
Chapter 1445: Food Chain (III)

The noise was getting louder and louder. The thrones of the five kings and two queens burned everyone's eyes red. It was unknown who it was, but it could be everyone. The outer circle took a step inside, and the inner circle suddenly flashed with light and murderous intent.

"Everyone..." In the outer circle, a hoarse voice suddenly sounded: "Kings, princes, generals, and ministers, a thousand-year opportunity, how can we not fight for it!?"

No one spoke, only the fire in their eyes became stronger. The heavy breathing brought the oppressive air, and the magic arrays seemed to respond, the light filled the sky, and the celestial phenomena formed by themselves.

Another old voice said, "I have been trapped in the Venerable Saint for a thousand years. Today, if it weren't for my death, otherwise... Xu Jing would have fought with all his strength no matter what!"

"Whoever stops me will die!!"

This sentence shouted out the long-cherished wish of practicing Taoism for a thousand years, ethereal and lonely, lonely and harsh, and reverberated in this sky.

What is a cultivator?

Follow the will to be ordinary, go against the will to be immortal.

Thousands of years of practice, just for the day when I will be the Green Emperor, and repay the peach blossoms to bloom together.

How to let?

Who can let go?

A middle-aged woman gritted her teeth. She was in the middle stage of Yin Zun and her strength was not strong. At this moment, she closed her eyes deeply, and her eyeballs trembled slightly under her eyelids. When she suddenly opened them, there was already a hint of determination in her eyes.

Boom! ! The spiritual energy rushed up to the sky, and she said hoarsely with her black hair flying: "Elders."

"Help me ascend the throne!!!"

Burning life... More than a dozen Jindan behind her gritted their teeth and shouted together. The spiritual light completely exploded, and the hair turned white visibly with the naked eye. The spiritual light gathered on the woman. Gathered into a golden light flashing, double dragon swallowing long sword.

The woman gritted her teeth and held it, her whole body was shaking, but she swung it with all her strength, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger: "Whoever stops me will die!!"

Wolves also have blood.

This is the first morning star, the morning star of the B-level, or even the lower-B sect challenging the superior sect. It is suspended in the air proudly, illuminating the long night of ten thousand years, and igniting the blood in the chests of all cultivators.

Far away, Mammon stood on the roof and said with some emotion: "So... humans can be ranked as one of the seven major races with a weak body."

On the ground, the thirteen A-level forces that were calm, the saint daughter of Taixu's personal disciple, looked up at the sky for the first time.


Half a second later, as if in response, another piece of light shot up into the sky, turning into a soaring lily. A young monk holding a double hook flew into the sky, his hair was gray, and he shouted angrily: "Whoever stops me will die!!"

Swish... One after another, the light and shadows rose like comets, and the countless magic circles on the ground were like a raging sea. In the reflection of the spiritual light, the sound of complete explosions shook the sky, spreading from this place to all the virtual crystals.

"Whoever stops me will die. Whoever stops me will die! Whoever stops me will die!!"

A few seconds later, there was only this one voice in the void, deafening and blowing away the wind and clouds. The faces of the tigers in the inner circle were livid, and they were extremely solemn. Then, more than a dozen rays of light also rushed into the sky.

Rumble... Ten thousand rays of rosy light opened the purple palace, and thousands of auspicious auras penetrated the yellow palace, with a might far beyond the outside. The thunderous shouts were unyielding, "Who dares to step forward!! Those who step forward will be killed without mercy!! Those who step forward will be beheaded!"

In response to them, there was a shocking "Kill!"

Ten thousand swords returned to one, the sky was full of light, and pieces of magical powers burned their own lives, rushing towards the virtual crystal from all directions like a tsunami, and the tigers in the center were about to burst their eyes. The spiritual energy has been urged to the extreme, turning into an undefeated reef to meet the waves of destruction.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi let out a long breath, and the next second, he completely disappeared into the void.

Twenty minutes "d."

Time is up.

Void walking, start!

The world turned black and white, walking on the stormy ocean, swallowing the ** talisman is not omnipotent, it also has an absorption limit, and now... it has definitely exceeded his limit.

Just like walking on a tightrope, his face is extremely calm, that is an absolute calmness that can't even distinguish a trace of nervous emotions. At the same time as rushing out, the ** talisman, activated!

Mammon in the distance stared and licked his lips: "The legacy of the Lord of **... the fragments of the God King's godhood... little guy... what good luck."

"How can people hold the things of the gods?"

Swish! In the void, purple light is like a gem that pierces everything. Silently, but the two sides facing each other within a radius of 3,000 meters only feel the blood in their hearts suddenly rise, and the killing intent is even stronger

Kill, kill, kill! There is only this sentence in my mind, and there is only the undefeated virtual crystal in my eyes, and I can't see anything else. At this moment, all the formations finally have a flaw.

It's not one person's, but everyone, no one can escape.

When the ** is aroused to the peak, the only thing that dominates mankind is the **.

Boom! In the void, Xu Yangyi took the first step, a circle of black light exploded under his feet, the void collapsed, and then rushed towards the virtual crystal at full speed. At the same time, his pupils turned into black holes, and the infinite truth was fully opened.

Saw it... If the spiritual energy in front was a wall before, it has now become a net. Layer upon layer, but there are cracks.

Only he can see the flaws!

Everything was thrown behind his mind, and there was only a little light in his eyes. Like a flying fish breaking through the air, passing through a piece of sharp wave crest. Dangerous and dangerous, but rushed to the virtual crystal without danger.

Getting closer and closer, the virtual crystal in the pupil became larger and larger, and time seemed to stop. In the blink of an eye, he rushed over the virtual crystal, and the soul hunter shook lightly, picking stars in the void.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

The mind was blank, the surrounding sounds disappeared, and the air stopped flowing. Only the slight vibration of the Soul Hunter touching the virtual crystal, and then the cold feeling in his hand, the whole world was left with the echo of the second hand jumping in his ears.

Baihe stepped on the cloud, his body was like the most precise pointer, mechanically pointing in the air, without even having time to look at the virtual crystal in his hand, and raced against time with all his strength. At the last second of the end of the void walk, he happened to appear behind a Jindan cultivator.

Ka... The twenty-second void walk just ended.

"Heh..." He took several deep breaths, cold sweat on his back, clenched his fists, and the cold feeling of the virtual crystal spread from his palms to his heart, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems simple, but if he made a mistake for even a second just now, the Devouring ** Talisman would be broken, and he would be shaken out of nothingness and fall alone into this strangling tide.

He quietly put the virtual crystal into the storage ring, and raised his eyebrows, because he suddenly found out... It was not because he was too nervous that he could not feel the sound, but... There was really no sound!

Dead silence.

Absolute dead silence.

On the roof, Mammon's eyes flashed, and his figure gradually disappeared: "Smart."

"Use cleverness to break the force, and take the enemy's head in the midst of thousands of troops, just like taking something out of a bag. Not bad."

On the Four Elephants Gate, Shen Chenyang was stunned for a moment, and then looked up at the sky in disbelief. When he spoke, his calm voice was slightly out of tune: "What is this?!"

He suddenly supported himself on the city wall, staring at the scene, and his vast consciousness burst out instantly. He looked at the empty sky in astonishment, counted once, counted again, and counted again. After a few seconds, he said in shock: "Thirty-four pieces..."

"Where is the virtual crystal?!"

Someone took a virtual crystal under his nose!

He hadn't noticed it yet!

It was simply amazing!

His voice was like a bell, hitting the nerves of all the cultivators who couldn't believe it. On the ground, the thirteen Taoist saints who were taught by Taixu were also stunned. The next second, their consciousness rushed to the sky like crazy!

"It's gone..." Ten seconds later, the saint of Yanyun Saint Sect trembled all over, her red lips opened wide, staring at the sky dully, her eyes blank, and murmured: "The virtual crystal... is really missing a piece!"

She found it the moment the virtual crystal disappeared, but... she couldn't believe it at all! No, or it could be said that her eyes accepted it, but her consciousness was rejecting it.

Who can be empty-handed under the noses of so many cultivators? Picking stars in mid-air?

Who can make them feel nothing... No, even Master Taixu can't find it!

This... is really a skill close to Tao!

Cangyun Dao Daozi was also stunned, and then suddenly stood up from the giant hand, opened his eyes between his eyebrows, looked at the audience in surprise, and three seconds later, said the same words as the saint of Yanyun Saint Sect.

"What... is going on?"

"Thirty-four virtual crystals... the sun is eclipsed by the heavenly dog?"

It was as if the picture was frozen. There were shouts from all directions, and the bursting spiritual light suddenly stopped. Countless monks were still charging forward, and the seals were not stopped, but everyone in the inner and outer circles looked at the void like petrified. It was as if their eyes turned into sharp swords, piercing the starry sky and finding the location of the virtual crystal.

They were still going all out in the last second, and disappeared in the next second. A ridiculous, fooled feeling of emptiness arose spontaneously. It was like a big hole was dug in my heart. But more of it was the fear of the unknown, the shock and anger of the disappearance of the virtual crystal.

The virtual crystal is missing!

"This..." After five seconds, a young monk roared out at the top of his lungs: "What the hell is going on?!"

"How is this possible?! Who did it? I saw it clearly! There was no spiritual power fluctuation just now! Impossible... This, this is absolutely impossible!"

A series of eyes, from surprise to shock to disbelief, intersected with each other, and a series of low tides finally spread from this side of the sky, from small to large, and finally turned into an exploding tide.

Wow! !

The group of monks completely exploded! Emotions were almost out of control!

Watching others' magic hands come up empty-handed, and still not knowing who it was!

"This... How is it possible?!" A monk in the inner circle stared at the top of his head with his eyes wide open. He tried his best and spent such a huge price, but he got nothing?

How could this be accepted!

Should I join other battle groups? I can't do it at all!

The moment the virtual crystal disappeared, the monks in this area were ruled out at the same time. He was given a red card and sent off by a cultivator he had never met!

"No... No! No!!" Unacceptable voices came one after another, and in an instant, crazy spiritual light erupted everywhere, as if this could sweep out the virtual crystal.

He was not alone, countless magical powers burst out of the sky without purpose, and the desperate roar and lost roar shocked the sky.

"Who is it! Who are you! Come out and die! You are so brave! I swear! If I find out who you are, I will definitely skin you alive! Ah ah ah! Cut off this venerable's thousand-year opportunity! This venerable and you are irreconcilable! You... Damn it! Damn it! I curse you to die a bad death!!"

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