
Chapter 1446: Empty Hands (I)


Complete chaos, the spiritual light exploded wantonly, Xu Yangyi also "panicked" and "furious" burst out spiritual power in the crowd, but suppressed it in the early stage of Ordinary Saint, on his ring finger, a piece of virtual crystal was lying quietly in it, swallowing The talismans cover it, and even Taixu can't even think of seeing it.

Then... the figure quietly left the scene.

When the matter is over, he brushes off his clothes and goes away, hiding his merit and fame.

"cd" has fifteen minutes left.

Amidst the vicious curse and overwhelming aura, Shen Chenyang finally regained her consciousness. His spiritual consciousness is so huge, just now, it has completely swept away this whole world.

Nothing found!

He could only be sure that someone took action and took away the virtual crystal, but he couldn't find out who it was with the Taixu Lord!

"It's unbelievable..." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a few seconds, he opened his eyes. His eyes were blazing, and his consciousness covered the whole place. He didn't miss every place: "Interesting... I want to see who it is." Can you do this? There is no such thing as the birth of the two saints in history... The five kings and two queens this time are definitely not easy... You, you are still coming?"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly looked up at the sky, his voice suddenly pitched up at the last few words, and his beard was a little fluttering.

Another virtual crystal disappeared...

Just like last time, he disappeared right under his nose without any warning.

In an instant, heart-rending screams rang out from that side of the sky. Just a moment ago, they were still making fun of the monks around the first virtual crystal, but now they never imagined that it was their turn.

Life is unsatisfactory eight out of ten times, and the remaining one or two are even more unsatisfactory.

"Who... who! Who!!" A woman who was closest to Xu Jing had red eyes. The closer she got, the more she could understand the despair from the peak to the abyss. Her spiritual energy burst out and she screamed with disheveled hair: "Get out! With me. Whoever wins!"

"Courageless gangster! How dare you confront me head-on!!" "You...don't let the Venerable find out who you are! Otherwise...for nine heavens and ten earths, I will fight you to the death!!" "Shangqiongbiluoxia" Huang Quan, I swear! If I live for a day, I will kill you with a thousand swords!" "No! A thousand years of opportunity... You, you deserve to die! Damn it!”

The crazy roars were exactly the same, the exploding auras were all the same, and after the first heaven, the second heaven became chaotic like a god.


Shen Chenyang opened his mouth slightly and withdrew his consciousness in a daze.

There is no fluctuation in spiritual consciousness... just like the son of the void...

There is no fluctuation in space, as if everything is void...

The second time...the second time my hands were empty before my eyes. I thought I didn't pay attention before, but now I was fully focused on it, and there was no clue at all! This, this is simply provoking his majesty as Taixu!

"Ha..." He stood there in trance, shaking his head slightly. As far as his eyes could see, two pieces of heavenly aura exploded. He sighed: "How... is this possible... wait... you... are still here?!"

Before he finished speaking, the virtual crystal in the third heaven disappeared again!

Tengu eats the day!

Silent death, harvesting wantonly.

Second silence.

If the disappearance of the virtual crystals in the previous two times caused their emotions and mentality to explode, this time... everyone felt an unpleasant atmosphere.

"This..." On the ground, Cangyun Daozi was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became extremely solemn.

Not good, not good!

This time... I met a shameless person!

"Up!!" He shouted suddenly, and thirty armored knights soared into the sky, stepping through the void neatly. The spear dragged out traces of flames in the void, and its target was the nearest virtual crystal. At the same time, with a flick of his finger, a bead engraved with clouds and mist exploded with a bang, sending purple energy traveling 30,000 miles eastward.

"Cang Yun Dao is here! Anyone who stands in my way will die!!"

The eyes of the Holy Lady of the Yanyun Holy Sect moved slightly, and then she seemed to have figured out something, and took a breath. With a wave of her hand, a flame rolled into the red clouds in the sky, and a red sun rose from it. She rushed forward like lightning. He shouted to another virtual crystal with a solemn expression: "The Holy Lady of the Yanyun Holy Sect is here, anyone who stands in my way will die!!"

To the northwest, a stream of light sank into the sky and turned into a golden lotus in the Sea of ​​Bitterness. As it swayed, the sky was filled with radiance. A cold and urgent female voice said through gritted teeth: "Iron Crown Gate, Aunt Yingluo is here! Who dares to be so presumptuous!"

Under the green lotus, hundreds of swords came from the sky and turned into a rainbow of sword light.

As if there was a command, in an instant, rays of brilliance soared into the sky, there were Xuanwu riding the waves, there were Suzakus flying in the sky, there were Vajra shaking the ground, there were thousands of swords in the sky... Thirteen familiar tokens from the Seven Realms shone in the sky. Each one is enough to make any monk change his color.

"Make way!" "Get out!!" "The Taoist disciple of Yun Sheng, the Three Holy Sects of the top forces, is here. Those who stand in the way will be killed without mercy!!" "Kill!!"

The voice was extremely urgent and alert, not so much to intimidate the other monks, but rather... to intimidate that shameless and invisible being.

A-level forces, personally descended from Taixu, are fully mobilized for your sake. They are already reminding you that you should give them face.

They must be shocked, because they all understand one thing.

This person... won't even leave a piece of it for them!

The first piece is not enough, so take the second piece! If this continues, he will be the only one in the world of great strife! He is undoubtedly the Five Kings and Two Queens!

Too cruel.

It's also too dark.

No way for others to survive!

If you don’t take action now, you won’t have the chance to take action later!

The precious light shines brightly in the starry sky. These thirteen sects' Taoist saints were not to say the strongest on the scene, but they were definitely among the best. Thirteen sects came out together, and their spiritual power shook the sky. All the monks were stunned, and then their expressions all changed.

"Damn it!!" Cangyun Daozi at the front was furious, and the scene in front of him made his eyes split open. I wish I could sweep away the world with one shot and crush all those ants to death one by one!

No one gave in... No one gave in! Instead... they all rushed towards the virtual crystal like a tsunami!

"Charge... rush!" "Get the Void Crystal!! Who else would give me this thousand-year opportunity!" "If you don't take it, it will be over if that damn thing takes it away!" "Who dares to stop me!!"

"Royal!" Cangyun Daozi stepped on the giant beast with a livid face, and the thirty riders stopped in response. At the same time, the steps of the thirteen sects all stopped. Just in front of them, the spiritual wave that erupted was far more terrifying than the last time. The water reflected the seven stars, the sky formed eight trigrams, and the sky was full of strange phenomena. It condensed into a magnificent shock wave layer by layer, sweeping across a hundred thousand meters, and suppressed it again. The beauty of the flowers on the other side.

If I had some reservations just now, but now everyone knows, if I still have reservations... I'm afraid I won't be able to touch the edge of the virtual crystal!

Taoist Aunt Yingluo stood still, hundreds of millions of spiritual energy shaking the sky, her excessive rage made her face turn cold, and her clothes swayed crazily. The hundreds of Taoist nuns behind them also gritted their silver teeth and looked into the void with murderous intent. They wished they could find the Tengu who had made such a mess here and cut them into pieces!


Enter, the front is simply a mountain of swords and a sea of ​​fire. With such majestic spiritual power, he doesn't dare to break into it unless he takes out the virtual treasure at the bottom of the box. And because of that unknown thief, no one knows how long the virtual crystal will exist or whether it will suddenly disappear. They can only fight hard.

Even if you get it, you will be besieged.

Even though you will be attacked from all directions during the process of getting it, but...

Grab it, there's still a chance. If you don't grab it, you won't stand a chance in that Tengu's mouth!

Therefore, on the side of each virtual crystal, spiritual energy exploded like a sea, and the starry sky collapsed. This time, no one was able to hold back. The wolves and tigers collided with each other, and each magic weapon exploded without hesitation, biting desperately. The other person's throat.

And retreat... This thousand-year opportunity is right in front of us, how can we retreat?

She came here with the Hundred Swords of the Iron Crown Sect. She was bound to win the qualification for the great battle. She didn’t expect that she would not be able to pass it now! The spiritual energy in front of them is like a mountain and a sea, and it has formed a frenzy to strangle everything. The thirteen Taixu disciples should have reserved a seat, but now they can't get in! Not to mention fighting!

"Don't let me know who you are..." Her red eyes full of murderous intent swept the void, and her teeth were trembling with anger.

Shen Shenyang stood on the tower in a daze, with only one thought in his mind: How could this be done?

Turning his hand to make clouds and turning his hand to rain, it was not that he had never seen a time of great strife, but... there had never been a time of great strife that was as chaotic as this one.

And... is it possible that all of them will be eliminated?

Why is it so different from the world of great strife in my own memory?

At this moment, two sages came to the side and whispered: "Sir, Taichu stopped attacking. But it did not withdraw its troops, and... there was no reply from the great sage on the top of Suzaku Tower."

"Don't worry about them." Shen Chenyang's face was already relaxed: "Fellow Taoist Master Kong has transformed himself into the Tao. Once the age of great strife begins and millions of miles around are under the protection of heaven, there is nothing they can do even if they want to."

"The most important thing now is to ensure the smooth progress of the great war. Everything must be moved back!"

Among the crowd, Xu Yangyi has moved quietly towards another virtual crystal. Like other monks, he is also "furious" and "furious." However, there are already two virtual crystals lying in the storage ring.

Everything was in chaos, and he was very satisfied. This made it easier for him to make ends meet, but he also understood a little bit about this impromptu plan.

I'm's impossible to kick everyone out.

There are still thirty-three virtual crystals left, and a twenty-minute "cd," which is equivalent to more than six hundred minutes, more than a day. Now even Taixu's personal successor can't sit still, and it will take up to six hours to decide the winner.

In other words, he can get at most twenty virtual crystals in total, and there will still be thirteen opponents who will meet him in the age of great struggle.

Still, it's pretty good.

"Little guy..." At this moment, a hoarse voice rang in his ears. Xu Yangyi's eyes flashed and he suppressed the murderous intention in his heart: "Mamen?"

"Please call me your lord. This is the respect you should have for a living being that lives as long as the universe." Mammon's voice was very calm: "However, I don't like to force people. I just want to ask Do you feel it?"

Xu Yangyi frowned slightly, not knowing the meaning of this sentence, but he felt it and suddenly looked towards Towering City.

The explosion of the Flower of the Other Shore once again covered up the light. Through the Thousand Saints Lianzhu, the brilliance of the starry sky had already outlined a majestic picture on the ground, and the cloud cave surrounding the towering city had begun to quietly fluctuate.

An invisible substance, but it is everywhere. The breath that only he can feel quietly permeates the air. It is the highest, the farthest, the greatest, the greatest... No matter what words you use to describe it, it can't be overstated. And the flower of the other shore... actually shrank imperceptibly to the naked eye!

It formed an extremely obscure thread, slowly sinking into the huge figure of Emperor Wa on the ground, strand by strand, stroke by stroke, carefully outlining the other person's eyes.

The gods open their eyes.

The outer body is coming soon!

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