
Chapter 1454: Eternal Night (I)

An eye bigger than the sun.

This eye is in a face that is higher than the sky and wider than the universe.

At some point, she was already there, without any warning. She just looked at him calmly and indifferently. Looking out from the towering city, she could only see half of the endless face, and even... only part of one eye could be seen.

It's too big... This kind of hugeness can no longer be described with big, majestic, or even any adjectives. The journey of the sun and the moon can be traced out of it. The stars are as brilliant as if they came out of it.

That is a majesty beyond the preset of the mind.

Brush... She stood up gently. From Xu Yangyi's perspective, what he saw was a planet rising. The void is trembling and wailing. All light is covered by this huge body. This feeling... is like a person facing the endless sea and watching the tsunami rise out of the ground.

The moon rises in the starry sky.

Rumble... Those huge broken planes, those floating ships that never returned, those Star Destroying Gates that floated up and down the stars, were as small as dust in front of this majestic and boundless divine body. Being accidentally touched by this huge body as it stood up, it was turned into ashes without any resistance.

One of her hairs is a mountain range, and one of her fingers is the Milky Way. The violent wind bypassed Xu Yangyi, and the entire towering city set off a strong wind exceeding Level 10 because of the standing of this behemoth! The Nine-Nine Black Yellow Formation that Taichu had been unable to conquer for a long time was shattered like eggshells in this world-destroying storm. Immediately afterwards, all the houses behind rumbled up from the ground, were chopped into pieces, and flew into the sky, becoming a new planetary belt.

No aura.

Just stand up. The most common action of a creature.

It's not intentional either.

It was just an honest mistake.

I didn't kill Boren, but Boren died because of me.

"Fuck..." Even though Xu Yangyi had seen too many unimaginable things, his heart almost stopped at this moment.


What came to mind was not a god, but the word monster.

With her head propped up in the sky and her tail on the ground, she looked far into the distance, so boundless that she couldn't even see the end with one of her fingers. If it weren't for the protection of the Seed of Chaos, his fate at this moment would be no better than those planes that existed a second ago and have turned into cosmic dust this second.

I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, just because I am in this mountain.

She is the universe.

"Is this the divine body of Yahweh..." He swallowed, took a few steps back with his breath stagnant, and gritted his teeth: "This... cannot be summarized by living things at all..."

Completely different from what he imagined as the mother of mankind.

From here, I can finally see the other person's face vaguely, and whatever else is there has been hidden in the void, out of sight. However, there was only indifference, arrogance, and perhaps kindness on it, but it was hidden in the eyes by cold loneliness, and there was no expression on his face.

Eternal and immutable.

"You're here." At this moment, this indescribable "woman" opened her mouth, speaking calmly, but it formed a magnificent galactic storm! Visible to the naked eye, the newly formed planetary belts are unstable in this storm, and finally turn into cosmic dust.

boom! ! ! Following her three short words, the foot of her feet was boundless, but compared to her, the Taichu Legion, which was at most the size of a finger, suddenly exploded. Countless Taichu were shattered into pieces by the sound waves emitted by ordinary words, and their flesh and blood flew everywhere.

At the same time, the time-suspended Taichu Legion suddenly erupted into a dark black brilliance, turning into a phantom and disappearing.

"Emperor Sen Luo..." A trace of fluctuation finally appeared in her eyes, as if she was missing. These four words once again set off a violent storm, and the planes further away were turned into ashes in these four words. Those fragments are suspended in the air, becoming broken decorations in the still river of time.

"You're here." Her eyes finally looked at Xu Yangyi: "I promised Haotian that when the descendants who do not return to the world come, I will give them gifts."

Rumble... A strong wind swept the scene. Xu Yangyi braved the storm. He even doubted whether Emperor Wa had seen him. After all... in front of her, he was not even a mosquito, and the dust in the other person's eyes was not bigger than him. few. Such as those planes.

"You want a body?"

Xu Yangyi couldn't even say a word. This kind of suppression of spiritual power, the oppression brought by size alone, was too intuitive, and even more terrifying than the spiritual shock of spiritual pressure. If it weren't for the green light of the Seed of Chaos that kept surrounding him, he felt like he couldn't even stand up.

He could only grit his teeth and nod.

"I once said that there is a test outside of me. This is the prototype of a magical power I left behind. You can only obtain it by passing it. Are you ready?"

Nodding again, is there any way out at this time?

"Okay." Emperor Wa said calmly: "This is the first time in countless years that I have seen this kind of... idiot..."

Kakaka... The void shattered, and a huge black shadow covering the entire towering city pressed on Xu Yangyi's head, blocking the wind and the sun, moon and stars. Xu Yangyi's heart was beating wildly. He knew that it was the hand of Emperor Wa.

It can be called a galaxy, and all the races in the world can live on it. It is a hand bigger than the seven realms.

"This magical power is called...Eternal Night."

Hearing this name, Xu Yangyi tried his best to raise his head, and fear filled his eyes for the first time. However, in the next second, with all the brilliance, his figure had completely disappeared.

His consciousness seemed to have entered the reverse flow of time, and his body was completely unable to move. In the increasingly deep darkness, he wanted to look up to the sky and curse.

Only when you meet the real Yahweh will you know what awe is. There is no such thing in the Tower of Babel, in the War of Ten Thousand Worlds, or in Tiragangdis, but the name of Eternal Night makes him even more awed than the Queen of Wa!

He once gave this move a name himself. An unforgettable name. It is simply the only nightmare in his cultivation career!

"One! Moment! Prisoner!" He growled out with gritted teeth: "How could it be... this thing!!"

This is... the forbidden technique of the gods that sealed the first pillar of desire in the Void Pyramid!

Then, his consciousness fell into darkness.


Sweet sleep.

Xu Yangyi felt that he had not experienced this kind of sleep for a long time. Since practicing, everyone has been walking on thin ice. This kind of sleep has been in his memory for too long.

Three hundred years? Or four hundred years? Or even longer, he can no longer remember when he last fell asleep. When meditation replaces sleep, he has become accustomed to it.

Then, the consciousness belonging to "him" began to gradually dissipate.

"Heh..." He suddenly opened his eyes.

His hands gently grasped the quilt, tightening unconsciously, his chest rising and falling sharply, and the Pokémon pajamas covering his small body, but highlighting a strange cuteness.

It seemed like he had a very long dream, dreaming of too many bizarre scenes. This dream was so real, as if he had stepped into the reincarnation of the long river of history. At this moment, he didn't even know whether it was Zhuang Zhou dreaming of a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming of Zhuang Zhou.

"This is..." Then, his eyes flashed, and he looked around in astonishment.

Familiar bed, a desktop computer on the wooden table opposite, and a pile of books piled up next to it, with labels inserted in the books. A few meters away, he glanced and saw clearly that there were comics such as "Slam Dunk" and "Bakuman King" on it.

He looked around blankly. There were various photos hanging on the wall, as well as posters of large game comics. On the windowsill outside, there was a large area of ​​​​green plants, and the sound of traffic kept coming into his ears. Then, he looked fixedly at the mirror.

"Me?" His mind was in a mess, and he frowned. He put his hand on the mirror and touched the reflection that should be himself.

This is a very cute child.

He has a watermelon head, white skin, two big eyes like black gems, and is no more than one meter tall. He has a baby fat on his face. He is blinking at another self.

But the more he looks, the more he feels like he is looking at another person through a mirror, so unreal.

It seems that there is a fault in his thinking.

He didn't say anything, frowned and touched the mirror inch by inch. At this moment, a wave suddenly appeared in the mirror, and a completely unfamiliar figure appeared.

His first reaction was to exclaim, but before he could open his mouth, a more familiar atmosphere enveloped him.

The person in the mirror was wearing a black ancient robe, his hair was simply tied together, he was much taller than him, and his eyebrows and eyes were almost carved out of the same mold as him. However, the other person's eyes had a look that made people daunted at first sight.

Cold, wild, murderous... He couldn't understand why he could read so many expressions from a person's eyes. At this moment, the figure glanced at him lightly, and disappeared into the mirror like smoke.

"Did I see a ghost?" He patted his chest with lingering fear and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead: "Or is it an illusion?"

A feeling as if he had forgotten something was gradually fading away, as if his soul had completely merged into his body. And... he always felt that his way of thinking and speaking was not like a child at all, but... like an old monster with intellectual degeneration?

"Oh~ dear." Before he finished thinking, the door was opened. A middle-aged woman in her thirties, who was very well maintained, had a very fashionable haircut and perm, and wore expensive clothes, was startled as soon as she came in. She ran over and grabbed the clothes and put them on him.

"How many times have I told you! You have to put on clothes before getting up, or you will catch a cold." The woman looked anxious and didn't want to pretend at all - although he didn't know why he judged whether the other party was sincere at the first time. However, he was not at all wary in front of this woman.

With eagerness and concern, he felt that the clothes he put on were warm. Looking at the figure of the woman squatting in front of him, his tears flowed silently.

"My Yangyang is still well-behaved. Look at your Aunt Wang's Xiaonan, who is seven years old and can't get up even after falling down and crying." The woman looked proud, and just raised her head, she was stunned.

The child in front of her, who was like a little jade, had tears on her face, and just looked at her, which made her heart clenched.

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