
Chapter 1453: God descends

God said, Yahweh is my name forever. This is also my memorial for all generations.

Perhaps before any major event, there is an uneasy vision. At the moment when all the virtual crystal dust settled, this universe - all the universes from the seven realms to the seven realms chain, tens of thousands of light years, shook slightly.

It was very slight, but Xu Yangyi caught it immediately. This slight vibration was directly transmitted to the seed of Chaos. Although there was no change around him, he felt... something was different.

This is an intuition that is difficult to describe. It does not pass through the five senses, but conveys the Alaya consciousness, that is, the sixth sense, which causes vibrations in the soul.

"Ah... did you feel it?" Mammon's voice smiled: "In the last ten minutes, enjoy the joy of being alive and prepare to see the wonders you have never seen before."

When the voice was about to disappear, it seemed to remember something: "Oh, right."

"Did Queen Wa tell you that she left a magical power on her incarnation? That is... something very, very memorable."

"I hope you can live... hehe..."

Xu Yangyi still didn't speak, and he couldn't speak again, because at this moment, the whole Cantian City felt something was wrong.

"Huh?" Outside Cantian City, the Taichu army, Tenggebal was like the sun floating in the void. At this moment, he raised his head in astonishment and looked around in disbelief.

"My lord?" The six deputy legion commanders asked in confusion.

"Did you feel it?" Tenggebal's voice was filled with unprecedented surprise: "That kind of call from the soul..."

On the fourteen towers, all the Taixu suddenly opened their eyes at this moment and looked at the starry sky together.

Something... as if the seven realms were alive, slowly waking up in the dark...

"Sir?" A venerable saint spoke respectfully beside a tower. But before he finished speaking, a tall figure in front raised his hand.

"Shh..." He made a silent gesture, and after a few seconds, he said in a deep voice: "Did you hear it?"

"From... the bell of time?"

In the void, Fairy Lingbo suddenly raised her head, then exclaimed, grabbed her head tightly, and squatted down in pain.

"Mother...?" A trace of confusion appeared in her eyes, and something in her mind that had never been touched was slowly becoming clear, and her soul was floating in it.

She seemed to see... the scene of her obtaining the title of queen in the last great struggle...

She wielded a long sword in the air, just like Xu Yangyi today, suppressing thousands of sects, and all the elders of the sects behind her were bleeding, but with an extremely excited look.

No... not here...

Her consciousness continued to go deeper, as if she felt... her memory was deviated, and something very important was erased.

This feeling now is so similar to the original one.

What is it...

I forgot something... After the qualification war in the Great Struggle World, something was forgotten... No, it was erased by something...

In the Four Symbols Gate, Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief and raised his head.

Shen Chenyang was right in front of him. His cultivation reached Taixu, which was in line with the Way of Heaven. They already had some premonitions about most important things.

Shen Chenyang didn't know why he was standing in front of Xu Yangyi, but he just felt vaguely... something important was going to happen next, something so important that no one in the Seven Realms could watch it, and this thing... fell on the person in front of him!

Xu Yangyi smiled.

"Did you hear it?" He stood up and stretched out his hands. The huge Cantian City was suddenly filled with a strong wind, which swept the starry sky with an irresistible force in its gentleness.

"What?" Shen Chenyang was alert for no reason and even took a step back.

For some reason, this person now gave him a sense of supreme majesty, even... surpassing Dubu.

"The bell of history." Xu Yangyi looked at the dark starry sky and said lightly: "And... the running heavenly way."

Before he finished speaking, he seemed to be pulled by an invisible giant force, and his body suddenly leaned back. On his chest, a thousand-foot green light rushed up to the sky.

Brilliant and brilliant.

Magnificent and dazzling.

This light was so dazzling that it rushed straight to the top of the cloud. It was like a storm that blew away all the illusions.

"This..." On the ground, the thirteen Taixu disciples looked at the void in shock, and they could hardly believe their eyes.

"This is!" At the top of the sky, Shen Chenyang exclaimed and took a step back. Even with his concentration, he looked around in disbelief at this moment.

The world faded away hypocrisy.

History shows the truth.

A beam of light fell from the sky and collided with the green light. Pieces of mysterious runes that had never been seen before burst out from Xu Yangyi's chest. It passed through him and went straight down. Directly below, there was an extremely huge phantom!

And the place where Xu Yangyi stood was the eye of this phantom!

This eye was alive.

It had been standing here quietly since some time, looking at everything around it. And this ray of light was drawing the pupil of the eye, adding the finishing touch.

Boom!! When he saw this phantom, Shen Chenyang suddenly hugged his head. His head was in great pain as if it was torn apart.

Some memories sealed in the deepest part were now boiling like colorful bubbles.

"The way of heaven... is moving?" He spoke unconsciously: "After the great struggle... the mother came?"

"Why... why don't I have any impression... why is there no record in the entire Seven Realms... this, when did this memory come to my mind!"

At the same time, Xu Yangyi's whole body was shining with golden light, beautiful and magnificent, like a veil. With this light, his true face, which had never been revealed before, finally showed up in the Seven Realms for the first time.

That was his true face on Earth.

"You are..." Shen Chenyang's eyes were red at this moment, but he did not lose his mind. Seeing the change in Xu Yangyi's face, he took a breath of cold air.

He remembered...he remembered it completely!

The Realm of No Return...Tenggerbal came in person...a stream of light rushed out of the plane...

He is here...the person he has been investigating for so long has always been in the Seven Realms! Standing in front of him!

"Someone...someone!!" He almost screamed. However, no one responded at this moment.

Xu Yangyi looked at him with pity: "Rest."

"You won't remember anything when you wake up."

Kakaka...right in front of him, Shen Chenyang's body quickly stiffened, black robes, white hair. Yellow skin, silver jade belt... all of these, in just one second, turned into a kind of earthy yellow.

Pure mud.

A Taixu, turned into a mud man in front of him!

However... this is just the beginning!

Kakakaka... the sound is endless, the whole city... every corner, everyone! Without exception! All began to turn into mud!

On the city wall, the monks holding strong shields have become rows of lifelike mud sculptures, and even kept blinking and roaring. Just behind them, rows of monks holding immortal crossbows also turned into mud. In the main city, flying monks, walking passers-by, meditating foundation builders... everything, in just three seconds, all turned into a world of mud men!

Reverse creation!

Silently, the spring rain is silent.

God created them, and wiped them out at this moment.

In an instant, Xu Yangyi was the only living person in the city. And... billions of living mud sculptures!

Regardless of Taixu. Or a saint. Not to mention the Nascent Soul.

Not grand, not violent. But irresistible.

"Heh..." Xu Yangyi only felt creepy. The city that was still full of people just now was empty in an instant!

Doll world!

"Is the Queen Nuwa... here?" He muttered to himself, covering his pounding heart, but knew that no one could answer him.

However, he guessed wrong this time.

"Soon." Mammon's voice was very leisurely: "There are only two living things left here, and the others are just toys for the Queen Nuwa to kill her loneliness. Ah... You seem to feel a rare fear. Why? These are originally mud, and Nuwa gave them life. They should be rejoicing and worshiping."

Xu Yangyi did not speak. Mammon said the truth, but... at this moment, he did not feel warm to the Queen Nuwa, but fear.

Fear of this peerless divine power. Fear of this indifference that deprives life. Although after this incident, they are still themselves, they just forgot that the gods came to the world.

"Mortal." Mammon's smile was complicated, perhaps contemptuous, perhaps disdainful. But he didn't say much, but said lightly: "She's here."

Boom! ! As his last word fell, as if in response, the entire Cantian City shook violently.

Kakakaka! Endless shattering sounds rang out, shuttling through the void and crossing the universe. Countless black cracks bloomed in the starry sky, and chains filled with the five elements of spiritual power rushed out of the void without warning, and the range became larger and wider!

Ten thousand meters, one million, ten million! Billions!

Hundreds of millions, Jing, Gai, light years!

The power of the gods, shocking the heavens!

Time was so fast, in just ten seconds, endless chains filled all the voids visible and invisible to the naked eye, and finally... turned into a dazzling blue light, which exploded from where Xu Yangyi stood!

The ocean of light was boundless, like a hundred thousand suns exploding, that brightness even if Xu Yangyi closed his eyes at the first time, he felt that the world was white. His whole body seemed to melt in this brilliance.

God's might is like a prison!

"Chain of rules." Mammon strolled leisurely in the explosion of divine light, and said slowly in his ear without letting him refuse: "Each chain represents a rule she has mastered. She is worthy of being the Queen of Wa, known as one of the strongest second-generation Yawei. Even I only master a little more than her."

Swish... I don't know how long this brilliance lasted, like the rebirth of the universe. Finally, the countless suns in front of him dimmed, and when he opened his eyes, he still saw a white snow in front of him.

The light was too strong, causing the eyes to be unable to accept any picture. After ten minutes, he gradually saw clearly.

The dead city, the vast mud sculptures, and the cold sea of ​​chains were exactly the same as before, but... there was no wind here. The rolling flags were fixed in one position, and all the flying ruins in the air were suspended in place. Everything seemed to have been paused and stripped from the long river of time.

Time stopped, space paused!

Xu Yangyi felt his scalp tingling, and at that moment, Mammon's voice disappeared.

It had left.

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, and then his heart began to pound wildly. His back was covered with cold sweat, and his body turned around like a machine, clicking... clicking.

The next second, his pupils suddenly contracted. Then, he raised his head and continued to move upward until he could no longer move.

He saw an eye, a sky, and a universe.

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