
Chapter 1448: Empty Hands (Part 3)

Unable to endure it, I finally resorted to the trick of keeping the bottom of the box.

Cangyun Daozi opened his mouth and spit out a white jade ruler. The clouds floated at both ends, with green lotuses blooming and withering, and white cranes flying, forming a world of its own. This was their biggest reliance on snatching the virtual crystal, but they did not expect that it would be used so early.

"You can actually let so many Taixu descendants use the Xu Xiangbao... Ben Lei... Even if you die, you are proud enough!" His eyes were like blood, he let out a long roar, and the monster beast under his crotch flew through the sky with purple lightning and measured the sky ruler. Rotating above his head, looking at the crowd getting closer and closer in front of him, he roared shockingly: "Get out!!"

Mixed with shame and anger, Thirteen Taixu's personal anger was suppressed by a young sect leader of Yishang Sect, and his anger broke out instantly. The white jade ruler was pressed suddenly, and an old shadow appeared on it, with a ruler in hand, a scale in hand, and a slight shake to measure the heaven and earth.

There was a rush, and the water ahead was blocked. The monks who were already going crazy all screamed in surprise, and they were involuntarily sent flying thousands of meters away when the void exploded. In the north, the Yanyun Saint is going crazy, her long-suppressed murderous intent pouring down the ground. A fiery red hydrangea spins beside her, and the human form passes through a sea of ​​​​fire. Anyone who is touched will immediately turn into ashes.

To the south, a dark lotus flower bloomed at the feet of Taoist Sister Yingluo. When people moved with the flower, it turned into a black sword light that penetrated ten thousand meters. One ride to the extreme. In the east, a green dragon emerged from the sky. A bald man stood on top of the dragon's head. The green dragon stretched out its claws. Countless monks screamed and were swept away.

"Thunder!!" Taoist nun Yingluo fell under the virtual crystal, her clothes flew up, and she said coldly: "How dare you come out and fight!"

The sound traveled hundreds of miles, but no one responded.

"Do you dare to do it or not?" The boy sat cross-legged on top of a monster beast wrapped in cyan aura. His small body roared so loudly that the earth shook: "You dare to hide the truth in front of everyone, but now you don't dare to answer directly! You really Shame on the monks!”

Huang Zhongdalu resounded throughout the world, and everyone was stunned, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

"Ben Lei?" "Who is he? I've never heard of it." "Ben Lei... Ben Lei! He, he is... the number one on the list of saints? The legendary monk with more than 250 million souls?" "Of course you haven't heard of it. This news has spread across the Seven Realms for a long time, but not many people in the Chain of Seven Realms have heard about it." "Two hundred and fifty million! Is he up to something?"

The comments from all directions ranged from low, to shocking, to incredibly angry, and then converged into a tsunami that swept across the sky.

Thunder! Thunder! Thunder!

Whether it's hatred or jealousy, at this moment, all the four elephant gates are full of thunder. His name was finally remembered by everyone, albeit in a not so beautiful way.

The thirteen Taixu personal disciples spoke with their mouths, but did not let go of any vigilance in their hearts. Because it has been a minute and a half since the last time the virtual crystal disappeared.

One and a half minutes to go...

Thirteen Taixu personally invited him to fight, Ben Lei, do you dare to answer?

Do you dare to fight us head-on in a majestic manner under the heavens!

No one answered. Among the crowd, Xu Yangyi's face was cold, and he was found... This was really unexpected. He didn't think about how the other party found him for a moment.

However, will he stop?

Zhao Ziqi's soul is still in the hands of Mamen, and Angel is still waiting for the treatment of his body. Not to mention the thirteen of them, even the thirty Taixu's personal descendants cannot stop him.

If a monk doesn't fight, wouldn't it mean that one sword will lead to hatred for a lifetime, and a hero will be short of breath?

There are thousands of contenders, but I can survive alone.

"'s as you wish." He licked his lips, with the same fighting spirit in his eyes. He used the hand with which he killed Tung Tilagangdis to weigh the weight of the heroes of the seven realms.

"If you can find me."

The oppressive strong wind blew through the Four Elephants Gate, and the scene was completely silent, with only the pounding of the heartbeat and the ticking of the second hand. A pair of thirteen, both sides pinched the clock in their hearts, waiting for the moment to take action.

One minute and ten seconds, forty-five seconds...thirty seconds, twenty seconds.

Ten seconds...five seconds...

The hands of the direct disciples of the sages have been wrapped with spiritual light, but they are pressed but not released. His expression was solemn, as if facing a formidable enemy.

This person deserves to be treated like this.

"Three..." Saint Yanyun took a deep breath and squeezed the magic formula in her long sleeves.

"Two..." The boy's gaze swept across the void like lightning. He put his hands around his Dantian and muttered silently in his heart. A large seal in his palm burst out with thousands of black lights.

Come if you dare.

We dare you to die!


Boom! At the same time, the eyes of all Taixu's direct disciples suddenly flashed and they shook their hands fiercely. The magic formula that had been condensed for a long time exploded in full force! Thirteen virtual treasures bloomed with a more terrifying brilliance than before, completely unsealed!

At the same time, Xu Yangyi, who had just "smuggled" to the 100-meter restricted area of ​​the virtual crystal, took action with all his strength, and his soul hunted like the wind, rolling straight into the virtual crystal.

Invisible confrontation, invisible confrontation.

His location is within the range of Yingluo Taoist Priest. At the same time as the soul hunting broke out, the lotus flowers bloomed under Taoist Sister Yingluo's feet, swallowing up all the shadows ten thousand meters around. A black brilliance and mercury poured down the ground. Sweeped by this black light, the nothingness faded away. Xu Yangyi actually felt that something was taking its toll. He squeezed out of the void.

"The power of Taixu?" He shrank his eyes without flinching, the soul hunt surged, and the golden light rushed straight to the virtual crystal like a swimming dragon. At the same time, the emptiness surrounding him finally began to dissipate layer by layer.

"Then let's see who is faster!"

The next second, Taoist Aunt Yingluo's eyes suddenly froze and she looked over suddenly.

Saw it!

Just below the virtual crystal, an extremely illusory figure appeared, and the dark night faded away, revealing the figure of the thief below.

"Death!!" New and old grudges welled up in her heart, Taoist Aunt Yingluo let out a long roar, and with the movement of her long sleeves, the black shadows of countless monks, every inch or so, erupted from it, and suddenly pulled out black shadows on the sky. craze. Every shadow is holding a magic weapon, and each one... is a miniature magic weapon from the Holy Saint Period!

The size is reduced, but the power is condensed into one, which is even more terrifying!

"Shura Shadow Kill...Destroy!!" You didn't think it was enough, so her figure began to spin. Suddenly, this area of ​​the sky became a world of black shadows, with ghosts crying, wolves howling, and sinister winds gusting.

"Hey." Just as Taoist Aunt Yingluo took action, Xu Yangyi advanced instead of retreating. His spiritual energy tightened all over his body. With a loud shout, the swallowing talisman exploded! There are thousands of golden lights in every pore, forming a hazy and mysterious golden ball of light, firmly protecting him within it.

The next second, he clenched his fist suddenly and pulled it back hard. A golden thread suddenly appeared in the void, ten meters away from the virtual crystal.

Let’s see if I, the monk from Earth, stand out, or you, the monk from the Seven Realms, are even better!

Boom! The void shook, and countless black villains all impacted on the Devouring Desire Talisman, blooming with black light. Mountains of black ripples swept through the void. However, Taoist Sister Yingluo's face was extremely ugly.

Can't be broken...

I don't know what is outside the opponent's body, and without using the Xu Xiangbao, I can't break through the opponent's defense with my hasty magical powers. Right under his nose... the virtual crystal would be taken away?

Don't slap this too loudly!

"Let go!!" She screamed, her body was like a crane soaring into the sky, she stretched her body in mid-air, her wide Taoist robe danced without the wind, and the black lotus under her feet turned into streaks of light and poured into her body, her skin turned black every inch. , as if the devil is alive. A far more powerful spiritual power filled the sky, and he looked at Xu Yangyi with gritted teeth: "Let go...otherwise, I and you will fight to the death!"

She couldn't see clearly where she was in the aura, but she was sure that this short second was enough for the other party to take away the virtual crystal.

Xu Yangyi turned a blind eye, the opponent had completely exploded, but his spiritual power was only about 112 million, so he could not pose a threat to him at all. At this moment, Soul Hunter has completely wrapped the virtual crystal.

"Nineteen pieces!" He laughed loudly and pulled hard, but at the same time, the entire Towering City fell silent for three seconds.

All the images are frozen, with no sound, no wind, and no light, as if the hand of God has pressed the pause button. There was silence for ten thousand meters. On top of the Four Elephant Gate Tower, even Shen Chenyang was slightly startled, and then his eyes immediately became serious and he looked deeply at one place: "Erase time..."

He looked at one place in astonishment: "The God of Time?"

"It's so hidden... Is the holder of the Time God Code, one of the two supreme God Codes, also present? Three seconds is too short for him to get the Void Crystal. So he has always been like the most cunning fox. They were still lurking, but now that the situation is at its most chaotic, we finally seized this opportunity.”

"Not bad, pretty good."

Three seconds later, time will turn again.

Everyone was just stunned for a moment, and Xu Yangyi suddenly came back to his senses. However, he was shocked to find...

The virtual crystal... is gone!

Obviously Soul Hunter has wrapped the virtual crystal, but now there is nothing on it!

Just opposite the virtual crystal, a dark vortex was spinning, surrounded by twelve mysterious talismans. These talismans were pulling a blue silk thread, spreading out from the crowd silently. Right in the center of this whirlpool, a hand with white skin and rich clothes was twisting the virtual crystal and retreating quickly. The whirlpool is humming and shrinking.

A real strong man takes action!

Xu Yangyi's eyes sharpened, and he felt extremely clear when they were face to face. Very strong... This person's spiritual power can actually reach more than 200 million, and there is a very familiar feeling on the other side, as if he is connected by blood and is desperately calling him.

"No..." His thoughts were racing, but it did not affect his speed at all. His body was like an arrow from the string, cutting through the wind and waves, and even a sonic boom was pulled out of the void, heading straight towards the hand of the vortex.

"This is not a summons to me."

"This is... the holder of another talisman! It's the talisman's call to each other."

"Is it Master Mianfeng, Master Diwei, or Master Hanxue?"

"No matter who you are, you dare to take advantage of me without telling me, you are thinking too much!"

If you want to take it away, you have to see if you have the ability!

brush! ! The soul hunter brushes out, forming a long golden river like a planetary belt. Everything around slows down. However, this river is completely different from the previous soul hunting. It just appeared and showed a very strong attack form without Xu Yangyi's control. It swallowed the talisman, the desire talisman became one and twins, dyed ink with deep purple, and mixed brilliance burst out. .

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