
Chapter 1466: Breaking

Seeing them, Xu Yangyi was not panicked at all. Instead, he breathed a long sigh of relief and asked in a deep voice: "Have you notified the helmsman?"

"It has been reported that the senior helmsman is on his way!" The woman at the front desk looked at the eight-year-old child solemnly. No matter what the other party's manner or words, she could not treat him as a child anymore. top novel

"Very good." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and said hoarsely: "I... can go and confront them."

"This is a necessary condition!" A man in a white coat stood up from behind. It was the dean. He raised his chin to the left and right with a cold face: "Immediately, send little friend Xu to Chunjiang Mingyue Community!"

Two people immediately came out of the queue, sandwiched Xu Yangyi in the middle, and made a gesture of invitation.

Xu Yangyi's heart was beating wildly. He didn't believe in fate, but at this moment, he suddenly believed in reincarnation.

Where you start, you end.

Just now, he told everyone a huge lie! Moreover, this lie was allowed by the rules!

Now...there is only the moment when the dust has settled.

Let yourself... see the end of this nightmare with your own eyes.

Without any struggle, three cars were already waiting at the door, and the two sturdy men refused to leave. Just when he got on the car, he clearly heard the sigh of Emperor Wa coming from the void.


"You are very smart."

Xu Yangyi smiled, with a hint of sourness and pain in his smile. When he looked at the door again, he was slightly absent-minded.

Three cars...

These...are the three cars that were speeding at five o'clock!

Nothing has changed.

The trajectory of fate has never deceived anyone. It runs over everyone unscrupulously, moving forward without any change.

Snapped! As the car door closes, everything is cut off. He leaned on the back seat with his eyes closed, and the scenery on both sides quickly receded. He was silent, and after a few minutes, two lines of tears flowed out quietly.

The monks on both sides watched this scene and looked at the passenger seat in shock. The dean in the passenger seat shook his head and mouthed, "Let him go. If it is true, not only is he not guilty of telling this, he also has great merit."

He turned back, looked forward, and murmured: "I can understand his mood if he can say such a thing."

Xu Yangyi was in the back seat, choking at first, then sobbing with his shoulders twitching, and finally turned into howling.

His head was buried deeply between his legs, and he didn't want anyone to see this scene.

He already knew the outcome.

do not……

Bye now……

This eternal nightmare prison, when that scene appears, is when you end.

But I... how much I want to stop at seven o'clock in the morning forever and stay with you.

Just let me... exercise the privilege of a child for the last time and cry as much as I want...

"Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..." The suppressed and wanton cry was accompanied by the overtaking car that was speeding away, leaving only the beast-like whining all the way.

His head was dizzy. When he raised his head after crying enough, the car had stopped in front of Chunjiang Mingyue Community.

As if it was an omen, there was no one in this community. Even the rustling of leaves is like a sad song, heartbreaking.

"Do you want to go down?" the dean asked.

Xu Yangyi stared blankly at this familiar neighborhood.

This expensive community spent eight years on its own.

When he came back from his first mission at the age of eighteen to investigate, the housing prices in the entire community fell to the bottom after the "homicide". Stepping into things and people again.

The human face is unknown, but the green waves are still flowing eastward.

The trees that lacked care grew wildly, and weeds covered the once lush green belt, mixed with a few wild flowers. It's still green, but it can't stop the decay. The people living there are not high-end people, but almost all rent them out. Even the doorways, where stalls are never allowed, are filled with street stalls. Countless people passed in and out of the once ornate gate, and the security guard seemed to turn a deaf ear.

Although he became more popular, he was alone in the vast sea of ​​​​people, watching the beautiful face still changing. Then he let out a long sigh and disappeared into the crowd.

Now, he once again walked into the old dream, but still had to watch it being shattered.

"Do you want to go down?" The dean asked again, finally making him wake up. The child's big eyes were lifeless, and his lips trembled for a few seconds before he softly said, "No."

"I am here."

It got quiet.

Miraculously, there are fewer and fewer people around, while there are more and more cars, almost all of which are military-style, and countless auras invisible to mortals are shrouded in them. Within half an hour, a covering ban was formed.

Xu Yangyi looked at his watch, three forty-two.

He was in a very calm mood. When he was "protected" and when he got in the car and headed to Chunjiang Mingyue Community, he already knew the result.

Only the final confirmation remains.

"Didi" At this moment, the dean's cell phone rang in front of him. He picked it up and listened for a moment. After putting it down, he looked deeply at Xu Yangyi.

"You're not lying." His eyes were extremely complicated: "Just now, we captured the spiritual energy fluctuations in the early stages of foundation building in the building. It was very cleverly hidden."

"But...don't you regret doing this?"

Xu Yangyi closed his eyes gently, and just when the dean thought he would not answer, an inaudible voice sounded: "You don't understand."

Time passed by minute by minute in silence, three fifty.

Just when the sound of four o'clock rang, Xu Yangyi opened his eyes, suppressed the sadness in his heart, and stared at the community with all his strength.

Come on...

Let's put an end to it.

A nightmare that has been entangled for hundreds of years. In this prison of God, only one of us can get out alive!

My sorrow, my sword, and my past must be cut off here.

His breathing almost stopped, and he threw away all distractions, his eyes were like fire. At this moment, there was no thought in his mind. Only the second hand was clicking.

Click, click, the pace of fate, four o'clock six, zero seven... At the moment when four ten came, the entire Chunjiang Mingyue community shook slightly, as if it was illusory.

Very light, so light that it was difficult to catch with the naked eye, but Xu Yangyi had clenched his fists. His eyes did not stop.

Boom! ! The next second, there was a loud bang, and the roof of a building suddenly exploded. A huge figure appeared strangely, three or four meters tall, with wings spread out for more than ten meters, and rushed to a certain place with crazy screams.

The wings raised up a gust of wind, and the trees in the entire community rustled. The devil's face was revealed in the fluttering branches and leaves.

It was a huge crow, all black, with golden eye patterns on each feather. The devilish aura on its body soared to the sky, and its blood-red claws were like iron hooks, scratching the glass and reaching in.

Xu Yangyi's nails had pierced his palm, and his heartbeat stopped.

At this moment, with a cold snort, a spiritual power that was not weaker than his burst out at the same time! Their home bloomed with more than ten meters of brilliance, and a golden giant hand condensed out of thin air, and slapped the crow out.

Building a foundation!

"Who is this evildoer? How dare you be so presumptuous in front of me!!"

At the same time, at Xu Yangyi's home, the middle-aged man who was at the airport before looked at the panicked Xu couple, sighed, took out his helmsman token and shook it: "I'm sorry."

"Everything is true, so now I will take over you."

"Tonight's press conference is temporarily cancelled. From now on, you will follow me to the practice court."

He picked up the phone and an order flashed through the whole scene like lightning: "All troops are on alert, and this evildoer must not escape!"

"Kill him... for me!!"

Xu Yangyi didn't know anything. What he saw, heard, thought, and felt sad. Everything was imprinted in his pupils layer by layer, and engraved in his mind. An indescribable feeling suddenly rushed into his heart. It was so fierce, like a fine wine that had been sealed for hundreds of years was suddenly opened, and the sour taste filled every cell.

Dong... He leaned on the sofa exhausted, looking at the roof of the car. The others were about to say something, but heard a soft laugh.


"Hahaha!" The wild and wanton laughter echoed in the air with tears, tears flowed silently, and he inadvertently raised his head to the sky and roared.

Destiny changed!

"Goodbye..." The hazy eyes looked at the sky, tears in their eyes.

"Dad... Mom..."

"Please forget... I have been back..."

"I'm sorry..."

Something in his heart that had been imprisoning him shattered at this moment.

As his voice fell, blue light lit up in all directions, extremely gorgeous, extremely magnificent, swallowing everything.

With a tear-stained face, he quietly closed his eyes.

Helplessly, the flowers fell, and the familiar swallows returned.

Brush... I don't know when, a breeze blew on his face, with a clear smell of blood and the smell of burning from the explosion of spiritual energy. He gently opened his eyes.

What he saw was the wreckage of the Cantian City, and the chains of rules in all directions were lying in the void. Right in front of him, at the end of the Cantian City, a majestic figure like a star was looking at him quietly.

Eternal Night, broken!

However, he was not excited, not ecstatic, and not ecstatic because of breaking this forbidden technique of the gods. He just stood there quietly, looking at his restored body, tears like rain.

A man who had never cried after practicing, in the void, in front of a god, he indulged in his sadness and choked silently. And the Queen of Wa did not move, just looked at him complicatedly.

Just like the wind blowing the leaf flute, there was a lingering vent. I don’t know how long it took, Xu Yangyi raised his head.

Without tears, he is now the Seven Realms Thunder Saint, the super genius who has nothing in his hands among thousands of people.

"You actually did it." Wahuang finally spoke, the universe shook, the ground flew across, but Xu Yangyi's heart was as calm as water, and he said lightly: "I did it."

Wahuang said slowly: "I didn't expect that you would use this method to achieve your goal. Every time I see it, I feel surprised. It's been too long... too long that no one has surprised me so much."

She raised her star-like hand and gently grasped it. Suddenly, a light screen emerged. It was the scene of Xu Yangyi and Zhou Xing in the private hospital.

"I think all your attacks have only started at this moment." Wahuang paused: "Attack on the law."

The picture flashed, repeating the scene on it.

The young Xu Yangyi looked deeply at Zhou Xing and said the most crucial sentence: "I said, this is not a possession."

"Then, how do you think I know?"

"I... want to report my parents. They colluded with an evil cultivator, raised the evil cultivator on the roof, and stole all the golden elixir information! I beg the helmsman to intervene and investigate immediately!"

“That evil cultivator will meet with my parents around 4 o’clock this afternoon and… take away all the information about this scientific research result! Stop the seminar and summon my parents immediately, otherwise, this will just be a joke.”

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