
Chapter 1461: The third time today (Part 2)

"One... two... three..." He kept counting in his mind. The red line didn't speak. Even it could feel Xu Yangyi's nervousness.

"Seven... eight..." When it reached nine, he quietly crouched down.

Nine stations.

At the same time, three cars brushed past their car, and the collision was probably only a few centimeters.

"Fuck!" Uncle Zhou turned the steering wheel sharply, and the other party had already rushed to the front with a buzz. In anger, he stretched out half of his body and cursed at the front: "How do you drive!!"

The car owners next to him also leaned out and accused "What's the matter!" "Don't you know how to drive? Is there a surveillance camera? Can't you see the speed of the car!" "Did you drive so fast to reincarnate or to a funeral? Who will be responsible if you hit someone? Can't you see so many children during the break time?" "Your eyes are in the dog's stomach!"

"Humph!" Uncle Zhou shrank back, breathed a sigh of relief, and pressed the horn fiercely. Frowning, he said, "Is it the car from the research institute?"

"Uncle, don't be angry." Xu Yangyi said obediently, "Can you drive faster?"

"Okay." Uncle Zhou forced a smile and touched his head, "I scared you, we'll go now."

Still frightened by the three speeding cars, the same car speed was not faster but slower, and returned to the community on time at the same time and place.

This is the compass of the gods, extremely delicate, and every screw on it is just right, not more or less. It is not subject to human will at all.

For three whole days, nothing changed.

Soon they returned to the door of their home, and it was still the same scene, with people crowded downstairs.

"Make way! Make way!" Uncle Zhou was extremely anxious and squeezed to the front, and the same conversation unfolded at the same time.

"Stop." A white coat turned around and said angrily, "Didn't you see the cordon? No outsiders are allowed to enter!"

Xu Yangyi's eyes moved slightly, and it was indeed Sister Lin.

"It's me." Uncle Zhou said anxiously: "What happened? Can't we go home?"

"No!" Sister Lin said firmly, looking up and shouting behind her: "Zhou's Xiaowu, Xiaoliu! Stop everyone, no one is allowed to enter without permission!"

"What's going on?" "That's right, I have to go back to cook for the children!" "Which unit are you from! Be careful or I'll sue you!" "None of us residents can enter? What's the matter and you won't tell me?"

"Keep an eye on everyone." Sister Lin turned around and waved her hand: "Enter at will and arrest immediately!"

"Today" rewind, the same scene, the dialogue has not changed.

Xu Yangyi's eyes are burning, it's her... The monitoring personnel of the parents arrived at the first time, it must be her!

She is the nail that breaks this eternal prison!

"Uncle Zhou." At this moment, Xu Yangyi grabbed Uncle Zhou's hand: "Let's wait."

The red line in the body was stunned.

"Yangyang..." Uncle Zhou turned his head, hesitating to speak, this scene has never happened before. He didn't come back the next day, and there was no such scene on the first day.

He opened his mouth several times, and finally gritted his teeth: "You... your parents are still up there."


Xu Yangyi suddenly raised his head, and Uncle Zhou was startled and took two steps back.

For some reason, he was actually afraid under the gaze of a little child.

"Uncle Zhou." Xu Yangyi grabbed his hand and lowered his head: "How do you know my parents are up there?"

When he came back, it was indeed Uncle Zhou who protected him, but he was too young at that time, and then he couldn't remember anything except the death of his parents. Now looking back, there are loopholes everywhere.

"I..." Uncle Zhou was stunned. He could not answer this question, but for some reason, his lips trembled: "I... called your father before..."


Even the red line was seen. Xu Yangyi's heart was pounding, and he thought of another possibility.

"Then... do you know this elder sister?" He raised his head towards Sister Lin who walked in.

"I don't know her, Yangyang, what's wrong with you?" Uncle Zhou squatted down in confusion and touched Xu Yangyi's head: "You seem a little strange today?"

Xu Yangyi looked into his eyes calmly: "You know the car of the research institute. You recognized it after thinking about it, so you didn't continue to be angry."

Uncle Zhou blinked.

"And the first thing you said to Sister Lin was: It's me."

The little man stepped forward and looked straight at her: "Isn't that enough to prove it?"

"No..." Uncle Zhou frowned: "I haven't seen her, you heard it wrong."

Xu Yangyi lowered his eyes: "Uncle Zhou... I just said 'Sister Lin.'"

"The normal reaction is: Who is Sister Lin."

"Instead of 'I haven't seen her.' This sentence means you know her name."

"Who are you?"

Swish... When these three words appeared, the whole space stopped.

All the sounds stopped, the flying birds stopped, the falling leaves stopped, the strong wind stopped, everything was paused at this moment.

Uncle Zhou squatted in front of him, still with a look of shock on his face. People from all directions were still talking to the sky, like stone sculptures.

The third day of reincarnation ended forcibly!

"You have the last two days." The voice of Queen Wa sounded, without joy or sadness.

"So, am I close to the answer?" Blue light suddenly appeared, and Xu Yangyi looked at the sky and said slowly.

No one answered.

Swish! Blue light gushed out, swallowing Xu Yangyi.

The world was erased, and time flowed backwards.

For the first time, Queen Wa took the initiative to end the third reincarnation before completing the day.

The third time she fell asleep, she was still extremely calm and sweet.

Swish... Xu Yangyi opened his eyes, and everything was familiar in front of him. However, this time, there was no despair or sadness in his eyes, only the flame of joy.

"I found you!" He suddenly lifted the quilt and sat up, quickly putting on his clothes. He looked at the time, seven o'clock.

"Dad?" Hong Xian's voice sounded, and his will was not erased!

Without answering, Xu Yangyi moved lightly, but saved every second, quietly opened the door, and came to the living room.

The chaotic clues and seemingly simple events hide an answer he has always dreamed of. There is indeed a line hidden in this endless despair, and he has already touched the end of this line!

He quietly came to the living room, empty.

His mother still had twenty minutes to get up, from seven to seven twenty, this is "absolute vacuum time!"

His breathing had never been so rapid, he almost rushed to the table, and sure enough, there was a mobile phone on it!

Xu Shen's cell phone.

He took a deep breath, his heart pounding. It was his father's habit not to put his cell phone next to his pillow. This was his counterattack.

The counterattack against the prison of God!

It started at this moment.

He quietly opened his cell phone.

There was no password lock, which was also his father's habit. Then, he searched quickly and soon found yesterday's encrypted folder.

His fingers almost trembled as he entered the password, his birthday, and sure enough, it opened immediately.

There was an unencrypted video in it, the one he saw, and... seven numbers!

He looked at them carefully one by one, and after a few seconds, he clenched his little fists.

Right here...

All the clues were in front of him at the beginning! The possibility of cracking this endless prison finally showed a glimmer of hope!

"Let me break you..." He gritted his teeth, rushed into the bathroom with his cell phone, locked the door, and immediately dialed Sister Lin's number.

However, it didn't work.

The strange thing was that it wasn't that the number didn't exist, it wasn't a busy tone, but silence. Three seconds later, four big words popped up on the ordinary Apple phone: Insufficient authority.

"Sure enough!" His eyes were already blazing with fire, and his chest was heaving: "Sister Lin... is not a monitor!"

Sitting on the toilet, his mind was unprecedentedly focused, breaking it down bit by bit: "She is a liaison, the highest end of the liaison system!"

"There is a layer between them! And this layer is..."

He took several deep breaths, quietly walked out of the toilet, and put the phone on the table. Then he took out a piece of paper and wrote a note: "Dad, Mom, I'm leaving first, I have something to do today."

Their family is very open-minded and does not need to explain anything.

But he did not leave. Instead, he walked to the top of the building and moved a flower pot from a distance.

Chunjiang Mingyue Community is inhabited by people of status, with excellent greening and not too many people. Although it is a building, it is only a small high-rise, and each floor is very far away.

Similarly, because there are not many people, the relationship between neighbors is not bad. After all, they are all people of status, and it is easier to get things done with multiple connections. This also leads to everyone being not unfamiliar with each other's work and rest.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Hong Xian asked curiously, looking at Xu Yangyi leaning on the railing on the roof.

"Murder." Xu Yangyi replied calmly: "I looked for Uncle Zhou before."

"I'm talking about the real space, but he has moved away because such a terrible murder happened here. Indeed, at that time, the housing prices in Chunjiang Mingyue Community plummeted, and many people moved away. Now that I think about it..."

He stared at the bottom. There were indeed very few people on the road, and he could see everyone clearly. This kind of small high-rise building has only four floors in total, and there are only two door numbers on each floor.

"This is natural, and unnatural."

The cold wind in the early morning blew the drifting murderous intent, making this quiet community look not quiet, but a silent murder. He looked at the road with a sharp gaze. If I remember correctly, Uncle Zhou always went out at the same time as his father, and the two had a very good relationship. Now it seems...

Hehe... Is it really like this?

The wind on the roof was still a little cold, and he wrapped his clothes. There is a pet low-rise on the roof. It is not high or big, more than ten square meters, but it is enough to hide his figure.

Time passed by minute by minute. At 8:10, his eyes suddenly lit up and he leaned close to the pet room. He definitely couldn't see this place from below.

Here he comes...

Sure enough... Dad and Uncle Zhou appeared at the door of the apartment building, talking and laughing.

Huh... Xu Yangyi closed his eyes and took a deep breath, then pushed the flower pot towards Uncle Zhou with all his strength!

This was the only way for him to verify his body as a child.

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