
Chapter 1456: Eternal Night (Part 3)

His heart was pounding so hard that he looked left and right several times and said softly: "Uncle, where are those crows?"

"No more." Uncle Zhou said with a smile: "It flew away when you were in class in the afternoon. It was such a big area and the sky was dark. Who knows where so many crows came from."



His little face wrinkled together, and inexplicable sadness gathered in his heart. His voice unknowingly carried an irresistible majesty: "Drive faster."

Uncle Zhou glanced at him in astonishment, said nothing, and accelerated the speed of the car.

Their neighborhood was quite famous and considered a wealthy area in the city. He didn't know much about his parents' jobs. He only knew that they worked in a national research institution. He had never heard his parents mention it once, and he felt there was no need to mention it to children.

Parents attach great importance to his education. They usually don't mention work and don't want to expose their children to it too early. And precisely because it is in a wealthy area, the surrounding environment is quite good, let alone major cases, there are not even petty thefts.

Soon, we arrived at the last station before the community. Xu Yangyi's heartbeat had completely calmed down, but it was terrifyingly cold. At this moment, there were three car sounds, and three black jeeps rushed past the car door. Uncle Zhou shouted: "Fuck me!"

The steering wheel turned sharply and almost missed three cars. However, the opponent was already buzzing and rushing forward.

"Why are you driving?!" Uncle Zhou was so angry that he stretched out half of his body and cursed in front of him. The car owners next to them also poked their heads out to accuse, "What's going on!" "You don't know how to drive? Is there surveillance? You don't know how to check the speed of the car!" "You are driving so fast to reincarnate or go to a funeral!? Who is responsible for hitting someone? Can’t you see so many children during school hours? “My eyes are like dogs’ stomachs!”

"Hmph!" Uncle Zhou retracted his body, breathed out, and pressed the horn hard. He frowned and said, "A car from the Research Institute?"

"Uncle is not angry." Xu Yangyi said obediently: "Can you drive faster?"

"Okay." Uncle Zhou forced a smile and touched his head: "I scared you, let's leave now."

However, because of these three speeding cars, he was obviously frightened and drove slowly instead of fast. He drove for a full 20 minutes before returning to the community.

In Chunjiang Mingyue Community, all the people living here are scientific and technological talents, and the housing prices are by no means cheap.

"Come on -" Uncle Zhou opened the door with a smile, took little Xu Yangyi down, held his hand and said, "Come on, uncle asked the nanny to make pork ribs tonight, sweet and sour flavor, but you like it best." Yes. My uncle has kept you white and fat these days."

Xu Yangyi just nodded silently. The closer he got to the community, the more he felt his heart beat like a drum.

What's wrong……

Uncle Zhou smiled and said, the former silent villain walked towards their unit, bypassing a huge flower bed in the community and the ancient tree dug out at a large price. Uncle Zhou suddenly stopped.

At this moment, Xu Yangyi's blood rushed to the top of his head, and his body was trembling.

"Uncle..." There was a hint of crying in his voice, and he shook Uncle Zhou's hand.

"I'm going to take a look." Uncle Zhou pulled him quickly to the front of the unit. However, the place was already crowded with people.

The three cars parked in front looked familiar. Xu Yangyi didn't look at them at all. Something was desperately urging him to move, causing him to throw away Uncle Zhou's hand and rush towards the unit building.

Discussions from all directions were like a tidal wave, making people feel uneasy. "What's wrong?" "I heard it was a murder?" "How is that possible! Are there people working in the police station? It's right next to us, how could there be a murder?" "That house number?" "Is something happened?" "I heard that something happened, a family of three, except for the child who didn't come back from school." "I heard from the person who found it that it was terrible. The murderer was a corpse-mutilator."

"Give way! Give way!" Xu Yangyi's voice was sharp. His small body was not as tall as an adult's legs, and he squeezed in as hard as he could. But at this moment, there is a sea of ​​people. Who can let him squeeze in as a child?

Tears flowed out involuntarily, and he squeezed them in like crazy. But there was nothing he could do. At this moment, his body lightened up. Uncle Zhou was standing beside him at some point, picked him up, and squeezed him in.

"Give way! Give way!" Uncle Zhou also showed an anxious look on his face. He hugged the child and squeezed to the bottom of the unit building, where a red cordon had been drawn up. However, the people in front of the cordon were not soldiers, but several men and women in white coats. Behind them were not soldiers, but three men wearing sunglasses, suits and leather shoes, standing like pine trees.

"Stop." Before entering, a middle-aged woman in a white coat turned her head and said angrily: "Didn't you see the cordon? No one is allowed to enter!"

"It's me." Uncle Zhou said anxiously: "What happened? Can't we go home?"

"No!" The middle-aged woman was even more angry than him. She raised her head and shouted behind her: "Xiaowu and Xiaoliu of the Zhou family! Stop everyone and no one is allowed to enter without permission!"

"What's going on!" "It's just that I have to go back and cook for my children!" "Which unit do you belong to? Be careful, I will sue you!" "We residents are not allowed to enter? What's the matter that you don't want to say?"

"Watch everyone." The woman turned around anxiously and waved her hand: "Enter at will, arrest immediately!"

"My parents are still inside!" At this moment, the young Xu Yangyi didn't know where he got the courage and shouted loudly: "I want to go in! Let me in!"

The woman suddenly turned her head and stared at Xu Yangyi for three full seconds before she said, "Your last name is Xu? Your father's name is Xu Shen, and your mother's name is Luo Fangrong?"

"Yes!" Xu Yangyi nodded desperately, tears welling up in his eyes without him noticing, but he said word by word, firmly, "I want to go in!"


There was a sudden silence in front of the apartment building. The child was very sensitive. He felt that the black suits and white coats all cast their eyes on him, and this kind of look... was actually filled with compassion.

"Take him up." The woman suddenly spoke. A man in a black suit behind him sighed, "But..."

"I say, take him up!" The woman gritted her teeth and said, "He has the right to know."

The little child may not feel so much, but the adults behind him, including Uncle Zhou who was holding him, suddenly shook their eyes.

Uncle Zhou held his hand and squeezed it hard, which hurt him, but he didn't feel anything.

His eyes only looked at the dark entrance of the building.

"Yes." A man in a black suit bowed his hands - not a nod, but a bow. Xu Yangyi didn't know why he could still notice this detail now. Then, the other party took him from Uncle Zhou and rushed to the elevator.

Really rushed, the speed was unimaginable, faster than any special forces on TV. The so-called soldier king might have a slim chance of winning under them-Uncle Zhou's eyes twitched and thought behind him.

Entering the elevator and closing the door, the elevator he was used to sitting in seemed like a claustrophobic space at this moment, even the rustling sound of rising seemed like the echo of chains, Xu Yangyi hugged his cold body tightly, and his breathing felt a little difficult.

"Don't be afraid." The stone-like black suit suddenly patted his shoulder: "You are a man, afraid of not solving anything, you must learn to take responsibility."

No answer, when the elevator came to the familiar floor, just opened, Xu Yangyi's pupils shrank together.


The ground was full of blood.

That... It was just like a dry mop dipped in blood and drawn on the ground. There were so many horizontal and vertical lines, and there were huge bird claw marks.

A series of shouts and strange lights appeared in the direction of their home. "Stop it!" "Crow? A variant not in the M file!" "It's stronger than the average foundation-building. Which foundation-building senior is here? Recruit people immediately!"

Boom! ! As soon as they turned the corner, a loud noise shook the whole floor, and countless lights rushed out and were shattered by a huge bird claw. Then these people either took out a strange wooden sword or a talisman, and kept chanting. These strange things actually shone brightly, forming curtains, blocking the bird claw as big as a basin.

Xu Yangyi was stunned.

At this moment, the feelings of another person in his heart rushed in strongly. He could feel that this was also him, who knew how many years later. This feeling was different from his current ignorance, and it was mature. It was because of maturity that he could feel the kind of sadness hidden in his heart that had not changed for a hundred years.

Deep, bone-deep, like standing in the abyss of hell and looking up at heaven, you can see the light, you can think of the light, but you can't break the eternal darkness beside you.

This is his home.

"No!!" He burst out with unimaginable strength at this moment, rushing towards home like crazy.

The blood is getting more and more, and every step is stepped on in the pool of blood. The scene was in chaos, and no one noticed that this child rushed into the crowd and took a look.

This one look saw hell.

Home is no longer a home. In the well-decorated home, all the furniture and appliances have become fragments, the walls are cracked, and blood and limbs are soaked in the house. A huge crow, with a golden eye mark on each feather, is more than three meters long, flapping its wings and wreaking havoc in his home.

Boom! Endless memories rushed into his heart at this moment, and sadness quietly seeped in along the cracks in his memory. The seeds had been quietly planted when he was ignorant. In the mottled years, suddenly overnight, it took root and sprouted in the heart, stabbing a bloody mess.

He opened his mouth, tears silently flowed down, he hugged his head, and let out a heart-wrenching silent cry.

It was a roar of extreme grief, already voiceless.

Countless times...

Time and again...

Countless years...

Hundreds of years...

This scar will always exist in his heart, unwilling to open it, dare not open it.

The faces of his parents echoed in his ears again and again, he even hated why he was disobedient when he was a child, hated why he was so young at that time. Now it is unveiled again in front of him.

He saw... Under the claws, his mother was crawling in a pool of blood with incomplete limbs, as if she saw him, and a look of anxiety appeared on her face. Her lips moved silently, he couldn't hear it, but he could see it, that was: run away.

He also saw that his father's body was pressed on his mother, stabbed with holes, but never moved away.

He also saw the black demon spread his wings, let out a deafening roar, all the glass pieces shattered, and stabbed his father who had long been motionless with his beak like a saw.

Old age, sickness and death, hatred and resentment, love and separation, and failure to obtain... The seven emotions and six desires knocked on the door of his heart. This feeling can be recalled, but it was already gone at that time.

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