
Chapter 1460: The Third Time Today (Part 1)

"What is Dad going to do?" Hong Xian asked weakly.

Xu Yangyi looked at himself in the mirror with a calm look and said deeply. : "Do nothing. No... do something!"

"I have to watch it again." He took a deep breath: "From beginning to end... go through it without missing a single detail."

Licking the knife wound on his chest repeatedly to prevent it from healing, this kind of mental pain far exceeds the shackles of the body.

But, it can't be done!

He quickly put on his clothes. He couldn't let his mother see the knife wound. Going to the hospital wouldn't work, and it would directly erase the next time.

Just when he put on the last piece of clothes, his face returned to the soft and sticky child's smile. Before Hong Xian had time to be surprised by this high-end face-changing technique, the door had already opened with a swipe.

Xu Yangyi glanced at the wall clock calmly. It was seven thirty.

"Oh, dear." Luo Fangrong walked in with a smile, hugged him and kissed him hard: "Dress yourself? So good today?"

Xu Yangyi smiled and kissed back. Fortunately, he was a prisoner for one day, so he had enough psychological buffer time. When he saw his mother for the third time, his heart was much better.

The dead are gone, and the living are like this.

He will continue to go on. Let their son's name be famous in the stars.

So, Dad, Mom, I'm sorry.

I can't stay here.

I can't be gentle either. I can only put aside my feelings temporarily and choose rationality.

Everything is as usual. Although this world will automatically make up for the changed things, such as when he puts on clothes, Xu's mother will say different words. But it will not change in general.

Walking downstairs with his mother, he was reluctant to let go of Luo Fangrong's hand. This kind of real touch, I am afraid that only when he steps on Yawei can he experience it.

He is attached to the warmth of this moment.

The same morning news, the same food, the same conversation, the truth reveals the falsehood. Just when Xu Yangyi picked up the cup, he seemed to speak casually: "Dad, Mom, I have never asked, what do you do."

When he asked this question, his heart pounded.

The third time today, the first attempt, start.

Every minute, every second, every conversation, every moment contains infinite possibilities. The child's body has put heavy shackles on him. He must seize every opportunity under these shackles.

Xu's father and mother seemed not to have expected him to ask this question, and were stunned for a moment: "Scientific research."

Xu Yangyi acted coquettishly without any expression: "I know, but what scientific research?"

This skill has not been used for too long, and he himself has goose bumps.

"Oh. My dear, you know how to plan for the future." Luo Fangrong tapped his head with chopsticks: "Why do you think so much? Children should have fun, why ask so many questions? Eat."

Xu Yangyi sniffed: "I'm already eight years old! I know I was picked up! You didn't tell me anything."

"Okay, okay." Xu Shen almost laughed out loud, his mouth slightly raised: "Dad will tell you..."

"Old Xu." Luo Fangrong's face showed a seriousness: "You know the rules."

"Of course I know." Xu Shen waved his hand and said mysteriously to Xu Yangyi: "We are doing a job that makes humans stronger."

"Like the ancient gods?" Xu Yangyi blinked and quietly led the topic over.

"That's right." Xu Shen also blinked at him: "Do you understand? If you understand, then eat."

Xu Yangyi drank a sip of milk, and no one saw him bite the cup hard.

Keep your mouth shut.

His short legs kicked each other irritably under the table, and he changed his words: "Then... why have I never met my parents' colleagues?"

Xu Shen and Luo Fangrong looked at each other. For some reason, their son was suddenly interested in their work. But there were some things he really couldn't say.

Thinking about it, he smiled and raised his phone: "Dad used magic to put them in a small box. Yangyang wants to see it?"

"Yes!" Xu Yangyi laughed crisply.

Xu Shen smiled and opened his phone, found an encrypted folder, and when he entered the password, Xu Yangyi lay on Xu Shen's back obediently, seemingly playing with Xu Shen's hair happily, but in fact his eyes were already fixed on his father's hand, memorizing all the passwords.


He recited it three times in his heart and was about to continue laughing. Suddenly, his nose felt sore, his eyes twitched, and his little fist pinched his thigh hard to stop him from crying.

It was his birthday...

Took a deep breath, and there was a burning pain in his chest. His voice was a little hoarse, and he forced a smile: "Is this Dad's colleague?"

Xu Shen scrolled down the screen. There were several numbers on it, but Xu Yangyi didn't see them clearly. Finally, Xu Shen landed on a video and clicked it.

It seemed that the research institute was having a party. Xu Shen smiled and said, "Yes, they are all very good colleagues."

Xu Yangyi looked at it carefully. No matter what illusion it was, it would not affect him. This was the iron rule of illusion. Therefore, he still had a photographic memory. As long as he saw it once, he would never forget it.

Then, his eyes lit up.

He saw someone.

It was the woman he saw downstairs when he returned to the unit on the "first day"!

Countless information in his mind was instantly organized. He seemed to see a hazy line. He looked carefully, but there was no trace.

"Who is this aunt?" He poked the screen with his tender fingers, and he giggled, "So ugly."

"Haha!" Xu Shen laughed, and Luo Fangrong glared at him. Then he stopped laughing and tapped Xu Yangyi's nose: "Don't talk nonsense. This is your father's first assistant, and he used to be Project manager, because I am good at this project and she likes it very much, I deigned to be my assistant. If you have a chance to see her in the future, remember to call her Sister Lin.”

"How can he see it?" Luo Fangrong put the dishes on the table: "Even if you can see it, you won't let me see it. We good children will have less contact with this kind of thing. From now on, we can go to college safely, study, find a job, get married and have children, how nice it is."

Xu Yangyi sighed in his heart.

Mom... I may disappoint you.

Your son has not only entered this circle, but has also reached a point that you could not imagine, and encountered too many dangers that you dare not imagine. Just like now, you have become one of the dangers...

He suppressed his surging emotions and asked questions one by one. He seemed very interested. Xu Shen didn't mind and answered them one by one.

They have a fixed understanding in their hearts that nothing can be seen from a video. Moreover, these people live in seclusion and their access is strictly controlled.

This is the second privilege of a child, childish talk.

Xu Yangyi quietly remembered everything in his heart, and the breakfast ended with a happy question and answer. Go out regularly and go to school regularly. Along the way, he tried to divert things to his parents' work several times. But my father was distracted.

"Dad, will you break the 'rules' here?" Hongxian said quietly: "Obviously, not confiding information to you is part of the rules here."

Xu Yangyi sat in the back seat and shook his head silently, replying quietly in his heart: "The liaison officer system."

The red line is unclear.

Xu Yangyi said slowly: "I have been in Tiandao for so many years, and I know it very well. If the parents are from the cultivation world, there must be someone around to monitor them, maybe this Sister Lin. The parents are actually her subordinates line, 'all the action is under her control."

"What's going on?" Hongxian still didn't understand.

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath: "This kind of liaison officer is of a very high level. Most of them are members of various cultivating families. Even if they are not talented, they are still part of the cultivator group. Most of them do logistics work. Don't underestimate this status. Hongxian, you are not on Earth, so you don’t know how serious the cultivation situation is on Earth. There are not even one monk left, and the status of a cultivator family who is in charge of a city is already very impressive.”

"Build, build a foundation?" Hongxian was stunned. This kind of monk who could reach the sky with one wing... In the hometown of a powerful and powerful person like his father, he was actually... a big boss?

So sci-fi!

"It's such science fiction." Xu Yangyi seemed to understand his thoughts and said solemnly: "The liaison officer system is divided into three levels: monitored personnel, monitoring personnel, and liaison officers. Each level has one-way contact from top to bottom. The monitor informs the liaison officer, and the highest liaison officer can directly contact the helmsman. At the same time, mortal scientific researchers will be monitored by them. If it is true, they will be sent to the practice court immediately!

"They are reviewers, execution teams, and...protectors!"

Red Thread fell silent, and suddenly, its not-so-smart head was so blessed that it took a breath of cold air: "Dad! I know! You, you want to..."

"Shh..." Xu Yangyi raised a finger: "Since I can't say anything because of the rules, then... I will use this rule in turn!"

After saying that, he didn't speak anymore and fell into deep thought quietly. The red line didn't bother him anymore, the scenery on both sides of the road quickly reversed, and soon they drove to the school. Xu Shen watched Xu Yangyi walk in, then returned to the car with a smile and drove away.

Xu Yangyi did nothing, attended class quietly, and thought quietly. As the school bell rang, the students walked out of the classroom talking and laughing. Soon, the place was as quiet as death.

Click, click... In the quiet classroom, the sound of the hour hand strikes alone in people's hearts. The afterglow of the sun reflected the mottled little figures. With the muffled sound of the clock, Xu Yangyi clenched his fist fiercely in the empty classroom, his lips losing color.

The hour hand points to 4 and the minute hand points to thirty.

At half past four, the time has come and the killing is coming.

To this day, he still hasn't recovered a single bit. At half past four, there is no possibility of breaking out of this prison of despair.

Eternal night, it is a sea of ​​despair and an abyss of pain. It is so perfect that all living things will be drowned if you fall into it.

There is no escape.

"Dad..." Hongxian couldn't say many words of comfort, and could only convey waves of comfort in her heart. Xu Yangyi raised his wild beast-like eyes and looked around with a slight blush. However, although there was deep despair and sadness in his eyes, a glimmer of hope finally appeared.

Because he already had an idea.

Today and tomorrow are the days to try everything possible. the day after tomorrow……

Decide the outcome!

It took him a full ten hours to organize everything, remembered it deeply in his mind, and got into Uncle Zhou's car.

But this time, he came to the back row.

"What's wrong? Yangyang?" Uncle Zhou pretended to be dissatisfied: "Don't you want to sit with your Uncle Zhou?"

Xu Yangyi frowned and said, "It smells like smoke."

"Hahaha!" Uncle Zhou laughed and sat in the driver's seat: "Okay, okay, next time Uncle Zhou picks you up, you won't smoke."

"Thank you, uncle." Xu Yangyi smiled sweetly and said, "Then...can I take a nap?"

"Okay, I'll call you when we get home. Uncle Zhou asked Auntie to make sweet and sour pork ribs. You'll be so hungry."

Xu Yangyi smiled and fell asleep in the back seat, his head facing the driver's seat. Uncle Zhou couldn't see his expression.

He didn't close his eyes at all!

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