
Chapter 1467: Destiny Code (I)

Scenes kept changing in the light curtain where Emperor Wa was distracted. After a long time, Emperor Wa gently raised his hand, and all the scenes disappeared.

"Can you tell me?" Although she spoke softly, her voice was still thunderous: "I'm very interested."

Xu Yangyi nodded without sadness or joy: "Okay."

"Then... let's start from the beginning."

Emperor Wa's eyes moved slightly, and the scene of the first day appeared in the sky. Xu Yangyi looked at it all calmly. Although his heart was still ups and downs, it was much better.

You are the real one.

These light curtains...are all fragments of the past. He shouldn't stop here. Now that he has embarked on this road, in such a tragic way, he should live well and go all the way.

He doesn't know if the earth's civilization and the cultivation world have been completely integrated... It has been hundreds of years... At this moment, he suddenly wanted to change the earth's cultivation situation. He now has this strength.

Suppressing the ups and downs of his mood, his voice was a little hoarse, and he pointed at the light screen: "This is the first day, and I was very panicked at the time. I have to admit that Eternal Night is a perfect magical power, and he can almost All the monks’ Taoist hearts are broken. Unfortunately, this is a weakened version.”

"I have no interest in your boasting." Emperor Wa said calmly: "Let's get to the point."

"Yes." Xu Yangyi cupped his hands and said, "Because I was panicked, my first thought was: hurry up."

"Faster, before Taichu comes, if I can return to Chunjiang Mingyue Community, I can definitely change my destiny and let my parents leave with me."

Emperor Wa was noncommittal: "But you didn't do it."

It seemed like she hadn't talked to anyone for a long time. Finally, she met a creature that interested her a little, and she actually started to answer questions.

Xu Yangyi sighed: "Yes, it can be regarded as understanding on the first day. I reviewed everything that happened that day. And I made my first attempt."

"Next, it's the next day."

The huge light curtain in the sky flickered, but Emperor Wa did not make any move. The scene moved as his heart moved, and the light curtain changed.

"Actually, my counterattack started from the next day. On this day, I thought about whether the outcome could be changed if my parents were not at home from the beginning. Although this day still failed, I got two to Important clues.”

"First, my parents are related to the spiritual world and are elite researchers among mortals. I have been in Tiandao for more than ten years and I know this rule very well. I was sure at that time that there must be a watcher nearby. However, I didn’t think too deeply about it because every time I woke up, it was only half an hour before the day started, which was too short.”

"I could only go on according to my plan, and then I found the second clue, which is also the cornerstone."

"Oh?" Emperor Wa's expression remained calm.

Xu Yangyi pursed his lips: "That... is the law of eternal night!"

"On this day, I wanted to tell my parents and others the truth about Eternal Night. But couldn't. It's one of those things that I boil down to: Don't tell anyone about Eternal Night. That's important, and The other thing about my attack on the last day, just a guess, is that my parents were going to be in the house that day anyway.”

"Then, comes the third day."

The light curtain changed again, turning into the third day of meditation. Xu Yangyi's eyes fluctuated slightly and he said in a deep voice: "On the third day, I found that my thinking was wrong. After a day of hard thinking, I actually had this idea at that time."

"If my parents can't go out, and I can't tell anyone, and no one will believe me if I tell them the child's identity, then... why can't I have someone come to protect my parents?"

Emperor Wa's eyes finally moved: "Reverse thinking is very good."

“If you keep limiting yourself to how to ‘save,’ you will never save.”

Xu Yangyi nodded and said: "Yes, I started planning this plan at that time. I analyzed all the situations. I used to have the phone calls of all the Jindan Masters and even the Nascent Soul Master, but, one, I couldn't make it in time. Two, my I am just a child. No one will believe me. Who will protect me?"

"I thought about it for a long time, and the final answer is that I can't do it if I ask for it. My identity limits everything I can do. The only way..."

He paused and said decisively: "That is... to make them think that their parents leaked secrets, and that they were leaking secrets related to some important meeting tonight. Only then will they stop their important agenda and come to 'confront'." And this kind of confrontation is absolute protection!”

"If they can't be invited, let them walk in on their own!"

Emperor Wa did not speak. The strong wind blew its huge black hair, and it took a long time before he slowly said: "Continue."

"Yes, the idea was very vague at the time, and I could no longer consider the details. However, I knew that in order for people to come to confront me, this kind of disguised protection also requires a prerequisite, that is, the cultivation world must know. And I don't know the helmsman's identity. Even if you know the contact number, others will not believe it. Children’s words will be ignored. This is the arrogance and prejudice of adults, so..."

Emperor Wa said slowly: "You need someone to 'help' you tell it. Or, someone 'help' you see it."

"Say it with the mouth of an adult, and an important person. Is this how to attract attention?"

"That's right!" Xu Yangyi pursed his lips, organized his words and said, "Originally, I thought the monitor was Sister Lin. But by chance, I discovered that Uncle Zhou was the real monitor, but..."

He said with some resentment: "At this time, the day is over."

I dare not make irresponsible remarks about the gods, even if it is the day when Emperor Wa exerts his authority and ends it early.

"On the fourth day, this is also an extremely important day. On this day, I used a flowerpot to prove Uncle Zhou's identity. But... this is not enough. After these few days of clues, I know that tonight's meeting is very important. I can't guarantee that Uncle Zhou's call will be taken seriously. Even humans will discard all information when important meetings are held. "

"It would be best to have a few more people, more important than Uncle Zhou, inform the helmsman. However, I didn't have much clue that day. And there is still a loophole. That is Taichu."

He talked eloquently: "In the real world of the earth, I once killed this Taichu, the golden elixir realm. If it is really the golden elixir, then even if the helmsman arrives, it will be of no avail."

Emperor Wa was silent for a moment: "You are very lucky."

She meant that the other party discovered where Taichu was and made up for the last shortcomings. Proof: As long as the helmsman is there, nothing will happen to the parents, regardless of the purpose of the helmsman being there.

"No." Xu Yangyi retorted in a rare way: "This is not luck, this is unexpected and reasonable."

"Taichu must be in this building, because there were no reports in the past few days that were 'strange creatures attacked such and such a neighborhood,' but more like 'crows have recently arrived.' There is a time lag in the middle..."

"If it was reported that a monster was coming, then this Taichu only entered my house this afternoon. But no, this means that it has been in this building for a long time, and may have come with the crows. So, I was on the building It’s not surprising to encounter it here. I can only say that I’m a little lucky. In fact, if you analyze it carefully, you can still find its hiding place.”

Emperor Wa nodded for the first time: "Indeed."

Xu Yangyi breathed a sigh of relief, as if recalling the thrilling five days of racing against time, he closed his eyes: "When I got here, everything has been completed, and I gradually had a complete plan in my mind. That is to sue my parents, sue my parents. They are traitors and collaborators and leaked all the information about this meeting!”

"I did not alarm Taichu. This is the best footnote. As long as the cultivation community finds out that there is indeed an unknown foundation-building monster above my parents' building, they will definitely believe my words. Such a major event will definitely alarm the helmsman, as long as They enter, I tell them time, and fate... will be broken!"

"Because of the speculation about the rules of Eternal Night the next day, I didn't tell anyone the truth about Eternal Night. I just lied and told some facts, such as the existence of Taichu. Sure enough, the rules were not activated. In the end... It’s the fifth day when fate is indeed reversed.”

Brush...the light curtain is closed. Emperor Wa rarely spoke first: "On the fifth day, when you heard that Zhou Xing was in the hospital, you wanted to use the hospital's status? Let them become your bargaining chip?"

"Yes." Xu Yangyi said respectfully: "I'm afraid that one week is not enough. And I know that all Tiandao hospitals can monitor each ward at any time, so I vaguely revealed something to make the front desk feel uneasy."

"When facing Uncle Zhou, in order to make him believe it, I used the previous information to lead the matter to the biggest Jindan master. First, I disrupted the psychological defenses of Zhou Xing and the front desk, and they accepted what I said below. It’s much easier, and that’s the case, they have almost no doubts.”

Emperor Wa looked at him calmly and profoundly: "Zhou Xing can contact Sister Lin directly, and in fact he did so. And you didn't think it was enough, so you let a stationed helmsman also see this. In the end, the two of them The phone call finally attracted the helmsman’s attention.”

"You also thought carefully about your conversation with Zhou Xing. You first disrupted the other party's position, and then shocked the other party with shocking news such as the parents' leak. Is it necessary to do it in such detail?"

Xu Yangyi nodded: "Because I don't dare to gamble."

"This is the last day, the last hour. There are too many changes in this day, so I can only say 'absolutely.'"

"And sometimes, what I say is far inferior to what others see. For a child like me, even if I say a thousand things, others may hear it in one ear and out the other, but when they see it themselves, it doesn't matter at all. Same."

He tapped his temple lightly: "The human brain is a very scary thing. In addition, there is also confidence in oneself. I am confident that what I see will never be false. There are so many clues coming together, plus On the last day, the juniors gave their best performance, which changed their fate.”

"The most important thing in this plan is to determine the identity of the contact person. Once confirmed, I am 70% sure of the final success. It was just an accident at the beginning. But its appearance makes me convinced that only one helmsman needs to join to ensure that It’s absolutely perfect. Since then, my confidence has increased to nine points!”


No one spoke again. After a long time, Emperor Wa nodded slightly: "Not bad."

"very nice."

"As a reward for your pleasure, this body is yours. In addition, I will give you an unforgettable reward."

For the first time, Emperor Wa lowered her noble head and looked deeply at Xu Yangyi: "Have you forgotten something?"

"What?" Xu Yangyi was confused.

"The source of all things." Emperor Wa said calmly: "As human scientific researchers, how could your parents cause all the foundations to come to the hearing seminar? Without this seminar, you would still be you, and I'm afraid I will never know Cultivation world. And...are you sure Taichu really had no intention?"

"This is the source of everything."

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