
Chapter 1463: Breaking

Unable to swallow, he ate the bread restlessly. After a few seconds, he suddenly jumped off the stool with a bitter face: "My stomach hurts."

"What's going on?" Luo Fangrong stopped the newspaper in her hand, looked at her baby in astonishment, and then glared at Xu Shen fiercely: "Is the bread you bought expired?"

"How could it be." Xu Shen looked at the bread bag in confusion and pointed: "It's freshly baked, look."

"I, I can't help it." Xu Yangyi's little face wrinkled together, grabbed his father's mobile phone and rushed into the toilet.

Perhaps this action was too sudden, Xu Shen and Luo Fangrong didn't expect it. When they reacted, Xu Yangyi had already locked the door.

"Hey!!" Xu Shen walked to the door in two steps, with an anxious look on his face. Just as he was about to knock on the door, Luo Fangrong grabbed his hand and shook his head solemnly.

"What's wrong with you!" Xu Shen was pulled back to the sofa by her and said anxiously: "Our mobile phones cannot be seen by others! You know it!"

"Oh? What's on your and my mobile phones?" Luo Fangrong said lightly. As soon as the voice fell, Xu Shen was stunned. Luo Fangrong continued: "All records will be automatically deleted at a fixed point. All contacts related to "over there" can only be contacted one-way."

Xu Shen coughed: "Isn't this just worrying..."

"You are still worried!" Luo Fangrong tapped his forehead unhappily: "Who gave you this bad habit of taking your mobile phone to the bathroom? Yangyang brought you a lot of bad habits!"

In the bathroom, Xu Yangyi looked extremely solemn. This move was a bit abrupt, but the effect was also good.

This is also a privilege of status. It's not surprising for children to do anything.

Separated by a door, in the bathroom, Xu Yangyi quickly flipped through the phone book. Parents would never have thought that an eight-year-old child could play with the phone better than them.

The light reflected by the mobile phone was reflected in the sparkling eyes. Xu Yangyi's fingers flew and stopped after a few seconds.

His small fingers pressed a phone number, and the record was: Zhou Xing.

This was Uncle Zhou's name.

"Landline?" Hong Xian was puzzled: "Not a mobile phone?"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "It's normal. Yesterday I almost thought Sister Lin was the monitor. If Uncle Zhou hadn't revealed a flaw, I wouldn't have thought it was him."

"The monitor and the monitored are in one-way communication. If Uncle Zhou gave his parents a landline, what do you think would happen if he called?"

Hong Xian understood: "Insufficient authority?"

Xu Yangyi pondered and affirmed: "Yes, once this happens, my parents will immediately know who is the monitor. The monitor is also a protector, and it loses its meaning if it is too deliberate. He and Sister Lin are one in the open and one in the dark. In the end, my parents didn't expect that the monitor was right across the door."

"What does this mean?" Hong Xian was confused again.

Xu Yangyi played with his phone: "It means it's hard for us to find him. As long as he leaves his house, it's like looking for a needle in a haystack. But he is the breaker! He can't disappear from my sight!"

Hong Xian thought for a while: "Dad wants to go through him..."

Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and pressed the call button: "I hope... God is on my side this time."

Ding ding... The phone rang. If he guessed correctly, Uncle Zhou's landline could clearly see the Xu family's number, including his parents' mobile phone number. He would answer it immediately.



A minute passed, and it was still busy. He dialed the second time without giving up, and it was still busy!

The third time, the fourth time, no one answered! After hanging up the phone, his heart had sunk to the bottom.

How could it be like this?

Didn't answer? Didn't hear? Or other reasons?

"Knock, knock, knock." Just then, the door rang, and Luo Fangrong's voice appeared at the door: "Yangyang, hurry up, you're going to be late."

"Oh, okay, right away." Xu Yangyi pretended to dawdle for a few dozen seconds before opening the bathroom door. He put his phone on the table with a depressed look on his face, and said with a pout: "I don't understand... I still want to read ghost stories."

"Read less of these meaningless editor news." Luo Fangrong glared at Xu Shen again, and the other party smiled bitterly.

"Oh, by the way." Xu Yangyi ran to the shoe cabinet, and while putting on his shoes, he said as if unintentionally: "I just called Uncle Zhou, but no one answered. Dad, Mom, I'm a little scared. What if no one picks me up after school?"

Xu Shen lit a cigarette and took a puff: "Don't worry, I talked to your Uncle Zhou yesterday."

"He's not at home?" Xu Yangyi asked with his big eyes blinking.

"Your Uncle Zhou is not feeling well and has gone to see a doctor." Luo Fangrong put the schoolbag on his back and kissed him again: "Good boy, listen to the class carefully, understand?"

Xu Yangyi bit his lip and hugged his mother tightly, and then hugged his father tightly.


After that, I am afraid we will never see each other again.

Even though he knew it was an illusion, he couldn't help but feel sour in his heart at this time.

Put on shoes, carry a small schoolbag, and get into his father's car, sitting obediently in the back seat. The crows on both sides could not stop cawing, and the little child propped up his chin against the window. As he got closer and closer to the school, he suddenly said: "Dad, Uncle Zhou... is sick?"

Xu Shen looked at him in astonishment from the rearview mirror. His son had a lot of questions today. But he didn't mind, as a child, that's how it is.

"A little uncomfortable. What's the matter, Yangyang cares about Uncle Zhou?"

Xu Yangyi said softly: "Uncle Zhou usually takes good care of me, I want to go see him at noon."

Xu Shen smiled and said, "That's not necessary. I heard that Uncle Zhou was injured when he was a soldier before, but he didn't tell me where to see a doctor. If you are interested, you can say hello in the afternoon."

Xu Yangyi didn't speak again.

The clue was broken again...

This is the most critical link for him to break this abyss of despair! If this link doesn't work, after today... everything will end!

There are two choices now, one: find. Two: wait.

He suppressed his frantic thoughts and pondered for a moment, crossing out the second option.

He didn't dare to go back and wait.

If Uncle Zhou went directly to school from somewhere in the afternoon, he stayed in that small building and faced Taichu who could invade at any time!

He didn't know how Taichu appeared, let alone where he appeared from. Once he was encountered, this day would be directly erased.

"I can only find it!" He rubbed his temples, his eyes were a little red, and he quickly searched for all clues from his memory.

Time passed by, swish... the car had stopped in front of the school gate. Xu Shen flicked his forehead: "Listen to the class well, and your parents will take you out to play in a while."

"Okay." Xu Yangyi nodded obediently. Xu Shen looked at him carefully: "Yangyang, what's wrong? Your face is so pale?"

Xu Yangyi shook his head: "It's okay. By the way, Dad, I want to buy something at noon today. Can you give me some money?"

Xu Shen took out a hundred and handed it over, saying with concern: "Don't spend it carelessly."

"Yeah." Xu Yangyi nodded vigorously, and when he put it in his trouser pocket, he almost crumpled the money into a ball of waste paper.

After getting out of the car in silence, Xu Shen looked away until he saw the other party enter the teaching building, and then immediately turned on his mobile phone: "No. A71, apply for reporting."

"Yes... We will start cleaning up the data immediately. All the data is at home... Well, it can be completed around 4:30 in the afternoon, and then we will go directly to the venue... I understand that this scientific research is very important. Even those Jindan masters are paying attention. If it succeeds, it may be a big step in the history of earth's cultivation... OK, I'll hang up first."

The car started with a buzz and left quickly. But what he didn't know was that half an hour after he left, a little head quietly poked out from the corner of the wall.

After confirming that Xu Shen had left, the little figure ran desperately, extremely anxious, looked at the watch, and stopped a taxi without hesitation.

This is also the reason why he asked for money.

Every second can be a turnaround, six hours... not much.

"Go to Shennong Private Hospital!" He said hurriedly as soon as he got in the car.

This is exactly the hospital he went to when he pretended to be sick.

"Dad, are you...looking for Uncle Zhou?" Hong Xian asked in surprise: "Are you sure he's there?"

"I'm not sure." Xu Yangyi looked ahead deeply, with a look of majesty on his small face, and gritted his teeth and said: "But when people are sick, they must look for the most trusted hospital."

"Remember that I pretended to be sick the next day? The situation suddenly occurred, and my parents took him to Shennong Private Hospital without hesitation, which means that the other party should be the best and most likely the only cultivation hospital in this area. There are too many times when civilized society and the cultivation world merge. There are not so many cultivators. If this place is not the provincial capital, I'm afraid there will be no cultivation hospital."

Hong Xian murmured: "That is to say, this hospital has an irreplaceable position in the hearts of all nearby cultivators, at least in this area?"

Xu Yangyi answered secretly in his heart: "Yes. Finally, this is the closest to home."

"Because of these three factors, Uncle Zhou is 80% likely to be here!"

As long as we find him, all the knots can be untied!

"Hurry up." He said in a deep voice in the back seat.

The driver sighed, "Little boy, pay attention to the safety rules. If you go any faster, you'll be speeding... It's working hours now, there are so many cars, you can't go faster even if you want to."

Xu Yangyi sighed. This is also disadvantageous for children. If it were an adult, at this time, a handful of money would be thrown on the chair and "It's my fault for speeding," and the driver would definitely drive at full speed.


Even if he said that, would the driver believe it?

However, he had been away from Earth for too long and had forgotten a very famous bad scene on Earth.

Traffic jam.

Although Shennong Private Hospital is not in the city center, it has to cross the city center. At 9:15, they were stuck on the Second Ring Road and could not move forward or backward.

"Damn it!" Xu Yangyi's heart was burning. If Uncle Zhou left... then there would be a sea of ​​people, and it would be like looking for a needle in a haystack!

"Overtake!" He suddenly shouted, "Send the ticket to 401, Building 7, Chunjiang Mingyue Community!"

The driver looked at him as if he had seen a ghost, and said nothing.

Sure enough, it doesn't work...

The wait was painful and long, one minute and one second ticked by on the watch, and every second made him anxious.

One minute, two minutes, five minutes, ten minutes...

He closed his eyes quietly, letting his pounding heart calm down and his boiling blood return to peace.

Fifteen minutes, seventeen minutes...

At nine thirty-eight, when the car in front finally started to move, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes almost at the same time: "Drive!!!"

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