
Chapter 1444: Food Chain (II)

"As both of you are from the second-class sect, how dare you be so arrogant?" The bearded man was slightly stunned, and then he roared. No one retreated, and the sea waves hit the reefs, setting off a frenzy in the sky.

However, the battle of the saints, which was enough to destroy a city at ordinary times, was so inconspicuous in the sky at this moment. Around the huge red spider lily, thousands of battle groups were opened at the same time, the secret arts danced with the celestial phenomena, and the spiritual light was the same color as the sword shadow. The catharsis was like the sea, shaking the sky.

In the southwest, a female cultivator opened a dark field under her feet, thousands of crows flew around, and a pair of huge black wings spread out behind her, like the goddess of death roaring on the battlefield. More than 40 cultivators around her sat cross-legged in the void according to the stars in the sky, condensing into a huge black sun, becoming one of the dozen forces closest to this virtual crystal.

Every step is the price of blood, and the pressure is getting greater and greater. The sect that can get close to the virtual crystal at this moment is definitely not a good thing. She has already penetrated 800 meters around the virtual crystal, but she can no longer move forward!

Right in front of her, the thirteen major sects were like stars surrounding the moon, and the vision formed an endless wall. The forces that first reached the top have already joined forces, and they are rejecting all the sects that want to join this circle.

Enter or not?

The female cultivator gritted her teeth fiercely, and suddenly said through her teeth: "Elder, help me!"

Rumble... The black sun spun wildly, and the crows turned into black clouds and flew together. At the same time, seven unobtrusive streams of light suddenly flew out from behind her, as if they had been rehearsed long ago. A golden bead rose in everyone's hand, and they rushed into the female cultivator's body at the same time.

Swish... The golden light surged, and the female cultivator's spiritual energy suddenly exploded, her black hair flew, and her clothes flew almost vertically. Her chest rose and fell, and her tongue fought with spring thunder, and her feathers fell like rain, forming a dark storm.

Swish, swish, swish! On each black feather, there was a golden little man, who stepped out of the feather, killed the White Emperor with flying light, and slashed through the blue sky with thousands of sword shadows, vowing to open a crack at all costs.

Domain: Travel without boundaries.

"How dare you?!" "Wishful thinking!" "Daydreaming!" At the moment when the domain exploded, a roar broke out in a thousand-meter radius, and more than ten rays of light rushed into the sky. The golden monkey offered fruit, the white snake spit out its tongue, the dragon ascended to the sky... The magical powers from all directions were like a raging tide. The female cultivator's pupils shrank and she suddenly exclaimed.

However, it was too late.

Wrong estimation, wrong move, but there was no chance to save it.

Here, everyone is walking with difficulty, treading on thin ice, one wrong step, only death.

Swish swish swish... The domain that was not weaker than hers shot into the sun of this "outsider" quickly, and the sun suddenly shrank, and in a dazzling scene, it exploded with the screams of dozens of people, and fell into the void with desperate cries.

Different inheritances tore the sky, and the same spiritual energy roared in the sky. This scene did not attract anyone's attention. Now, everyone's eyes are only virtual crystals, virtual crystals, and virtual crystals!

A piece of virtual crystal, a battlefield, fighting with all their might, leaving no room for maneuver. Every moment, there are cultivators falling from the sky. And in just a few dozen minutes of bloody storm, the levels are already clear.

Within 500 meters of all virtual crystals, there are several sects confronting each other. Even if they are all B-level, there are different levels. Those who can stand here now are undoubtedly the real top sects.

They did not take action, and the Taoists and Saints of all sects not only did not relax, but their faces were extremely solemn. They formed a circle and all their spiritual power was directed outside. Like a tiger guarding its prey.

Just outside them, circles of magic arrays with flashing spiritual power, at least hundreds, were aimed at them. Among them were panting Taoists and Saints, pale-faced, and even lost an arm, but used spiritual energy to close the wound. Under the protection of the elders of each sect, they wandered around like a pack of wolves.

Rumble... The spiritual light blooming everywhere illuminated their murderous eyes, and even a hint of hunger appeared on their faces. That was a wolf, a hungry wolf, waiting for the opportunity to bite off the other's throat.

Outside, there were hundreds or thousands of second-rate sects. They were like ants. As long as the wolf pack relaxed, they would swarm up and eat the wolf pack clean.

The wolf pack was pursuing to become a tiger, and the tiger was kicked out to become an ant. A delicate balance, no one organized, but formed naturally.

Food chain.

Only those who stood at the end of the food chain could be favored by the virtual crystal.

Tens of thousands of monks, thousands of Dao sons and saints, but only thirty-five people were qualified!

Xu Yangyi withdrew his gaze with a fiery look, wiped out a cloak from the storage ring, wrapped himself tightly, swallowed the talisman to run on the surface of the body, and wiped out all the spiritual energy.

He did not take action, and his figure gradually sank into the darkness. He looked around carefully.

He knew very well that the real hunter had not yet entered the scene.

Although his body did not move, his consciousness was fully released. He was surrounded by powerful consciousness. The twelve constellations, the three elders of Jiuhua, the five demons of Lianyun Mountain, Qing Yichi, and the soul-chasing blood hand did not move. Everyone's consciousness collided with each other, and then left each other in fear.

As far as the eye could see, thousands of meters away, a woman with flames all over her body was in the center of seven generous women, as quiet as a virgin. There were only eight people, but when Xu Yangyi looked over, his eyebrows frowned slightly, and a very uncomfortable feeling arose spontaneously. The woman's body was full of flames, and her eyes immediately pierced him.

He immediately retracted his consciousness. The emblem on the other party's chest was too familiar. It was one of the Taixu forces that the seven realms must remember.

A-level force, Yuexia Xiaoxiang Yanyun Holy Sect. The saint girl taught by Taixu monk Yanyun Patriarch.

In the northwest, a monk wearing heavy armor and exuding a cold aura was sitting on a ten-meter-high beast, like a rock in the night.

The strong wind blew his blood-colored cloak, and the long spear in his hand was like blood, reflecting the strange light under the exploding spiritual light everywhere. Behind him, thirty monks who were also wearing iron armor and holding long spears were so neat and orderly that they were like reefs in the sea, motionless.

Just when Xu Yangyi's eyes were crossed, the other party's eyebrows moved, and a blue eye actually split open and looked towards him.

He immediately cut off his consciousness and was not discovered by the other party. However, his eyes were more cautious.

A-level forces, Mandala Cangyun Dao, Taixu monk Yun Yangsheng's direct disciple.

There are also southeast, due north... Eight wastelands and six directions, as long as you pay attention, you can see... There are at least thirteen A-level forces staying on the ground!

When the wolves and tigers have no more fights to fight, when the ants have nothing to swallow, it is time for the dragon to go out to sea and kill them with one blow.

"What a pity..." Xu Yangyi licked his lips, and his figure quietly disappeared from the spot, swallowing the talisman to wipe out his spiritual energy, and no one noticed: "You met me."

The next moment, he suddenly started walking in the void and rushed towards the sky at full speed.

"Huh?" At the same time, Qing Yichi and the Soul-Chasing Blood Hand flashed their eyes at the same time, looking at the place where Xu Yangyi was, but there was nothing there.

"He's gone?" The Soul-Chasing Blood Hand said hoarsely: "No... My magical power is special, I can feel it..."

Before he finished speaking, a green dagger pierced his dantian without any warning. He was stunned for a second and looked at Qing Yichi behind him in disbelief.

"You..." His eyes were wide open with disbelief. He tried to turn around tremblingly. Just as he was about to say something, a jade-like hand gently pressed his mouth. The dagger in his dantian suddenly stabbed, and blood flowed down the jade hand. The contrast was extremely sharp, but the other party did not take it away at all.

"Woo..." Soul-chasing Blood Hand's eyes almost popped out. The fragrant wind passed by his ears. Qing Yichi's delicate lips came close to his ears and smiled: "Shh..."

"Don't scream."

"This is just your incarnation. Do you think I can't see it?"

"So, dealing with people like you who can't understand the situation is really troublesome." With a light sound, Qing Yichi pulled out the dagger, and a blue-black air crawled all over Soul-chasing Blood Hand's face. He rolled his eyes, and his body slid to the ground with cramps, and then turned into countless black snakes and sank into the ground.

Qing Yichi wiped the dagger and said calmly: "Everyone else is dead... Only the two of us are left, and you still want revenge? Do you really think that man can show mercy?"

"He is cruel... He can let us feed the dogs and escape by himself, and you and I want to fight with him? Can't you feel how strong he is? Let's go together, and it's only a matter of time before we die."

She sneered, took away the dagger, hooked her finger, and a dark green line appeared in the void. She looked up and saw that it was the direction Xu Yangyi flew away. After a few seconds of silence, she actually covered her mouth and chuckled: "So... It's better to use you as a token of allegiance, and it's better for me to completely support him."

"In this era of great struggle, except for him, I really can't think of anyone who can sit on the five kings and two queens. Once he can really get to this step, I will be a loyal minister..."

Xu Yangyi didn't know all this, and even if he knew it, he wouldn't care. He was already focused, and his eyes fell on the cultivator above his head.

Walking in the void, swallowing himself, without a trace. When he appeared again, he had already mixed into the group of monks.

"I want absolute, I don't have to kill them, I can't do it." His eyes swept over all the monks in front of him, and he looked at the direction: "Just take the virtual crystal... Others can't do it, but I can do it!"


The most experienced hunter will definitely wait for the most suitable opportunity.

Beside the red spider lily, the exploding spiritual light has become less and less. It has been more than an hour since the red spider lily bloomed. The situation is clear, and no one dares to take the initiative to attack the virtual crystal.

That is not robbing the virtual crystal.

That is courting death.

But no one would have thought that there is an extremely cunning dragon hidden in the ant group!

Dead silence, after another ten minutes, the silence finally showed some waves. Any waiting has a limit, and anxiety and expectation have pushed this limit to the extreme time and time again.

Xu Yangyi gently pulled his cloak, suppressed his pounding heart, and continued to wait... just waiting for an opportunity, waiting for an opportunity to cheat in front of everyone!

Can't be impatient.

If you are impatient, you will be in chaos, and if you are in chaos, you will change, and if you change, you will lose control.

He can't afford to lose, he just wants absoluteness.

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