
Chapter 1452: Belonging

The three parties fought as fast as lightning, and no one had a chance to say a word. The Void Dog King just appeared and sucked with all his strength.

"Stop him!!!" In the air, Shen Chenyang's voice rang out: "The Five Kings and Two Queens Void Crystal must not fall into Taichu's hands! Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous!!"

Karaala! Before the voice fell, it seemed that a level 10 typhoon was blowing around, and groups of monks who had not yet fully woken up were swallowed up with screams. The ground on the ground was broken into pieces in a chaotic sound, and accompanied by the strong wind, it entered the mouth of the opponent's abyss, like a black hole.

The Void Crystal bloomed with thousands of points of brilliance in it, becoming the only star. Xu Yangyi spread his wings and rushed towards the opponent as fast as lightning. While rushing forward, his chest was completely bulging, like a burning comet, and the demonic energy broke out in full force.

If this piece of Void Crystal is not taken back, he will face a force that has never appeared in the history of the Seven Realms in the world of great struggle!

However, at this moment, his eyes suddenly shone, and an extremely ominous feeling rushed into his heart. He stopped his body in mid-air, and his claws suddenly grabbed in two different directions. Only two muffled groans were heard in the void, and two figures were forcibly caught out.

There are still people...

Only thirteen Taixu disciples remained awake at the scene. With the blessing of the virtual treasure, they did not faint. However, at this moment, they only felt a chill in their hearts.

This piece of void... Under the noses of the two Taixu, there are actually other people hiding!

He claimed to be a genius, but now he knows that there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people.

Boom! Two muffled sounds, at the same time when the two figures were caught out, without the slightest hesitation, they split into two in tacit understanding, stepped hard in mid-air, and a circle of vast spiritual patterns exploded, shooting towards the two virtual crystals respectively.

"Damn..." Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth fiercely: "I should have thought of it earlier... Young Master Mianfeng appeared, and you will definitely appear. I made a mistake..."

He already knew who the person was.

The other party used some magical power to cover his face, and his whole body was hidden in the cloak, so the divine sense could not penetrate. But... the Devouring Desire Talisman in his body was screaming wildly, and the same fluctuations came from the two people.

All the talisman controllers finally appeared in the World of Great Struggle Qualifying Tournament.

Young Master Wumian, Young Master Mianfeng, Origin of Killing Talisman.

Venerable Hanxue, Origin of Fearless Talisman.

Venerable Diku, Origin of Indestructible Talisman.

He could feel that these two people relied on talismans to reach the peak of the Venerable Saint, and their spiritual power was all over 200 million. He was not sure to stop any of them!

Because... he didn't know the characteristics of the other party's talisman, and any talisman had the power to turn decay into magic. Even if he was now too empty, he didn't dare to guarantee that he could stop the talisman controller with one blow.

Moreover, the opportunity they seized was too good. I don't know how long they have been hiding here. Even if Xu Yangyi had overwhelmed the others and didn't move, if it weren't for the appearance of the Void Dog King, they might have continued to wait. This patience is simply inhuman.

What to do?

His hand paused, and his mind was full of thoughts. Half a second later, his eyes were determined, and his hands suddenly clenched, and the power of Taixu broke out in full, causing the virtual crystals in all directions to vibrate.

Didn't do it.

He didn't do it to anyone, but grabbed all the other virtual crystals.

What he wanted was "absolute." Since none of the three people could stop him, then... master the "absolute" that can be mastered.

"Smart." In the distance, Mammon said hoarsely: "Although for us, there is no need to hesitate at all, this is the instinct of choice. But as a little saint, it is really good to be able to find the best way in an instant."

"But..." He raised his head and looked at the deep starry sky: "Do you still have time..."

"She is coming..."

Swish... The ownerless virtual crystal trembled for a few seconds, turning into meteors and rushing towards him. This is a face-to-face attack, and its power is much weaker than that of targeting a single person. It is definitely not difficult for Venerable Hanxue and Master Diku to seize the virtual crystal if they are determined. Sure enough, the opponent did not hesitate at all. Facing the great power of Taixu, he did not retreat but rushed forward.

Soldiers against soldiers, generals against generals, talismans against talismans, and godhood against godhood.

When they meet on a narrow road, there is no way to retreat!

The strong wind passed by their ears, pulling the bodies of the two silent people like straightened arrows, and the black robes fluttered like the wings of the god of death. At the same time, the two shouted loudly, the sky shone, and Venerable Hanxue burst into a thousand-foot brilliance. It seemed that at this moment he was the incarnation of the god of war, invincible and fearless. A golden sphere appeared next to Master Diku, about 20 meters in size, and was completely composed of hexagonal crystal walls.

The godhood was activated!

Boom! The wind drove the thunder and lightning to the river, and the crane led the gods to travel on the moon. The figures of the two directly surpassed the saints at this moment and reached an unparalleled realm!

No one can be seen, no movement can be seen. Only light, only wind. And the two figures in the air that can no longer be captured by the retina, instantly dispersing Xu Yangyi's Taixu power, and breaking through everything.

"Tai...Xu?" The thirteen Taixu disciples were all stunned, staring blankly at the sky, they could hardly believe their eyes.

The Thunder Saint became Taixu, and these two people can do it too!

In this world... how many such monsters are there?

My heart is higher than the sky, but now I am poured with a basin of cold water, and it is terribly cold.

It turns out... I am the one who is sitting in the well and looking at the sky.

The white colt passes through the gap, and the antelope hangs its horns. There is no trace but there are traces. This short intertwining moment is only three seconds. The game of mind and the choice of moves are enough for too many things to happen. Enough...that the dust has settled.

Dang dang dang... big beads and small beads fell onto the jade plate, and nine virtual crystals all fell into Xu Yangyi's hands.

brush! The Dog King of Void closed its mouth wide, and a little meteor and moon entered the sea. It let out an extremely excited scream, and the cracks in the entire void quickly closed. At the same time, countless black dogs in the void turned into black mist and disappeared.

Venerable Hanxue, Master Diwei picked up the stars with his bare hands, and when he picked up two stars, his body immediately burst into light, and his figure quickly blurred.

The Lingtai God's Talisman can be used for instant teleportation over long distances. Each one is extremely valuable, and there is no market for it... No, many people have not even heard of this name. If it is not a Grade A force, it would be impossible to create it.

Hit the target with one hit, without missing a beat.

In three seconds, the canine teeth intertwined, and all the virtual crystals were owned.

With twenty-nine virtual crystals in his hand, Xu Yangyi became the biggest winner in the qualifying competition for the World of Great Struggle. He kicked away all the Taoist saints and formed a dam in the towering city. There was no doubt that he would advance to the World of Great Struggle.

Master Mianfeng relied on the power of Shen Principle, like the most experienced hunter, to snatch a piece away without a moment's notice.

Venerable Hanxue, Master Earth Crying, lurked for several hours amid the thunderous thunder, and found an opportunity when the Void Dog King struck with all his strength. The two talismans completely exploded. The strong man cut off his wrist and used the Lingtai Divine Talisman to leave and conquer the next city.

Finally, there is the wily Dog King of Nothingness, an opponent that cannot be stopped at all. Yu Shenchenyang captured a virtual crystal.

The five major forces have settled down.

However, Xu Yangyi's face was not relaxed at all, only solemn. These five forces... he was definitely not top-notch.

The power that the two disciples of the Five Kings and Two Queens will use at that time is hard to estimate. It is the full support of the two forces above. What's even more frightening is that for the first time in tens of thousands of years during the Great Controversy, Taichu intervened. I don’t know which Taichu can represent the second largest force in the Seven Realms. The strength is only stronger than that of the Five Kings and Two Queens!

This is the support of a community.

Instead, he and Master Jiwei were the weakest two on paper. There is only one Yishang Sect Tianjian Villa behind him. Even if they put all their efforts into it, their financial resources, mercenaries, magic weapons, techniques, etc. are much weaker than other forces armed to the teeth. When the actual strength cannot be the decisive factor, the gap has widened.

"Damn it." He cursed bitterly and sighed helplessly. Man's calculations are not as good as God's calculations, and plans are not as good as changes. It is still too difficult to exclude everyone.

On all the city walls, Taixu, who had been paying attention to this scene, finally withdrew his gaze, with mixed feelings in his heart.

it's over……

It's all over. The Battle of Towering City started with a dangerous situation and ended in an unexpected direction. It was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one could have imagined that Lord Kong would choose to perish in Towering City...

No one could have imagined that there would be such changes in the qualifying competition in this world of great struggle, and no one could have imagined that in the tens of thousands of years of history, Taichu would come into contact with the Void Crystal of the Five Kings and Two Queens for the first time.

It's a crisis, but it doesn't feel like a crisis, and it's an end, but it doesn't feel like the end.

Even Taixu couldn't predict what would happen this time.

"But... I can predict one thing." An old monk slowly closed his eyes at Liangyi Gate: "This time the five kings and two queens... are probably the strongest five kings and two queens in history! "

"The Seed of the Great Sage. No...even surpasses the Great Sage." On a city gate, a stone Buddha fell into meditation: "No matter who wins, it is the absolute Seed of the Great Sage."

"Everyone...whether it is Ben Lei or the three monks who appeared later, their strength is simply outrageous. Looking back on tens of thousands of years in the Seven Realms, no monk has ever reached this level."

On another city gate, a middle-aged man in rich clothes caressed his long beard and said quietly: "To be able to take away the virtual crystal under the hands of a monk like Ben Lei, this world of great struggle... is really exciting. …”

In the void, Fairy Lingbo's eyes were cold, her red lips moved slightly, and she showed a murderous smile: "Which bitch took away the virtual crystal... Aren't you afraid of death?"

Outside the Sixiang Gate, everything was quiet.

Xu Yangyi completely let go of the regrets in his heart, swallowed a pill, and sat up to meditate in the air.

"Bah bang bang..." A burst of applause rang in his ears, and Mammen's voice sounded leisurely: "A perfect curtain call. Sure enough, it was the right choice for me to let you find Nuwa."

"So, are you ready?"

Xu Yangyi did not answer. The time for the demon body had long passed. He had returned to his human form and was trying his best to regulate his body.

what to prepare?

He knows better than anyone.

Next, is the final scene of the real battle of Towering City.

The final curtain call.

It is also the most gorgeous curtain call.

God descends!

The Lord of the Seven Realms, Emperor Wa has arrived!

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