
Chapter 1457: Eternal Night (IV)

Rong, let me rest for a day... I'm too tired...


"Ah!!!!" His voice was like a wounded beast, finally bursting out from his young throat. At this moment, a woman in a black suit screamed and was hit beside him. She looked at him and said in surprise: "Who asked you to bring him in! Is this something ordinary people should see!"

I can't hear it anymore... Xu Yangyi's ears were buzzing, his eyes were bloodshot, and he walked inside step by step with his short legs. The woman was very anxious and grabbed his hand: "Leave! Wait over there! Wait... After everything is over, go to a place with us!"

"Hold it now!"

However, just as the woman's hand was on Xu Yangyi's shoulder, a deep purple light burst out from him.

This light was so violent that everything returned to silence wherever the light passed.

The crowd downstairs maintained the same posture as the last second. I don't know how many people pointed their fingers at the sky and discussed. The expressions on their faces were completely frozen. Uncle Zhou looked up anxiously with his mouth open. Countless glass rain flowers in the air exploded and hovered in place.

In the corridor, the two were still in the flying posture, with extremely shocked expressions on their faces. Others were on full alert. The crow flapped its wings, and even the light was imprisoned in the air.

Time stopped.

"I... remembered..." Two lines of tears flowed down his face, and his voice was extremely hoarse: "I am Xu Yangyi..."

"Benlei Saint..."

"Practicing for hundreds of years... in the world of great struggle..."

Closed his eyes, tears flowed on his young face, but he couldn't stop it at all. His eyeballs were beating desperately under his eyelids. He spoke hoarsely: "It turned out that he was imprisoned on this day... It's really... What a cruel magical power..."

He didn't open his eyes, didn't want to look, and didn't dare to look, but raised his hand tremblingly, with infinite murderous intent in his voice: "You... deserve to die."

The hand was facing the still crow.

However, he suddenly did not move.

I really want to... I really want to kill this bastard, but he can't do it.

He gritted his teeth and put his hand back. The horror of the Eternal Night is not the physical torture. No matter how great the pain is, you will become numb after getting used to it.

It is terrible because it destroys a person from the heart. If the magic power is to destroy the body, the Eternal Night is to destroy the heart of Tao. The body can be reshaped, but the heart of Tao is broken, but there is no possibility of starting over.

He didn't know how this magic power would develop, and he couldn't gamble. So, he could only try it little by little.

"First, you need to know when this reincarnation will end."

"Second, try to know when the next reincarnation will begin."

"Third, since it is broken, there is only one way: change everything."

"Fourth, what will my state be when I start my next reincarnation? Can I remember these things? Can I still reach the current recovery state?"

"If I can't reach it... I can only stay here for the rest of my life." The killing intent in his heart was crazy, and the pain was endless, but he had to suppress it tightly. He felt that this body could deliver his peak attack. But there was only one attack. And... this is probably only possible if he "failed the mission".

Silence, after a few seconds, he opened his eyes, walked to a piece of glass, picked it up and stabbed it towards his thigh with all his strength.

Blood was pouring, he didn't say a word, and stabbed desperately. The situation here was very strange. He could mobilize the spiritual energy of a blow, but he couldn't stop the pain. The sharp glass pierced into the child's thigh and carved it desperately. The pain can be imagined.

It took more than ten minutes before he stood up, and there was a red on his pants. He took a long breath and finally looked at the crow. Slowly raised his hand and squeezed it hard.

"Boom!!" A brilliant light exploded, swallowing everything and sweeping across the world.

Farewell to this world full of pain and blood.

The light flickered, engulfing his figure, and everything became hazy and illusory.

Swish... The light in front of him faded, and he opened his eyes again.

Familiar bed, a desktop computer on the wooden table opposite, and a pile of books next to it, with labels inserted in the books, several meters away, no need to read, with comics piled on top.

"Heh..." For the second time, Xu Yangyi woke up from the bed, his little hands tightly grasping the quilt, panting.

"What a strange dream... and scary." He shook his head. Just now, he had a long and weird dream, and now he felt sore all over when he woke up, just like running 400 meters.

The milky white little hand wiped the cold sweat from his head, he glanced at the wall clock and laughed: "Seven o'clock... class again! There is a literature class today, haha."

He jumped off the bed carefully with his short legs, but just as he made a move to flip off the bed, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his thigh.

"Woo..." The child pursed his lips and almost cried, but immediately remembered that his mother said that he was a man and couldn't cry.

Tears rolled in his eyes, he sniffed and took off his pants, and immediately screamed in shock.

His thighs were covered with scars at some point!

They were cuts, but he never remembered being injured so badly. The wounds had scabbed over, but it still hurt when he applied force. The inside of his thighs were covered with words. At this moment, he actually forgot the pain of Ding Ding and read the words curiously.

"Xu Yangyi, over 600 years old, the Seven Realms fought in the Cantian City, and the Queen Nuwa descended from her body..."

Just when he read the two words "Wu Huang", the whole space hummed.

No one noticed, only he could notice. And his voice, as he read on, actually took on a majestic and lofty flavor. And... quickly passed through childhood, moved towards adolescence, passed through adolescence and moved towards youth, and finally, became the low voice of a mature man.

Coming from a child, it was extremely strange.

"This magical power, called Eternal Night... is the most terrifying magical power that I, that is, you who saw the record, have ever seen - if you can see it."

"It is exactly as it developed that day, imprisoning people forever. I hope that I, or you, can wake up. There must be a way to break this deadlock. The last reincarnation time was too urgent, and I didn't have time to record it, but this time, the clues I found must be engraved on myself!"

"Except for my own body, anywhere is fake and unsafe."

"Don't trust anyone, that's just a fragment of my past memory."


After reading all the words, the child was silent.

Mysterious and mysterious, the room was shrouded in a deep darkness. After a few minutes, he opened his eyes and looked at the mirror opposite.

The mirror opposite reflected his face, but this time his eyes were extremely deep, not like a child at all.

One Moment Prisoner... fully activated.

Going back in time, back to the beginning of this bloody day.

Nothing has changed, only he has changed, the lonely traveler in this corridor of time.

He stood up calmly, still in the body of a child, but giving people the illusion that he would be at the top of the mountain. He walked to the mirror, without saying a word, gently stroking another word in the mirror. The silent atmosphere was incompatible with the childlike room. After a few seconds, he showed a wry smile that would never appear on a child.

"I'm back..."

"Is this the power of One Moment Prisoner..."

"Dad..." Just before the words fell, a voice rang. Xu Yangyi's tired and painful nerves were a little warm, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Red Line?"

"It's me." Red Line spoke carefully. It saw what Xu Yangyi saw before. Although its spiritual wisdom has not been fully opened, it can understand the other party's mood at the moment.

Xu Yangyi was silent and nodded: "Thank you."

In the last reincarnation, Red Line had reminded him, but it was obvious that the other party was also imprisoned by this terrifying magical power that was enough to destroy a person's soul and make people want to commit suicide. Reminding is the maximum limit.

"You're welcome, Dad." Red Line whispered: "I, I can't come out... There is a rule here that restricts me. I can feel that this is an illusion... But it is much more superior than my illusion. You are also very smart. The biggest flaw of any illusion is that it cannot cause harm to the caster's body. They use illusions and the five senses, but there is no real harm. Once engraved on the body, it will never disappear! It will continue to move forward with your reincarnation!"

Xu Yangyi nodded, his eyes were already burning.

Come on... I accept this impossible challenge!

The first advantage is that at least my information can be circulated and seen by the same "I" in different reincarnations.

The second advantage... I understand one thing. When I see the previous records, my memory will awaken!

Third, he has no spiritual power, but he can use spiritual consciousness. Although it is very, very weak, he can see things with his eyes closed.

These three points are crucial!

It can be said that this is a prerequisite for breaking the moment prisoner!

The bad news is that when he awakens in this state, he only has his brain available, and all his magical powers are sealed.

"Fortunately, this is an incomplete version." He smiled bitterly and shook his head: "How can the complete version give me such an opportunity?"

He remembered the first pillar of desire in the void pyramid.

That was a desperate, hopeless eternal imprisonment.

It's worse than death.

He put on his clothes himself. In his memory, his mother would come in soon, and he didn't want the other party to see his scars.

"Hey~ my dear." Just when he was dressed, the door opened gently. A middle-aged woman in her thirties, who was very well maintained, had fashionable haircuts and perms, and was wearing expensive clothes, was startled when she came in. She ran over and grabbed the clothes and put them on him.

Xu Yangyi's mother, Luo Fangrong.

Xu Yangyi did not move, but his eyes were a little moist. He had tried his best to deal with his emotions in his heart. He knew that these were fragments of his memories, but he still couldn't help but feel overwhelmed.

Hundreds of years... long-lost family affection.

"Dad..." Hongxian whispered: "We... have to go out."

Xu Yangyi was silent, and smiled in his heart and said to it: "Yes, we have to go out."

This was the other party reminding him not to be entangled in emotions.

Easier said than done.

"Did you put on your clothes? Be good, get dressed first when you get up, or you'll catch a cold." Luo Fangrong smiled, put on his shirt, and kissed him on the face: "Good boy, come out to eat, mom and dad are waiting for you in the living room."

Xu Yangyi turned his face away, hummed sullenly, and tears flowed silently again.

I don't know how many times... I can look down on everything and face the fact that it's just a memory. And he is the only light and shadow in this memory.

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