
Chapter 1469: The Radiance of Origin

Thousands of papers flew around Xu Yangyi, as if they were within reach. His heart suddenly began to beat wildly.

After condensing the virtual crystal, he would begin to touch the great way of the heavens and the rules of all things. In fact, starting from the middle three realms, there are already restrictions on the promotion of the great realm. For example, the physical barrier of the Venerable Saint, but the limitation of the physical barrier is still safe for him, but Taixu is different.

Taixu is the grasp of the rules, and the accumulation of spiritual power is only one aspect. If we use ten as an analogy, spiritual power only accounts for three, and the remaining seven layers are all about understanding the rules. These rules will be integrated into the virtual crystal, making the virtual crystal more and more powerful, and finally... transforming into a godhead!

This is a long process. How can the mastery of each rule be so simple? For example, Nuwa's feeling and understanding of water are absolutely different from Haotian's understanding of water. As the saying goes, there are no two identical leaves in the world, and no two identical people. Even if their understandings are similar, they are only similar.

And once you get these things... it means that Taixu is progressing rapidly! He... may have the hope of impacting the uniqueness within a thousand years!

Du Bu... that is the real supreme master of the plane, even Tiragangdis is the supreme demon king!

Who wouldn't be tempted?

Even he, his heart is beating wildly now, a great opportunity, this is even greater than the opportunity of the Eternal Pill King at the beginning! The opportunity to ascend to heaven in one step is only within his reach!

However, he bit his tongue hard and forced himself to wake up.

His face was red, his forehead was covered with hot sweat, his chest was heaving violently, but his mind had begun to calm down gradually. He glanced at the Queen of Wa calmly and pursed his lips tightly.


He did not answer, but bowed respectfully: "Sir, a senior asked me to ask you for something."

"Oh?" The Queen of Wa responded calmly.

"She said... you promised her that you would let her be promoted to Yawei, and now, she has come to this time."

The Queen Wa seemed to ponder for a moment and shook her head: "I don't remember."

"You have a misunderstanding about the gods' avatars. Each avatar has extremely high wisdom, but the original body will never give them complete memories. The avatar is to act on behalf of the original body. Giving complete memories may make the avatar take over. And I am the same. This person does not exist in my memory."

"My job is just to start the world of great contention. If there is such a person, you should not ask me, but the real Queen Wa Yuanshen at the end of the bridge of heaven and earth."

Xu Yangyi understood.

And because of this understanding, he was more cautious.

This avatar could not remember Nanhua Butterfly Mother, so she didn't know that she had already understood that the five kings and two queens of the seven realms were her servants! Tools to maintain the operation of the seven realms! It is impossible for anyone to break through the peak realm, which is the peak that the Queen Wa's power can control.

Why did she take out this secret that was missing on Earth?

It's very simple. It records part of her insights. What would happen if she learned it?

The second Wahuang.

Is it powerful?

Indeed, but... without his own true avenue, those who learn from me will live, and those who are like me will die!

He will always waste his time in being alone and will not make any progress!

In other words, Wahuang subconsciously believes that... he may be able to break through the wheel of fate set by the other party! She already feels uneasy.

"Junior..." He pondered for a long time, bowed and said: "It's not possible for the time being."

"Nothing." Wahuang waved his hand, and all the pages flew into his storage ring as if alive: "This is the legacy of your parents, and it should belong to you."

Swish! Suddenly, countless numbers appeared in his mind, extremely complicated, filling the whole brain.

Xu Yangyi cursed in his heart, damn it, this is simply a poppy, no one can go all the way smoothly in the process of mastering the rules. With such a cheating thing put over, how much perseverance does it take to not look at it? Not refer to it?

Will you be attracted if you refer to it? This is the avenue of a genuine Yahweh who has lived for countless years!

Infinite temptation.

Wahuang would not pay attention to his thoughts at all. The moment the last word fell, her figure had become illusory. And with her illusion, the entire Cantian City, all the monks and gravel that were suspended in the air, began to float slowly.

Time is about to turn again.

"The gate of the bridge between heaven and earth will be officially opened in two years."

Without saying goodbye, nor disdaining to say goodbye, this sentence resounded in Xu Yangyi's mind, and then, a thousand feet of golden light rose from the ground, and a golden hand swept across the sky, as if unveiling the curtain of time. Suddenly, a series of exclamations sounded in the dead silence of Cantian City, and everyone woke up from a dream.

"What's going on!?" "Taichu broke in?" "The Nine Nine Profound Yellow Formation was broken... Cantian City collapsed, how... how could this be?" "What happened just now?"

"My lord!" The wind was howling, and Xu Yangyi shouted anxiously: "Where is the body outside the body!"

This is Angel's antidote, another piece of godhood. I fought hard for it, how could I let it go?

Before he finished speaking, a stream of light appeared from the deep void and suddenly rushed into his brow. At this moment, the figure of Queen Wa completely disappeared in the starry sky.


Xu Yangyi's mind was shaken, as if a meteor rushed in. If the world of spiritual consciousness is the universe, this piece of light is the birth of the galaxy, illuminating all the darkness.

Swish... a wisp of golden light emerged from Xu Yangyi's body. His mind seemed to wander in the ocean of light, warm and slow, and he entered a state of selflessness and appearance at this moment.

The sea of ​​consciousness was surging, the fairy mist was rolling, and in the white mist of the mountains, a golden sun burst out in the vast light. In the sun, there was no talisman, but a... Seraphim holding two swords, wearing a white robe, and with seventy-two wings on his back!

It was so majestic that seeing it was like seeing the starry sky. The ubiquitous pressure was like a shadow, and any creature would feel ashamed under this pure and extreme light.

It was so magnificent, like the only light in the universe, lighting up the entire universe with its own power, and letting them pass on the torch. In addition to being small, worshiping, and overwhelming the sky, there was no third feeling.

Stars appeared under its wings, and the endless darkness was swept away by this light, welcoming the boundary of the God of Light. Sinking into the Milky Way of Light.

Xu Yangyi's consciousness closed his eyes in this light. He didn't know which Yahweh was able to reach such a terrifying level. All worlds worshiped him, the Milky Way of Light, but unfortunately... he also fell in the Ragnarok.

At this moment, a flash of light appeared in his consciousness, and a line of golden words appeared. He clearly couldn't understand it, but he understood the meaning and it was directly imprinted in his mind.

"Seventy-two Winged Lysiade, Yahweh Godhead of Light, the Radiance of Origin."

"The source of all lights, the mortal enemy of all darkness. Fell in the second Ragnarok, buried in the Crystal Holy Arch, the highest point of the 18th Eternal Glory Heaven."

Swish! As soon as this line of words ended, it immediately turned into a rain of light all over the sky. These sons of light rotated and danced, and finally, with a bang, formed a fist-sized, extremely complicated talisman.

Even though his mind was completely relaxed in the golden light, Xu Yangyi couldn't help but roar to the sky.

Seven legends of the seven realms, each for a divine body. Now, he has gathered three pieces in his hands!

The radiance of origin, got it!

Before Xu Yangyi had time to take a closer look at what it was, a violent dizziness surged into his mind, and he knew nothing.


After an unknown amount of time, a faint fragrance wafted from his nose. He frowned slightly and slowly opened his eyes, only to find that he was lying in an antique room.

The room was large, and a precious dragon soul fragrance wafted into his nose. This spice was extremely precious, and each gram cost tens of thousands of spirit jades. And on the surrounding wooden walls, there were actually pieces of rune arrays carved. Even Xu Yangyi looked at these rune arrays and was surprised, at least at the master level.

However, he had never seen this room before.

"Awake?" A hoarse voice came from behind. Just as he turned around, a pill flew over. He grabbed it casually and unfolded it. It was a precious Vajra Soul-Calming Pill, a special pill named by the sect. There is only one place in the entire Seven Realms.

He looked around and saw a tall dark figure leaning against the wall in the corner. He spoke hoarsely: "What's going on?"

Xu Yangyi raised his eyebrows and shook his head. Just as he was about to speak, Chu Zhaonan's hoarse voice interrupted him coldly: "I'm asking you what's going on with Xiaoqi!!"

Xu Yangyi was stunned and opened his mouth, but nothing came out.

Chu Zhaonan moved and rushed to him, grabbing his clothes tightly: "He went to find you... and now he's gone! What the hell is going on!!"

"I will find him back." Xu Yangyi held Chu Zhaonan's hand and looked him in the eye: "I swear."

The two looked at each other, anger and determination intertwined. After a few seconds, Chu Zhaonan let go: "Remember your words."

No need to say more, he knew that the other party was a man of his words, as if the scene just now had never happened, Chu Zhaonan waved: "Follow me, the leader wants to see you."

Some things, just remember in your heart.

Xu Yangyi rubbed his eyebrows, took a deep breath, jumped off the bed, and was about to turn into a light to catch up, but suddenly stopped.

"Da Chu, wait."

Chu Zhaonan's figure stopped and flew back. Xu Yangyi frowned and moved his fingertips with aura. Suddenly, rows of triangles and I appeared in the air.

"Do you know what this is?" He wrote for a while and asked, "I can be sure that this is text from Earth. But I can't understand any of its meaning."

This is the paper left by my parents, but there is nothing on it, only rows of inverted triangles and I.

Chu Zhaonan looked at it for a long time, and then glanced at Xu Yangyi strangely: "I have confirmed it with your eyes."

"It's someone who doesn't want to learn."

Hehe...Xu Yangyi has the urge to lift his sleeves. You are so awesome, does your mother know?

"...What do you mean."

"No, just curious. How did you graduate from Tiandao with your grades?" Chu Zhaonan turned his eyes away from him, and Xu Yangyi swore that he saw a hint of contempt in the other's eyes. That is the contempt of the gods for the scumbags.

"...I am more curious about your attitude."

"What are you in a hurry for." Chu Zhaonan said lightly with honey and juice superiority: "This is ancient Greek numerals, and it is the earliest version. This is common sense... What is your look?"

Xu Yangyi stared at this tyrant who didn't look like a tyrant at all. Is this common sense?

Does your common sense look like this?

"The inverted triangle is zero, and I is one." Chu Zhaonan reached out and touched the words arranged in the air, and said in a deep voice: "If it comes from the earth, I only know one thing that is arranged like this."

Xu Yangyi was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up and he said in unison: "Computer coding?"

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