
Chapter 1441: Falling Stars City (V)

"Junior is here!" A young monk with a red face came out. Although he wanted to act calm, his trembling voice had betrayed him.

"Opportunity!" The Yuanying monk flew over quickly and grabbed the other's hand. His eyes were red, as if burning: "Find...find who has the Void Crystal! We are not strong enough to grab it! But we are strong enough to be the ministers of the dragon!"

On the city wall, Taixu did not speak. His eyes were extremely complicated. However...all the saints were furious!

Yes...everyone knew that the Venerable Kongxu was about to fall.

But no one knew that the other party would choose Cantian City!

Will choose at this time!

This is a critical moment!

"Where is the sequence of the Taoist of Yinfeng Cave!!" Without waiting for the Bodhisattva of Liangyi Gate to speak, a Yin Zun had already sent a talisman to the sky, which turned into a skeleton. His excited and hoarse voice filled the sky: "I promise! Whoever grabs the virtual crystal of the venerable master will be ranked higher! He will receive my true teachings!"

"Yes" "Yes!!" "Yes!" Suddenly, three figures rose into the sky and followed the meteor closely.

This talisman was the first one, but it had not burned for three seconds, and it was raised in all directions and the seven realms! Countless streams of light, at least thousands, turned into a waterfall of fireworks, lighting up the entire sky!

"Fengming Dao, all Daoists and Saints, step out!" "Yanzhu Sect, whoever grabs the Void Crystal will be the next Daoist!!" "Linghu Island! All cultivators above the late Nascent Soul stage! Gather the first Daoist immediately! The Void Crystal must be taken down no matter what!" "Liuhu Sect! Bailang Army Guards, get ready! Protect the Daoist with all your strength!"

The shouts came one after another. How many B-level sects gathered in the battle of Cantian City? Even several A-level forces. At this moment, a cloud-piercing arrow was fired, and thousands of troops came to meet, and streams of light rushed into the sky. Countless Daoists and Saints, a generation of Tianjiao, all gathered on the sky.

Swish! At this moment, there was a slight sound in the northwest, and a Bodhi tree swayed in the sky, with branches and leaves spreading, getting bigger and bigger. After a few seconds, it covered the northwest corner, becoming a unique wonder, and all sect signals were suppressed under it.

"Amitabha." A gentle Buddhist chant resounded through the sky. A young figure, with no sadness or joy on his face, burst out with the breath of the great perfection of the saint, stepped on the green lotus, and soared into the sky.

"It is the Taoist of Bodhi Temple, Master Huineng." Although the strange phenomenon of this sect signal is so overbearing, no one in the northwest corner competes. Because everyone understands that Bodhi Temple is a Class A force and a family handed down from generation to generation.

If one clan goes out, all clans retreat.

"The Class A force has taken action..." "They really won't miss this opportunity!" "Let it go? Maybe they already knew it! Otherwise, how could the Taoist of Bodhi Temple be in Cantian City?"

Before the voice fell, twelve rays of light shone at the same time in the eight wildernesses and six directions.

In the east, the phoenix soared in the sky, opening the sky-wide fire curtain, in the west, the black tortoise stepped on the sea, stirring thousands of pearls and jade, and in the south, a green lotus swayed and spit out thousands of pearls and jade. In the north, the immortal tree swayed, and the green leaves fell to the sky.

A young man in gorgeous clothes stepped on the void, his figure flashed slightly, and the next second he appeared beside the meteor where thousands of butterflies gathered, and the aura of the great perfection of the saint shook the void. On the other side, a female cultivator in white clothes, with a white lotus between her eyebrows, was riding the wind, and every step made the sky shake. There was another man covered in a cloak, and when he stepped into the air, he actually caused the stars to shine.

Heard of, unheard of, all the geniuses showed their true faces under this huge curtain.

"The Feng family of Liuhuo Chuan... The Chen family of Mandala... The Xuanwu Tianzong of Xiaoxiang under the Moon, the Way of Rebirth of the Three Paths River... Oh my God... They are all Class A forces that you can't see at ordinary times! Or they are heirloom families that have not changed for thousands of years!" All the cultivators felt their blood rushing to the top of their heads, and their skin was covered with goose skin.

I have read in history books long ago how heroes rose up in the era of great contention, and how many amazing and talented cultivators would draw their swords and rise up. How many hidden sects would come out again. But I never thought that just the qualifying round would stir up the wind and clouds in all directions!

Starting from the Seven Realms, passing through Taichu, passing through Cantian, one fuse after another finally burned to the end at the same time, and completely ignited this torch in Cantian City.

Swish! As the meteor streaked across the sky, all the cultivators walked close to each other, and the silence was solemn. Everyone's eyes were already red with excitement, and no one was willing to leave even a little bit.

The knife was unsheathed, the sword was like a dragon, and the intertwined spiritual power was suppressed but not released. Ten thousand rays of light opened the sky, and thousands of auspicious air penetrated the starry sky. In an instant, a rare group of cultivator meteors was formed.

Boom! ! The meteor rushed directly into the mountain protection formation, and the formation did not fluctuate at all. Countless cultivators who were not qualified to participate in the back had dull faces, and turned their necks in a daze to follow the direction of the meteor, in unison. Seeing the meteor going farther and farther, more streamers rushed into the sky on the way, making it bigger and bigger, until it finally disappeared.

Nine heavens and ten earths, the geniuses and monsters gather in the starry sky.

Hundreds of sects and thousands of schools, the Taoists and saints meet in Yaochi.

The waves wash away all the heroes.

"Unbelievable..." Finally, a cultivator from a small sect who was not qualified to participate opened his mouth wide, his face flushed and trembling, "The world of great contention... This is the world of great contention in the books..."

"It actually opened in front of us!"

Even if Taichu is pressing, even if Cantian City may not be saved, but who can suppress the excitement at this moment?

"I really can't believe that I can see the beginning of the Great Conflict in my lifetime!" "The Venerable Kongxu fell, and the new five kings and two queens ascended the throne! I don't know which force will win the throne this time!" "Why did the Venerable choose Cantian City at this time? Is he unable to hold on?"

The discussion turned into a boiling tsunami, sweeping across the entire Cantian City, and all the Taixu, looking at the meteors in the sky, sighed together, and then nodded slightly.

"If you hear the Tao in the morning, you can die in the evening. Are you happy about this?"

"Don't worry... someone will inherit your Taoism..."

No one noticed that the Undying Great Sage never appeared from beginning to end.

He didn't appear when the siege was on the city, the siege of the Vermillion Bird Tower didn't appear, and even when the Great Conflict began, he didn't appear!

Xu Yangyi didn't know any of this at all. He just stepped out of the teleportation array of the Four Elephants Gate. As soon as he appeared, an extremely powerful spiritual pressure came from the void.

As if the starry sky was collapsing in front of him, the wind was howling, blowing the black dragon's beard and hair to dance. He suppressed the feeling of electricity all over his body and looked up, the blood in his chest almost made his head numb.

Just in front of him, thousands of stars were lingering, the skeleton of the Void Venerable was sitting in the air, and the spirit butterfly was born. Thousands of hidden murderous intentions were pointed at the world, and all the soldiers bowed their heads.

The world bowed, the demons bowed, the wind and thunder bowed, and the group of cultivators bowed.

This is the world of great struggle for their generation.

This is the Supreme Temple to decide who will be the king of the new generation of geniuses in the seven realms!

That kind of murderous aura, that kind of domineering aura to destroy the world, even if there is tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of meters between them, it makes him feel passionate and his blood boils.

At the same time, the last grain of sand in the hourglass fell.

"Heh..." He took a long breath, and his hairs stuck to his body. He suppressed the throbbing in his heart and restrained his spiritual energy, like a stone sculpture. Silently leaning against a building.

Caught up...

Not a minute late, not a second late.

I... finally came to the sea of ​​fire at the last moment when this fuse was burning.

Next, either a moth flies into the fire, or a phoenix is ​​bathed in fire.

No fear.

No trepidation.

Only excitement.

The alien race that can win the first place in Tiragangdis, the mythical transcendent who engraved the battle of the abyss in the name of mankind, never fears.

If I don't speak first in spring, which insect dares to speak?

At the same time, his eyes suddenly flashed and looked in all directions. One after another, black shadows, extremely powerful, if the meteors in front are the sea of ​​swords plowing the sky, they are the endless walls, right in front of this Wanxiu aircraft carrier. He did not hide his aura.

As far as the eye can see, in the northeast, three figures are full of aura. They are the three elders of Jiuhua.

On the other side, five figures stand on the roof like reefs, they are the five demons of Lianyun Mountain.

On the other side, twelve figures did not hide their true colors, holding twelve strange weapons in their hands, which were the twelve constellations.

Righteous, evil, old, young, at this moment, they have set up a net around the Four Symbols Gate. Who dares to take away their fate? First ask the long sword in their hands.

Xu Yangyi silently retracted his gaze. He was different from others. He knew that this was just the beginning.

In order to prevent being besieged like before, he hid his strength. After all, he had absolute confidence, and the Void Venerable had promised him. But the others were different. The others wanted to use powerful spiritual energy to tell the other party that the Void Crystal was bound to be obtained!

"Hmm?" At this moment, his eyes suddenly raised and looked at another place.

There were also two black figures there, standing inconspicuously beside a house. The spiritual power was restrained like a master. I am afraid that no one except Xu Yangyi could find it.

Qing Yichi, the soul-chasing blood hand.

They actually escaped? And they found this place based on the clues they had asked about the Four Symbols Gate? As expected of an old ghost...

Xu Yangyi was about to retract his gaze, but the other two noticed him. A hint of murderous intent flashed in the eyes of the Soul-Chasing Blood Hand, but he immediately suppressed it.

He knew very well that he was no match for the other party. And now was not the time to care about these things.

"Very smart." Xu Yangyi sneered and retracted his gaze: "Otherwise... you would be the first to fall in this bloody battle."

"Really?" At this moment, a voice sounded in his ears, his eyes flashed, and he punched out without hesitation.

He did not feel the other party approaching, without any signs!

The strength of the newcomer was on par with him!

However, this punch did not fluctuate at all, and it fell into a cold hand without a sound.

He looked in astonishment, and under the colorful sky, a figure wrapped in a dark cloak appeared, reflecting the other party's pale face.

"Ou Fangyu?" Xu Yangyi was stunned, and then an extremely terrifying thought rushed into his mind. Before his thoughts moved, his body had already retreated like lightning, but he could not move at all after retreating a few meters.


The real Yahweh...

The Lord of Greed! He...actually appeared in a place like this!

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