
Chapter 1449: One rider is worth a thousand! (I)

At the same time, the people in the whirlpool seemed to sense a crisis. The fingers gently curled up, and in an instant, several handprints appeared. The movements were obviously ordinary. As the opponent pushed forward, a strange and complicated talisman appeared in the palm of his hand. As soon as it appeared, it bloomed like a living thing, transforming into thousands of strands and rushing towards the large talisman.

boom! The golden tide collided with the blue brilliance, and a huge ripple bloomed instantly.

As soon as the two touched each other, the blue rune immediately trembled. Then a bit of blood bloomed. An unexpected voice sounded in the whirlpool: "Huh?"

After that, there was no more love, and it was like the clear light in the river and sea, all the strands were absorbed into the whirlpool, twisted at an extremely fast speed, and disappeared completely.


Xu Yangyi narrowed his eyes, opened his palms, and there was blood on his index finger.

That's not his blood.

Just now, when the white horse passed by, the two of them fought more than ten times, and he stabbed through the opponent's palm at the last moment.

"It's you..." He licked his lips with bloodthirsty. The defenses that had swallowed up the talismans from all directions finally collapsed under Taoist Aunt Yingluo's continuous bombardment. When the golden light poured out, the true appearance of this thief was finally revealed. He turned a blind eye and clenched his fist: "If you dare to borrow my knife to kill others, I really underestimate you..."

Seven Realms, the Mahayana Gate of Nothingness, a muffled groan sounded in a closed palace. The boy at the door immediately asked nervously: "Young Master..."

"Get out!!" Liu Mianfeng's hoarse voice sounded from inside, like thunder, and the entire hall shook. The two boys trembled and did not dare to ask anymore.

In the main hall, the lights were brightly lit and incense was burning. Liu Mianfeng gritted his teeth and looked at his bloody palms. After a long time, he said with hatred: "You can actually grow to this point..."

"If I had known earlier... no matter if it was you or not, I should have killed your master with a single blow, which would have saved me a lot of nightmares today!"

Rubbing his hands vigorously, a smile appeared on his face again, he combed his blackened hair and raised his eyebrows: "Maybe... I don't need to do anything anymore."

"It's okay to make trouble in Towering City without being discovered. Once discovered, when a tiger meets a pack of wolves, do you think you can escape unscathed?"


As if in response to his words, at the same time, the brilliance outside the Four Elephants Gate faded away. After the layers of golden light faded away from the prosperity, what greeted them was the rapid breathing like the ocean tide, and pairs of blood-red eyes like hungry wolves. Staring at the lonely figure in the sky.

one person.

only one person.

A person with nearly twenty virtual crystals in his possession.

The person who stirred up the whole world of great disputes over qualifications has finally revealed his true form! The fiery gaze is the same as the substance. The eyes of all the monks wanted to turn into sharp swords and poke holes in this damn man.

One person called the formation, and the formation beheaded the Second Young Master of the Song Dynasty, forcing the Great Sage Everlasting to compromise, including his name, which had not spread throughout the towering city before the ever-changing situation. Even if he knew about it, all these things would pale in comparison to Xu Jing. They can't see anything else, they can only see the dark clouds pressing over the city at this moment, the stars shining brightly, and even the sun must avoid its sharp edge!

Drinking makes people brave, and power increases the aspirations of villains.

From the greedy silence to the low discussion, it turned into a boiling noise in just three seconds, and then the whole place was in an uproar!

"You are so brave!" In the dead silence, a big man stepped forward and glared at Xu Yangyi: "Give you a way to survive and hand over the Void Crystal, otherwise... today will be the day you die!!"

"That's right! Hand over the Void Crystal! I'll spare your life!" "You're too greedy! Want to take all the Void Crystals by yourself? You simply don't know how high the sky is!" "Who are you in front of Taixu's direct disciples! Put you Take out all the virtual crystals in your hand, and leave no one behind! Otherwise, don’t blame me for being ruthless!”

A monk who knew about his deeds said gloomily: "Fellow Taoist, practice is not easy, so don't make any mistakes."

However, his voice was immediately covered up by the overwhelming sound waves, and the roaring waves in the sky turned into mountains and waves. "Hand over the Void Crystal, and I will spare your life!" "Hand over the Void Crystal! Otherwise, you won't be able to get out of Towering Sky today. "Hand over the virtual crystal!" "Hand over the virtual crystal!"

Virtual crystal.

Virtual crystal!

Only virtual crystal!

Swipe, pull, pull... streams of light rose into the sky, forming a magnificent wave of light with Xu Yangyi as the center. Thousands of treasures shine together, and thousands of people point to it.

With a cold eyebrow and a thousand fingers, Xu Yangyi calmly raised his head, his consciousness swept across the whole place like a storm, his eyes fell on the thirteen rising figures on the horizon, and then the sound was like a loud bell, which was transmitted hundreds of miles away: "Where are you? Is this the same idea?”

"You still want to leave?!" At the end of the sky, anger and hatred surged into his heart. With a furious roar, the thirty knights all turned their horses' heads, white clouds rose up from their four hooves, and they rushed towards here with lightning speed. The measuring ruler is suspended above the head, surrounded by fairy clouds, and has an extraordinary momentum.

"Hand over the Void Crystal, withdraw from the world of great struggle, and spare your life!" On the other side, a towering giant beast took roaring steps, with a boy sitting above his head, and a red incense burner erupted with the true fire of Samadhi surrounding it. It streaked across the sky as fast as thunder. Before anyone arrived, murderous intent had already been targeted at Xu Yangyi.

"Do you still want to be kind today?" "You are greedy and want to destroy the world of great strife!" "Either hand over or die! You can choose between the two paths!" "I really think you are super powerful, so I dare to fight against you!" Taixu's personal disciples turned a deaf ear? "Three pieces of Xu Xiangbao, even if you reach heaven today, I will destroy your world!"

Swipe, swipe, swipe... Magnificent spiritual tides are like mountains and seas. Thirteen pieces of virtual treasure energy penetrate the crape myrtle, and all the eight wastelands and Liuhe are blocked in it. Thirteen hazy shadows, old or young, male or female, have wrapped themselves around the Xuxiang Treasure, pressing it but not releasing it. The majestic spiritual energy stirs the wind and clouds in all directions, and the stars are killed in the rising clouds.

In an instant, a storm surged within a radius of 10,000 meters. On top of the city tower, Shen Chenyang watched this scene with interest. The saint beside him asked: "Sir, do you want..."

Shen Chenyang shook his head: "The edge of a sword is sharpened. If not, how can it be called Wuji and live in the Supreme Being to observe the Three Thousand?"

He looked at Xu Yangyi approvingly: "He is calm and calm in the face of danger. But this is already a dead end. No matter how strong he is alone, he is no match for Xu Xiangbao. I want to see what confidence he has. "

Surrounded by a pack of wolves, with murderous intent shaking the clouds, Xu Yangyi glanced around and nodded: "If you withdraw now, I, the Holy Lord, will spare your life."

He licked his lips: "I won't know for sure later..."

"Are you crazy?" An old man looked at him with tears in his eyes: "You are insatiable! You are cruel! Hand over the Void Crystal... Considering that your cultivation is not easy, you can go back alive!"

" will be dead and alive today!"

"You still dare to negotiate terms with us?" "Thirteen of Taixu's personal disciples are here, but you, an unknown junior, are allowed to be arrogant?!" "You underestimate the world's heroes, and today I will teach you what it means to be a saint! What it means to be a monk!" " Hand over the virtual crystal! Get out!”

The angry rebuke was like a wave, one wave after another. Xu Yangyi glanced at the crowd, looking at the thirteen Taixu personal descendants who were cautiously landing thousands of meters away from him. The thirteen Xuangxiang treasures were shining like the thirteen moons in the starry sky. Suddenly, A smile appeared.


"Gathered together, we become dragons, divided, we become insects. The so-called hero is precisely what we can become when we gather together, and when divided, we can become dragons."

When he said this, a dark mist bloomed all over his body, extremely ominous and extremely distorted. Shen Chenyang's eyes narrowed in the distance. Even he felt his heart beating suddenly a few times at this moment.

"This kind of throbbing..." He even felt a sudden electric shock. He looked at Xu Yangyi solemnly: "This is the power of those monsters in front of the city gate... What is he going to do?"

Xu Yangyi raised his hand with a smile, the devilish energy all over his body had almost enveloped him, and his fingers swiped across the sky, like the wings of the god of death. His voice was accented, majestic, and swept everyone gently: "Then... just Don’t even leave.”

boom! ! As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying demonic energy shot up into the sky, turning an area of ​​100,000 meters into a sea of ​​demons.

The demonic energy reached the sky, instantly forming a circle of terrifying ripples and spreading. It was a grand scene where the long-repressed power suddenly burst out. A dark sun suddenly rose over the entire Four Elephants Gate. With a shocking loud noise, the strong wind swept away the sea all night long, shaking down the stars in the sky, and rolling over the wild waves. Everyone at the scene could only feel that the wind dragon was coming out of the sea, its beard, hair, and clothes were raised almost parallel, and they could not open their eyes.

Brush la la la! ! Flags danced wildly in all directions, an extremely powerful aura, and with the strong wind, mercury poured down the ground. In an instant, all the buildings within 100,000 meters of the Four Elephant Gate shook violently, and the tide carried the mountains and thousands of horses. Thousands of talisman civilizations are in danger of being destroyed, and tens of thousands of magic weapons from all over the wilds have disappeared together.

Are the golden scales just a thing in the pond? They turn into dragons when encountering wind and clouds. The dragon's roar in the sky shakes the sky, and the wind and clouds swim in the shallow water.

The stars dimmed and the devil opened his eyes.

At the same time, on the fifteen gates of the Towering City, the fifteen Taixu all raised their heads and looked in the direction of the Four Elephants Gate with great shock.

At the Bagua Gate, a woman in palace attire was stunned, then pointed at the seven stars without hesitation. After a few seconds, she paused with her fingers, took a breath and looked at her hands: "The innate nature of heaven and earth, the ultimate infinite. For the ancestor of Taoism, Mysterious and mysterious? This is..."

She suddenly looked in the direction of the Four Elephants Gate, her eyes bursting with light: "Taixu?!"

"Become a saint on the spot... Become Taixu? Above a city gate, a stone Buddha suddenly opened his eyes. With great momentum, the power of Taixu swept across the heavens. The divine light in his eyes shot through the sky and flew across the blue world. Kakaka turned around. He turned his head and looked at the Four Elephants Gate: "Which fellow Taoist is this? "

"A power I have never felt before..." At Liangyimen, a great monk's closed eyes suddenly opened, and he said solemnly: "'s not that I have never felt it before, but it doesn't belong to the Seven Realms at all! Hecheng The monsters in front of the door are exactly the same! And they are in the Taixu realm, really Taixu!"

Outside the Four Elephants Gate, the demonic aura is strong at the moment, the tide is coming, the water of the river is black, and the sunrise is red on the sea gate. The black sun stirred up the wind and clouds in all directions, causing the heaven and earth to roar. Shen Chenyang had the most direct impression. While his clothes were dancing, he took a step forward, placed his hands firmly on the city wall, and looked at the field with great solemnity.

The completely stunned Taixu himself, all the stunned monks, and the terrifying black sun in the center, everything told him that he was not wrong.

It’s really too imaginary… It’s really too imaginary!

The power system is different, but the realm must not be faked. He watched this scene of transformation between immortals and demons, but he couldn't believe his eyes at all.

"He is Taixu..." After a few seconds, he took a step back and shook his head in a daze, as if he was asking himself a question, but also seemed to be self-affirming: "He is Taixu."

"He is too virtual and can touch the virtual crystal? Can he also participate in the world of great conflict?"

At this moment, he felt like the waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead. He looked at the sky filled with demonic energy in astonishment: "I am old?"

Although the turtle has a long life, will it ever end?

I... was caught up by a junior who was more than a thousand years later? And... it's very possible to override him?

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