
Chapter 1464: Breaking

The driver was shocked. This kid was too weird. He was only seven or eight years old, but he was so imposing. He almost didn't think about it and the car rushed out.

Nine fifty-three.

When the car stopped in front of the private hospital, Xu Yangyi waited patiently for the driver to change the money, and then rushed in quickly.

He had to wait. If Uncle Zhou was not there, he would have to go find him. If he didn't wait, he would have no money for the trip.

The door of the private hospital was closed, as if it was not welcoming guests. He stepped in without hesitation. The receptionist glanced at him and said lightly: "Why are you running around, kid? Why don't you go home?"

"I am the son of Xu Shen and Luo Fangrong!" Xu Yangyi was out of breath. This body was really inconvenient. He said in a deep voice: "I'm looking for Zhou Xing! My parents asked me to find him!"

The receptionist was stunned for a moment, then stood up solemnly: "Wait a minute."


Xu Yangyi's heart rang with the sound of nature. It was not too late...Uncle Zhou was still here!

However, his joy was only a second long. The receptionist turned around and looked at him seriously: "Zhou Xing is receiving treatment and is not seeing guests."

Damn it!!

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth, tried to stay calm, and smiled: "Then when will Uncle Zhou finish the treatment?"

The receptionist glanced at the computer: "1:30 in the afternoon."


Xu Yangyi cursed inwardly, 1:30... Only three hours from 4:30!

Is it in time?

Even if I cleared this thread and had a crazy solution, three hours... Is it really enough?

"Sister." The child smiled sweetly and said coquettishly: "I have something urgent, can I go in and see my uncle first?"

The receptionist also smiled at him and opened her red lips: "No."

"I, I'm waiting for Uncle Zhou here." Without waiting for the receptionist to stop him, Xu Yangyi had already sat on the chair at the back. The two short legs swayed.

"Okay." The receptionist replied expressionlessly, as if she pressed it casually, and the door at the door closed with a bang.

Xu Yangyi shrank his shoulders appropriately and continued to swing his legs. His eyes were already solemn.

Just now, his spiritual consciousness caught a glimmer of spiritual light.

Location: the main gate.


This hospital actually locked itself here with a restriction!

There was silence. The front desk was holding a cup of coffee in one hand and moving his fingers with the other hand. Just where Xu Yangyi couldn't see, the computer screen had entered a mysterious picture.

"Ding ding ding..." Several green frames, red frames, and circles moved all over Xu Yangyi's body, and numbers and subtitles continued to rise.

"Compared with the pupil, it is confirmed that it is number S70. Key personnel focus. No spiritual power. Father: number A71, name: Xu Shen. Mother: number A72, name: Luo Fangrong."

"Both parents are special A-level scientific researchers and have the right to directly contact the helmsman for major events."

"Do you want to put number S70 under sleep supervision?"

The woman's brows relaxed and she pressed the "yes" button.

Suddenly, a soft and almost imperceptible spiritual power surged from all directions. She stopped looking and started to play the minesweeper game.

So, she didn't see that when the spiritual power surged, Xu Yangyi's two dangling legs paused.

Spiritual energy... His heartbeat stopped for a beat, and then, endless fatigue surged into his heart.


When his consciousness finally disappeared, he cursed fiercely in his heart.

Careless... Knowing that this is the territory of the cultivation world, he came rashly. In order to avoid being seen by some mortals who should not see things, he will definitely be "watched."

He is not a god, and there will be omissions under high pressure, especially when every second counts, it is difficult to calculate these details.

"Bang" As Xu Yangyi fell, the whole hospital was silent. The woman continued to sweep the mines as if she didn't see Xu Yangyi.

Time passed by, and Xu Yangyi's even breathing sounded slightly. One minute... ten minutes, half an hour, one hour, two hours...

I don't know how long it took, Xu Yangyi slowly lifted his heavy eyelids, and a soft "hmm" came out of his nose. Then his absent-minded eyes flashed, and he bit the tip of his tongue hard and woke up completely.

The first reaction was to keep the body calm and continue to breathe long.

Because at the same time, the woman's eyes swept over him. It took three full minutes before it lowered.

He was not awakened by the woman's call. He knew too much about the magical power. This little trick was as clear as spreading it in front of him. This is a magic array that makes people fall asleep, composed of various utensils in the house. Not to mention children, even adults can't wake up without someone unlocking the magical power.

The only answer for him waking up early is that a trace of his spiritual consciousness is still there. But he can't move. He can't explain why a child wakes up early under the magical power. And now he must see Uncle Zhou! Can't be left anywhere!

Three minutes later, Xu Yangyi quietly opened his eyes again, and the sun was in sight, still in the hospital. He was relieved. Fortunately... "Today" hadn't passed yet.

However, the next second, his eyes were almost dull.

He was in a position where he could see the wall clock. At this moment, the time on the wall clock was... 1:40!

How could this happen!

Cold sweat instantly soaked his whole body. At this moment, a boundless sense of frustration came over him. Did Uncle Zhou wake up? Did he leave?

Time passed by minute by minute, and my breathing almost stopped. Noon had passed, and his stomach was rumbling, but he resisted the hunger of gastrointestinal cramps and lay on the chair like a stone. Like the most experienced hunter, just waiting for the moment of neglect from the terrifying behemoth of Eternal Night. second hand swept by minute by second, and his nerves became tighter and tighter. Even though he knew it was impossible, he still couldn't help but wonder in his heart: Can she wake him up?

If not, what should you do?

The fuse/cord has been slowly lit. The explosive barrel for mortals to declare war on the gods is behind them, and it must not be extinguished here!


Just one step!

One step to heaven, one step to hell.

Seconds are like years, and the suffering is unbearable. After a long while, he closed his eyes again and sighed.

Everything that needs to be done is done, and the rest... can only be left to God.

Tian Yan's forty-nine, one of them escaped, and this one... hope was left to himself.

One fifty...just when the desperate two o'clock bell rang, the front desk suddenly looked at the computer: "Finally the treatment is over, half an hour more?"

She got up and walked towards here.

Relax and breathe, open every pore, and the eyeballs that were twitching under his eyelids due to nervousness returned to normal. Xu Yangyi tried his best to respond as if he was sleeping. Soon, I felt a hand pressing between my eyebrows.

"Ha..." In response, he yawned, opened his sleepy eyes, pursed his mouth, and his eyes seemed a little absent-minded: "This is..."

"Little guy!" The receptionist chuckled and rubbed his snow-white face: "You have been sleeping for such a long time, and my sister has been watching you!"

"Aren't you looking for your Uncle Zhou? Come, come with me. I've already told him. He promised to meet you."

Xu Yangyi's muscles all over his body relaxed. Even though it was now the final countdown, at this time, he dared not make any mistakes.

The last two hours.

The final cycle of doom.

Don't be impatient...I'm only one step away.

Fortunately, the hospital is not big. Soon, they came to a ward. The front desk knocked on the door, pushed Xu Yangyi, and the little man walked in.

Inside is a tidy ward, without a trace of disinfectant smell or even any common medical equipment. An elderly doctor put away an exquisite wooden box, and Xu Yangyi captured the slightest bit of aura inside.

It was the elderly doctor he saw "the second day".

"Pay attention to rest, your injury can't be delayed any longer. Find some suitable tasks in the second half of the year. Your merits are almost enough." After giving this warning, the doctor left quickly. Only the front desk, Xu Yangyi and Uncle Zhou were left.

"Yangyang?" A trace of melancholy flashed across Uncle Zhou's face, but he was very surprised to see Xu Yangyi. He patted the bedside in shock: "Little guy, why are you here? Come, sit here, uncle."

Can't be anxious... He told himself again in his heart, and he threw himself into Uncle Zhou's arms: "I heard that Dad said that you are sick and will come to pick me up in the afternoon. We got off school early for the sports meeting this afternoon and walked around. I didn't expect to find Uncle Zhou. "

His hands hugged Uncle Zhou tightly, as if he was afraid that he would disappear.

finally found you……

My god-killing sword!

Out of sight, Uncle Zhou exchanged glances with the front desk in surprise, and the front desk shrugged and nodded.

No one really believed it, but there was no way to doubt it.

The privilege of children: nothing is forbidden.

Even if you know that this is a coincidence, but considering the identity of a child, everything makes sense strangely, and there is no loophole.

"What a coincidence." Uncle Zhou smiled bitterly, picked up Xu Yangyi, scratched his nose, and said with a smile: "Kid, remember, this matter must not be told to your parents. This is a secret between us."

"Yeah." Xu Yangyi nodded obediently, and Uncle Zhou pulled him to talk and laugh.

After chatting for a while, Xu Yangyi turned around and looked at the door seemingly casually, startled: "Sister, why are you still here?"

"Be good." Before the receptionist could say anything, Uncle Zhou had already pricked him with his beard: "I need someone to look after my illness. She can't leave."

Xu Yangyi threw himself on Uncle Zhou's back with a smile on his lips.


"But, I have some little secrets that I want to tell uncle." He rubbed Uncle Zhou's shoulder: "Just for a moment, let sister go out for twenty minutes, okay?"

Uncle Zhou smiled and said, "Is there anything you can't say in front of your uncle?"

Xu Yangyi raised his head and looked directly at the other person with a sweet smile: "My parents asked me to tell you."

The eyes between Uncle Zhou and the receptionist suddenly flickered. This time, before Uncle Zhou could speak, the receptionist had already walked out and closed the door considerately.

Just after closing the door, her smiling face turned serious. She took out her mobile phone and dialed a number: "I am staff number Z241, Landmark Shennong Private Hospital. Monitor number K33, ward K15, dial the monitor."

"I suspect that researcher number A71 Xu Shen and his wife have accidentally leaked secrets. Monitor K33 is with A71 and his wife's child, surveillance subject S70... Yes, I know that scientific researchers starting with A are special targets of attention. If there is an accident, The situation can be reported directly to the helmsman... Well, I understand. I will pay attention. If there are special circumstances, I will contact their direct liaison officer immediately. Directly to the helmsman... I understand, the helmsman of this province is having a meeting in this city..."

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