But I can intuitively... The other person is smiling?

If you hear the Tao in the morning, you may die in the evening.

It is obviously this skeleton, but it gives people a feeling that all worlds are overturned and all heavens are about to be destroyed. If you enter the human reincarnation, it is extremely noble and even more mysterious.

The Tao is extremely noble, the virtue is extremely noble, the majestic Holy Lord of the Ten Thousand Heavens.

The teaching is vast, the Dharma is great, and the divine grace of all Buddhas is swayed.

"Oh my God!!" A monk was stunned for two seconds and suddenly shouted: "A world of great strife!"

"It's a time of great strife!!"

"The age of great strife has begun! The age of great strife has begun! Immediately notify the sect! Inform the disciples! Come to Shentian City immediately!!"

His sharp voice was like a wolf's howl, broken. However, he was sharp but not alone, because right behind him, the huge lake in Towering City exploded as if it was being crushed by Mount Tai!

"It's the age of great strife... The age of great strife has begun!" An old Yuanying's face muscles were trembling, and he suddenly turned around and shouted hoarsely at the sect behind him: "Where is Daozi! Where is Daozi!!"

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