
Chapter 1462: Breaking

At the same time, Uncle Zhou looked up almost reflexively, and then... pushed Father Xu away at an unimaginable speed, and actually jumped three meters away. With a snap, the two of them moved three meters away from the flower pot in an instant.

On the rooftop, Xu Yangyi's eyes were like fire, he clenched his fists and licked his lips: "Did you see it?"

"My father was pushed, and Uncle Zhou... jumped out by himself."

Hong Xian nodded blankly.

"Fourth floor, 16 meters away, falling speed no more than two seconds, and what did Uncle Zhou do in these two seconds?" He raised a few tender fingers: "First, raise his head."

"Second, react. Third, push people, fourth, jump away at the same time."

"Complete four actions in two seconds, and in this defenseless situation, jump three meters horizontally, can push my dad, a man of more than 130 pounds, three meters. This is definitely not a quick reaction. If you have to say what you want, there are only two words to describe it."

He looked down calmly and said in a deep voice: "Superman."

"And what does Uncle Zhou do? He is not a fitness coach. I have never seen him like sports. He is the founder of a small and medium-sized company. He has nothing to do with Superman."

"Then, here comes the question."

"Without wearing underwear outside, and not eating plums in the bathroom, how can he do such superman-like things ?”

Hong Xian was confused: “Is this Uncle Zhou…weird?”

Xu Yangyi did not answer, but looked at the sky with a self-deprecating look on his face: “I really can’t believe…this day, I was in a chess game from the beginning, with bright and hidden pieces everywhere…haha…”

He sighed and continued: “The liaison system is specifically for mortal scientists. After all, there are too few cultivators. And they are practicing all the time, who has time to study science. However, the integration of science and practice on Earth is already a general trend. They must adapt to society, otherwise they will be eliminated like dinosaurs. ”

“Every branch, whether it is Yulinwei, Duobao Pavilion, or Tiandao, has a large number of mortals, who must be the best in their fields. The core of this liaison system is that all people involved in core scientific research must be controlled. ”

Hong Xian nodded, not quite understanding.

"This control is surveillance. The whereabouts of every researcher will be recorded at all times, including who they met, what they did, etc. This requires a monitor to monitor. Also a protector. I thought it was Sister Lin at first. But yesterday I suddenly discovered..."

"I guessed wrong."

He hammered the railing hard: "The real liaison is actually Uncle Zhou!"

"Sister Lin is the top online among the liaisons. Her phone is one-way! My father can't get through! I verified this this morning. That's right... it can only be like this! The top limit can already contact the deputy helmsman! He can come at any time. There are Tiandao and Yulinwei branches in this city!"

"As long as the deputy helmsman takes action, my parents may still survive... at least they can leave a whole body. But no, because my parents can't contact the monitor! And they can contact Sister Lin and Uncle Zhou... and they are taking me home!"

So that's it...

He finished speaking in one breath, closed his eyes, and his eyeballs trembled slightly.

Discovering the true identity of my parents from the hospital, following the liaison system, although the identity of a child has too many inconveniences, it is also his best protection! Because of this protective color, Uncle Zhou always thought he was a child, and finally, with his mind shaken, he finally revealed his flaws in front of him.

Because of his flaws, he glimpsed the only dawn in this abyss of despair that was almost impossible to break!

This flower pot was the horn of his counterattack. The next step was to decide the outcome!

The opportunity to break this eternal prison!

"Everyone who appeared on this day has his unique identity, and even everything that appeared has its meaning of existence..." Xu Yangyi slowly stood up from the ground. The angry shouts of his father and Uncle Zhou came from downstairs. The two should have returned to the floor to see what was going on.

However, he had thought of enough countermeasures. And the fact that his parents would definitely be at home in the afternoon would not change because of this.

This day would go on as usual.

At this moment, a rustling sound came into his ears.

It was very strange, like falling leaves. However, there were no fallen leaves on the top floor.

"Huh?" He frowned and listened carefully. This sound... came from behind?

Like a spring silkworm gnawing on mulberry leaves, he lay on the mulberry leaves.

"Swish... swish... snap!"

Suddenly there was a dull sound, like... biting off a bone.

Xu Yangyi took a breath of cold air, his small body trembled slightly, suppressing his suddenly pounding heart, and quietly walked forward step by step.

He now had a trace of spiritual awareness.

So...he keenly caught another sound in this sound.

That was...the pet's wailing before it died!

And it was an extremely painful death...The feeling of electric shock quickly spread to his scalp. He took several deep breaths and rushed towards the corridor with all his strength.

But it was too late.

At the same time, a dark tentacle smashed through the door and gently wrapped him up. A dark demon shadow had already appeared in the hole of the pet room.

At the same time, blue light flashed in all directions.

It turns out that it is here... This was Xu Yangyi's last consciousness. However, he was not pessimistic because the day was about to end. Instead, he showed a hopeful smile on his face.

The last piece of the puzzle is finally completed!

This Taichu is just a clone, yes... He should have thought that if it were the Nascent Soul Taichu in the Tower of Babel, this urban area would have become a Shura field long ago. Since it tried its best to hide, its realm would never be too high. right!

Looking back on time, he saw too many things from another angle that he could not see back then. The fragments of memory were completed piece by piece, and finally formed a complete line.

Early stage of foundation building!

This is the realm of the original clone.

brush! The blue light rose into the sky and swallowed the world. On the fourth day, it stopped completely.

The last day!

When...the melodious bells floated melodiously in the room, Xu Yangyi gasped for the fifth time and woke up from his bed.

The fifth day officially begins today.

"Ha..." He took several deep breaths and scanned his whole body with his weak spiritual consciousness. His will was preserved and his body was fine... Very good. This terrible knot can be untied in only one step!

There was no one in the room, as if knowing that this was the last day of this world's existence. There was a kind of suffocating loneliness in this desolation.

He jumped out of bed lightly and rushed outside quickly like an agile cat. However, before he could push the door open, the door opened by itself.

"Oh, you are such a good boy." Luo Fangrong walked in with a smile, hugged him and kissed him hard: "Get dressed by yourself? Are you so good today?"

what happened!

Xu Yangyi gasped, and when he returned the kiss, his whole body felt cold.

The time has advanced...

It should be seven-thirty when his mother came to call him! These thirty minutes are his "absolute time!" The key to his success or failure!

It was cold from head to sole, but he bit his tongue hard, hope rising again in his desperate eyes.


Can't give up like this!

I have found an opportunity, how can I surrender and fail?

He glanced at the clock calmly, and his pupils suddenly shrank.

Seven forty...

This time, his wake-up time was actually pushed to 7:40!

"Last day, out of all the unexpected, I was killed by Taichu and got out of the 'plot.' So the time of waking up was different?"

"Damn...these thirty minutes...are so critical!"

Trying his best to calm himself, he took his mother's hand and walked to the living room, where his father was already there.

"Yangyang, come and eat." Xu Shen waved and gently called him over. He complied calmly, already thinking hard in his mind.

what to do?

Is there any way to make up for these thirty minutes?

The milk and bread were brought over, and the three of them watched the morning news. "The temperature suddenly turned cold today. A large number of crows went south and passed through the city. Citizens, please pay attention to safety."

As the picture moved, he saw that in the park, the branches on both sides of the road were full of crows, and some trees were even dyed black.

"Weird." Father Xu took a bite of the fried dough stick and said with a smile: "There are not many crows in China, but there are quite a few in Japan nearby. With this number...are all the crows in China really flying here?"

Xu Yangyi said nothing and looked at his father's cell phone on the table. There was a news on it: Surprise! Crows attack humans! The body of a homeless man was found in the south of the city, covered in crows. It turned out to be...

Next article: Giant beast attacks! A body torn apart by giant beasts was found in the north of the city! After expert appraisal, it turned out to be...

The scene, the arrangement of things, and the news on TV are all the same... Xu Yangyi clenched his fists under the table and said softly: "Dad, Mom, I'm afraid."

Xu's father was stunned for a moment, then looked at his phone. Before he could speak, Xu's mother complained: "Don't read these messy news. These so-called editors have no bottom line at all. What can't they write in order to attract attention? There is no reason to lead the bad. The child is closed!”

Xu Shenqian smiled and closed the phone, patted Xu Yangyi's head: "Don't believe it, just take it for fun. Do these idiot editors think they are watching Liao Zhai?"

Xu Yangyi paused, then quietly stretched out his tentacles like an ant: "Dad, Mom, you want to go out?"

Yes, he is the ant, facing the majestic mountain of eternal night, extending his tentacle lever to move the world.

"Oh, that's right." Xu Shen grabbed a piece of bread and stuffed it into his plate: "Today you and your next-door uncle Zhou come back. Your mother and I are going to participate in a project in the science and technology park. You can stay with your uncle Zhou for the next few days. Uncle's house. We may be back in a few days."

"Eat, it's time to go to school."

The conversation that was supposed to happen when Xu Shen got in and got off the car appeared earlier!

Xu Yangyi didn't show any contempt. Every word from these dozen people was enough to change the situation!

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