
Chapter 1468: Destiny Code (II)

Xu Yangyi was stunned.

He didn't think about this.

For five days, his brain was running at high speed all the time in order to crack the forbidden magic of the gods at the level of Eternal Night. There was no time to think about these things.

While he was silent, Emperor Wa's voice sounded again: "On Earth, in the Age of Dharma End, Foundation Establishment is already equal to the Yin Zun Yang Sage of the Seven Realms, and perhaps the status is even higher. The eyesight of monks and mortals is very different, you What parents think is important may not be important to the helmsman.”

"However, their research allowed all the helmsmen in the province to go to the hearing together. This is unusual in itself. Second, haven't you discovered that you have been under secret surveillance since birth. This kind of surveillance is not just about contact. Officers, monitors, and even the station are all participating. There are many monks in a province, but your parents’ liaison officer has the qualification to directly access the helmsman.”

"Third, the leader of a province is equivalent to the highest institution in the region, and everything can be heard from heaven. In other words, the level of concern in this study is much higher than you think."

Xu Yangyi blinked. When Emperor Wa played back all the days, he clearly saw the conversations between his parents and other people from God's perspective. More than once, words such as "This seminar is very important and cannot be missed" were mentioned.

He didn't take it to heart at the time, after all, this was a mortal's perspective, but combined with the attitude of the cultivation world, it was different.

He didn't speak, and Emperor Wa's voice was as smooth as ever: "You don't care?"

"It's not special." Xu Yangyi sighed: "In any case, this is a thing of the past. Moreover, the earth's monks' vision is still too narrow, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly paused.

No...that's not the case!

The Earth monk's vision is narrow, but...

How could Emperor Wa know?

Eternal Night uses people's memories to trap people in the most painful day. But there are so many things...he doesn't know at all!

He was wrong from the beginning. He thought that Emperor Wa created the Eternal Night based on his own memory. However, looking back now, the "material" for creating the Eternal Night was not in his brain at all! How did the other party do it?

It might be easy to do, but how did she know?

How could a superior Yahweh, the First Mother Goddess, and the mother of mankind, care about such a thing?

"You should know." Emperor Wa calmly put away his gaze: "This is a gift from your parents, and you are almost here... Look, these pictures have long been buried in history. If it weren't for me, other Yahwehs would have Impossible to have."

Brush... She waved her hand gently, and her leisurely movement brought up strong winds in the sky, tearing the stars apart. Immediately afterwards, a vast light curtain appeared around Xu Yangyi, wrapping him in a cylindrical shape.

It was a big mountain, a big snow mountain. Thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow drifting. At this moment, there was actually a huge excavation site in a basin in the snow-capped mountains, with countless machines ringing through it. Flags were flying. The lights are bright and the crowds are flowing.

"This is..." Xu Yangyi took a deep breath and gently touched the light screen. Suddenly, there were ripples and the screen zoomed in quickly. The next second, he gasped.

These flags are not company logos.

Those lights are not lights either.

But... each puppet emits light, and those flags are clearly the flags of the major cultivating families!

"Ancient repair ruins?" He frowned, but he didn't think too much because he saw two familiar faces in the main seat.

Father, mother. They are directing everything.

"This is the real beginning of all things." Emperor Wa's voice sounded slowly: "With your IQ, you should have figured out why I know this. It's simple. They dug

What came out shocked me. "

Xu Yangyi didn't speak, and quickly moved the light curtain with his hands. Soon, the big pit in the center was adjusted to the floor plan. And in the big pit, there were pieces of calcified bones!


Moreover, this fossil is very large, with just a few roots, it is as high as a small mountain range. He took a deep breath, then expanded his gaze, landing on the endless snow-capped mountains, and an incredible idea came to his mind.

"This is Sepang Mountain." Emperor Wa's voice continued: "The ancestor of all mountains in Yunnan, the main peak is more than 4,000 meters long and stretches for hundreds of miles. Let's speed up time."

Swipe... Suddenly, the pictures on the light screen moved quickly. Everyone's shadow came and went, and soon the hole became bigger and wider. From a single mountain at the beginning, it became covered with several mountains, and finally... hundreds of miles of mountains were hollowed out!

However, it's not over yet!

At this moment, the screen returned to a constant speed. Xu Yangyi shook his head in shock. The entire mountain had been dug up, and at the bottom of the mountain... there was a huge snake-shaped fossil!

No...not a snake!

His eyes moved upward, and his pupils gradually widened. When he saw the upper body, even he couldn't help but said in shock: "Is this... you?"

That's not a snake.

That's...a half-snake female fossil!

It is so big that it spans the entire Sepang Mountains! Even if the entire mountain range is blasted, the excavation is still not complete!

"This is not me." Emperor Wa said calmly: "In the history of the Immortal Realm, there have been two floods. The first was the water of the underworld, which is also commonly known as the divine punishment to mend the sky. The second time was Dayu’s control of floods came from the punishment of Fang Zhengshen, and in this flood, the first and second clay sculptures I created were left in the mortal world.”

"Bai Jin (xi) and Teng Snake. They participated in the rescue of the second flood, because this action angered the righteous god and cut off their return channel, leaving them in the immortal world of no return forever."

"Countless years later, they still haven't seen Yahwei's opportunity. He is sitting in the immortal world. I never thought that I would see Bai Jin's corpse again." There was finally a different kind of emotion in her cold voice. , a little gentle: "When her remains were unearthed, I was shocked."

She looked at the light curtain calmly, as if she was saying something unrelated: "No one from this excavation was left. I erased them, with one exception."

Xu Yangyi gritted his teeth: "My parents?"

Emperor Wa did not shy away: "Yes, you have the blood of Chaos and the legacy of Wolfsbane. Since I am separated from the Immortal Realm of No Return, I am the Yahweh of a different galaxy. It is already a taboo to attack across light years. If you kill me again, The two righteous gods Haotian and Chaos will probably be angry with the descendants of the dead Wolf Poison."

"This amounts to provocation."

"But I didn't expect that Earth's current scientific research technology has developed to this point. I didn't take away the remains of Baiji, and I can't take them away. They are different from other my creations. On their bodies..." She seemed to hesitate for a moment, Xu Yangyi said I thought I felt wrong. After a few seconds, he said calmly: "At that time, it was my first attempt to create something, and it took a lot of effort. It also... incorporated too many of my rules."

"The perception of all things, the self-awareness of the universe, the view of planes, the conditions for the formation of living things, the growth of intelligent civilization, etc..."

"What I want are equal creations, and I hope they can reach my level. They are not just random creations..." Her eyes swept across the still towering city: "Trash."

Xu Yangyi felt a slight chill in his heart.

Is this really Nuwa?

That mother of mankind?

Yes...he understands that when she reaches this stage, she is already Yinggu Lianye

Forever, forever night pity the lonely shadow. There were very few things that could even interest her. But this kind of disregard for life still conflicts too much with his concept of spiritual practice.

What he wants is great freedom and freedom. This is the prerequisite. Only with this prerequisite can we pursue the endless truth of the universe. It's not a matter of disregard for human life.

Nuwa ignored him. Maybe she knew what he was thinking, maybe she didn't, but... why should she care?

Do humans care what ants think?


She just said indifferently as always: "Your parents... actually decoded something from Bai Jin's remains."

"They call it genetics? Biology? I didn't pay much attention at first, but I know very well that if everything about Bai Jian is interpreted, it is equivalent to interpreting a part of me. My makeup, my genetic talisman, and my path. "

"It's not impossible, but... they can't."

"They are so-called scholars, and their results will be made public. How can ants set foot on my avenue?"

"And it's a swarm of ants."

Xu Yangyi had a very terrible premonition in his heart. He clenched his fists, his eyes turned slightly red, and said hoarsely: "It was you... who treated my parents..."

"No." Unexpectedly, Emperor Wa immediately denied: "I will not take action against the legacy of Chaos. Although I don't want to admit it, I still have to say that it is very strong, more powerful than you imagine. I am not willing to provoke this A creature. I just seal all other people’s memories.”

"But it's a pity. As you know, Chaos split himself in the end and turned into Wolfsbane and Taichu. My soul wandered the void looking for a way to make up for not returning to the immortal world. I didn't care about this, but it doesn't mean Taichu didn't care. "

"This kind of monster has a natural intuition for the genes that make it powerful. They have been lurking around your parents until they completed their research and finally chose to take action."

Xu Yangyi let out a long sigh, I see... Taichu had a purpose! Although he tried his best to disguise it as a monster incident and was deceived by it for so many years, Skynet finally restored its integrity.

Blah blah blah... The light curtain disappeared gently, and then, pages of ordinary white paper flew into the air. There were many, even hundreds or thousands of pages, filled with profound words.

Emperor Wa's voice resounded throughout the sky, and countless nebulae collapsed in it: "Human beings have peeked into the realm of gods. This is what your parents wrote back then...the 'gods' in their eyes."

"On this, there is recorded a Yahweh, that is, my understanding of the universe and the Dao. When in the realm of Yahwei, the body no longer cares about the form, and the soul can be ever-changing, only the Dao, only the perception, can we know the end of it. who is it."

"They recorded me."

"In Yahweh, this thing is called...the code of destiny."

"Only the dying Yahweh would find a true knower to record his own path and everything about him. But your parents... actually recorded a part of 'me' countless light years away without realizing it."

"Now, do you want to see it?"

"Want to see... a Yahweh's perception of the universe?"

"Want to I created fire, water, wind, earth, and even living things for hundreds of millions of years, and I created the world?"


If you are interested, you can search for Nuwa weeping blood to mend the sky. It is mainly the legend of the Southern Miao people. There are many different stories with completely different endings. The inspiration of the Seven Realms Chain also comes from here. For example, there are several legends of Bai Yan and Teng Snake. The version mentioned in this chapter of Wahuang is just one of them.

For example... Bai Yan is Bai Suzhen or something like that...

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