
Chapter 1450: One rider is worth a thousand! (Part 2)

In the Vermillion Bird Tower, just before the Four Symbols Gate teleportation array, six huge eyes burst into six cold rays, looking at the void with great caution.

"Power that does not belong to the Seven Realms... a different power system... this... is the sixteenth Taixu?"

The Void Dog King's eyes had never moved away from the Four Symbols Gate, and at this moment he was also shocked by this sudden change and lost his mind for a moment. He could never have imagined that a fierce tiger would suddenly appear among the holy sheep, crushing the heavens.

Not only him, all the Cantian City, except for the places where Taixu's pressure could not reach, felt it at this moment, and all the eyes rushed to the outside of the Four Symbols Gate, and the spiritual power detection alarms of various sects and departments instantly resounded through the sky.

"Report!!" In one of the ten sects' resident places, a Yuanying cultivator rushed into the big tent with sweat all over his forehead. He didn't even have time to wipe the sweat off. He knelt down with a thud, his voice hoarse: "Outside the Four Symbols Gate, the young master of Tianjian Villa has reached the Great Void! He has surpassed all the Dao Sons and Saint Daughters!"

"What did you say?! Another Class A force is about to appear... The young master of Tianjian Villa... has reached the Great Void? How is this possible... I heard that their young master has only ascended for two or three hundred years... He actually reached the Great Void?"

The three venerable saints in the first seat stood up together, their faces shocked.

Great Void...

The dream in the hearts of many cultivators. Someone actually reached the Great Void in Cantian City?

"Quick..." The leading Yin Zun woke up the fastest, his eyes red: "This is a top priority! Immediately... Immediately prepare gifts and go to the Four Symbols Gate!!"

Not only him, but countless sects in Cantian City have received the same report at this moment.

"Report!! Tianjian Villa's young master Ben Lei has advanced to the Taixu realm! Special military intelligence report. The Taixu spiritual power fluctuations of the Four Symbols Gate were sent by Tianjian Villa's young master Ben Lei! Report!! Tianjian Villa's young master Ben Lei in the Four Symbols Gate is suspected to have advanced to the Taixu realm!"

"Quick! Go to the Four Symbols Gate immediately! How is it possible... No... Never mind how it is possible! Activate the teleportation array immediately! Prepare gifts! All the great elders and deputy masters of the seven southern Mandala sects in Cantian City will accompany you immediately!"

Swish, swish, swish! Countless escape lights sank into the sky and headed straight for the Four Symbols Gate. Forming a long rainbow of cultivators.

However, they could not have imagined that there was no joy or shock in the Four Symbols Gate, only boundless killing.

Boom! ! The black sun exploded, and the undisguised Taixu spiritual power swept across the heavens. The powerful feeling of being the king of the eternal starry sky instantly filled Xu Yangyi's heart.

All the monks' hearts trembled suddenly with this sound.

Amidst the magic light, a burly body walked out.

It was four meters tall, with an asymmetrically swollen upper body, bulging muscles, and a dark body. The two huge horns on its head were like the crown of the devil king, and the hellfire of Tiragangdis was burning all over its body. The blood-red magic patterns made this giant beast look extremely terrifying under the illumination of the flames. Sparks spewed out from its sharp teeth. Just looking at it was chilling.

Dead silence.

No one could come back from the science fiction of the saint turning into Taixu in a second. Tens of thousands of eyes stared at this giant beast dully, blinking absentmindedly, with only one thought in their hearts.

Is this a joke?

Who can tell me that this is not true?

We... the people who were besieging just now... turned out to be Taixu?

Xu Yangyi shook his short and thick tail with satisfaction. This demon body has not evolved completely. He can feel that after he reaches Taixu, he will have a qualitative transformation. But...

It's enough.

Taixu and Zunsheng are not at the same level at all. The so-called virtual treasure is not in Taixu's hands, but in Zunsheng's hands. It brings him not destruction, but "a little trouble."

He took a deep breath, and the black wings behind him opened up with a bang, one against ten thousand, one against a thousand. The blood and pride filled his chest, making him suddenly raise his head, straighten his body, and let out a thunderous roar.


Swish... The surrounding runes were extinguished, the wind was howling, and a circle of visible shock waves spread rapidly with him as the center. All the cultivators groaned and were blown away hundreds of meters without any resistance. The light of the thirteen virtual treasures flashed sharply. Taixu's disciples did not move under the cover of the treasure light, but... all of them were pale.

"Taixu?" On the giant beast, the boy felt a chill on his back, his heart sank little by little, he stared at the monster with his eyes wide open, his body couldn't help but retreat a little bit, until he hit the giant beast with a thud, then he realized... I don't know when, the giant beast under his seat has been like a rabbit, lying on the ground obediently, trembling.

"Taixu... He, he, he is Taixu..." As if seeking confirmation, as if in self-recognition, he murmured. As Taixu's direct disciples, they know better than anyone what realm the so-called Taixu is. That is the realm of the immortals who can break through the sky with a leaf and fill the sea with a grass, the highest combat power in the seven realms!

"Daozu is above..." Saint Yanyun took a step back, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and her mouth was extremely bitter. With her mouth slightly open, she looked at Xu Yangyi in a lost state. Unlike the boy, she rejected and didn't believe it in her mind!

"He is actually Taixu... No, how did he reach the Taixu realm? This... This is impossible! Master never said it! There is no record in history books! This... This is fake! It must be fake! There is no way such a powerful saint exists!"

"Taixu?" Cangyun Daozi was stunned. His spear had been lowered at some point, and the measuring ruler on his head was dim and dim. The thirty giant beasts were all lying on the ground obediently, their teeth chattering.

"This... is impossible..."

Dead silence.

With every move of Xu Yangyi, the atmosphere here became more and more low. A pair of terrified eyes looked at Xu Yangyi. In one second, the saint became Taixu. This change was too thorough, so thorough that it frightened them. It was as if the scene was reproduced. From the silence of fear, to the exclamation of disbelief, to the scream of soul-flying, it only took three seconds.

Shocked eyes met each other, and everyone read three words from each other's eyes: Impossible, Impossible! And Impossible!

Silence is better than sound. The invisible steel knife cuts everyone's nerves. The majestic pressure follows like a shadow. I don't know who started it first. All the people retreated silently. Then, there seemed to be a "dang" sound in the void.

That was the sound of the steel wire called fear being completely broken.

Before, it was said that either surrender or die, let a dignified Taixu roll out of Cantian City. At this moment, every word became a knife to torture their nerves.

Taixu cannot be humiliated, and humiliation will kill!

"Sir, spare my life!" A stream of light rose into the air, and a white-haired monk with red eyes fled madly into the distance, with blood flashing on his body, and the secret method had been activated. Behind him, thousands of spiritual lights rose almost at the same time, turning into a tide and fleeing madly.

"How could it be Taixu! Run... Run! Run quickly! This, this is not a world of great struggle at all! He can actually reach the Taixu realm! Sir, please show mercy! How is it possible! How could he suddenly reach the Taixu realm?!"


The tide surged, the sea of ​​fear completely exploded, and the great rout of defeat was fully kicked off!

Run... Get away from here! Get away from this monster!

This is the only thought in their hearts. What kind of virtual crystal is better than life!

Shining in the sky, thousands of streams of light rushed like wolves and pigs. Mercury poured down on the ground, and the sky was filled with screams of terror and voices. A stream of light screamed and broke through the air, and more streams of light rose from the ground. The arrogant Taoist saints who huddled together for warmth had already completely collapsed before Xu Yangyi took action.

Xu Yangyi's golden eyes swept across the group of monks who were fleeing like the ebb tide. He smiled with his teeth full of sharp teeth, as if it was an invitation from the god of death.

Hush... He took a deep breath, and the void in all directions roared loudly. A stream of flames rushed into his mouth frantically. The surging red light was like the rising sun, shining more and more in his mouth. His chest had bulged out of proportion, and a spiritual energy that chilled all the monks swept across the sky.

"My God..." The terrifying spiritual power made everyone tremble. A Taoist turned his head to take a look, and let out a soul-shattering wail, and then the light on his body flashed, and he rushed out a thousand meters in an instant.

"Ancestor, protect me!" A saintly woman, with her hair loose, looked at Xu Yangyi, who had already condensed into a red sun in the distance, sweating profusely. She had already used the escape light to the extreme, and she had no other choice but to scream and beg for the protection of the spirit.

"No... No!! Sir, please show mercy! Sir, please spare us this time! Sir! Ignorance is not a crime! Please show mercy!"

What answered them was an even more terrifying absorption, rumbling... cracks covered the area around Xu Yangyi for thousands of meters, the ground turned red, and endless flames gathered to form a hot furnace, and the surrounding void was gradually melting.

Just under his feet, thirteen Taixu disciples were crawling on the ground, sweating like pulp. Facing the pressure of Taixu, they trembled like fallen leaves in the wind. Everyone touched the ground with their foreheads, not daring to say a word.

Compared with others, they knew better that escaping in front of a Taixu was futile.

They could only humbly ask for mercy.

Is it shameful?

Very shameful, but... no matter how shameful it is, at least you can live. Only by living can you have a future.

"The devil's..."

"Wait a minute, fellow Daoist." Just when the exhalation gathered to the apex, a long sigh came from the air.

However, at this moment, the arrow was on the string, and Xu Yangyi's demonic energy erupted to the apex, and he roared: "Breath!!"

Boom! ! ! From the base point of four meters, a light column of hundreds of meters was ejected. Countless talismans were entangled in it, purple lightning was running, thunder was flashing, and flames accompanied by the demonic energy of destruction pierced the starry sky. As Xu Yangyi's head turned, a hundreds-meter-long hell dragon was pulled out in the void!

Swish! The dragon swept across, and the strength of the Taixu realm overwhelmed the heavens, and a terrifying crack appeared in the void. There were endless sparks burning inside, and it couldn't heal at all.

Scars of hell.

"No... no! My lord, please hold back! My lord! My lord... don't! My lord, please! Spare my life, spare my life!"

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