
Chapter 1458: Eternal Night (V)

"My Yangyang is still obedient. Look at your Aunt Wang's Xiaonan, who is seven years old and can't get up even after falling down and crying." Luo Fangrong pinched his tender face and walked out first: "Hurry up, be careful not to be late."

The door closed, Xu Yangyi sighed and said in a deep voice: "This world will change and connect automatically. I change, and the world will change accordingly. I put on my clothes in advance this time, and my mother's conversation changed."

"Dad, what are you going to do?"

Xu Yangyi pondered for a moment: "The body has no spiritual power, the only way... is to let my parents leave here in advance!"

"Yes!" Although the red line cannot appear in shape, Xu Yangyi can still feel its mood. It seems to fly up happily: "That's right! Let uncle and aunt leave! This way the knot will be untied!"

"But..." It flew for a while and stopped again: "How to do it?"

Xu Yangyi licked his lips, didn't say much, just took a deep breath: "Watch it..."

"I hope... God bless."

This is a one-day prisoner.

Not a moment prisoner

There are too many changes in a day. Although every minute cannot be wasted, every minute is a turning point.

He wants to change everything before the dust settles, so he has to try every little thing.

The same breakfast, the same news, the same mobile phone placement, and the same mobile phone brain-dead editor. Exactly the same conversation.

In order to fit Xu Shen's breakfast habits, breakfast is still 7:40. Xu Yangyi tried his best to keep a calm mood. When the second morning was about to pass, Xu Shen came over, kissed the little guy's eyebrows, and scratched his nose with a smile: "Go to school?"

"Yeah." Xu Yangyi couldn't help but kiss his father, with a sweet and sour feeling in his heart.

Although it was just an illusion, he couldn't control his emotions at all.

He gritted his teeth, and when he walked to the door, he suddenly squatted down with his hands on his stomach: "Dad..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell to the ground with a thud.

"Son!" "Yangyang!" Suddenly, Luo Fangrong and Xu Shen rushed over with anxious faces. The quilt in Luo Fangrong's hand was smashed to the ground, but she knew nothing about it. She picked up Xu Yangyi and exclaimed: "Quick! Call the hospital!"

"You call! I'll drive! Take Yangyang to the hospital immediately!" Xu Shen was sweating and rushed out without saying a word.

"Good boy...good boy?" Luo Fangrong gently patted Xu Yangyi. He was silent and didn't dare to express any abnormality. He felt sour in his heart.

I'm sorry...

The first thing my son did when he came back was to lie to you...

Although I know you are all illusions, you know that lying to you always makes me feel heartbroken.

I...but I have never lied to you...

Please forgive me.

"What happened to Yangyang?" Luo Fangrong's choked voice resounded in his ears. Xu Yangyi didn't dare to tense his muscles. The sadness that had nowhere to vent was circling in his heart, and was covered up again.

Soon, Xu Shen's call came. Luo Fangrong almost rushed into the elevator. After getting in the car, he rushed to the hospital without caring whether he was speeding or not.

"Old Xu, what's going on with the child?" In the car, crows on both sides of the road were heard constantly, very strangely, as if they were looking at the car. Luo Fangrong said with tears in her eyes: "It was fine this morning! Is it appendicitis? Acute gastroenteritis? Is the bread you bought expired?"

Hearing these seemingly nagging words, but every sentence was entangled with concern, Xu Yangyi almost opened his eyes and shouted.

But he held it back.

"No... Don't say it! Send him to the hospital first!" Xu Shen gritted his teeth.

Xu Yangyi's heart gradually calmed down. Very good, just follow this step. Just now, he had thought about how to get his parents out of that devil's cave, but the answer he got made him feel cold in his heart.

First of all, he didn't know when Taichu entered his home.

Secondly, how can a child get his parents out?

The school called? How long can he talk after inviting the parents? What he wants is his parents under his nose.

Uncle Zhou? It's even more impossible, he's just a neighbor, and... he's a child.

Child, child, and child. This identity makes him unable to do anything! No mobile phone, no electronic contact information for parents, and no idea of ​​parents' social places!

The only way is to get sick.

Yes, he took advantage of his parents' hearts, but this is the only and safest way. It is precisely because he is a child and uses himself to make a fuss, his parents will definitely accompany him.

This is the privilege of identity.

At this moment, Xu Shen suddenly spoke: "Then... the seminar at 6 pm? We can't miss it. You know, all the foundation-building seniors in this area are here, and we must go as the person in charge of this project."

At this moment, Xu Yangyi almost sat up.

Foundation-building seniors?

Cultivation world? !

His parents... are related to the cultivation world?

Suddenly, too many dusty memories flooded into his mind, and he remembered a lot of things.

Why have I never heard my parents mention work?

Why are my parents silent about the unit?

Why did I find no clues about my parents after graduation?

Why... will someone from the Heavenly Dao appear in the end? Bring him to Tiandao to study and open up the path for him to practice?

He always thought it was a coincidence.

But now... it seems not?

Not every child can enter Tiandao? Spiritual roots are one aspect, and another aspect is...

Internal staff!

His heartbeat suddenly quickened. Luo Fangrong was about to answer when she screamed, "Old Xu, Old Xu! What's wrong with the child? Why is his heartbeat so fast?"

"You, take good care of him! We'll be at the hospital soon!"

Sizzle! Soon, the car stopped in front of the hospital. Xu Shen rushed in with Xu Yangyi in his arms. Immediately, several elderly doctors with gray hair came out and pushed the bed to send Xu Yangyi to the ward.

Xu Yangyi quietly released his spiritual consciousness, took a closer look, and paused again.

He was still a child when he entered the Heavenly Dao, and he didn't understand most things. But now he saw too many questions.

As far as he knew, and as his parents said, they were scientific research engineers. Although they didn't reveal the details, they were just technicians.

This hospital is the best hospital in the city - a private hospital.

He had come back from a mission after he was 18 years old. Because he searched Taichu, he had an impression of any place in the city. The price of this hospital is definitely not low, and... it never takes the initiative to receive patients.

In other words, it's useless to have money here.

However, before Xu's father and mother entered, three doctors came to greet them. They were very old and could not be interns. How could a technician have such face?

Finally, he entered the VIP ward.

He was the only one in the ward, and all the equipment was brand new.

His doubts became more and more serious, but he suppressed them all. The most important thing now was to pretend to be sick. He was no longer the high-ranking Ben Lei, nor the Xu Shengjun who chilled fourteen states with one sword. He could not do many things at the same time.

"Old Xu." Just then, the ward was pushed open, and several people walked in. The majestic voice at the head said, "You know, this is not a hospital for ordinary people."

"I, I know." Luo Fangrong bit her lip and said, "But this is the nearest hospital! My child... My child just groaned and fainted after eating. I, I can't wait to go to a public hospital! And I have to queue up! You know, my child is my life!"

The majestic voice sighed, "Only this time."

Swish... That was the sound of many instruments starting up. Several hands moved on Xu Yangyi's body, and the cold instruments were attached to his skin. In less than five minutes, the majestic voice said, "You can go back."

"Your child is very healthy, nothing happened."

Xu Yangyi's heart sank to the bottom.

This time, God was not standing by his side.

"Then why did he faint?" Xu Shen asked immediately.

"I don't know. But from the appearance of all the instruments, this is a healthy child, very healthy. There is absolutely no symptom of illness." Another old voice said, and then said in a deep voice: "Old Xu, Old Luo, don't forget what day it is today. Your child is here, you can rest assured. Aren't you going?"

"All the information is with you. It doesn't make sense for you two main researchers not to go."

"I know..." Xu Shen looked at the bed hesitantly. Xu Yangyi was anxious. He gritted his teeth and opened his eyes and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yangyang!" "Yangyang, how do you feel?" As soon as he opened his eyes, he heard two extremely surprised voices, two faces full of anxiety, wanting to speak but not speaking. His nose was sour, and tears had already come out before he realized it. He simply hugged Xu Shen's hand: "Dad... I, I'm very dizzy..."

"My dear, it's okay. The doctor just checked you. It's okay. What happened to you?" Father Xu asked nervously.

Xu Yangyi shook his head, his voice a little hoarse: "I don't know, I'm so dizzy..."

He suddenly had an idea: "I seem to have seen... many different scenes."

"Someone is flying in the sky, someone is drawing talismans into fire, and there are many monsters... There is a particularly scary monster that keeps talking to me, Dad... I'm so scared... You, can you stay with me?"

I'm so scared...

I'm afraid you'll never come back.

Since the parents are likely to be related to the cultivation world - this is a secret they have kept hidden for eight years, this hospital is also likely to be extraordinary. Then, they must know what this means.


Sure enough, as soon as this sentence was said, the elderly doctor immediately stood up and stared at Xu Yangyi's eyes: "Do you remember what he said to you?"

"I can't remember..." Xu Yangyi took full advantage of his child's advantages, buried his head in his father's chest, and sobbed: "But... every time he said a word, I felt like my soul was about to fly out... It's so cold... So scary..."

Swish! Xu's mother immediately stood up and looked at the doctor nervously. Several doctors made a silent mouth shape and nodded.

"Where is the nearest training base?" Xu Shen's eyes turned red: "I want to apply for asylum immediately!"

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